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Everything posted by Backbreaker

  1. Probably the one I will be going for... And adding Gordrakk to the list will be adding options. Gorfist seems fun once or twice but after that... ^^
  2. Mmmm... so is it worth to take ironfist instead of gorefist only to have "access" to brutes and to a movement buff every turn ? I'm not sure now... alpha strike T1 seems our way to negate other armies shenanigans...
  3. Do you think that Gordrakk Fist needs a Gorefist ? Or an Ironfist can do the trick ? I prefer to have some brute as a second wave. And you keep the ironfist movement bonus later in the game on gruntas... And even like that : 4"+d6"+3d6"+1" for a T1 charge with Brutes, not bad ! 19" ! And 24" with Gruntas on average ! Second question : Do you think that taking first turn with IJ is obligatory ? Especially with Gordrakk to prevent him getting one shot T1 ?!
  4. With Brokk, Endrinriggers and Khemist, it seems that KO can have some punch in close combat ! That grapnel is really appealing, I love this rule ! I'm working on a 1000 points list for my friend, 'will share it with you for advices...
  5. A friend of mine wants to start KO... he just loves models without having playing the game yet. Honestly, is there something to do with this faction ? Not in a competitiv way but simply not being outmatch everytime. We have Ironjawz, Khorne, Stormcast, Sylvaneth, Nighthaunt players.
  6. It's not free, you have to pay ! Yes but he doesn't have the ironfist buff, only Bloodtooth buff !
  7. I don't think it's a question of keywords for battalions, it's just the name of the unit that matter here. But I'm not sure. Even if it's possible, I think that you'll loose a lot to juste have the mega battalion with Gordrakk.
  8. I don't think you can.. Gordrakk MKMB 5*GG Ironfist Bloodtooth 2020 points if I remember correctly... and even if you could, with that muche Gore Gruntas, Gorefist might be a better choice :/
  9. I'm aiming for a list with Gordrakk like this one : Gordrakk Megaboss Warchanter Orruk Warboss banner 10 brutes 5 brutes 3 GG 3GG Ironfist Between rerolls, many waaaghs, Gordrakk ability and raw power, I think it might be enough to compensate the absence of shooting / magic. The two other option : - Gorefist with Gordrakk but it seems really boring ... - Bloodtooth but I have to say goodbye to Gordrakk (who is surprisingly less resilient than a normal MKMB )
  10. What do you guys think about Orukk Warboss with Waaagh Banner ? Reroll to wound that we don't have otherwise. An other hero for objectives. An other way to have more attacks. Fast.
  11. I like that way of thinking, forget about magic and shooting, more choppa in da' face !
  12. Hey guys, do you think that command abilities with "once per battle" will change with the new command point system ? Thinking about Gordrakk
  13. If I remember correctly, Gordrakk only goes down 40 points so 580 points...
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