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Posts posted by a74xhx

  1. Anyone considering Wanderer allies since the CoS tome dropped? Our previous overpriced choice, Sisters of the Thorn, no longer have a useful spell for us. And I don't see anything else of any use .... Unless anyone has spotted anything?

    It's a shame if there isn't as it could have been a gateway to getting a full living city army.


  2. 17 hours ago, broche said:

    @a74xhx I've a really similar collection. I recently won a local league with Gloomspite playing variation of those list:

      Hide contents
    Dankhold troggboss
    fungoid cave shaman
    Zarbag Gitz
    40 moonclan grots
    5 fanatics
    5 sporesplattas fanatics
    3 river troll
    3 Rockgut trogoth
    3 Rockgut trogoth
    5 boingrots Bounder
    5 boingrots Bounder
    malevolent moon

    for spell I was always taking Hand of mork/gork, and alterning between great green tide, itchy nuisance or call da moon for the 2 others.

    I think the beauty of gloomspite is really the vast choice available. However I think all list should include a minium of 40 stabbas/shootas, and the geminid.

    Ok, I guess thats a Troll + magic + chaff list

    I'm curious as to why the regular fanatics when you've only got one blob of grots. It's going to be obvious where they'll spring from.

  3. Over the past year I've been slowly haphazardly putting together Gitz without really thinking about what I'm doing as a side project to my main army of Angry Trees, spending far too long kitbashing and painting (made even slower due to keeping my main army viable). I've got a collection of stuff I thought was cool when the battletome dropped, plus Looncurse, and I'm including this Christmas' Battleforce box too.

    Anyone got suggestions for the best way to trim my collection to a decent 2000 list? The list below comes to 2880 - much more than I expected! Not necessarily looking for an exact 2000 answer - suggestions on where to go would be great.

    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)
    Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280)     (or regular version)
    Loonboss (70)
    Skragrott, The Loonking (220)
    3 x Madcap Shaman (240)
    Dankhold Troggboss (270)    (or regular version)

    40 x Stabbas (260)
    20 x Boingrot Bounderz (400)     (or hoppers)
    10 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (240)    (or loonsmasha)
    24 x Squig Herd (280)
    9 x Rockgut Troggoths (420)

    + All Gitz endless spells and all Malign Sorcery spells.

    It'd be nice to have a troll+Squig list, but I get the feeling they don't play well together.  Unless anyone has ideas?

    I think this is looking like a Squig + Magic list, but I'm flexible.

    I suspect both fanatic types are not worth it with only 40 Stabbas. Shame as I love the models.

    If I throw away all the Troggs, fanatics and two Madcaps, it gets me down to 1790.

    I'd also like to keep Skragrott in unless he really doesn't make sense to play (he doesn't have to be general).



  4. 1 hour ago, Aezeal said:

    I used to think about something like this; mostly I thought about making a very small wood with 2 small ones. But the warscrolls says 3-6 it seems so no forests of 2 models.

    Gah, yes your right.

    1 hour ago, Pennydude said:

    I'm pretty sure it's...

    - more than 1" away from enemy territory

    - more than 3" away from other terrain features

    - more than 6" away from objectives

    That's how I've been doing it.  You have to take the worst cases between the GHB2019 and our battletome.

    I can't remember off the top of my head, but does that include the updates from the FAQ?

  5. On 10/28/2019 at 2:43 PM, Warbossironteef said:

    I'm looking to convert my old trees. Would anyone be willing to do me a huge favor and measure the distance between the tips of the new tree "bases"? I believe the new tree "bases" have one small one, one medium sized one, and one large one.


    Finally near my trees, and I get:




    Yup, the two bigger ones are the same size. Which makes sense when you want to make a wood from just two.

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  6. I keep playing friendly matches against a colleague. so am finding ways of switching up my lists. Recently he was complaining my Kurnoths are overpowered, so I decided to create some lists without any. Trickier than I expected as  I just end up with Behemoths and Battleline.

    My current favourite to try is the following Gnarlroot list. I think it's a little light on tar pits and bubblewrap around the big guys (just 30 models ignoring the tree revs), but the Wraith should be fairly solid in getting Dryads out, and Alarielle will spit out 20 of them. Hoping I should be fine with wood summoning too, as I didn't really want to switch out Drycha for an Ancient and rely on teleporting to get in the action.


    Allegiance: Sylvaneth
    - Glade: Gnarlroot
    Mortal Realm: Ghyran

    Branchwraith (80)
    - General
    - Trait: Nurtured by Magic
    - Artefact: Chalice of Nectar
    - Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony
    Alarielle the Everqueen (660)
    - Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines
    Drycha Hamadreth (320)
    - Deepwood Spell: Regrowth
    Spirit of Durthu (340)
    - Artefact: Ghyrstrike

    10 x Spite-Revenants (120)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)
    10 x Dryads (100)
    5 x Tree-Revenants (80)

    Outcasts (100)
    Gladewyrm (30)
    Spiteswarm Hive (50)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Wounds: 78

  7. 12 hours ago, The World Tree said:

    You can take Ylthari in non-Oakenbrow lists but they do not benefit from the chosen glade ability (eg. 2 hits on a 6) and cannot use Oakenbrow abilities in a non-Oakenbrow army.

    That sounds sensible. Is that written down officially anywhere?

  8. 14 hours ago, Landohammer said:

    My only concern is that the preview specifically mentioned "Oakenbrow" glades. So I really hope that they aren't exclusive to that glade. (fortunately I think the Y'tharI warband also had a glade allegiance with no actual in-game impact)

    Has GW ever confirmed that Ylthari being marked Oakenbow has no game impact? I can still choose, say, Winterleaf and: 1) use Ylthari,  2) get the double attacks on a six for Ylthari? and 3) can Ylthari use the Oakenbow command ability (yield to none)?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Trevelyan said:

    Drycha can be buffed with a Winterleaf, she just can’t benefit from being the general. She still benefits from the exploding 6s (only the original gives a mortal wound, the second hit just rolls to wound as normal) and she can absolutely benefit from the Frozen Kernel. 

    Make the Arch rev the general and give her the Kernel, then let Drycha go to town. 

    The advantage of the TLA is the guaranteed wyldwood and being slightly tougher. But Drycha is a better killing machine by far. 

    Yes, your right. Think I just rejected that as an option without thinking it through.

    Guess my worry is that Archie will be following the Kurnoths so might be out of range of Drycha, but I could just kernel the Kurnoths if needed.


  10. Whats the current opinion on which is the better killing machine between TLA with Winterleaf or Drycha ?


    For context, I'm looking at playing a 1200 game with:


    2x3 Kurnoths

    Arch Revenant

    10 Dryads

    5 Tree Revenants

    10 Spite Revenants

    Leaving me with enough space for either Drycha or TLA.

    With TLA I'll make him general, take Winterleaf. Plus 20points for an endless spell.

    With Drycha, she can't be buffed with Winterleaf. So instead Wraith becomes the general, and I take Gnarlroot (to improve Dryad summoning) or Glade Lore and Spirit Song (get more casts for more woods).

    In both lists I'll give the big guy regrowth, shield with spites, and go kill. Archie stays with the Kurnoths. Tree Revs and Dryads take objectives.


  11. WinterLeaf: My Heart is Ice.  "Roll a dice each time a wound inflicted by a melee weapon is allocated to this general and not negated. On a 5+ the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound."

    If a single weapon does, say, 3 damage in a single hit, I would roll 3 dice, right? (with each die potentially dealing a mortal wound). I don't just roll one dice because it's a single hit.

    That's how I read it, but I'm not sure if it's 100% clear.


  12. 3 hours ago, Heksagon said:

    Our new woods will be 30£ / 40€ / 50$  for a box.
    Box will include 3 "bases" making one Awakened Wylwood.
    That's confirmed info.

    My hype is all gone. This price is ridiculous. I know, this hobby is not cheap, .but this pricing is really reaaaally hard to justify.
    You will probably need 2-3 boxes for a 1k games and twice as much for 2k.

    £18 for the old model, which was made when? 2005 or something like that? Earlier? It's probably had zero price increases since then.

    Whilst £30 seems a lot for the new set, taking roughly 15 years of inflation into account, does it still seem that unreasonable? Given other political situations in the UK and the ranting around prices for other new GW releases, I'm really not surprised.  The Deepkin boat is £25 and given it's probably similar sized box, our woods were always going to be more than that.

    Thankfully we should need less of the new models than the old ones and you can still use your old models too.



  13. 8 hours ago, TreelordRecent said:

    I have magnetised the bases of my units and got a transport case by armybox. They have metal shelves so the whole thing works quite nicely. For the woods you’ll need another box...

    I'd add to this by saying get some ferrous sheets which have a sticky back. Stick those to the bottom of your minis. Throw the magnets into the box. Minis stick to the magnets. Minis don't stick to each other when outside the box.

    Cheaper option than armybox is a large metal toolbox. But you have to use the sides and underside of the lid.

  14. Does it make sense to run a mixed Trogg and Squig list?

    I get the feeling a 50/50 mix is going to lack synergy;  stabbas/shootas tar pits are the more efficient way of filling a Trogg heavy list; and Troggs  would be too slow for a Squig heavy list.

  15. I've used Militarum green for most of my Gitz; Plaguebearer flesh for some of my Gitz; and Apothecary White for one albino. I might add try a bit of Skeleton horde on top of one to make him a  little dirty.

    Ork Flesh I suspect would come out very traditional 1990s Ork colour, which I agree might look a little dated.

    The Militarum is very typical grot skin. Plaguebearer is a lot more of a sickly yellow, but has just enough green to make it also work.


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  16. 20 hours ago, Lord Panther said:

    I bought the kit for this reason too. It's a shame to see such an awesome kit not being used. Here's how I saw them:



    Top right guy, replace/modify  the masked guy on top, and you've got yourself a squig hopper / bounder.

  17. 4 hours ago, Ruhraffe said:

    I don't think the TLA is too useful in the main body. The board might be to crowded turn 2 to even get his wyldwood ability off. I guess I will opt for the following list:

      Hide contents



     Branchwraith (80)

     10 x Dryads (100)

    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)- Greatswords


    Arch-Revenant (100) General, with Winterleaf artefact.

     20 x Dryads (200)


    Drycha Hamadreth (320)

    With this I can deploy a strong spearhead and try to get a second wood out early. The hunters can already advance to charge turn 2. In the second turn, the ArchRev can hastily go after the Hunters to give them the buff while the bigger 20 dryad block can either defend a nearby objective or get ready to get in the action in the third round. Drycha as the rearguard has quite a high movement speed and has strong shooting, so she might be a good rearguard. What do you think about this? 
     I am not too happy with the Archrev, because with smaller units and not as many hunters his effectiveness is minimized, but I didn't find anything worth more then him. And a buff on Sword Hunters or 20 Dryads should be a good effect as well, especially in Winterleaf. 
     A problem might be, the spearhead is deployed later on, so I am pondering if I should move the hunters to the main body. 

    Yeah, woods dropping turn two might be a little late given the smaller board.

    If you're not keen on Archie (agreed he feels a little wasted with only one unit of Kurnoths), then drop him, Move Drycha into the main body (surely early is better than later), add some Tree Revs into the rearguard ??

    I didn't realise the deployment order could be swapped around by the battleplan, which complicates things a little.

  18. 22 hours ago, jaebird said:

    Okay, anyone want to talk about Meeting Engagements? There isn't much out there for them yet, but it really feels like a fun and dynamic format, plus like, I can fit 1000pts of models in my backpack. So, here's an idea for a list.

    Arch-Revenant (100)
    - General
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatbows
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    - Greatbows

    Main Body
    Branchwraith (80)
    - Artefact: Acorn of the Ages
    10 x Dryads (100)
    10 x Spite-Revenants (120)

    Treelord (200)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Wounds: 72


    The Spearhead is probably the most out there, but hear me out. The first turn, you either need to be fast to cap objective or be able to deal wounds to your opponent to score. Since most of the movement in the army is through wyldwoods, I figure that the Hunters can at least start by inflicting wounds a lot of armies won't be able to catch up with. I wanted the main body to focus on bodies. I think I would prefer a second unit of Spites here, but that makes the math weird unless I want to drop the Arch-Revenant, which I'm hesitant to do. A Treelord fills in the Rearguard, ideally being set up for combat right away. I think this is the best use of 200pts? 20 Dryads would fit, or maybe it's worth thinking about trying to make it an Ancient. Any suggestions on a Glade?

    Was thinking about meeting engagements too.

    For the spearhead, totally agree with Kurnoth's - they are easily the best thing we can fit into it.

    Instead of Archie, I wanted a Wraith turn one, as I wanted to get wood and Dryads out asap. 

    In your list, you can't take a glade as you have the Acorn. You'd have to drop it or take a battalion, which would be expensive.

    Unless taking a battalion, due to only being allowed 1 leader at the start, sadly we can't get a second wood turn one AND summon Dryads turn one AND take a glade. One of them has to go.

    For the rearguard I think you only want stuff that can teleport. Treelord is nice. I went with Tree Revs, and felt 5 would be too few.

    For the main body, that's where I want a big guy plus battleline. Ancient was my choice, for the extra wood plus spell casting. Could replace with Treelord and Dryads. Or squeeze in Durthu and Dryads if I shrink the rearguard...... but I think I'd rather the utility of the Ancient.

    The Ancient's wood drop could allow me to drop the Acorn and take a glade - buff the Ancient with Harvestboon? ensure Dryad summoning with Gnarlroot? ensure Ancient gets a third wood using verdant blessing with Gnarlroot?

    Not quite sure if I'd get the usage out of Anicent Spells, so didn't include any.


    Branchwraith (80) - Acorn Of The Ages(?)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)
    3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200)

    Main Body
    Treelord Ancient (300)
    5 x Spite-Revenants (60)

    10 x Tree-Revenants (160)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Wounds: 62



    Alternatively, hide the Wraith turn one then bring on Alarielle. Maybe  move 5 of those Revs into the spearhead. Not really a serious list. 😂 

    Branchwraith (80) - Acorn Of The Ages

    Main Body
    Alarielle the Everqueen (660)
    10 x Dryads (100)

    10 x Tree-Revenants (160)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Wounds: 41


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    On 6/22/2019 at 8:26 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

    So have been looking at the allies table and it looks like the gitz are gone for good.

    Greenskinz  are somehow holding themselves  to the living.

    and for the loss of the Gitz we are now able to instead take bonsplittaz as allies.

    (A bit sad that Ironjaws can still not be allied into a Gloomspite gitz army)

    Assuming you mean Gitmob Grots are gone, not Gitz?

    Any point changes?

  20. Standard scenery placing rules should mean no more of those endless arguments about overly cluttered or empty tables.

    Ensuring games are more consistent gets a thumbs up from me, regardless of whether it ends up being a slight nerf or boost for Sylvaneth.

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