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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. I always thought based on the background in the book that it made sense to eventually have two armies: Legion of Grief led by Lady Olynder as another Legion of Nagash and Nighthaunt as a force of destruction, allied with nobody. I'd rather see this happen and honestly might sell my stuff if we're just another legion of Nagash. 

  2. 10 hours ago, Greasygeek said:

    None really, but if I had to say my guess would be on Myrmourn Banshees going up to a 100pts. 

    Maybe also the Dreadblade Harrow increased to 120pts. Though Squishy, that guy is my go to general very often.

    But on that same topic. 

    How much do you think the following should cost for you to consider them in your lists?

    Glaiverwraith Stalkers?

    Dreadscythe Harridans?

    Lady Olynder?

    The Craven King?

    Knight of Shroud (on foot)?

    Our Pointless Spells?*

    *: Endless spells.

    I actually think Myrmourn Banshees will drop in price. 

    I'd guess that Chainrasps, Spirit Hosts, Harrows, Spirit Torments, Reapers, Cairn Wraiths, Reikenor, and Bladegheists all stay the same. Reapers might go up to 180 for 10 so they match Bladegheists. 

    Everything else I would expect to drop.

    I think if Reikenor/Kurdoss/Olynder were 160/180/200 it would make some sense.

    Stalkers need to be dropped to 40 for 4. Harridans 70 for 5 (same as Reapers now). Both KoS should drop 20 pts. Hexwraiths really need to drop to 120 before I'll consider them. I wouldn't take the endless spells ever... there's always other spells I would rather cast. 

    I also think some battalions need to drop in price. Shriker Host has no battleline and requires 4 units and hero. There's no way it should be 140.

  3. 16 hours ago, Mutton said:

    As an aside, I'm sort of surprised they haven't yet invented a 5th Chaos god (Horned Rat doesn't count), if only so they can double-dip on the AoS+40k action.

    I'm honestly surprised Skaven haven't appeared in 40k. 

  4. So I've got a hobby question for you all. I've been using cotton on the bases of my models to attempt to create a "just emerged from the underworld fog." However, I found this to not be very practical for actual gaming. I've only played at my house so far with friends, but am hoping to be able to travel to gaming stores this summer to play against a larger variety of opponents.

    So, a few questions:

    Has anyone else gone for this effect? If so, any tips?

    I am in the process of magnetizing my models as I have found the cotton loves to stick to the old-school GW foam that I have... and also the models don't fit in my old carrying case.

  5. 12 minutes ago, MrRoff said:

    Also in the rules it's stated that you can't reroll a successful charge, only a failed. 

    So if you charge with your grims and manage to roll let's say 8, and you're close enough to any enemy unit you must charge and can't reroll it. 

    Where is that stated? The ability doesn't specify you can't use it on successful charge rolls, and I don't see it in the charge section... pages 3 and 5 respectively via the app. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    Thought I knew the answer on this already but this comment had me thinking twice.

    Can you keep rerolling a a single charge as long as you spend additional command point on forward to victory?

    My initial guess is no - cause it would be rerolling the same dice more than once. Right?

    I've always played that you can only try it once. I just have the option to re-roll for multiple units. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. So to clarify, the list I run is Death Stalkers/Chainguard and I posted a link to a PDF of my list. The list I wrote out isn't one I have used, but it placed 8th at a recent competitive event. 

    The Wraith and Stalkers are tax of running the battalion. I find the Wraith is great... as he's rarely targeted so he's a great artefact holder. The Stalkers also aren't targeted ever, so they become somewhat versatile. 

    With the recent general that FEC have, I can't imagine not taking Death Stalkers. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Thenord said:

    Do you have the list? Would really like to see what a competitive, double batallion NH list looks like :)

    I'm not sure how competitive my current list is as I haven't played competitively yet - just locally. But I run a four drop list that looks like this:


    I love starting with 3 command points to fish for the WoT if I feel like it's needed and I love that it's 4 drops.

    Meanwhile, Ben Savva (a seemingly really good competitive player) took a Shrieker Host/Chainguard build to Masters. He had poor results playing against some of the best players of the game, but later tweeted that he thought it was still a competitive build, though I personally think Shrieker Host builds need some point drops. It's also worth noting his list came in at 1930, so he had 3 command points to start.

    As for the list that finished 8th at SAGT, it has one battalion but is 1850 points so it starts with four command points. That list was:

    Dreadblade Harrow (general) w/ Midnight Tome and General Trait "Cloaked in Shadow"

    Mounted Knight of Shrouds

    Cairn Wraith w/ Aetherquartz Brooch

    Vampire Lord (ally)

    10 Chainrasp Horde

    30 Grimghast Reapers

    20 Grimghast Reapers

    4 Glavewraith Stalkers

    4 Glavewraith Stalkers

    10 Bladegheist Revenants

    12 Myrmourn Banshees

    Death Stalkers

    Chronomantic Cogs


    It's totals were: 1850 pts, 4 command points, 110 wounds, 7 drops.  You can visit AoS Shorts for more information on that.


    My point is, that I really think Nighthaunt lists need to find a way to start with several command points in order to be successful.


  9. On 3/19/2019 at 10:29 AM, Neck-Romantic said:

    I agree with this thread of conversation, it feels like our universal fly/ethereal saves are weighted a bit too heavily in both army comp/theme/playstyle and points cost as well.

    Beyond a few auras and spells, NH's speed and the WoT charge are really our only 'gimmick' .. you need to plan the first 2 turns very well; taking out enough key elements of your opponents army so that your fairly supbar attrition effects can pull through. 

    Would be interesting to expand on our "charge after retreat mechanic" and have that be a defining trait... essentially letting us fish for WoT more #makeglaivewraithsbattleline

    I agree with all of this. I think players are starting to move toward builds that try to increase the amount of CPs, whether that's through buying them incrementally with low point lists, have battalions, using the aetherquartz brooch, and using Kurdoss or some combination of all of them; and I think that's the way to play Nighthaunt competitively. The list the placed top 10 at the recent Australian event was particularly interesting to me though I still think I like double battalion builds.

  10. 5 hours ago, MrRoff said:

    I see that alot of people use the cogs as their endless spell, but why? 

    It don't help with our wave of terror since it's an unmodified roll of +10,and the cogs speed up ability modefies it. 

    And the other option is to cast another spell, I don't get why that would be so useful either. 

    Someone please explain, thanks! 

    I use Cogs because I love to deep strike units. Rolling a 7" is so much better than a 9". 

    I also start the game with 3 command points, so it allows me to fish for a Wave of Terror and not worry as much about failing the charge. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Kirjava13 said:

    I will be facing down a very experienced Stormcast player next Friday. If I don't take my Skaven, I'll be using Nighthaunt. He will almost certainly bring a Stardrake he will out a 4+ mortal wound save on, along with Retribitors, Raptors and a base of Liberators. Any advice, ghosty folk?

    I haven't played against a Stardrake, but behemoths is something I really struggle with playing against. Myrmourns can be great and destroy behemoths if they get extra attacks and get off a Wave of Terror, but that's difficult to pull off consistently.

    44 minutes ago, Bohemond said:

    @Nevar Thanks. Looking at Grims and Blades profiles, it seems like Grims are the better choice since I already have Spirit Hosts. Hosts are good but struggle with hordes, and Grims can help with that. It does not look like Blades have a lot to offer me then, especially since I don't have or care to buy Torments or Chainghasts (who also buff Blades). Is this assessment correct?

    I don't use Torments or Chainghasts when I run Blades, but in that case I use Blades the same way you would likely use Hexwraiths - to hunt down small heroes or units.

  12. On 2/2/2019 at 12:52 PM, Neck-Romantic said:

    Has anyone played around with Malevolent Maelstrom? 

    Its super cheap, and Im liking the magic superiority it theoretically provides.. plus you can always eat it with your Myrmourns. 

    I haven't used it, but it does seem like it could be very useful. I remember it was mentioned on one of the Just Saying podcasts as being a good investment. 

    • Like 1
  13. On 1/22/2019 at 4:29 PM, CanHammer-darren said:

    Listening to Richie and Ian today and they seem to rate Bens list highly involving chainguard battallion and one other (in bens it’s the shrieked but they note you could use the bladegheist one or whatever). That’s over 200 points in battallions.  Two extra relics, lower drops, and more CP for rerolling charges and +1 attacks. Anyone have experience?

    Way back in this thread I debated with several others about building a NH list like this. In the end, it really came down to play style. I haven't finished assembling 2000 pts of Nighthaunt yet, but I do plan to run double battalions. In the end, it really boils down to the following thoughts for me:

    Command points. Nighthaunt really need them to be successful. Re-rolling charges, teleporting units, and +1 attacks are all really important to winning a game. You can get extra command points with battalions or by running a list that is light on points. If you run a list that is light on points, which also grants you an opportunity at a triumph. I really do think you need to do one or the other to be successful.

    Characters. One of the problems with the battalions are how they limit you character choice. Most battalions rely on the fragile character to stay alive. The ones that don't rely on the character staying alive feature less optimal characters. However, the battalions give you an artefact. So while a Cairn Wraith and a Tomb Banshee aren't great, I do think with an artefact (Midnight Tome, Pendant of the Fell Moon, Aetherquartz Brooch, etc.) that they are suddenly useful.

    Battleline. If you take double battalions, it forces your battleline quite a bit. There's only one battalion that features Reapers, Spirit Hosts, and Hexwraiths while Chainrasps get two. Only the Spirit Host battalion allows you to fulfill your battleline requirements. So can you find a battalion combo that lets you take battleline you're comfortable with?

    Drops. Lowering your drop count is an important part of taking two battalions, and if you're not trying accomplish a low drop count I'm not really sure that two battalions is the way to go. So you have to make that work as well. This really boils it down to low drops versus running different support characters. If you want a Vampire Lord, Guardian of Souls, named character, Spirit Torment, Dreadblade Harrow... you're better off just skipping the battalions so you can have your characters and your units.


    I kind of mentioned this, but my two favorite battalions are Death Stalkers and Shrieker Host because their effects don't rely on a certain character surviving. I also think they are both nice complements to the army. All of my lists feature one of those. Chainguard and Shroudguard are probably my favorites to pair with those two because they give me a character I want (Reikenor/GoS) and are decent even though they do rely on a character surviving.

    This is all theoretical from me though as I have only tried out individual battalions at 1000 pts at this point.

  14. 1 hour ago, ianob said:

    Harridans are pretty much just worse Bladegheists, so they get ignored (and rightfully so, their debuff needed to affect 1 higher bravery since power creep has made most things 7 now), but they are still great.

    Yeah, due to my meta, I've never had their debuff work. The 2 damage on a 6 to wound though, that gets overlooked IMO. Makes their damage output equal to Blades on a charge without a ST. But you're still right, as I've found the ability to retreat and charge to be a very versatile ability. 

    28 minutes ago, kozokus said:

    I am not familiar with real experience with this bataillon. Can you explain me the reason of this exceeding power? I always find that there is tons of way to bypass the use of inspiring presence, be it secrator/cmd10/dens/herdstone/battlebrew,etc.


    I wouldn't consider it exceeding for the reasons you mentioned, but when you've got 4 units and a hero that nullify inspiring presence and make you re-roll battleshock rolls of 1 and you subtract all bravery by 1 by being Nighthaunt... you're going to get the ability off at least once a game even against armies that that seem built against it from my limited experience (I haven't played against BoC or Stormcast). 

  15. 5 hours ago, ianob said:

    Oh yeah the VL is great too :) 

    I both hate and love Ben's list. Shrieker Host is exceedingly powerful, but I think the list matches up poorly against the top end of the meta - Stormcast, Eels, Death and Sylvaneth. Ben clearly doesn't think so, though, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how he gets on with this at masters (not the results, but how his games actually go, you can go 6-0 with a list and know it was luck or 0-6 with a list and still feel it's great).

    Yeah, I'm really curious to see how it plays. When I tried out Shrieker Host, I did things the other way... focused on Harridans and ran Myrmourns as tiny units. The Harridans are good (very underrated IMO), however in Shriker Host they really shine against horde units, and Reapers already do that well enough. Myrmourns can fill a much different role though.

  16. 10 hours ago, Undeadly said:

    I would really love to hear your opinion on why the Spirit Torment and KoS(On steed, correct?) are good. I'm trying to figure out to play Nighthaunt are, as well as getting a hold on how to properly play them. I also have a problem with playing Nighthaunt offensively; mainly, I can't seem to kill units to claim objectives. I feel like Reikenor or Olynder would be a great source of damage, and help actually do damage.  

    I'm not the person you're asking, but both KoS and the ST are great support for the more killy units in NH (Blades, Reapers, Harridans, Banshees). 

    I don't think they're great support for Spirit Hosts, which you said you were running. 

  17. 1 hour ago, ianob said:

    I can’t remember if I gave a top x specifically, but in a nutshell my top leaders are the GoS (both), KoS, and Reikenor depending what your army is doing. Spirit Torment is also good and Arkhan is a great ally too.

    I'm surprised the VL ally didn't make it for you. 

    Also, has anyone looked at the list that Ben Savva is taking to UK Masters? It'a very interesting - I can't wait to see how it does. 

  18. On 12/25/2018 at 10:57 AM, CanHammer-darren said:

    Anyone use the briar queen in their games? That spell seems pretty awesome. Although casting cost of 7 and then having to roll above move characteristic 

    It just seems too tough to use in NH. The spell is tough to cast, there's no way to buff her casting, then you have to beat the movement. Maybe she'd be better in a LoN army where a mega character can cast her spell. 

  19. On 12/21/2018 at 4:48 AM, Neck-Romantic said:

    Ive been noticing the way the army plays tends to want me to clump up in a very tight ball of 'within x inches' auras... the GoS, STorment, Shroudguard, Deathless saves etc.. which I end up with about 2 large clusters of models without much board control.

    Its starting to become a hard habit to break.. but if I spread out to enagage more targets/objectives my Heros get picked off, or Ill stray out of 'within' aura range, or heal/res range etc.

    Anyone having similar tendencies cropping up?


    Oh; and 1" melee on nearly all our stuff is absolutely maddening

    I have found my games go better when I don't rely on the hero buffs. This allows me to have more board control and to be more selective with what I target. Reapers don't need buffs to take on hordes. Small units of Blades, Harridans, or Death Stalker units are good hero hunters. 

    I will surround a Guardian with Chainrasps, especially if I take that battalion. 

  20. 20 hours ago, Nevar said:

    The warscroll in the build instructions states it is a HERO.  Not only is it a HERO but it has a rule called "Obvious Target" which makes it count as a MONSTER for the purposes of Look Out Sir!  Everything else is the same.

    I know people were talking about how it needed to be a HERO earlier in the thread and I found it interesting.

    That is interesting. I honestly don't get why it's not. Maybe there's hope for the future. 

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