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Posts posted by Drib

  1. It's in addition.

    You must setup the Wyldwood more than 1" AND more than 6" from any objective as well as more than 3" AND more than 1" from any other terrain features.

    So after all it's 6" away from objectives, 3" away from other terrain features and 1" from enemy territory.

    • Thanks 1
  2. First of all many thanks for your detailed and indepth write-up! I only found two small things to add.

    On 3/31/2020 at 4:39 PM, Gwendar said:

    If I missed anything\got something wrong let me know..


    I let you know:

    You could have clarified that you need a Masterclan (Greyseer) for the Skavenbrew. At first I was puzzled and thought you got the points wrong .. 9_9 The Greyseer could also add Death Frenzy as sidenote.

    You could also add a Warbringer with RR 1s to hit+wound (and Dreaded Death Frenzy) for a total of 970.

  3. Quote
    On 3/29/2020 at 12:01 AM, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    Here you go.  He’s definitely smaller than a Daemon Prince.



    I love your take on Be'lakor's wings! Could you post a close up of him and also a short description what colours you used?

  4. Spoiler
    7 minutes ago, Artobans Ghost said:

    This probably has been seen to but I’m looking for the place where you can find out what units become Battleline when you have certain leaders or allegiance’s. 

    quick examples - where does it say steam tanks become Battleline for a steam tank with commander or flaggelant’s are Battleline with greywater fastness or whatever. I thought maybe the warscroll would say if this is the general, these become Battleline etc. 

    hopefully this isn’t to embarrassingly obvious to everyone but me lol 


    It's in the Pitched Battle Profiles at the end of the respective Battletome.

  5. Spoiler
    4 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    To reiterate on the way battlelines work:

    If you wanted to go pure Skryre, Eshin or Moulder, then 100% of your army must be those units with the exception of a Masterclan unit that must be your General. The moment you add anything else, you will break that and you must add a minimum of 2x20 (f playing with 2 Battlelines) or 3x20 (if playing with 3, IE 2k points) Clanrats as your minimum battleline. The only "allies" is Nurgle as Skreech has said.

    Also.. yeah, Arch-Warlock is better if you find the points for it without risking anything else being taken out. 2 Spells\Unbinds and a much better defense profile help out.


    Ohoh! Watch out! The Arch-Warlock only has one unbind!

  6. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    Sorry for the delayed response, I was moving and as such my battletome was packed away and I was only able to get to it today.

    On page 67 it states "f a unit already has a Damned Legion on its warscroll different to the one you chose, it cannot gain another. You can still include that unit in your army, but you cannot use the allegiance abilities for its damned legion". I assumed that meant that the Gaunt Summoner could not use Rally the Tribes as it is one of the Ravager's allegiance abilities and it has Everchosen listed on it's warscroll?  

    The damend legion ist not "Everchosen" but "Host of the Everchosen". 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    Where does the spear come from?

    Also: Arhiman is the best all around easy fatemaster kitbask. It looks also extremly Tzeentchy and fit well in the tzaangor/acolyte army. And he also look like a boss.


    The spear should be one of the "old" Chaos Knights set.

  8. Spoiler
    17 hours ago, MitGas said:

    Personally I‘d include a Lord of Chaos if I ran Varanguard - having them fight a second time (plus a third time once per game due to their own ability) is much needed to make them a more viable pick. Just an idea... of course it‘s kinda annoying to have them stay close to the Lord... then again, said lord could be near a unit of chaos warriors to give those some more iffensive power too and later on catch up with the Varanguard.

    I‘m also looking for good synergies with the StD units as I really want to use them without feeling I‘m totally wasting points. But IMO there‘s nothing more beautiful than a diverse army, so I‘ll probably aim for Guild of Summoners and get some Kairic/Tzaangor/Warriors mix going - getting pinks through the Gaunt... might not be ideal but with lots of heroes and the realistic chance of summoning two LoC, I think there‘s enough budget for some cool heroes and /or Varanguard.... :)


    Keep in mind that you can not fight twice for a second time, as the Lord of Chaos and the Varanguard only allows a unit to pile in and attack a second time.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Quote

    Q: Sometimes a keyword will be listed in its singular form in one place and its plural form in another. Are the plural and singular forms both considered to be different keywords? For example, are the Bloodletter keyword and the Bloodletters keyword different keywords?

    A: No. The singular and plural forms of a keyword are synonymous for rules purposes.

    From the "CORE RULES Designers’ Commentary", December 2019

  10. Spoiler
    49 minutes ago, simakover said:

    very interest, im now painting my changehost so interest in any strategy for it. That spell you used? that endlesses throwing first? how position right and cast as many on first turn as possible?

    also how you gain +3 for pinks? +1 for it passive, +1 from CA from LOC. but how +3? 


    You can use the LoC's CA more than once!

  11. Spoiler
    2 hours ago, Shearl said:

    Others have touched upon it, but I don't think I'd say the pose is simply copied from SC or other heroes. 

    GW has chosen similar poses for for many of their mounted heroes for a reason, take a look at artistic depictions of historical figures (horses seem to rarely have all four hooves on the ground)




    Never recognized where Archaons pose came from!

  12. With your unit selection I would use the following list:


    Allegiance: Tzeentch

    Ogroid Thaumaturge (170)

    - General
    - Trait: Arcane Sacrifice
    - Artefact: Paradoxical Shield
    - Lore of Fate: Infusion Arcanum
    1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
    - Greatblades
    5 x Chaos Knights (160)
    - Chaos Glaives

    Main Body
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160)
    - Runestaff
    - Lore of Fate: Arcane Suggestion
    10 x Chaos Warriors (180)
    - Hand Weapon & Shield
    5 x Chaos Knights (160)
    - Chaos Glaives

    1 x Chaos Chariots (80)
    - Greatblades

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Wounds: 77

    • Thanks 1
  13. Spoiler
    On 7/19/2019 at 10:06 PM, Saodexan said:

    You can make your list with https://www.warhammer-community.com/warscroll-builder/ You will see what you NEED, and it's not 2 battlelines. 

    On the rules of meeting engagements, picking your army section, it said exactly how to build your army and it do not said in addition to normal pitched battle rules. ( p.72 ghb2019 )

    The "Picking your army" in the Pitched Battle and Meeting Engagement are totally different, both are well writed in the ghb2019.


    But in the "Matched Play Rules" that's written differently. (p. 52 ghb2019)

    "The Meeting Engagement rules that feature later in this section build on the precedent set by the Pitched Battle rules, but add a new dimension."

    The Battleline requiremts could need an FAQ.

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