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Posts posted by Backbreaker

  1. 14 hours ago, Malakree said:

    I miss the ironsunz hero phase charge.

    If I remember correctly, you can charge at the end of your opponent's charge phase, not during his hero phase, right ? I have the book in french and we often have mis translation.

    I really don't understand how to beat slaanesh. In fact, it has become so frustrating to have an army with so much lack of balance that I stopped tournaments/playing AoS and we're having fun playing narrative game with Warcry. Such shame since we finally have a book haha

  2. 14 hours ago, Andrew G said:

    I heard you can only purchase 1CP through cutting points.  'ardboyz change is big, definitely going to be the backbone of most lists. 

    With the reduction of points for bloodtooth and the limit for underpoints army, the reduction for ardboyz, increase of fungoid ... I think that your MSU list might work really well in a bloodtooth now !

  3. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Just had a game against bloodwarrior focussed Khorne. As before, the game was over turn 2 (well halfway through) with 37 depravity points. 

    I was using invaders and the only two units that did anything were the KoS (with skintaker and the thermalrider cloak) and 30 daemonettes. To keep a long story short, the KoS charged in and killed his slaughterpriest and skullreapers and the daemonettes got rid of bloodreavers. 

    Yup, I'm getting a lot of feedbacks like this one... games ending at T2...

    Honest question for everyone :

    Did you lose any of your games with hedonites ? Apart against a reapers spam, I'm starting to really dislike this army...



  4. 6 hours ago, VonSmall said:

    I suppose the power of the Fungoids is that you are exponentially improving the attacks of your units using Waaagh. By having 1 rather than 2 Fungoids you have reduced you ability to used waaagh by an average of 1CP every 2 turns. This could prove especially costly early in the game if you haven't generated those extra CPs.

    I agree but I have the brooch to compensate... Do you think that's not enough ?

  5. @Andrew G I love the idea of your MSU list. I don't play against skaven so I would like to the brooch. Because of that, I'm thinking of keeping only one Fungoïd and taking a Warboss to have a Waaagh backup and a wound reroll. I end up at 1950 points so I start with 1CP and triumph (maybe/probably).

    Do you think it's enough CP generation ?


  6. 30 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    go the elite route and make the models worth their points in their own right, with the current melee meta I doubt they would even be too OP with the ironclad rule mentioned and the standard brute changed to 3 attacks down from 4 but with flat 2 damage or something, to make the point that these guys hit hard.

    What I like about Ironjawz is that we can play greenskinz without relying on hordes type lists... Make them hit hard again !

  7. @broche I don't understand why you like the Sunz' battalion. Only -1 to hit, only during first turn, only 4/6 times, ... The MK boost is forgettable...

    If you could play this battalion with a gorefist, why not. But most of the time we won't alpha and not every army rely on that.

    Bloodtooth will always be useful. Bravery buff. Charge / run buff. And you can use the portal against sylvaneth etc ...

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for your feedback ! I thought that Gitz had a lot of tools to counter DoK, between fanatics and spells that affect all models in a unit. Why do you think you lost the last one ?

    And what about your wins ? You did well for a new army in the meta !

  9. 46 minutes ago, broche said:

    it's -1 to hit in the 1st battle round (on a 3+).  Bravery is much of less of an issue, as you can take Tooth or Skewer anyway. +1 to charge is not bad, but -1 to hit have more much impact on the game state.

    Did you see a lot of combat/shooting during first round ? Even if it's happen, it's not automatic, having to roll for this bonus is a downside for me. As for the bravery, It frees an artefact for something like lens of refraction, ...

    I decided to listen to your advice and add arboyz, two units of ten (I removed one unit of gruntas and on of brutes). My list is now 141 wounds with save 4+, I lost a bit of fighting power but I think that our power relies on Waaagh! and not on our units statlines.

    I'm still wondering about bringing a weirdnob shaman instead of one warchanter. He will be there to cast mystic shield and deny an endless spell like gemini/shackles. But I have to remove one more unit of brutes for another unit of gruntas. What do you guys think ?

  10. 9 hours ago, broche said:

    @Backbreaker I really suggest you use Ironsunz instead of bloodtooth. Just used it at LVO and it worked well. 

    I think you should use some ardboys units too to increase your model count. GL!

    Why ?

    Having a terrain can help against Sylvaneths, immune to moral is always good for our units and +1 to charge is always welcome when you start with move 4" !

    If I remember correctly, Ironsunz help against shooting (and shooting doesn't work well in 2nd ed) and boosts your MK ...

    I'm not a huge fan of Ardboys but it's true that big unit of them would benefit from the bravery buff.

    Could you share your list ? How did you do there ? :) 

  11. We don't have a new BT yet but I still want to use my Ironjawz... and I'm trying to play them without allies.

    The idea is to have one drop with a Bloodtooth battalion but even if I have 300 points of battalion, I still have 131 wounds with a 4+ save.

    I don't have magic but between "Lens" and "Cuirass" I can withstand a bit of fire/lightning/whatever shenaningans.

    I start with 2 CP and I have the mandatory "Brooch" so if I waaagh! first turn (if I get alpha strike), I will have at least +4 attacks.

    I have three heroes at 2000 points. It's not a lot but I think it's good for Ironjawz, especially for mission where objectives are controlled by heroes.

    I have 7 units, I will use Gruntas to screen my brutes and my MK (only waaagh source) from deepstriking evocators, eels charge T1/2, Nagash/umbral portal, and other tricks. I really want to make something out of Brutes and it means having something else taking ennemy fire for at least two turns.

    Even with low model count units, between Bloodtooth, Gruntas and MK, I think I have a good board control and a decent mobility.

    What do you think ?

    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Mortal Realm: Hysh
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Boss Gore-hacka and Scrap-tooth
    - Trait: Ironclad 
    - Artefact: Mirrored Cuirass 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: Lens of Refraction 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch 
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    - Pig-iron Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    - Pig-iron Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    - Pig-iron Choppas
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    - Pig-iron Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    Ironfist (180)
    Bloodtoofs (120)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 131

    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. On 2/6/2019 at 11:49 PM, tolstedt said:

    Brutish cunning is the best answer waaagh.

    Could you explain what you mean ? I open my GH2018 and I don't see why this command trait would help against eels... I love the idea of counter charging but unlike 40k, charging doesn't give you the ability to first strike. And even if it was the case, on turn 3, deepkin always strike first ^^

  13. Even if they are expansive, I also like brutes to hold an objective. They are a threat and you won't see a unit of stabbas being teleport to steal your objective because of that. On the contrary, if you hold your objective with ardboyz, a horde type unit will try to steal it.

    If playing with brutes, you have to use the "fear" they inspire. Especially outside of an iron fist.

    • Like 2
  14. 12 hours ago, Imperial said:

    On previous week i tested Skragrott, The Loonking as ally with Scrapskuttle's Arachnacauldron. Itchy Nuisance and The Hand of Gork combo work very nice! Teleport -> Debuff -> Waaagh -> charge with MSU -> profit.

    How could you use Hand of Gork on Infonjawz units ? It's only GS Gitz units that can be selected...

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