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Posts posted by Inquisitorsz

  1. It's going to be crayfish obviously 


    I also really hope it's not greenskins. 
    I think they already have their own factions that can be fleshed out more (and should be) but I don't think they need another one. Destruction should have more unique stuff than just orks and ogres. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Radikus said:

    Have a few friends taking the dive into AoS so figured i'd join them. Been playing 40k for years so I know how rough it can be to play an outdated/underpowered army. So, with that being said, give it to me straight, how bad are Nighthaunt? I really really wanna play the spooky crew but I have not heard good things. My friends will eventually level up to local tourneys with maybe a large one once or twice a year and don't wanna get stuck with a very subpar faction as I did in 40k years past. Are we viable, at all?

    Nighthaunt are fine but overall but they have a few glaring weaknesses. The biggest one is power creep. They were one of the first 2 books out of the gate this edition of AoS and it shows. There were some interesting design choices like "wholly within" for buffs/auras but in hindsight those turned out to be a bit harsh and future books ended up being a bit more relaxed in that regard. 
    What this means in practice is that it can be quite difficult for us to get all our buff auras in the right spot, and some larger units on 32mm bases are nearly impossible to fit within the buff bubbles, especially if you want to maximise how many are in range to fight.  

    The other big problem we have is that in recent times it's become a bit too easy to snipe heroes. There's so many spells, mortal wounds and strong shooting (Seraphon, Kharadron Overlords and Lumineth) that our low wound ethereal heroes don't last long. 
    And unfortunately, as an army we're heavily dependant on them. That's where all our buffs and survivability and resurrection and mobility comes from. 

    The new rules coming out soon in the Belakor book might help fix a few of those issues (such as squishy characters) so we might see a small bump in power. 
    Don't get too caught up in tournament win rates. NH are a difficult faction to make work, but they can be quite good if played well. 
    A competitive player should easily place in the middle of the pack at a tournament and with a bit of luck/practice can still do well. 

    We have some great army wide rules like everyone being ethereal (immune to rend) and flying. We have some decent units though some are a bit overcosted. The models look great and for the most part it can be quite easy to start a NH army because of all the easy to build kits and people splitting starter boxes. Also pretty easy to paint up an army quickly. 

    There are some armies at the moment that are head and shoulders above the rest (the 3 I mentioned above and probably Tzeentch) for the reasons I mentioned above (good shooting and high MW output). 
    None of mid-low tier armies will compete overly well with those top dogs right now. But throughout all the other factions in the mid tier, NH do fine. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    I like having model releases decoupled from books, what's the point of free warscrolls if you can't have one off models without being attached to a new battletome.

    I absolutely agree..... But that only works when there aren't other things locked away inside a battletome. All the rules should be free like heaps of other similar games. 
    Leave the battletomes for narrative scenarios, painting guides, lore, artwork etc... 

    The rules already get outdated when FAQs and new stuff comes out shortly afterwards. I would be far more likely to drop $70AUD on a book if it actually didn't have rules in it. Then it wouldn't feel like I'm buying an obsolete or short shelf life product. Even if the rules are "extra" to all that other stuff.... I know that's pedantic but the value "feels" different.   

    Same goes for stuff like WD specific rules.... If you didn't buy a specific WD, there was no official/legal way to get those battalion rules (eg for Nighthaunt). All of that stuff should be readily available online just like the basic warscrolls are. 

    • Confused 1
  4. AOS 3.0 Model Wishlist.

    Fyreslayers need some love - please give them something other than naked dwarves... Not clothed ones, but like perhaps some small cav unit or a monster or something like that.  
    CoS - I don't have strong feelings about these. I think they need something uniquely Mortal Realms, but I understand the current point of COS is to let people use old models.  
    DoK are probably fine as is.  
    Deepkin too. They have roughly the same number of units.  
    KO could probably do with another basic unit or two.... more battleline choice. But otherwise they are probably OK for now.  
    Lumineth are fine now with their second wave.  
    Stormcast are fine  
    Seraphon could do with a refresh of some older kits like Salamanders and Saurus warriors. Slaan could do with a new multi-kit perhaps. Basically replace all the old resin stuff.  
    Sylvaneth - Could do with an extra unit or two just for some more variety. There's really nothing there in the elite slot apart from Kurnoth Hunters. Dryad could do with a refresh but they've aged well. There's many other problems here, but model wise they are OK.  

    Skaven need a lot of help. Lots of old resin stuff, most of Moulder and Eshin looks terrible and has not aged well. Skryer Acolytes need a new kit desperately. And we need new plague monks. Otherwise, all the newer plastic kits are great, clanrats and stormvermin are still good too.  It's just some of the old characters and smaller stuff like weapon teams, rat ogres, rat swarms etc that need replacement badly.  

    Other chaos isn't too bad overall. There's a few old characters that need replacement. The marauders have not aged well at all. Would be nice to get the mulitpart versions of the new warriors and knights finally. 
    Beast of Chaos need new dragon ogres, minotaurs etc... Centigors haven't aged well imo and the poor Shaggoth is tiny by modern standards.  

     We'll see what the new Gravelords end up bringing. Direwolves could use an update, Various vampire heroes need a refresh (hopefully coming soon). I'd like a new Zombie Dragon. Leave the current one for FEC and make more majestic vampire-worthy one. 

    Would be nice if NH could get the Mornghoul in plastic instead of coming from Forgeworld. Hexwraiths need a refresh to match the new ghost aesthetic. 
    Other than that NH is in a good spot model wise. 
    FEC could probably do with a few extra units. Not sure what they would need though? Maybe cavalry or some sort of beast unit like wolves?   
    OBR could probably do with another battleline choice. 

    Honestly don't know enough about them. 
    I'd like Troggoths to get fleshed out a tiny bit more.   
    Ironjaws need a few more unit options. Like why is there no pig mounted hero?  Maybe some dudes with spears?  
     Orruks in general probably need a full refresh, they feel like they just don't have enough options of variety.

    Overall I mostly want skaven updates and vampire updates (which we'll hopefully fully see soon).

  5. 6 hours ago, Gecktron said:

    Do we have any clue what will be included? Im hoping for a Bloodwrack Medusa sculpt. 

    The general consensus at the moment based on card art and flavor text is this:
    1 leader - a hag or something similar with a spear and possibly holding  a chalice. 
    2 dual knife wielding witch elves  
    1 blood stalker (the snake lady with a bow)   
    1 sister of slaughter (with a whip) 

    Source (from reddit): 2te1gw9gfti41.jpgF


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  6. 27 minutes ago, Heroflegend21 said:

    Hey guys in a dispute with my fellow wargamers about Kairos Oracle of eternity affecting their dice rolls within the realm of dice I'm able to affect. So can I change an opponents single dice roll with it?

    Yes Kairos can replace any 1 die, including your opponent's. They also can't be modified or re-rolled, so it's great to us it to stop an important charge or a free unbind. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    I didn’t enjoy being strong-armed into the preset subfaction builds with pre-determined artefacts and traits. People are saying it is “flexible”, but I feel like there’s surprisingly very few valid ways to customize the army. However this could be an AoS-wide problem these days.   Old Gnarlroot players seemed disheartened because it was hard to bolster magic like before within the constrictions of the new gnarlroot. Also we could no longer bring unique order units / order wizards with cool buffs in our allegiance. Instead we are left just with order allies that - if we’re being honest- are relatively useless for us, as abilities simply do not synergize with sylvaneth 9 times out of 10. There are a couple exceptions but not many.

    Yeah I agree with that, but the sub factions are similar in design to every other AOS book now so I'm not sure that's a valid compliant anymore. It's the lack of flexibility in battalions that bothers me more. 

    If you look at all the chaos ones for example, you get huge flexibility and can easily do 1 drop armies, even with unique characters.

    That being said, the various chaos books cover a much bigger range of units (especially slaves to darkness) compared to our... What? 5? Non-hero warscrolls.  

    I can't really comment more than that though, I never played sylvaneth before this book. 

  8. On 2/18/2020 at 1:35 AM, plavski said:

    There are biases that play into the stats too. We are hugely scenery dependant making us an expensive army to collect and transport. Having to bring so many awkward trees to tournaments is certainly a factor that makes me eye my other armies. We are also, as mentioned above, a tricky army to play well with a lot of strategies and tactics and a smaller margin for error. I would argue that there is a decent amount of variance in our playstyles and they are not overall reliable enough to bring to a tournament. Many of the top tier players would rather something more consistent. In the right hands - and certainly for causal, club gaming - Sylvaneth are fine, but at tournaments there are fundamental problems with representation that can skew the numbers.

    This isn't to say that we've a flawless book, more to say that there are factors beyond our control that compound book issues.

    I agree with this.  
    We're a mid tier army on average. But that's because as plavski stated, it's an expensive army, terrain and sometimes battleplan dependent with a huge amount of variety in list building, strategy and tactics. Because of that, at a tournament you can hit a bad match up and be in serious trouble.  
    Sylvaneth can do well... there have been quite a few successful players in the some of the largest tournaments in the last few months. Some of them are even on this forum. There's been some success with "non standard" lists too like triple Durthu. 
    A guy came 6th at Tempest (out of 46 players) with triple Durth + Alarielle.... that's over 1500pts in heroes. Crazy!   

    But also because of the high cost and pain of transporting this army, we simply don't see it used much in the tournament scene. It's much easier to bring 6 Stonehorns to an event. They'll take up less space than just our Wyldwoods.   

    We have some of the best elite units in the game, we have great mobility, we have quite decent spell casting and I think one of the only 2-3 triple spell casting Order heroes. If you build for it we have a decent gun line too. Drycha is criminally under used IMO. The tools are there, Sylvaneth players just seem a bit slow to find all the good combos for some reason. 
    I think that may also be partially due to how previous sylvaneth players initially disliked the new book because it was so different and they lost their big alpha striking army builds.  

    I think there are some weakness and we don't have any outright broken stuff like Mortek Guard or 6 Stonehorns or stuff like that. I think our battalions are probably the biggest weakness... We don't have any easy way to compete with 1-3 drop armies and we can be a bit susceptible to alpha strikes unless you can hide in some woods and the battalions we do have are generally pretty weak and are mostly only taken for the extra CP and artefact. At least they're somewhat cheap. 
    Other than that, Wyldwoods are  expensive and underwhelming but ultimately necessary. 

    • Like 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    You think they’re due for an update or they just gonna stay bad for a long time? 

    Chosen might get a new kit since we have new Warriors now and there's apparently a multipart kit coming.... they might just throw in some halberds and different helmets into that kit and let you make Chosen from the same box. 

    I doubt we'll see new marauders though there are quite a few interesting options for converting them (if you don't mind your 160pt battleline horde costing A LOT more money) 

  10. 4 hours ago, Agent of Chaos said:


    I'm also pretty interested in a Despoilers list. 
    Mine is built around

    Khorne Demon Prince 
    Sorcerer Lord on a Manticore
    Sorcerer Lord 

    Some Chaos Warrior and Knights for battleline 

    And then some other monsters to fill out the points. 
    I've been toying with the idea of a War Mammoth because that's bloody funny.  
    But otherwise also slaughterbrutes and a Spiranx or two.  


    The heros listed above, 20 warriors, 10 knights, a Mammoth and a Sphiranx is 2000pts exactly. Not sure how competitive that would be but sounds fun. 

  11. @Chikout What's Engine War? Never heard of it.... Though I guess I don't really follow 40K rumours anymore. 

    Is there a good summary of all these rumours and spotted shipping dates somewhere? 

    disregard, I found that Engine War is just another book in this seemingly never ending Psychic Awakening story arc

  12. 5 minutes ago, Nubgan said:

    You say that, The Azyr app doesn't have the Nighthaunt battalions in from White Dwarf,  Scrollbuilder does.

    Yes well, GW isn't actually accurate with like anything. Azyr app is missing things, warscroll builder has errors and you can't save or change lists.... But have pros and cons 

    • Like 2
  13. 7 hours ago, Beer & Pretzels Gamer said:

    What about specific factions Tzeentch might struggle with?

    With Tzeentch coming soon to my local gaming group we’ve been talking which armies we have that might present harder match ups for them.  One we’ve been discussing a lot has been Khorne (posted a list we discussed on that thread).  Basic thinking was:

    1) lots of cheap unbinds, including ones that get bonuses to the roll or deal back damage

    2) no spell casting to feed into Tzeentch summoning - but plenty of prayers that can hit them back and/or buff Khorne units

    3) cheap chaff for screening

    lack of shooting to snipe their Heroes and thus breakdown their buffs an obvious drawback.

    We also have KO, Mawtribes, and FEC that we’re debating what an anti-Tzeentch list for would look like...

    I think any list (within reason) can be anti tzeentch if you play it right.  
    Knowing their tricks and threats is the big thing. 
    I beat a 20pink horror, 12 flamer eternal conflag changehost with sylvaneth at Cancon.   
    Admittedly, perhaps that was due to my opponent's mistakes or being unfamiliar with a new book.... but it was also only my second game with my Sylvaneth.  
    I pretty much ignored the 20 Horrors, hunted down the LOC first and then went after the other heroes. I killed the flamers whenever I could. 
    I don't think my opponent used his teleports and flamers very well. The 3 hunters he blew up just got resummoned by Alarielle anyway.  

    Realisitically in the changehost demon lists, the big things are large blocks of pink horrors and flamers. The flamers are the threats, the horrors hold objectives.  
    Everything else isn't necessarily that far above the power curve. 
    So if you can deal with a tanky horde unit and somehow counter the glass cannon shooting of the flamers, you'll be competitive.  

    Sniping heroes is a decent tactic against almost any AoS army. No different against Tzeentch. If you can comfortably kill all the pink horrors in one combat then you'll be fine there too. You don't have to wipe out the whole 50 wound unit... you just have to kill the icon bearer to stop them coming back. Once he's dead, the only way they can continue being annoying is either via the Fold Reality spell (so keep an unbind handy for that) or something like Emerald Lifeswarm.
    Still, those are only bringing back a few models and it's before the combat phase.... so just kill all the pinks again and they can't auto pass the battleshock anymore. 
    Other than the normal command abiltiy everyone gets.... but that doesn't bring models back, and uses CPs. 

    The flamers can be a big problem, ideally, you'd want a few small chaff untis to push them away from your key units and make sure they can't teleport close enough to kill you. That being said, sometimes you'll just have to bait them and take the hit. Once they've jumped close and shot something, they're usually wide open for a counter charge and a quick cleanup. Multiple smaller units will make their targetting choice harder... 
    Eg. take 4x3 kurnoth hunters instead of 2x6.   
    That way when they wipe out 1 unit you've only lost 25% of your hunters not 50%, and you've got another unit nearby to go kill them.  

    Just some general thoughts after versing them a few times and watching some games. In a changehost, the LOC is the secondary target... he's a decent force multiplier and is required for the teleport to work.... so in objective based games, you want to shut that teleport down so they can't steal anything off you late game.  

    Tzeentch does have a lot of different builds though. The flamer heavy eternal conflag list was very strong pre-FAQ.... now, I think there's lots of other viable lists and they don't all counter the same way. So that's something to consider, you may come up against a mortal army without a LOC (like 5th place Ash's list at Cancon) and that will play very differently than the pink horror/flamer spam lists. 

    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, willange said:

    Slightly off-topic, but doesn't DD autopass on 1 not work anymore?  

    Yes it does, the FAQ was updated. 

    Note that it triggers the Pink Horror Icon Bearer on a 1 (which is what I assume you meant), thus auto passing the battleshock test and bring D6 horrors back. 
    The 1 (or any other number) doesn't auto pass by itself. 
    For example, it won't automatically save any other unit. You still add the casulities to the 1. 
    It's only the Pink Horror icon bearer ability that still works with a DD of 1.  

  15. I actually like the warscroll builder especially because I often use it on a PC... but on mobile I'll use the Azyr app. 

    The big difference is you can save your lists. The warscroll builder only spits them out as a pdf or text file which isn't super convenient, and you can't change/tweak things. 

    The warscroll builder also links some units to their old warscrolls (eg Skarbrand), I've bumped into about 3-4 instances lately. I haven't noticed and incorrect points but it's probably the same problem. For some reason it shows old stuff sometimes.  

    The Azyr app is kept much more up to date which is great.  

  16. 3 hours ago, Ravinsild said:

    I don't know much about Tzeentch except he is the lord of change, schemes, magic and fate, but is the Ogroid Thaumaturge any good? It's a super sweet model TBH. I got it in the Silver Tower game. 

    I think he's pretty good, but his problem is relatively high points cost and that he's just overshadowed by a lot of the other heroes.   
    His spell is nice, though it's far more useful when Kairos "borrows" it, but still D6 mortal wounds is nice.  
    He hit's reasonabily hard in melee which a lot of tzeenth stuff doesn't do. D3 impact hits on the charge is nice too. 
    He's an Arcanite, so at least gives Tzaangors thier +1 to wound abililty. 
    But other than that, he's a pretty solo guy, doesn't really synergise with anything else. 
    The Infusion Archanum spell is pretty good on him though. Makes both his big attacks 2+/2+

    his 5+ save is also a bit disappointing. 

  17. Depending on your definition of "little guys" you could do that theme with pretty much any AoS faction.  
    Nagash and Skeletons. 
    Celestant Prime or Stardrake and basic foot soldier stormcasts
    Daughters of Khaine have Morathi and normal foot soldiers  

    I actually can't think of an AOS faction that doesn't have some big monster or hero kit and small regular foot troops. 
    Stormcast and Ironjaws is probably the furthest removed and I'd say that's still possible. Ogors don't usually take many gnoblars but they are technically there and you could still do that kind of army.   
    Cities of Sigmar is a bit weird coz it's a melting pot of so many different things, but there's still dragons and steam tanks and stuff like that. 
    Nighthaunt is the only faction without a big monster although you still have the black coach. But there's always Nagash and you can take Arkhan in a NH army. 

  18. 5 hours ago, Isotop said:

    So a DD-save roll can still only be modified by Rend (not by cover, spell effects, ...)? Does anyone know/assume the reason behind this?

    Yay I was right.... I'll be over here accepting apologies lol. 


    But seriously, it's done this way because the FAQ was specifically designed to fix the problem of auto passing battleshock tests and auto saving high rend attacks.  

    So they specifically and explicitly mentioned only those two things can modify the rolls while in every other case they remain unmodified and can't be modified further. 

    Remember look at what it explicitly says not what it means logically or what is implied or what is ommited. 

    It's also the easiest way to make sure you don't accidentally create some other rules problem when you open up those dice to all modification. 

    The battleshock ruling makes perfect sense that was broken AF and had to be fixed. 

    The rend one I'm on the fence about. I don't think it was a huge issue. Only really did anything for DD of 4 and maybe 5, you'd usually use 6s for all sorts of other things. 

  19. 12 minutes ago, ColsBols said:

    Got any links to those lists? What's the gist?

    Was reading this the other day. 

    OP discusses his khorne Archaon list. I think he has a podcast too? 

    Seems to be focused around buffing Archaon heavily and having him attack multiple times each turn. 


  20. 1 hour ago, Sedraxis said:

    We have now shifted from interpreting rules to interpreting words, what a time to be alive!

    I think this topic has run its course.


    In conclusion:

    New Tzeentch book way to stronk, FAQ nerfed broken things, still needs more FAQ to clear up mess. Still really stronk, maybe too much stronk.


    I think it's still the strongest army around, even if everything regarding battleshock, destiny cubes and horrors no longer works. But who knows, it's a lot less insane then before.

    We will see what happens in a couple of tournaments, new subfactions coming out tomorrow might also shake things up. Peace ✌🏻

    That's normal because rules are often seen as laws and just like laws exact wording is super important.  
    And at the same time, we have lawyers (us) and judges (GW) to argue interpretation of those super specific words because language is hard. 

    As I posted on page 11 (which all of page 12 people seemed not to read) slight changes in grammar or moving the parentheses around in the sentence, and even recognizing the later sentence instead of looking as just a single sentence in isolation all make a huge difference in how a single rule is interpreted. 

  21. 2 hours ago, Austin said:

    Without any evidence to back it up-  I assume this reintroduction of the Old World is due entirely to the huge success of Total War Warhammer and the fact that someone who wants to transition from that game to the tabletop game can't right now.  

    I do have to admit, I have tried hard to buy into AoS since the End Times and I do like things about it.  But when these articles come out about the Old World, I realize that I just like that setting so much better.

    Which is another completely bizarre decision. Why on earth would you allow a big game studio to make Warhammer Total War at the same time as you decided to kill the Old World. And then followed it up with Warhammer Total War 2. 
    Why on earth would you not push the new Mortal Realms setting for these games?  

    In reality, the games would be nearly identical, but with different maps, unit/character names etc.... functionally they'd play the same way. 

    Obviously now in hindsight it's clear GW simply didn't have enough (or any) lore, maps, locations etc... created for AOS 1.0. At least not enough to make a TW game out of. But these days we have maps of the various realms, you could theme campaigns in each realm, theme and skin armies depending on location etc.... 
    There could be cool fights in and around realmgates.   

    Back then I assume they were doing it as a "well, we're getting rid of it, maybe we can at least still make some money out of a dying brand" 
    It seems like that would be a big risk for the game studio too. I'd be pretty annoyed if I found out the setting/lore that I'm using for a new game is about to be discontinued by the owner/creator.  
    That's almost like making a Han Solo game and during development finding out Disney has decided to retcon all of Han Solo out of existing and future Star Wars products. 

    I'm happy there was enough interest to make it into the great game it is now, and to justify an even better sequel. But I also think Warhammer Total War 3 should be set in the mortal realms. 

    • Like 3
  22. 1 hour ago, Jaskier said:


    That, and new Archaon seems to be pretty damn strong too. He works pretty well with most of the single god books/factions too.  

    I've seen some nasty Khorne lisst with him and he seems to do well in Tzeentch too.  

    As people have stated, Demon Princes, Belakor, most of the heroes, marauders etc... are great. Personally I hate how much better marauders are than the other core units because I hate horde stuff and I hate the old models. Would have been nice to make warriors and knights a bit more useful, but they're still good.  

    I was on the receiving end of a disgusting glottkin, plaugetouched, nurgle knight deathstar at Cancon.  

    Also the chaos spells.... stopping a unit moving completely for a turn is HUGE. Strike last as a spell is very handy too. Combine both of those with a Spinranx and Belakor's ability and you have some major trolling going on. 
    The possibility of shutting down you're opponents 400+ pt deathstar unit for like 2-3 turns in huge. You can lock down those annoying 20 pink horrors, or that massive block of hearthguard or that unit of 9 eels/kurnoth hunters etc.... 
    Yeah ok, there's spell ranges and casting and so on to factor in, but the tools are there. 

    Seems like the S2D book really gave everyone except maybe slaanesh a new lease on life. Slaanesh didn't really need it to be honest but even if you just take a few allies and the one drop battalions into your mono-god armies, that's still something. 

    Varanguard are probably the only disappointment. They are OK when they get their Circle buff (and only 1 of those 8 are any good) but you sacrifice a fair bit and are pretty much forced into a single type of list to do that.  On their own, in any other list, they don't seem to be worth 300pts. 

    Other than that, some minor units like chariots, warcry warbands etc.... are pretty meh. But all the main stuff is great. 

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