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Posts posted by Aloth_Corfiser

  1. 1 hour ago, OkayestDM said:


    So . . . does that make this a good or a bad time to mention that I'm currently working on a set of custom rules for Wanderers, which I was thinking of posting once I had the first draft squared away?

    That is cool - I always love it when People follow their passion with Custom Rules. :) - But my passion is burnt up, sometimes I ponder on selling my Wanderers. 
    Nonetheless, many others will appreciate it and will certainly have a great time. ;)

    • Like 1
  2. Yep, it pains me to say it - but I abandoned the Wanderers as a project shortly after I had the CoS Battletome. Occasinaly I play AoS with them - but I am still salty.
    Right, Glade Guard wo where already repackeged....no Elf Hero with a Bow and Arrows.... It is just weird.
    We have to try and get over it.

  3. I had the chance to play my two very first Games of Warcry today.
    As I only glued together the 10 Wardens from the Starter Box so far I used a fairly one sided group of fighters:

    1 High Warden
    9 Vanari Auralan Wardens
    2 Vanari Auralan Sentinels (proxies)

    They were great to learn the game and I am hooked on Warcry right now. :D
    The 3 inch range is insane and allows for some really mean combos when your wardens are tight together. Or just moving up and poking once with your stick without actually engaging the enemy Model. The Wardens are also pretty surviveable I think.
    I was playing against Untamed Beasts and against Spire Tyrants. While clearly underestimating the Untamed Beasts and their Rocktusk Prowlers I fared very well vs the Spire Tyrants. But I got very very lucky in rollling an insane amount of sixes when attacking with the wardens and dealing a lot of damage through critical hits. (4 damage for a critical hit just seems reeaaaly good!) From my limietd experience I would say that the Wardens seem to be too cheap (80 points) for what they can do! I had a group of 4 holding their own against a Bestigor, the Pit Champion and a Pit Fighter - only one Warden was almost killed but I retreated him. Alas it was some dumb luck for me rolling sixes, poor positioning by my opponent and support by the Sentinels - but the Sentinels didn't do much damage. However they are a good psychological weapon I assume :) Opponents will hesitate being in their line of fire and make mistakes only to be skewerd by Warden Pikes... :D But I guess when you field 9 Wardens it is bound to be a crazy game - they are very reliable.

    • Like 4
  4. 1 hour ago, Heijoshin said:

    Regarding the OBR fix: What are people's thoughts on the "Melee only" aspect of the new RR1's ability? 

    Personally I feel its a little uncalled for. If it was just a flat RR1's (so basically a free Mystic shield for all) I would be super happy with this change, even as an OBR player. It would be a good solid nerf and still have a broad defensive buff. But the melee only does kinda gripe me for some reason. It feels a little bit unnecessary and just as a gut feeling, makes it seem as though they wanted to ensure Nagash still has some level of defensive utility with his CA in PE.  

    Don't get me wrong, I am still pretty happy with the change, just that the "melee only" part juuuuuust tipped it into the "maybe that's just a bit too much" for me in my opinion. Especially as strong shooting is way more prevalent now.  

    What are people's thoughts? 

    I can understand the impression that the nerf feels like it was too much.
    From  my limited experience against Petrifex OBR I can say that it feels okay. In my mind the Command Ability Bludgeon paired with the +1 Save was too much to handle. The Command Ability is still crazy good. Mortek Guard with Nadirite Blades can come at you with -2 rend attacks due to this Command ability. Or when you look at Necropolis Stalkers - there can be attacks at -3 rend 2 damage. It was just always way above the powelevel of my Army and often I did not need to roll saves anymore and my (admittedly flimsy Aelf Army) just died by the thousands. 
    I am not ranting by any means - it was just my experience. 
    We will have to see how the change will play out in the Future. :)

    • Like 2
  5. 51 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    I’m very pleased the battletome gives the impression the Lumineth are much more then the models available. I’m also happy some things are described pretty detailed and otherthings are kept vague. I love this part of the hobby, these snippets from the battletome inspire and challenge players to convert and create their own stories, heraldry, color schemes, etc. For me, that is what the hobby is about.  

    I totaly agree with you. Sometimes I am planning on mixing 2 colour schemes from 2 different Nations (like Zaitrec and Ymetrica) for example, to reflect Lumineth who are influenced by both Nations.
    However as some one else already said it a few dozen pages before, I am always worried.
    I am not really a Hobbyist who collects like 3000 points and more, as I don't have the money. Also I like to finish things step by step. 
    Now whats the thing I am worried about?
    Well, I always like to plan ahead, figure out a narrative I like and build from there. And I am worried that the Tyrionic side will in the end appeal to me much more than anything I have thought up already. In this way it seems that I am pretty obessed with this particular Part, this particular Faction - (typical Aelf behaviour yay :D ) - I am maybe that kind of guy who finds an all Cavalry Army appealing. While my Friends collect all kinds of Factions with a mix of Minor Beasts, 1-2 Behemoths, big named Characters, the whole mix of Core Troops and all that stuff.

    When Swifthawk Agents were still around I sometimes thought about how cool "AoS-ified" Warhawk Riders with a new High Aelf Aesthetic could be. And than I fancied collecting a whole Squadron just of this cool new Riders soaring across the Realms... 🥰

    So Yeah, sorry for the rambling on. Although when I said that I would be worried about getting excited about new Tyrionic Models - this has not to be a bad thing. I guess the "Issue" is - I am always thinking about what is to come and not about what we have now. (It all sounds more dramatized than it actually is to be honest haha) There is just that drive for "the perfect" Force that I can make my own. 😄

    Edit: On the Heraldy you mentioned @elfhead: I am also a fan of building up from a subfaction or a Battalion (or numerous ones) and get a feel for how they organise and ultimately play. It is really exciting to get the gist of "Oh that's how a Phalanx from Iliatha works and "feels" like to play with"
    Thats what I also liked about my Wanderers: You could fit a whole nearly 2000 Point army into 1 Battalion the "Waystone Pathfinders" -you kind of get a scale reference and can act out a narrative:
    Can this lone tribe of Wanderers survive against this Marauding Bonesplitterz Horde? Do they actually stand a chance against Arkhan and his Legions?     ---> Most of the time, they (the Aelves) died. ^^

  6. 8 hours ago, Sleepers said:

    Do you guys think there will be situations where our wardens sit 3 inches away from the enemy, and wait for the charge, but the enemy just goes nope? Because I keep foreseeing this scenario in my head and it makes me laugh.

    Also I do worry that our army relies a little too much on castling, and we won’t be able to compete on objectives.

    Yeah I can definetly see that. :D
    However I am looking forward to charge with a block of Wardens after enhancing them with the all out Attack Command ability to reroll 1s to hit.
    Just when your opponent least expects it --> charge with the Phalanx^^
    well maybe after 2020 I'll be able to play again.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    AoS 2.0 was the Endless Spells edition, thanks to the Necroquake and all the stuff.

    I think AoS 3.0 will be the Siege edition. All the lore is preparing for big weaponry with the siege of Gordrakk, the war in Eightpoints, the mobilization of the Aelves armies... 

    I think so too and I would love it!
    This Rumour about a "Ruination Chamber" for Stormcasts has been floating around for some time. Where was it actualy from? Where there some hints in the Lore Texts of the SCE Battletomes? :)

    The Celestial Hurricanum has after all on its Warscroll a special little Rule if the Battle is taking place in Azyr.
    Doeas anybody elese think that we will get rules for Azyr in the New GHB 2020?

  8. Maybe another contender:

    Tzaangor Skyfires: Granted they have not many Attacks but that 16" Movement (flying) with 24" Range has a lot of potential. Despite this they seem to be a perfect hybrid of Objective-Grabber and ultimate threat Range psychological weapon.

    Not a contender but the Stegadon Skytreak Bow has given me Nightmares: 8" Movement   24" Range 3 Attacks 3+ 3+ -1 Rend    3 Damage    :D  

  9. 1 hour ago, schwabbele said:

    I kinda feel I am alone with this, but I wish GW wouldn’t send out any copies early. Those leaks are so annoying. 

    I can relate to that - it is kind of a strange habit: I find myself zooming in on blurred images of unreleased Battletomes/Books and hunting down point costs for Units/Armies I have never played against. All the while I feel kind of dumb for doing that, you know wasting my time on this pointless wild goose-chase, because the book will be out in a week anyway. Even though, as others have pointed out: It can be kind of fun.

    • Like 7
  10. I have only sort of skimmed through the Warden vs Stoneguard debate - but what about the utility of Wardens for Casting Endless Spells?
    When Wardens are placed in the frontline they have a nice threat-range to cast many nasty Spells. Imagine a Prismatic Palisade blocking Line of Sight and debuffing to hit for your opponent. 

  11. The new Lumineth Realm Lords aka "High Elves" in AoS are designed like that:

    -Spearmen/women with Pikes and Shields forming a Phalanx --> their Soldiers even get a bonus  as they receive charges
    -Archers for support are also versatile as they can shoot far ranging volleys or aimed shots
    -you have super fast Cavalry (they might not fly like Idoneth Deepkin Eels however the Dawnriders have a potential spell to buff their movement)
    -all these Units receive a -1 to hit buff and are therefore harder to hit for your enemy, as long as they stay in a certain formation

    last but not least all these Units I just mentioned are classified as wizards which gives insane versatility.

    -the whole Army roster is comparatively small
    -the Army is so new that it is not even fully released yet and nobody knows exactly how long the wait until their actual release might be due to Covid-19

  12. 35 minutes ago, Paladin of Khorne said:

    Is anybody worried that when the next waves or Tyrion’s nations come out, the current 4 paint schemes might be out of date or different than what one might want? If I paint my spear men and horses ymetrican blue, and Tyrion comes out with an awesome green nation.... see where I’m getting at?


    how are you all planning for this or is it kind of cross that bridge when we come to it?

    Can totaly relate to that, even though as the others have said, don't worry too much.
    I spent an ungodly amount of time figuring out what paint Scheme I really wanted and painted a few minis many times over or bought test minis. :)
    But I can really get where you are coming from - my Hobby Dream is always to lean heavily into one Theme and expand my own fluff aorund it. The idea with your Army being from a volcanic Ymetrica region is fantastic!
    Maybe to give some Inspiration (but I also like brainstorming this):

    -a Lumineth Army from a border-Region between 2 great Nations (Zaitrec White and maybe Pruple, with Light Blue Ymetrican Influence mixed in. As far as I understood it the Lumineth have comparatively few Cities - so each City having it's own Heraldy and Colour Mix has the potential to tell a lot. 

    -a tested Company of (Vanari) Veterans who are just  that renowned that they are being identified by their primary colour: i.e. "The Black Company of Tor Xilion" --> (The Black Company written by Glen Cook is just on my reading list) :D

    • Thanks 1
  13. Yes I heard about the Court of the Blind King fiasco and it is making me anxious. :/
    So far Zaitrec is my favorite. I always liked the Moon Conncetion as an Elven Fantasy Trope and the fact that they are overly fascinated by magic and like to research stuff is just so fitting for Hysh and a People who have something other/better to do, than to wage war. :) It is also nice that the Zaitrec-Realmlords seem so fascinated with the magic that it is bordering on naivety - and oddly I can relate haha :D

    Also - quite a nice Paint Scheme!

    • Like 2
  14. Yea indeed I feel your pain. Because this are such basic cornerstones of how we expect a Nation to function. I would be disappointed if such details where left out in the Battletome, but it seems that we would nee to wait for the Black Library "Realmlords" Novel to gain some more context. :(
    I dont want to sound overly nitpicking - but when I thought up Fantasy Stories as a 15year old I made up my mind about such structures. 😅

  15. Yeah I also really like the little Element Tempel teases.
    Hey at least we know that the Vanari are a Citizen Militia! 😁 If I got that right - I don't have the Tome to confirm.

    Kinda offtopic: considering the Warhammer Community Article "Beyond the Box" released on 19th of June --> GW talked about the full release being "later this year". This makes me think that we will get the Rest of the Lumineth in early September, but what do you all think?

  16. Reading all this Lore makes me excited and indecisive about starting the Army.  The Wind Spirit Sounds like something I would absolutely love and omg Horse Archers --> yes please! ^^ However not having much choice in generic nameless Heroes makes me almost want so say no to the Army. .....Almost :D
    After seeing the Nations I decided that I wanted to avoid Ymetrica and the Alarith, (I am not into the Cow and Horn Motifs but also do not hate it with a passion)  but I also like to use unnamed Heroes, well that basically leaves the Cathallar .. 😄 But the Vanari Units are the most beautiful Battleline in the whole Game!
    I might dabble in Hyshian Terrain instead and wait for more releases like the naive
    (High)-Elf Fan I am.  Or start a small Vanari - Auralan Battalion? Strange times to wargame ..... :)

  17. What would also interest me if there is any Lore about the Sphiranxes which got corrupted and became the Mindstealer Sphiranxes we know from Warcry. Sphinxes are an unexplored Design Space in AoS right now, I think. Also I really liked the Mindstealer Sphiranx Design, so otherwordly and creepy and regal.

    Now imagine smaller Celennar like Sphinxes fighting alongside the Lumineth for example or Sphinx-Riding Lumineth Mages (a bit like Evocators on Dracolines), man I would really dig that. :D 

    • Like 1
  18. 9 minutes ago, Paladin of Khorne said:

    Sorry if this was addressed but ;  I’m assuming there are more models coming down the pike for the faction. Will there be another codex released at that time as well? Seems very odd to me they’d have an incomplete book and make us buy a new one when phase two releases. 

    apologies if this doesn’t make sense but I’m on two hours sleep haha

    Nobody knows at the Moment. It is however pretty logical that GW would see fit to expand the Roster at some time in the future.
    I mean,we have for now covered only the Teclian Nations: Syar, Iliatha, Ymetrica and Zaitrec.
    In this Article it is pretty intersting to see how GW has mapped out Hysh. What just caught my eye was this: Hysh is known for having 10 Paradises, as denoted in the Article for example - however: 8 Nations and Xintil only make up 9 - is the outer Haixia Region really considered a "Paradise" - I mean "Realm Lords" also isn't exactly fitting and an Elven Euphemism but.. yeah :D
    When this Article came out I also hoped for a Xintil Subfaction in our Battletome - I am exited to find out more about it!

    Also: You probably all know the Hysh Realm Spell: "Phas protection" - I am so curious if it will be explained in our Battletome who or what exactly "Pha" is.

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