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Posts posted by Raviv

  1. 26 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    Back to Warcry they didn’t say here but pictures show the creatures that they are going to fight (6 furies and 6 death chickens, internal nickname) so there will be some sort of AI, that looks exciting!!

    Did they mention if these are going to come in separate boxes or as part of the WarCry box?

    I really like the look of these models, and would like to add them to a Chaos/Tzeentch army.

  2. I'm surprised they didn't officially announce the new terrain yet. They followed-up on past leaks pretty quickly.

    Maybe they are saving it for the studio preview in Australia on Saturday, but that would be quite disappointing for the participants to see something that is already on the internet for a few days, and the White Dwarf is out that day anyway, so it'll be public information. I hope they have more than that to show.

    My guess includes a Sylvaneth BT + endless spells and a scenery piece, and another Warcry warband.

    Any other guesses?

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  3. 1 minute ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    It seems to me that Warhammer Fest in two weeks will have enough stuff with 40k, the new paint thing and WARCRY. As Looncurse, Slaanesh, Underworlds and Fyreslayers are out or on pre-pre command, and as the new range scenery and Forbidden Power are already in White Dwarf, I guess it's gonna be the next announcement...


    Unlike most previous events, this time they have separate preview seminars for 40K, AoS, and "other" (and another seminar about paints). So they should have enough announcements for a full hour for each.

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  4. 37 minutes ago, novakai said:

    my theory is that the New battle for eight peak is going to be like Battlefleet Gothic: Armada between the airship forces of KO, Grotbag scuttler, and Clan Skyre. That would be so dope

    Don't forget the flying sharks!

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  5. Given that the next studio preview is in ~6 weeks (at WH Fest), I wonder if it means that the Fyreslayers BT, Slaanesh stuff, and the "Looncurse" box(?) are all coming out in the next 1.5 months.

    On a different subject, I hope that the new Furies and Raptoryxes will be released in their own boxes, and have Mark Of Chaos in their warscrolls so they can be added to any Chaos army.



  6. Have you noticed that the last update ends with "And that’s all from GAMA!" ?

    The Warcry update is probably the one that was planned for tonight. GW might have noticed the general disappointment from the previous updates and decided to give the fans something to be excited about.

  7. 3 minutes ago, michu said:

    GW said they will have announcements shortly after the start. GAMA starts in 1 hour and 20 minutes.

    Only registration. Seminars start in 4 hours and 15 minutes.

    (The GW seminars actually only start tomorrow, but they promised something today, so we can't be sure what "start" they referred to)

    • Thanks 1
  8. In today's preview, the 3rd list contains 20 Tzaangors, 6 Skyfires and a Shaman. Unless I'm mistaken, these units are worth 980 points.

    So either the endless spell is free, or we should expect a point change for at least one of these units (or maybe they just made a mistake).

    Do you think it's possible these units will have different points when used as BoC or Tzeentch units?

  9. Warhammer community published their "next week" article. If I understand correctly, these are the last releases for the new SCE and NH.

    I'm surprised there's no Castigators box. Seems like they will only be available in the starter sets and the ETB box.

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  10. BoLS posted some pictures (I guess they are from July's White Dwarf) of future kits.

    SCE are getting an ETB Celestar Ballista and Astreia Soulbright (could it be a dual kit with Lord Arcanum on Dracoline?).

    There's also a photo of the Evocators box, showing 5 Evocators but with the same weapons as in the ETB kit. They don't show the 2-handed staffs.

    NH are also showing some interesting ETB kits, including heroes.


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