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Posts posted by Zplash

  1. 16 minutes ago, grucha said:


    You score contagion points for being inside enemy territory at the start of a hero phase so there is no way you can get some in round 1.

    Hm there are 2 options:

    1) your tree is not blocked and you roll a 5 or 6 so 3 points plus 3 to be in your terretorium plus 1 if no enemy model is in your terretorium = 7 points = 5 plaguebearers

    2) and this is a nice one ;)

    You play vs nurgle or std nurgle or any enemy with a nurgle model in his terretorium... Then you get extra 3 points for that... In the book it's not stated friendly nurgle model only nurgle model... so in this case, add those 3 points to 1)

    You are welcome :D

  2. 16 hours ago, ccconner777 said:

    They are subfactions of their respective god allegiances. Nurgle finally gets chamber/host variants. See the community article where they reference using the blessed sons ability in conjunction with the feculent gnarlmaw. Chaos ascendant is a new allegiance and i think the kinghts of the empty throne are also, but all the god marked ones are just new subfactions for each god allegiance.

    Results in? 

    No wanderers in a chaos ascendant allegiance? If so it (new chaos allegiance) is no use at all for us. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Turragor said:

    Interesting thing about that battalion is it looks to be super open ended. It's 7 CHAOS ASCENDANT PLAGUEBEARER units together with the heroes. Caps n' bold. So that's keyword right?

    That means you take 2-3 CHAOS ASCENDANT NURGLE DAEMON HEROES then you can choose from:

    • Poxbringer (up to the 6 Hero max limit)
    • Epidemimus (up to the 6 Hero max limit)
    • Spoilpox Scrivener (up to the 6 Hero max limit)
    • Sloppity Bilepiper (up to the 6 Hero max limit)
    • Horticulus (up to the 6 Hero max limit)
    • Plaguebearers (ofc)


    • Plaguedrones

    That's super cool imo - if it's meant to be keyword.

    So lists like this are possible:

    Allegiance: Chaos Ascendant
    Munificent Wanderers
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell
    Spoilpox Scrivener Herald of Nurgle (90)
    Epidemius Tallyman of Nurgle (200)
    Poxbringer Herald of Nurgle (120)
    Sorcerer (120)

    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)
    10 x Plaguebearers (120)

    3 x Plague Drones (200)
    3 x Plague Drones (200)

    Host of Corruption (160) I think it looks like 160 pts?

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 119


    It's much better and more flexible than 7 units of plaguebearers. If you keep Nurgle's allegiance it's super good. If not you can run this with Munificent Wanderers or Droning Guard right?

    That's still pretty hefty. I think there's a case to be made for giving up Nurgle's allegiance if it's what has to be done. To test these new synergies out. Plus the above is a 2 drop due to the sorcerer only. Which is just in there by habit. It's a super flexible 1 drop.

    Will have to check out this book and keep an eye out for the errata to come...

    It's 180 points for the battalion. Kind of expensive but the ability is also strong. 

    But you got a point if we can use our new subhosts like wanderers  in this new allegiance it's a real option. 

    Only real lose in my eyes is the witherstave :D our spells are great but without bonuses and current meta too unreliable so I wouldn't cry about that. Wheel is quite often random and only useful in 2 of 7 stages plus all the std nurgle armees laugh in our face.... Ok the trees and nurgle summoning we would lose. But here we would get another summon option. 


    10 lower daemons for each 10+ with 3D6 is solid too. Unfortunately these summoned ones even if plaguebearers are not included in the subhosts and battalion abilities right? So that always will be pink horrors than? 

  4. 1 hour ago, angrycontra said:

    I disagree her being bad addition. She has +1 to her wounds and +1 to her save compared to regular sorcerer. If we take into account that she can also once per battle double cast, then compared to standard sorcerer she'd be about 140 without her bodyguards. Of course whether or not original sorcerer is worth 120 is another topic, but even if original was worth 100, this would be 120, which would mean that you only pay 40-60 for 2 blightkings which in both cases is a bargain compared to normal blight king costs (and making her pretty damn tough as a wizard thanks to the bodyguard rule). 

    It's 2 drops more... No bonus to spellcasting... And if I need a spell like blades... If you want to have this at all... Than a normal sorcerer is sufficient... 

    Don't know why I ever should take these guys over e.g. An epitome ally for 200... Only competive spoken of course! Style etc I like it very much and I will use this warband as blightkings for sure :)

  5. Hm, they are not bad but for 160 I get 5 blightkings hm. Would have wished for a different and better signituare spell for the old lady :( now we have a kinf of tanky caster... Don't know...

    If they could be added in a battalion I think they would be okish or a buff but without that hmm 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Dreadmund said:

    This one seems way more manageable. It would be hard to get more than 1 unit of Plaguebearers wholly within range of your general,  it doesn't stack, it activates on wounds not hits so it triggers less and it's only 1 damage and because it only works on Daemons, you lack the superior combat potential of something like Marauders. If they nerfed this, I would take it as further evidence that GW hate Nurgle, and only use their battletome as a way to trick people into buying StD and Skaven models.

    I think it's Hits not wounds but still all your other arguments are valid and it's no way near as strong as old STD DP with D3 for each 6 on a unit like marauders plus charging plus teleporting options etc. 

    This one will be very tricky to get a good use out of it. The daemon unit needs to stay wholly within 12 of the general. And don't forget its not very good usable with our strongest artefact the witherstave - reroll hits on 6.

  7. 1 hour ago, Forrix said:

    New Rotbringer subfaction in the upcoming expansion... Not sure how good this actually will be but with the Winter FAQ changes I'm really feeling like painting up some blightkings.


    Every little bit helps... 

    Looking at the rotbringer model count its kinda weak plus considering first of all u don't want to lose your few models... And if you play max 30 blightkings that's 25 mortals if every model is dead XD... Not a good trade. 

    But yeah better than nothing. I'm curious what the other sub factions will look like :)

    ... again, we heal std nurgles but they still dmg us with their nurgle mortal stuff? I don't get it... 

  8. Hope they update the battletome in the near future. Doesn't need to be much just little tweaks and adjustments here and there but playing any tournaments or more competetive friendly games just feel like a pain with a mostly maggotkin related Armee (no 120 marauders or monks or there like). 

    And to make it even worse all the new StD full nurgle armees out there which can use our trees we can't target them with our dmg spells and our ability heals them and the best of it all there nurgle abilities like the battalion D3 per hero Phase can dmg other nurgle units :D its just too funny to heal them up with your blightkings wheel stage7 or give them plus 2 move plus run and charge with the trees ah and not to forget stage 2 +1 to wound for the whole std Armee....

    OK sorry, just had a bad match up yesterday VS 2 drop std nurgle Armee and felt like I didn't need to start the game at all (and I didn't play thricefold which would have been even worse haha) 


    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  9. 15 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    The immediate issue is that those "new mechanics" don't synergize with the game at all. That is the ultimate measuring stick not what the author set out to emphasize. Think about it, if Apple decided new iphones should emphasis streaming and they sacrificed text and voice messaging to get it done. Is the phone a success or a failure, at being well a phone?

    I've played these games for a long time, many besides, and primarily professionally spend my time taking apart legislation, and doing data analysis. There are certain things you can't help but see, the first was the lack of damage. And swarmofseals early on confirmed the lack of upgrade in regards to doing wounds throughout the book.

    The next was a general lack of agency, which was partially addressed by Dark Prophecy, though that has changed.  With limited range dmg, and a general lack of mobility, the ability of the army to dictate the direction of a game is severally lacking. If you go through this thread and read the reports from the field, or on the facebook pages people experience the same issue repeatedly. Its just that not everyone sees it for what it is, that they are constantly fighting on their opponent's terms, even when the S2D player is successful in a combat it is because their opponent charged when they need not have, or chose a unit that was an improper tool. AoS at a reasonable level of game play is generally decided at the top of turn 3. A great player can usually minimize a lose, or two players playing very cagey can drag it out, but generally most games are decided at that point. Mostly because mechanically the good armies can put out about 80 unsaved wounds by that point, most factions secondary economy (CP, Waagh points, Tides, etc) are fully functional by that point, certain missions require a turn 3 victory, but also because concentration levels drop after about an hour.  So it is imperative that you have agency early in the game because AoS2 is mostly a race against time. 

    S2D has to drag around a point heavy, or foot speed hero, doesn't have a secondary economy, and doesn't really generate addition cp. Think about it this way, in reality it would be better to just take 5 more warriors than to take a sorcerer to buff them, but we can't because without the hero we might as well play Grand Allegiance Chaos. Which means in an objective game since your allegiance forces you to take fewer models you have to push to either kill or models or lose so few models that you can grind out your opponent. But, since you are a foot speed faction and you only have 3 turns at best in which to decide the game, don't really have the time to grind. So you really have to find ways to kill models, which if you look at the lists most people are trying to do. The question is how successful is the tome at letting players do this?

    I'm saying it isn't at all. You suggest that it is I'm curious to see your analysis. 

    Don't want to comment on everything in that wall. Just one small hint: you don't need over top or high damage output to win AOS games. 

    (or any dmg at all... Greetings from a  nurgle tallyband player :))


    • Like 3
  10. 12 minutes ago, The_Dudemeister said:

    I never thought about that rule in terms of battle shock. But rules as written, it should be indeed so. For reference here are the wordings:

    Destiny Dice:


    So while your Bravery can still be modified, for example -1 from spooky Skellingtons or whatever, a 4 from your Destiny Dice will be your final result of the battleshock roll, no matter how many models you lost. And with Bravery 10 as Daemons, even against bravery bombs, basically any Destiny Dice will suffice to pass the test. Interesting 


    Wording may be correct.

    Still talking about just the "intention" of GW, I think they missed that spot like so many others. It may we see an FAQ on that one. 

    If not, I'm with you about the current wording. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Sinfullyvannila said:



    10 minutes ago, Donut Assassin said:

    Save destiny dice for battle shock rolls. Once you use a destiny dice the roll can’t be modified. So even if you lost a total of 20 horrors, if you use a “2” destiny die, then you you pass because you don’t subtract 20 from the roll.

    Sounds not as intented to me... 

    Don't know if you can pass the battleshock subtracts with that logic. 

  12. 3 hours ago, EMMachine said:

    He is an Ally because he doesn't have the "Nurgle" Keyword.

    And "being part of a nurgle army", means "having the nurgle allegiance".

    So these points are against Belakor getting a spell.

    Plus these points of the Corebook FAQ


    Sad but I thought that would be the correct way. 

    So the warscroll builder is wrong there. Maybe due to the daemon prince name tag. 

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. 

    I knew that allys can't have allegiance abilities or lore spells but wasn't sure is belakor needs to be an ally or not :)

    Hoped for a special rule in his case :D

  13. I've recognized in the warscroll builder that I can choose Belakor as a Hero in my Nurgle allegiance armee and that I can give him a daemon spell out of the nurgle lore too. 

    Is this a bug or can Belakor due to his "favored by all 4 chaos gods" be taken in other chaos gods armees without counting as ally? 

    If so, he can use the daemon nurgle spell lore too? Because every wizard in a nurgle Armee can choose one spell with the specific keyword of mortal, rotbringer or daemon.

    But the wording is like the wizard don't need to have the nurgle keyword himself? Only need to be part of the nurgle armee? 

    Thank you for clarification :)

  14. Maybe a stupid question but in the warscroll builder I can give Belakor in a nurgle allegiance Armee a nurgle daemon spell out of the nurgle lore... 

    This does not work for the epitome for example. 

    Did I miss something or is the warscroll builder just wrong in the case for Belakor?

    In the Battletome it is described that every wizard in a nurgle Armee can Pic a spell out of the box with the 3 specific keywords: daemon, mortal, rotbringer. 

    So the wizard doesn't need to have the nurgle keyword only need to be in my Armee (which he obviously is) and need one of the 3 keywords: daemon, mortal, rotbringer? 

    Please tell me that I'm right and I will include him in my armee :D


    Edit: Epitome is a daemon too :(

    I don't get it... Maybe Belakor doesn't need to be an nurgle ally anymore? 

  15. 20 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    This is the first time they haven't messed up any of my armies in over 3 years. I was right to be skeptical. 

    Maybe they still have :D

    It's still the situation that you know nothing John Snow xD

    I really hope that the rules will be cool, alone because I want to see more sky dwarfs on the boards. Only a really small part of me want that your salt and whine gets actually no cheese :D


    I have to stay strong and be loyal to my nurgle boys even it is hard these days hehe. 

    • Like 1
  16. I would drop purpel sun due to chance of backfiring into the plaguebearers. 

    And with the open 110 points add a chaos sorcer lord with plague squall for another D3 dmg spell with unlimited range. Combined mith Rotigus and wheel stage 6 as well as spellportal und plague wind no enemy hero is save... 

    Still the whole thricefold list building ist very much depending on your casting rolls and enemy unbind rolls ;) so not much consistent. 


  17. 6 hours ago, Rangeltoft said:

    What would the "best" Thricefold Befoulment list look like now after the pointdrop?

    would prefer to keep it to the Maggotkin tome if possible.


    /cheers Rangeltoft

    Allegiance: Nurgle

    Great Unclean One (340)
    - Bile Blade & Massive Bilesword
    - Artefact: The Endless Gift
    - Lore of Virulence: Favoured Poxes
    Great Unclean One (340)
    - General
    - Bile Blade & Doomsday Bell
    - Trait: Grandfather's Blessing
    - Artefact: The Witherstave
    - Lore of Virulence: Sumptuous Pestilence
    Rotigus (340)
    - Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (110)
    - Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall

    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    30 x Plaguebearers (320)
    5 x Chaos Warriors (100)
    - Hand Weapon & Shield

    Thricefold Befoulment (60)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Umbral Spellportal (70)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 123

  18. 15 minutes ago, calcysimon said:

    It is, it's an error 


    And the Artifact doesn't specify nurgle spell only, it's +1 to all casts

    Aehm I don't think so. 

    Before you can show me a FAQ about that, it is clearly stated as only nurgle spell lore and the foul regenisis is not included in those specific spells. 

    Maybe they intented to and it is a failure but without an FAQ the rule is pretty clear (sadly of course) 

  19. 1 hour ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Also, is it legal to run that STD battalion inside Nurgle allegiance? Don’t know the ins and outs tbh, just wanted to be sure after Plaguetouched. 

    @sal4m4nd3r are you sure that Foul Regenesis isn’t in the Lore of Nurgle? It is on that double page I think?

    Unfortunately it is not in. So tome of 1k poxes is kind of wasted :(

    • Like 1
  20. 12 minutes ago, decker_cky said:

    Chances are that one of blades or foul regenesis will be worthwhile each turn. Stream of corruption, mystic shield, arcane bolt, or an endless spell can also be handy in a pinch. 

    It's also worth considering festus for only a few points more, then slapping him on a balewind vortex to pump out blades and curse of the leper within 20" each turn. 

    Totally true and if I would consider blades I agree and think Festus would be a better bet due to his signitare spell and heal ability. Still including a balewind is 180 points and in the turn u cast balewind its only 1 spell. And everything on 7+. 

    In my mortal list I added Festus with blades but I have a 40 marauder blob in that list too and I really like fetus signitare spell in combination with our blightkings. And running Festus besides Harbinger helps to keep him alive a little bit longer :)

    • Like 1
  21. 52 minutes ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Actually, are people even running Blades of Putrefaction anymore?

    Not sure. Only if I take 40 marauders with me but I try to resist currently. 

    Otherwise it is like 120 points, our sorcerer, only for the chance to cast on a 7+ blades... And additional there are many minus hit effects in the game.

  22. Just recognized that the new std will probably will be 80% nurgle marked and therewith in a match vs us (nurgle) get every benefit from our wheel too (+2 move, +1 to wound, heal, we can't dmg them with stage 6) and blightkings heal them D3 instead dmg them after rolling a 6...

    They can use our trees for run and charge and still can block contagion points (there the wording is enemy model) but can't get 1 damn mortal wound if we manage to roll 4+ :D


    Ah those game designers... You just have to love them... I mean these situation/rule is dumb. 

    • Haha 1
  23. 37 minutes ago, Oceanic_Eyes said:

    See I've always been a Plague Cyst fan myself, and now that unmodified 6s to hit are going to be extra important for Blightkings, the extra rerolls might end up being really handy.

    Unfortunately it's only all failed hit rolls, so only ones and twos. 

    Reroll hits would be golden, always fishing for the sixes hehe :) sorry for dreaming too much. At least we got some more points to spend with the battalion reduction. So for me it looks like still tallyband but with 60 point more to play 

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