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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. 3 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Can confirm- At every LGS around here I’ve been to, the grand total of moved Old World models is 0. The scene around here is deader than the hopes of Kragnos be relevant during 3rd Edition. 

    This just isn’t true. The launch sales surpassed expectations. Orcs & Goblins underperformed. Almost all sizable US conventions have added TOW. It’s safe to say it’s doing as well, if not better than GW’s expectations at this point. The lack of new models will hurt additional releases I think though. 

    2 hours ago, Vagard said:

    I am curious to see what's the % of necromunda players among all warhammer players compared to the % of monday mini related to necromunda. 

    I have the feeling that nearly half of monday mini are from this game, it's sad

    Necromunda has a pretty big scene for me locally in the state of Michigan in the US. A lot of people I know only play it and a few shops have custom boards for it that look awesome. 

    2 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    Well, it’s been nice knowing ya, Hel Crown, but there’s like, no universe in which the Skaven don’t take this. 

    Stormcast will get points for any Order win I think. 

    8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah. Something gets delayed due to China, for example, they have to fill in, but if sales are not the best, they pick something else rather than Dawis. That's how I interpreted it.

    That’s just not how it works. Source: worked a bit in logistics for a large company.

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  2. 39 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    If the rules cutoff is 14th they would have to release it a week before. Unless they are ok with giving 1 day for everybody to get their rules and list build for a competitive tournament...

    Rules cutoff is never the same as the date lists are due.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Grimrock said:

    Holy moly, look how they massacered my boy... They absolutely gutted nurgle.

    Interesting. I, along with everyone else I’ve talked with in my various gaming groups, think Nurgle look like one of the strongest factions based on this faction preview. 

    Time will tell.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I wouldn't take too seriously/ straight the 'It is a good year' bit. We are almost 100% sure there's not much room left for something else apart from SCE and Rats this year. If FS would be out this year, IMO, it would imply no big refresh.

    Historically, there’s always at least one book that releases late in the fall or December after a launch box. As you stated, it’s usually a single kit. For AoS we had Beasts of Chaos in 2nd get endless spells and their terrain piece and Nurgle in third get a single hero IIRC.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I am using the lore part of the article. Spiderfang was omitted there.

    Tzaangors were related to BoC before, and they are avian mutants now.

    Spiderfang are also mentioned in the overview part. 

  6. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    I said I‘m referencing my own experience and that it‘s subjective and that 4th seems promising. I don‘t know what you want from me, I will not change my opinion or wording on the issue, sorry. 

    You did say that, but you also said people should lose their jobs because of your opinion. 

    Nothing wrong with your opinion or experience, I just don’t think one person’s experience should lead to a statement about people losing their jobs. 

    I just don’t think that’s fair to begin with, and especially because it’s a new team with at least two new game designers doing 4th. 

  7. 30 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Cause they did a crappy job with those added rules for 3rd! If I do bad work, do you think my clients would care if I got offended if they told me? I agree with you on the underpaid part though. There's no excuse for GW not paying their employees properly.

    Yet you’re also implying the new game designers are doing a crappy job without even seeing the full picture of what they cooked up for 4th.

    Also, 3rd being bad is subjective. I know a lot of people who left the game during 3rd, a lot of people who started, and a lot of people who think 3rd was the best edition. It’s subjective. 

    Also, we seem to easily forget all the extra stuff with 2nd. Realm rules, universal artefacts, buying command points, warscroll battalions, etc.

    I enjoyed 2nd and 3rd - both had pros and cons. But there’s a difference with it not being your cup of tea and being outright bad. 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, MitGas said:

    And in a bit you'll have a couple of players defending shoddy rules. I've seen the exact same problem you've described, hence why I hate AoS3. AoS3 came to destroy a better edition. 4th seems to be more streamlined at least, so that makes it better by default but GW needs actually talented game designers.

    You’re welcome to your own opinions, but why put down hard working and likely underpaid people? 

    Also, FWIW, 2nd and 3rd had the same lead game designers as far as I know, while 4th has seen that team change a bit.

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    • Confused 2
  9. Overall, just looks like major quality of life changes on top of being strong.

    The way Wave of Terror works grants extra movement shenanigans being able to charge whilst in combat without needing to retreat. That saves a decent amount of time.

    The Aura of Dread effects feel more balanced for both sides than previous Wave of Terror and less random. 

    Olynder feels okay, but her once per game ability is very strong now.

    Harrows are finally units! Such a great change that took too long to happen. Oh, and they can teleport on the opponent’s turn.

    Myrmourn Banshees now are two wounds. Once again, finally. 

    Not sure I’ll stop playing Sylvaneth, but these changes look great.

    • Like 1
  10. These Nighthaunt changes are so good. A ton of quality of life improvements, while also looking really strong. Also some major changes.

    Nighthaunt can’t stack debuffs now, but get them automatically and don’t need to retreat out of combat and charge again to get their buffs. So much time saving. 

    Lady Olynder’s one per game ability is now really powerful, and much less random.

    Dreadblade Harrows are finally units instead of heroes. 

    Myrmourn Banshees are now two wounds.

    The battle formation is really powerful.

    Just a lot to love. Mine are coming out of the cabinet.

    • Like 4
  11. 2 hours ago, MitGas said:

    3rd was responsible for the people in my group playing a lot less as well. Some of the things sound better in 4th but they did bring back a lot of bad stuff too. GW needs talented game designers very fast. And the bullpoopoo with locking new minis behind tons of old minis everyone already has is poor form as well. 


    I agree that a lot of people dropped in 3rd and it was a really tough edition to get new people involved. There’s a lot of reasons for this… rules bloat, a release heavily impacted by Covid (didn’t the dragons drop in December?), the team that wrote 3rd edition then largely retired or took new positions so they ended up writing an edition that a different team had to write books for… 

    All that being said, I really enjoyed 3rd edition. 

    Everything I’ve seen though from 4th looks great apart from battle tactics, which look just fine. 

    • Like 3
  12. 11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I am patient. Also, I don't want any of those models either, I am just thinking of ways to keep the momentum. So far the hype has been handled pretty poorly.


    Maybe it hasn’t worked for you, but the hype has been handled quite well. 

    Since the reveal, we’ve had close to an article a day for two months with likely over another month to go. 

    They just had a massive weekend showcasing Spearhead and allowing people to demo it, and then the first ever live game of 4th edition.

    Now they’ve released the embargo on spearhead and 4th edition demos that were shown off to content creators, and we’ve got articles and videos from them to consume.

    EDIT: Also wanted to say, as the local organizer in my small community, I’ve had a dozen people reach out to me about learning AoS with 4th coming. And all of my current players are excited about it as well. 

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  13. 5 hours ago, Jetlife said:

    It feels like majority were excited for this launch box, but from my conversations with people in my AOS community and following along on TGA and other social platforms it feels like a lot of people are passing on the starter. 

    I think we all agree that Skaven needed a refresh and all the models look amazing, but it seems like most are happy for Skaven players but it’s not their thing per say. I’m wondering if Skaven was proper choice for starter. 

    Most people who love Skaven already have bought into Skaven. Probably spent thousands of dollars over the years to collect everything. Painted 60+ clanrats, 40+ stormvermin and countless ends of troops. While the new stuff looks fantastic, it’s not really new. Are the clan rats such a massive upgrade that someone would easily replace the 60 they had previous. Same logic could carry into the stormcast side was well. 

    Nighthaunt and Kruleboyz were completely new ideas with original sculpts meaning no one had an equity in the army previously and since it was new people would buy them before they had time to decide if they really liked them or not. Most AOS players have already decided on Skaven already. 

    For a new player is Skaven enticing? Having to paint 40 models of a unit off the bat could feel daunting. 

    Again, none of this is fact, just my observation over the response to the box. I’m curious to what those who want and do not want the box feel.

    This community is the only place I’ve seen lukewarm reactions. I’ve had a dozen people reach out to me about teaching them 4th, know of three people who don’t play who are planning on getting the launch box, and my gaming community is amped. 

    Maybe the factions aren’t for you, but it’s a great launch - easily the best ever for an edition of AoS. I personally don’t care for the Reclusians and won’t ever play Skaven, but I’m amped. This might be the first launch box I ever purchase. 

    • Like 12
  14. 8 hours ago, MitGas said:

    I think it‘s unfortunate timing for people to feel less hyped right now but I understand why. The new minis are great but it‘s a bit much as well - not the minis but another edition with new rules/expenses in a rather short time. 

    GW never released new editions as fast as they do now. I guess it‘s to mimic patches from video games but GW usually does a lot more than just rebalance a couple of things, so it gets „overwhelming“ in a way. 

    I hope the new rules are good ultimately and that the new edition will be around for a long time or that 5th won‘t change much. I might be one of few but to me 2nd ed was already pretty damn good and I wasn‘t big on 3rd. I hope 4th will stay longer so that my group and I can enjoy it longer. It‘s funny how a good thing can also be a bad thing. 

    I think this is one of those things where 2nd might be remembered better than it was. While simpler than 3rd, it was wildly imbalanced. We’re talking where some books would stay in 40s for win percentage while others were in the 70s at times. Also, conga lines 🤮 

    I still loved the game then, and also loved 3rd. However, from everything I’ve seen, it looks like 4th is the best yet. Really excited to see what this new rules team can do with a full edition (they took over with the Nurgle book in 3rd). 

    • Like 2
  15. 4 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    They like terrain for the competitive aspect of the game : meaning symetric tables that don't disadvantage either side and having tactical purpose for cover / breaking of line of sight, that kind of things.

    Competitive players don't care about the narrative aspect of the game in tournaments, and the role of terrain in it.

    That's why I don't like the spearhead maps. They're really meant solely and purely for the competitive aspect of the game, all focused on gameplay and with zero concerns for the looks of it or the story it could tell.

    Fair, though you may want to check out the Holy War tournaments in the US which is all about narrative terrain and narrative maps in a tournament setting.

    Bottom line is competitive players and narrative players both like terrain. And everyone likes playing on cool looking boards.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    Well at least I was right about the box including CoS ruins in it, to fit the new setting. It's just disappointing in numbers...but who really cares about terrain in the competitive scene anyway ? Competitive players aren't interested in building an awesome looking table with thematic terrains. They just want gameplay gimmicks.

    Given that putting big stone circles showing the objective control range is already taking quite a lot of space on the table and that terrain can be in the way of determining it, makes sense the Spearhead mode looks a bit pathetic in the terrain field. I think it's sacrificing looks for gameplay on purpose.

    Also, they need to produce less terrain plastic kits that way, so more money by selling rules / gameplay accessories than great looking sets of ruins.

    Mate, I know you’re disappointed and that’s a bummer, but one thing needs to be cleared up here:

    In the competitive scene, people care about terrain a ton! People around me in the Midwest of the US will often choose tourneys to attend due to what the terrain and boards look like. 

    Terrain plays a huge role in games, and people wanted mysterious terrain to go for a better terrain system that we’re getting. 

    So please dispel that competitive players don’t like terrain. They love it and want it to be meaningful. I’d say we, but I only get to about two tourneys a year due to having a young family.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Bosskelot said:

    While the early reports were suggesting a lot less models in the box, I would've still preferred a box without the Spearhead book, spearhead cards, terrain or mat that was just cheaper.

    All the minis are great, and even with the increased price it's still a big discount, but I do not want extra ****** cluttering my house up or having to just chuck stuff out because I have no need of it nor can I find a good home for it. It's just wasteful.

    Then just wait. They always release starter sets with less auxiliary stuff later on.

    32 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    The box actually has a lot more game accessories included in it than 40k launch box, so they definitely think more about it.

    To me, everything in this is screaming "COMPETITIVE SCENE FOCUS PRODUCT !!", so I guess I'll stay in the Old World.

    Miniatures are nice, but I'm more attracted by the clanrats and liberators rather than the new stuff. Which is nice, because it means they'll be present in the smaller, more affordable true starter boxes they'll unavoidably offer later. So I'll wait more and see.

    I disagree. It’s a starter set for a new edition, and for Spearhead. I think buying this for some friends I’m trying to get into the game will be a lot better than me buying it to use competitively. The GHB cards are nice, but that’s really it.

    • Like 2
  18. 3 hours ago, Elarin said:

    I expect Dawnbringers to be announced this or next Sunday as I know that the Gunnar's Oathbound have already been sent to some people. 

    In other news: my source no longer works for GW; however, I don't expect the launch box to be available to pre-order on the 15th of June. Currently, the 29th is the most likely date.

    Unless I’ve been led a bit, people working at GW stores have the 22nd of June marked as an important date. 

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