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Posts posted by Tutenkharnage

  1. That’s quite interesting. I was talking to a coworker about new warband concepts, and he suggested a Nurgle character with a lot of wounds and not as much damage. The trick for GW is going to be differentiating such models without putting too many rules on the fighter cards. They have enough room for one or two rules, tops. 

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  2. If what you're saying were correct, A Destiny to Meet wouldn't work as everyone has played it thus far because you couldn't "gain 1 additional glory point" if you didn't first gain at least 1 glory point in this circumstance.

    A Destiny to Meet: If this fighter is not out of action at the end of the third action phase, gain 1 additional glory point.

    The combination of Danse Macabre and Bloodslick Ground also illustrates this point.

    Danse Macabre: Any friendly fighters that make a Move action in the next activation can move one additional hex.

    Bloodslick Ground: In the next activation, enemy fighters have -2 Move.

    The rulebook states that a fighter who takes a Move action "can move in any direction, moving into an adjacent hex up to a number of times equal to their Move characteristic." According to your interpretation of "additional," a Move 2 fighter who has his Move reduced to 0 because of Bloodslick Ground can't use Danse Macabre to move at all because the fighter can't move an "additional" hex without first moving at least one hex. Clearly, though, the rulebook says the opposite: the fighter can move "up to a number of times equal to their Move characteristic," which would be 0 in this case, after which the fighter can use Danse Macabre to move "an additional hex."

    I think these examples clearly illustrate that the word "additional" does not require a positive number before adding to whatever the value is. If the value is 0, granting an "additional 1" makes the value 1. There's no reason Zealous Defender shouldn't work the same way.

  3. @Sleboda You’re reading something that isn’t there into the card. Logically, what you’re saying doesn’t add up. I’ll demonstrate:

    ”How many supporting fighters do you have?”


    “Well, this card says you get an additional fighter.”

    ”Guess I have one, then.”

    If the card were intended as you’re suggesting, it almost certainly would have been written differently. For example:

    “Zealous Defender: If this fighter is holding an objective and has at least one supporting fighter, this fighter is considered to have an additional supporting fighter.”

    Heck, just look at the artwork. Angharard is alone, and she’s clearly the defender in question. This is a far better indicator of intent than your assertion, IMO. Zero is still a number, and adding one to zero still gives one. 

  4. Yep, that seems correct. So if a fighter with Zealous Defender is holding an objective and does not have any supporting fighters nearby, he is considered to have one supporting fighter; if he has one on the board, he is considered to have two; etc. Note that having an additional supporting fighter does not mean that the fighter will automatically be able to count single-support die rolls as successes. (For example, a fighter with Zealous Defender who is attacked by an enemy fighter with an enemy support will result in one supporting fighter for each side, which mean that support rolls will not count for either side.)

    Hope this helps!

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 hours ago, riddlesworth said:

    I think the combo works on Maegrim or Tefk equally well. If you want to use the darts, Maegrim is a prime candidate (why his personal upgrade is straight worse than the darts i don't know...)

    Same reason many other fighters have restricted cards that are worse than their universal counterparts: because those cards are intended to help you double down on a particular card, not to be better than the universal options. So the Chosen Axes get another option for ranged combat, but they’re not supposed to be so good at it that they can load up on Shadeglass Axe, Shadeglass Darts, *and* an even better card. 

  6. On 7/25/2018 at 3:16 PM, phizzco said:

    I really don't want to buy chosen axes and farstriders so are their replacement cards I can use and still be competitive?

    You'll be missing a bunch of good cards in both decks. Can you still be competitive? Depends on your meta, really. Personally, I find the Farstrider expansion more valuable. The dwarfs give you Precise Use of Force, Earthquake, Fuelled by Fury, Ready for Action, Trap, Light Armour, Shifting Image, and Shadeglass Axe, as well as Second-in-Command if you plan to buy the Leader pack, but the Farstriders give you Advancing Strike, Change of Tactics, Defensive Strike, Heroes All, Great Concussion, Improvisation, Inspiration Strikes, Quick Thinker, Shardgale, Spectral Wings, Twist the Knife, A Destiny to Meet, Concealed Weapon, and Incredible Strength. That list of just full of win.

    Can you be competitive without those cards? Sure, but not as competitive as you can be if you have them.

  7. I'm not convinced pushes will trigger the hexes.

    "These hexes deal a single point of damage to any fighter passing through them, whether with a move action or by being driven back ... "

    Perhaps they'll deal a point of damage as a result of a push; perhaps leaving or entering the hex as part of a move action will deal a point of damage, in which case pushing a fighter onto one will deal the damage later rather than sooner. But I think the decision not to mention pushes is somewhat telling.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    Great. Just what the Easy Button of Shadespire needs.

    I was really hoping to see new things added to balance the Orruks, not make them better.

    I feel very much like Obi Wan. "You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not destroy it." 

    In general, I will gladly trade a certain point of damage on an order fighter that gives him a chance to inflict an extra point of damage when he attacks my fighter. (In particular cases, this can be the difference between wounding a fighter and taking the fighter out of action, but the odds of success are much less than 100%.)

  9. Not exactly. You can't score an objective during the action phase, draw a new objective card, and immediately score that new card. You can, however, draw the new card, wait until the end of another action or activation, and score it then, as described in the "Objective Cards in the Action Phase" callout on page 25 of the rulebook. (This callout also explains why orruk players can't score "Too Dumb to Die" under certain circumstances described in the FAQ: "score immediately" really means "score after an action or activation," so if the fighter is taken out of action before then, the card can't be scored even if the fighter survived damage from a weapon that dealt 3 or more damage.)

    Hope this helps!

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