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Everything posted by Ruhraffe

  1. Could you please give me a source for this?
  2. Alarielle cannot summon a TLA, just a regular Treelord
  3. Battalions work like this: For a battalion to be implemented, you have to put the minimum amount described in the batallion on the battlefield, pay points for the units and the batallion itself. Also, you can fill up the batallion with the units described in the batallions. If not mentioned in the batallion rules, you cannot take any units not on the batallion into the batallion, but you can put them in the army outside of the batallion. The rules of the batallion just don't apply to them. For sylvaneth in specifics: There are normal batallions like Free Spirits or Forest Folk, and overarching batallions, named Wargroves. A wargrove consists of a minor batallion and some extra units. If you want to implement a wargrove: 1. Pay points for Wargrove 2. Pay points for minor batallion 3. Pay points and put up models for the minor batallion (Attention: Most wargroves expand the amount of units of the minor batallion and even modify the type of unit!) 4. Fill up the Wargrove batallion with the needed units and pay their points 5. Every Wargrove says, that you can also put any sylvaneth unit. So your whole army can belong to the wargrove and use the wargrove rules, and can be set up as one. -Every batallion gives you command points and an additional artifact. So if you play Gnarlroot, you receive these bonusses for the Gnarlroot Wargrove and the Household seperately. You can include up to 3 artifacts that way. -The rules of the minor batallion just apply to the units mentioned in the minor batallion -The rules for the Wargrove apply to your whole army
  4. Hi there! I want to try out dreadwood soon and need some opinions for the list I amateurishly built: LEADERS Drycha Hamadreth (280) - Regrowth, Colony of Flitterfurys Branchwraith (80) - Acorn of the Ages, Throne of Vines Spirit of Durthu (380) - General (Gnarled Warrior), Gyhrstrike UNITS 9 x Kurnoth Hunters (600) - Scythes 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (200) - Greatbows 4x5 x Spite-Revenants (70) BATTALIONS Dreadwood Wargrove (90) Outcasts (90) TOTAL: 2000/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 2 WOUNDS: 107 I tried to get Alarielle into the mix, but could not find the room for her 600 pt. The Kurnoth Hunters should be repositioned 6'' in front of the enemy with one of the stratagems. If I roll well, drycha and the spirit can advance with the second stratagem in round 1. The branchwraith hangs back with her throne and tries to churn out dryads to help the spites capture objectives while the hunters, drycha and durthu keep the opponent busy on the frontline. Any ideas for improvement? I will play mostly against tzeentch and chaos mortals, as that are my friends armies.
  5. This list should be quite strong, even with the lack of wyldwood summoning. In my experience, at 1000 points it is already a struggle to kill a selfhealing TLA, and the Hunters will do their fair share as well. There may be a problem with loosing on objectives if you have your dryads in one big blob opposed to 2 smaller, even if the 20-blob gets the save-throw buff. Another option would be throwing out the tree revs and the spell and getting another 10 dryads in the mix. I am not too fond of the revenants, especially in smaller games. There are just not enough angles and the map is too small to play out their mobility. For frontal crashes dryads have a way sturdier face.
  6. Hello everyone! I'm quite new to the game and following this thread since it came up. But what I am missing are general tactics for the sylvaneth army. Most discussion revolve around weapon choices or what unit to take in a specific list. I'd like to know more general things: Where to place your woods, what stratagems to pick in Dreadwood, how to use the wyldwood teleporting, how to set up against melee/magic/shooting-focussed armies and so on. I already played some games agaisnt a friend with Tzeentch but I could not really figure out how and what tactical sheenanigans I could do. I read everywhere, that sylvaneth are a tricky army to play, but I have a hard time finding out about those tricks. If you have any sources I could read through, other then this thread and 1d4chan, I would be thankful, as well as I would appreciate further tips here. Thanks, and keep on with the good discussion. I'm lurking here with a noteblock.
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