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Everything posted by Bellfree

  1. So apparently there is a battalion with evocators+sequitors+hero that lets you get reroll hit, wounds, and saves on the sequitors.
  2. This pretty much 100% needs to happen just so Anvils doesn't become a super 'brake-check' list like what Skryre fyre used to be. Because as the rule is currently worded you could take 1 unit of 12 longstrikes, 15 liberators, a Castellant, a relictor with bless weapons and 3 min units of skinks as your whole list and have the longstrikes shoot 14 times in your first turn with 2 layers of chaff to block deepstriking. The usual blah blah blah applies; what if they shoot you first, what if they can stop your CA, what if they can charge before you shoot, what if they have umbral spellportal, what if objectives, what if yadda, yadda, yadda. The point is that this list is eventually going to find someone who DOESN'T have the tools to stop it and that person is going to have literally their entire army killed in his opponents first hero phase.
  3. Fair and boring is worse than unfair and fun. Speaking of unfair though, the changes to the way general's work is going to be a serious problem for people playing against LoN.
  4. God that sounds horrendously boring. 'I push my models at your models, consult the spreadsheet...I had better numbers than you so I win. What a fun way to spend 15 minutes.' I can't stand playing Stormcast at the moment because the army is so stale and simple, even with their battletome stuff. Allegiance abilities and artefacts are the part of the game that makes it worth playing, honestly.
  5. Figure heroes at 100, mounted heroes at 200, stormcast infantry at 100pts, death infantry 100pts for 10 , 4 wizard unit probs 160pts, elite death units probably 120 and 160, bow unit probably 180 ,artillery+ guys probably 220. Ballpark 1600, give or take 200pts. Halves look about even.
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