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Posts posted by Zplash

  1. Never recognized that... ok now Horti makes a lot more sense!

    Maybe you can help me ist with another question which we had at our gameclub last weekend:

    Do summoned units capture objectives if you summon them on the objective? The question came up because one stated that the unit must end a move within the objective to capture it and summonig wasnt a "move" even if it happens in the movement phase.

    Any ideas on that on? 

    Thank you in Advance.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, sal4m4nd3r said:


    Stick Hort right on the line, surrounded by drones. In the first hero phase drop the tree length wise to maximize the 7" bubble, as the tree is wider then it is deep. Also can place it to just a corner is within the 3" from Hort. Tree is about 5" long. So thats 8" out+7" bubble for the max distance. Now you get 4+2d3 points right off the bat. can REALLY ramp up summoning. focus on getting more drones.  With cogs, and run and charge, drones can probably get a turn one charge. I like this list a lot. 


    Dont you get the contagion points dir Horti tree starring with second battle round? The points are generated at the start of the hero phase if i remember correct.

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  3. 2 hours ago, ReAnimate Studios said:

    Thoughts on an 800 point list for the upcoming tournamnt;

    Allegiance: Nurgle
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Lord of Plagues (140)
    - General
    - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing 
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike 
    Gutrot Spume (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)

    Total: 760 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 24
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 74

    I am thinking I could potentially add in festus instead of gutrot for some spell support? 


    Any thoughts would be much appriciated :)

    Jup. I would add Festus instead of Gutrod in an 800 point match and you can use your leftover points for a balewind ;)

    2 spells in festus and more range rocks 

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  4. Agree... meta could see a lot of pestilence monks spam until the players adjust and go even more on horde killing stuff. But still 200 monks with battleshock immunity you will have a hard time to remove even with strong horde clear mechanism... and as you pointed out monks are not only a lot of wounds to remove from the board, they are a tier1 hammer unit as well :D

  5. True but plagueclaws just provide a totally other role than plaguemonks. 30 range and no need to see the target is vs specific synergy heavy lists pretty strong.

    To be fair those units are mostly a Single target... so 3 to hit and only D6 dmg.

    I think about fielding 2 plagueclaws in my nurgle list combined with epidemus--> rerolling 1s to hit und 1s to wound.

  6. 3 hours ago, ReAnimate Studios said:

    I'm going to be playing night haunt next week at some point. I've never played them before and was thinking of the following list:

    Allegiance: Nurgle

    Great Unclean One (340)
    - General
    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell
    - Trait: Hulking Physique 
    - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes
    Lord of Blights (140)
    - Artefact: Rustfang 
    Festus the Leechlord (140)
    Gutrot Spume (140)

    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)

    3 x Plague Drones (200)

    Endless Spells
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 161


    Any suggestions or advice on playing them would be great. Thanks :)

    One Info I have just learned against nighthaunt... the festus spell minus 1 to saves doesnt work for ghost.

    And also rustfang is useless = doesnt work in ghosts.

    At least my last nighthaunt enemy told me so.

  7. 5 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    A 200pt 7 wound character that everyone will gun for. You really need to hide him well.

    For sure. But with look out sir. 5+ after save and with not that many shooting + deepdive combined armees I think you could handle it. And dont forget if they do Everything to kill epidemus you dont get the shots into your other Hammer units like monks, BKs or plagueclaws. Festus is another Option to help the survive ability of epidemus :)

    i think I will Proxy a epidemus and will try it for some games within my local group. I'll share my experiences.

  8. 1 hour ago, ReAnimate Studios said:

    What about additional artefacts any thoughts or suggestions?


    Thanks for the advice though :)

    I would also recommend rustfang or maybe the one with minus 2 bravery in a 12 bubble around you.

    Thinking about a Combo with the new plagueclaw rules which do -1 bravery just targeting a Unit 😃 a nice bravery bomb and on top you can add the Generals ability with -2 bravery in a 3 bubble.

    Adds up to -5 bravery... 

    Dont know if it really work out to invest Everything in that direction :(

  9. 28 minutes ago, Dreadmund said:

    A great trick is to put the wheel on step 6 Rampant disease using the Foul Regenesis spell. This does damage to the enemy army and in the following round you get the army-wide heal from Corrupted Regrowth. Then you can immediately use Grandfather's blessing to move the wheel back and do the Rampant disease damage again. Then next round, your whole army gets healed a second time.

    Sorry I think I have to correct one of your advices:

    You cant Deal dmg on wheel stage 6 if you put it there with your spell because it says "at the beginning of your hero phase" which is before you do your casts. On the other hand you can use grandfathers blessing at stage 7. So get the heal then grandfathers blessing and then do the dmg. This works because it is all described as "at the beginning of your hero phase".

    Usually you turn the wheel to stage 5, benefit from reroll wound 6s for your enemy and next turn u can dish out d3 dmg to d3 units.

    Hope the explanation helps.

    • Like 2
  10. 23 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    and what do you think about this new SC?


    A discount on the normal blightking set would have been better or a SC Box with 10 blightkings  :D

    pusgoyles are really nice models. I just dont like their warscroll vs their costs that much. For those who like them its a nice box for few bugs. Didnt do the math so far but it looks like a ~30% price discount.

  11. My current 2k approach. Feedback is highly welcome :)


    Gutrod Spume

    Lord of blights

    Festus (with blades)

    Plague Furnace

    30x plaguebearers

    5x blightkings

    5x blightkings

    40x plague monks

    2x plagueclaw catapult

    =2.000 points

    Im not sure on the artefact yet. 

    Main idea is to get asap the benefits of epidemus and reroll hit and wounds of 1. Which I hope is pretty good for my 2 plagueclaws... additional the monks and deepstrike blightkings can dish out little bit of dmg and Lord of blights can use his -1 to hit to either monks or plaguebearer depending of the situation. Festus is standing at the back at the plagueclaws and trying to provide blades or turn the wheel if necessary.  He will be able to heal the catapults D3 if any range dmg harm them. 

    With all the horde units currently beeing played i think 2 plagueclaw in addition with epidemus can be freaking good.

    Any comments? And which artefact would you recommend? Either for Lord of blights or plague furnance.

    Thanks in Advance!

  12. Somehow im stuck with the command ability of our verminlord corruptor...

    Reroll hits in pestilence? I mean all my monks already have that? So for what is it good actually? For himself the Bell and furnance... and maybe monks with staffs. Do I miss something here?

  13. Verminlord Warpseer looking preety stable for me as an ally now. 

    Getting some commandpoints, 1 Time D6 dmg, some dmg through combat, preety cool spell if hard to cast on an 8 without cast buffs.

    But all in all it can wait behind your lines or on a flank and cast , generate CPs doing some dmg and before he dies you see that you get that sweety 1 Time D6 dmg out.

    If you want to play plague monks than the command ability from the corruptor might suite you better but without monks i rate Warpseer higher as an ally.

  14. Corruptor now missing hit rerolls which he had before if im remembering correctly?

    So not so good for hero/monster snipping anymore with blade artefact and hits rerolling looking for those 6s.

    Dont know which role he fits now if i can squeeze him in for 260 points.

    5+ after save is great:)

  15. 1 hour ago, sal4m4nd3r said:


    I've been running blightcyst with moderate success after PTWB was nuked from orbit. Came in 3rd at NOVA and runner up in competitive local RTTs. Regularly win friendly matches against competitive and smart players. 

    glotkin, gutrot, lord of blights, harbinger of decay, 20 marauders, 5 kings, 5 kings, 10 kings, warshrine, blight cyst.

    I'm actually thinking of keeping the warshrine undivided. Rather then RR all wounds, I like the idea of giving a unit of kings rr1s to hit and wound. The downside is he cannot be protected by the harbingers 5++ bubble, benefit from glotkins command ability or be affected by any nurgle specific trait or cycle of corruption. But I think its worth it.  hitting/wounding on 3s  RR1s is REALLY good. All I sacrifice is a bit of survivability on the warshrine itself.  The 6++ bubble is projects only specifies MORTAL unit. Doesnt have the match the god specific keyword so only the warshrine itself suffers and only marginally. 



    Only 1 unbind and only 2 cast attempts but with nagash in meta the magic game is lost anyway :D. You dont have issues with your mobility?without Bell it looks pretty slow. What are your experience about -hit debuffs? Looks like it will be always up on the 10 bks squads?

    Of course all in all pretty durable and winning grinding games i bet. 

    About the shrine i fear that it will be the target for every mortal dmg if you dont have it within harbi 5+ save.

    On the other hand it maybe frees up harbi as focus target no1 or at least your enemy has to think about the focus :D

    I like your list. Its near the Standard blight cyst build. I know you need the marauders as model count and they are perfect for buffs from glott and harbi. Still i just hate the models :(

  16. 3 hours ago, hughwyeth said:

    I'd say it's great in many instances, but against any army with bonuses to dispell it's far far too expensive for what you're getting. 

    I think you cant plan with the 3D3 dmg spell either way. But you have to use the reroll 1s mechanic within the battalion and make the best out of the cheap 2nd artefact. 

    The most backswing with thricefold is in my opinion the unflexibility with keeping 3 slow moving GUOs close togheter... 

  17. 17 minutes ago, peasant said:

    Give it a try, I think its the only way to play the melee Guo, a lot of people prefer support Guo (bileBlade and Bell)

    Melee GUO = endless gift 

    Best artefact for melee GUO but without thricefold i wouldnt recommend a melee GUO ... 

  18. 12 hours ago, sious_69 said:

    Hi guys, first post in this thread but I just wanted to ask some general questions as I've not played much but done a lot of research and reading

    Hey sious,

    Nice Post! My thoughts on this:

    1: I dont field LOA that often because as mentioned in rotbringer lists i find it hard to spend 220 points. That said most rotbringers lists meaning Lot of Bks which are little bit slow to follow. Maybe with a pointdrop of our Blihgtlords the LOA sees more Love. Additional in all my games LOA didnt perform well regarding dmg... A positive factor of him is of course his fast flying movement and that he can bring an artefact pretty quickly everywhere in the Board. ( in my daemon heavy lists i use a daemon prince for that :) )

    2. I like the spell on a sorcerer which i can place at the edge of the Board and a long Time out of unbinding range. As mentioned with our wheel and e.g. rotigus spell its possible to kill sup heros heros with 5+ wounds... and remember a double turn. Otherwise nurgle dont have that many tools dor backline snipping ;) But you are 120 points sounds pretty much for the spell. That said the spell Won me already some games. I like to field it with rotigus togehter in my caster heavy lists, so ist more difficult to decides what to unbind.

    3. I totally agree. CP are more important than ever.  That 6 run or charge reroll is so important. And of course if you play HoD you need 1 CP every round anyway... not to mention glottkin, Lord of blights or GUO command abilities. Still in 2k I always try to manage a battalion. I am focusing mostly on daemons and get the meta little bit offguard with that :D so my 2 battalions are thricefold or tallyband. That extra artefact is in my eyes just too big die nurgle to pass. Battalion cost minus 50 is the cost for artefact and benefit. That said i have lists using battalion und still leave 50 points out for extra CP.

    4. As mentioned depends on if you want that HoD save on him.

    5. I dont like/play him that much. He feels like a must take in mortal armees but as mentioned i dont like the mortal meta train currently so im playing our daemons. You have to consider his costs plus 1CP every round to get his effect. Thats pretty pretty expensive for a good ability. And you are Limited with your movement because you have to care for him. As mentioned in the current meta there isnt that much of shooting so you should be able to keep him alive.

    6. Im not sure but i think the glottkin debuff refers always to the unmodified bravery characteristic. So without the bravery debuff of -2. Nur i could be wrong... Maybe someone Else can tell us.  The sequence of Actions is as described by our nurgle follower before.

    Sry lads if there are too many typing errors in that Post. I tried to manage it on the phone and the autocorrect of my foreign language nearly killed me :D

  19. 1st thing which came to my mind:

    why sword and flail? Your army will benefit more from Bell and blade for movement wheel buffs ;)


    Why the cloak at all? You have already 2 fast flying heros with nurgle Keyword amd you really will have space problems to get all those flys into combat;) Better spend the artefact on whiterstave or something.

    Overall I like the idea behind the whole army even with pretty low model count... 

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