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Posts posted by tamthethird

  1. 14 hours ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    I can help you do some math, assuming both charging,

    For neave, the average damage ignoring enemy's armor and other buff/debuff is


    For normal zephyros with sword of judgement, the average damage ignoring enemy's armor and other buff/debuff is 


    Considering the enemy's armor(3+ for hero usually)

    neave 8*2/3*2/3*2*1/2=32/9=3.556

    zephyros with sword 7*1/2*2/3*1*1/2+7*1/6*3.5=5.25

    Hence, it does do more damage, but is it worth the cost of one artifact, I am not so sure.

    Very helpful, thank you!

    I’m trying to stick to a themed list around Vanguard, so I want to use those elements of the book. I.e I don’t want to drop one of the very characterful models from that sub faction and replace it with something from Sacrosanct which is strictly better on paper. 

    So thanks again! I will of course be trying to think up some other tricksy uses for this character.

  2. Thoughts on the Knight Zephyros? I love the model, but not sure if it’s better played as Neave or vanilla. 

    The regular Zephyros should be able to take a Realm artifact right? So that plus sword of judgement would  equal a decent mobile assassin that’s strictly better than Neave’s 2dmg versus characters. 

    Anybody run one?


  3. So I'm looking for a little bit of advice / inspiration from this sage community when it comes to adding to my Stormcast collection. I've let it slide a little recently in favour of Kill Team and other new shiny things and want to get it back on the board. I've been doing a lot of reading and going round in circles about what I should add.

    Here's what I have thus far:

    Lord Aquilor

    Lord Relictor

    Lord Castellant

    Knight Zephyros

    Knight Incantor

    Archmage (allied)

    10 x Liberators

    10 x Vanguard Hunters

    3 x Palladors (with javelins)

    5 x Retributors (just hammers)

    3 x Prosecutors with hammers

    6 x Longstrike crossbows

    6 x Aetherwings

    6 x Gryph Hounds

    My feeling overall about the collection is that it's a mix of some units which are still pretty good and much which is strictly 2nd tier at this point.

    Having said that, I'm not planning on rushing out to replace my Paladins with Evocators or anything like that. I'm not ultra competitive and I'm happy enough to ride out the wave of temporary blinding cost-efficiency for when the inevitable hammer of justice lands in GHB 2019.

    So on the basis that I'm not flipping the table and going the Sacrosanct route, I think one thing I certainly need are some Judicators as currently I'm forced to take the Aquilor as my general and bring 5 Hunters min. That would address my lack of battleline flexibility.

    Outside of that I don't have a huge amount of punch, so Dracolines or perhaps a unit of Protectors are also on my radar.

    Does that sound reasonable? Is there another direction this could go which I'm not considering?


  4. Update! After spending months painting Kill Teams, I’m back on the Stormcast army train. 

    Another unit of Liberators done and five Retributors are next up on the table. Looking to get the army done for the end of the year, providing I don’t get distracted by any other shiny shinies.






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  5. 10 hours ago, Luke1705 said:

    Nothing against his flesh hounds but I really like these guys:


    Also if it’s just fine cast that you hate (as I do) you can get metal flesh hounds at a pretty decent price

    Cheers for the link, those look pretty sweet. 

    My main thing is I already have a mountain of unused gryph hounds from various Stormcast boxes, so it would be nice to do something with them, pending the unlikely event that they suddenly become good for SCE.

    Overall I hate all the GW flesh hound sculpts that are resin or metal, the only good ones are those that come with the characters. 

    Anyway, the ones you suggested there are really awesome - I think if I cannot see a good option for the gryph hound conversion (and I can’t - I don’t just want to paint them up different) then the 15 pack of the Bargheists looks like a good shout.

  6. @TheAdequateWargamer great report thanks! ? 

    Mainly I wanted to say - YES you may have just opened the door to inexpensive, good looking flesh hounds at long last!

    I have a load of gryph hounds that I’ve had no idea what to do with, but Khornifying them is definitely now on my to do list. 

    What about the heads? I’ve gone in to bitz research mode now, but haven’t come up with an obvious option as yet.

  7. 12 hours ago, Lord marcus said:

    Gryph chargers look sexy. How'd you do the grey?

    Thank you!

    Steps for the chargers skin were:

    1. Zenithal primed - Vallejo German Grey Primer all over, Vallejo Game Air Cold Grey @ 45 degrees, White from straight above

    2. Airbrushed a thin basecoat of Fenrisian Grey all over with Mechanicus Standard Grey fading out towards the ends of the limbs and the tail

    3. Painted in very thin layers of Mechanicus Standard Grey as recess shading

    4. Highlight up with glazes of Fenrisian grey with progressively greater amounts of Ulthuan Grey up to about 40/60 ish (I'm guessing) with much less on the parts that were Mechanicus Standard Grey to begin with

    Hope that helps! Some work-in-progress shots as well:




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  8. 4 hours ago, Redking said:

    Looks great.  I’m planning on painting my arcanum in Hallowed Knights and was wondering about the blue.  I wasn’t keen on Macragge Blue, but I really like the Sotek.  Nice graphs.

    Thanks! I was the same - tried a few different blues, but didn’t like the sort of “high elf” palette you get with some of them. The hint of green in this was what I was after. Baharoth Blue for the edge highlights brings it back a bit.

  9. Thought I would post some pics of my current project - a Stormcast Eternals army in the Hallowed Knights colours with a vanguard hunter theme.

    I loved the look of the Hunters and it's nice that they've become a bit more reasonably costed in the new addition, but really this choice was all about the look and the concept.

    I've kept conversions on the subtle side, with the main one's being use of the old Knights of the White Wolf empire knightly orders sprue for head swaps and more fur cloaks.

    The main colours are

    - airbrushed Vallejo Metal Color steel + duraluminium for the armor

    - Metal Color gold with Game color sepia ink for the gold trim

    - stegadon scale green + sotek green for the "blue" details

    - game color Scarlet Red as the main pop color

    Since buying the Vanguard Brotherhood box set at the start of the year,  I've chugged my way though:

    - Lord Relictor

    - 3 Vanguard Palladors

    - 2 x 5 Vanguard Hunters

    - 10 Liberators

    - 3 Raptors with Longstrike

    - 3 gryph hounds

    - 3 aetherwings

    On the painting table I still have a Lord Aquilor, Neave Blacktalon, 5 Retributors and 3 Prosecutors primed and waiting to go.

    Future additions may or may not include awesome warrior mages riding battle cats!













    • Like 13
  10. 16 hours ago, TheOtherJosh said:

    From a game mechanics perspective, you'd have to be using Grand Alliance: Chaos. (Which means loosing out on the Khorne prayers and Bloodtithe.)

    The only one of the Verminlords that are able to be slotted in as allies is the Verminlord Corruptor, due to the Nurgle keyword.

    *shakes fist at sky*

    • Haha 2
  11. So I have decided on my Khorne army theme and have plan...

    A realm of shadows themed Khorne army - dark, muted armor.

    The centrepiece will be a Verminlord Deciever. The army will otherwise feature only mortals with the conceit being that all of the bloodbound worship him in the mistaken belief that he is a greater daemon of Khorne.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Well I guess the idea is for you to see how the chaos knights were used in that game to help you gauge if you want to try them out. There is way more to them then a 5+ mortal wound save. They respond very well to the many buffs available in khorne armies and I certainly prefer them over our juggernaut riding options.

    Thanks for posting your list! Certainly some food for thought there. I’m wondering if I would now take Karanak as well as the flesh hounds, but definitely sold on the idea of using the knights. Juggers are something I think you need to be all in with and going for Brass Stampede.

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  13. I’m also interested in putting together a mixed mortal Khorne force. 

    To me the warriors and knights are still the classic image of a chaos army - and I’d love to paint up some Khorne knights.

    I have some of the Bloodbound from the starter box so they will be in there, but Slaves to Darkness with Khorne keyword is where my black and twisted heart is at.

  14. Thanks! Ah well, guess if there’s no point in the Battalion then that’s 160 points to spend elsewhere...

    Regarding Retributors... I mean, I will buy some Evocators because I like the models and the Wizard capability; but I’ll still field my Retributers because I have the models and my magic money tree which allows me to replace everything I own with the most hard-edged, min-maxed new hotness has shrivelled up and died in the uncommonly warm summer weather. Whelp.

    • Like 2
  15. I for one am happy with some of the point movements elsewhere within order. An Archmage at 100 is going to make it in to a few lists.

    At 100 the Relictor is probably still under costed IMO.

    400 for 6 Palladors is now a pretty solid deal.

    Does anyone know if their mortal wound  output is now on a natural roll like the Retributor? If so then there really is zero worth in bringing that Neave Blacktalon battalion that could buff it.

  16. 9 hours ago, Requizen said:

    He's a 2 cast Wizard. I think he'll be quite good, honestly. Spell isn't amazing but still a beefy Hero that casts 2. Give him Ethereal Pendant from Shyish and now he's a big 3+ ignore rend dude who can cast Mystic Shield on himself. 

    300 for 3, 5 wounds each. 

    Oof, that's pricey, not sure I wouldn't take the 5 on foot at 200, though damn the models look great. Also agree with the earlier point that 6 palladors for 400 feels like better value.

    • Like 1
  17. I have a big block of 30 old school big hat chaos dwarves  I want to rebase, re-paint and use in AoS. In total I can field:

    1 x Castellan

    1 x Daemonsmith

    30 x Infernal Guard

    1 x Rocket Launcher 

    I’m coming back to the game - relatively new to AoS. I’d be interested to know people’s opinions on this as a component of a mixed Chaos allegiance list.

    My thought is that it works as an anvil of sorts. 

    Thus adding something offensive and killy like Gore Pilgrims (I have some khorne bloodbound units that I could paint to a similar theme).

    Also given that summoning is making a comeback, more K’daii might be an idea.

    I don’t particularly like the FW K’daii models - would paint up some fiery spirit hosts as an alternative.

    Sound mad? How would you add to that selection?

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