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Posts posted by Lavieth

  1. 17 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    Ill add on to the whole CoS historical references

    The Steelhelm being based on 15t century men at arms around the French, Swiss and Netherlands forces

     (Left Empire= Landsknechte mercenary, Right Steelhelm= Swiss mercenary)


    other swiss influence


    the Caviler's are based on the Spaniards & french renaissance calvary (they lack lances but like that explain in lore that there potential unit that does)  


    Gendarmerie philosophy and history – EUROGENDFOR

    Heavy cavalry - Wikipedia

    the Command corp having both a 16th century Plague doctor, 15th century shinobi & a renaissance heavy armor full platted armor knights that have ornate designs to them



    Warhammer Events 2024 model revealed. The Steel Rook, an alternate  Arch-Knight for the Freeguild Command Corps. : r/ageofsigmar

    If anyone is wondering the helmet for the final variation of warmonger's  standard set is actually based off of this real burgonet depicting a  griffon. : r/forhonor

    The Gargoylian being a product of not just Medieval marginalia  but also the proto-Surrealism artwork of Renisssance painters like Hieronymus Bosch 

    The Temptation of St Anthony (Kansas City) - Wikipedia

    Hieronymus Bosch: Morality and Monsters | Daydream Tourist

    Hieronymus Bosch's Lost Masterpiece | The New Yorker

    Hieronymus Bosch: His Life, Early Works & Best Paintings

    I can go on with Bombard being a turkish bomabard, Talhia Vedra just a gender swap Jan Žižka, The Boehiman handcannon arthur already posted

    so it definitely not "generic fantasy" simply cast a wide net rather the old WHF focus on one practical historical society

    What a cool and informative post.  This was a joy to read and really enlightening when it comes to where GW's designers took inspiration. Thank you for sharing this.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Arzalyn said:

    Bad news for all of us hoping for Kruleboyz and Ironjawz to be separated armys again...


    That is rather disappointing. I was really hoping they would be separated and each given their chance to shine as solo factions in the Grand Alliance. 

    • Like 3
  3. 6 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    SundayPreview Apr14 GobNightgoblins

    Didn't even know these, uhh, beautiful Night Goblins existed.

    Guess we won't be saying goodbye to the current Moonclan Grots for a while still.
    Makes me kinda scared for Dispossessed, since TOW dwarfs use the plastic Ironbreakers/Longbeards/Runelord/Warden King kits.

    Woah, woah, woah! Pump the brakes there. Those night goblin minis are awesome. They ooze so much character.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Luperci said:

    I really liked them idk, in terms of foot units we have hobgrots, gutrippaz, monsta killaz and boltboyz so I'd prefer to get cavalry or non hero monsters first. If we do get another foot unit I would also not want them to be just shirtless orruks with flails, give us something with big armour instead at least

    Absolutely, if it's another Orruk foot unit, make it a unit of murknobz with different weapons than spear/hand weapon and shield. Fails are cool or another two handed weapon option. I'd prefer a monstrous infantry option akin to a fimir successor. 

    A cavalry unit would be ideal for sure. It adds an element the Kruleboyz really are missing. 

    I like armies like OBR or Sylvaneth which have really nice looking silhouettes. 

    • Like 5
  5. 3 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    With Bonesplitterz going I'm even more in favour of Ironjawz and Kruleboyz getting their own battletomes. I'd make Kruleboyz a proper sneaky ambusher faction now that Beasts of Chaos are being squatted, and expand them with some light cav and Gnashtoof hunting packs for example.

    I think GW has struggled to balance Ironjawz, Kruleboyz and Big Waaagh in 3rd edition so I'd rather see them try to balance both Orruk factions individually and give them both more flavour without having to worry about the impact on Big Waaagh any more. I still think the model designs clash visually on the tabletop too.

    I wouldn't be surprised though if GW integrates them further in a new Orruk Warclans battletome.

    Now this is an interesting idea. I'm also in favor of splitting them up into separate books. I fully agree that with BoC now in TOW, I think their mechanics should be continued on within a Krukeboyz solo Battletome. It would be a much better replacement for Dirty Tricks as a battle trait and fits them thematically. Its how they operate in all the novels they feature in. 

    I'm also not a fan of Kragnos as a concept or model, and would gladly take a separate Battletome that builds new lore about their separation from him and new reasons behind the iconography/scare shields, etc. That would help fill out the pages of a new Battletome. Add in a few more units that are cavalry, monstrous infantry (fimir-like or new trolls) and regular gitz (like the sloggoth and kill-bow crew) and they begin to have their own purpose, role and more defined identity in the Mortal Realms. 

    The Ironjawz now have enough of their own units, story and flavor to support a stand alone Battletome. I've never liked Big Waagh! as a concept personally, and find it silly that's the only way they could even ally. So unless that is how you play them, just make both separate and give both IJ and KB additional sub-factions (if they are still a proper thing). I'd love more than 2 (skullbugs are about as enticing as Ironbark) ways to play them. 

    • Like 2
  6. I've been playing some games with the following list and having some moderate success while learning to pilot it with greater efficiency. 

     - Army Faction: Sylvaneth

      - Subfaction: Heartwood

      - Grand Strategy: The Roots of Victory

      - Triumph: Indomitable

      - Seasons of War: Everdusk


    Branchwych (110)

      - Artefacts of Power: Acorn of the Ages

      - Spells: Verdant Blessing, Verdurous Harmony

    Drycha Hamadreth (300)*

      - Spells: Regrowth, Verdant Blessing

    Warsong Revenant (270)*

      - General

      - Command Traits: Spellsinger

      - Spells: Treesong, Verdant Blessing

    Arch-Revenant (120)*

      - Artefacts of Power: Crown of Fell Bowers


    Dryads (200)

      - Branch Nymph

    Dryads (100)

      - Branch Nymph

    Tree-Revenants (110)


    Treelord (230)


    Spiterider Lancers (380)

      - Spiterider Scion

      - Spiterider Standard Bearer

      - Spiterider Hornblower

    Spite-Revenants (160)

      - Shadestalker


    *Command Entourage

      - Magnificent

    TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000


    A lot of of the plan revolves around 2 woods coming out on my turn 1 from the acorn and Verdant Blessing on either side of the table. I'm struggling just a little with the objectives, but I have been pretty impressed by how it works. This helps to limit the 6" range of the season ability especially when combined with the 3 overgrown features. 

    Between the quarry of the hunt allowing +1 to hit, Drycha granting +1 to wound for the spite-revenants and the Arch-revenant giving an additional +1 to wound (usually to the spiterider lancers) it can push out a decent level of damage. The damage output is improved further when Treesong can be cast.

    When using the Treelord in combination with Drycha for a ground shaking stomp and roar helps to limit damage back and the enemy keeping units around. Healing is something I do find a bit challenging, despite having the 2 healing Spells and the faction ability. I was considering a unit of Revenant Seekers instead of the Treelord, but I think the versatility of the Treelord is more valuable. 

    Anyways just wanted to share this and get some more thoughts on it. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Do you mean receiving them? Or the next year's ones? Because if it is the former, I think they are around already (I subscribed for the previous year's one with just a few days difference from the renewal, so cannot confirm it on my own). For the second,  they are announced not too far in time from their renewal time, which is around September.

    I'm not sure if other people from Canada are experiencing this problem, but I'm not even able to select a model despite my subscription. The webstore wants me to pay for it even though I had zero issues with the previous 2 years annual subscriptions. I contacted GW about this problem and they told me to watch the war-com space for news. 

    • Confused 2
  8. On 2/17/2024 at 5:11 AM, Skreech Verminking said:

    Pete the wargamer made an incredible high elves dragon conversion out of the new stormcast dragon.

    I keep looking at Ionus and thinking I can use his for a high elf dragon with a bit of conversion work. I'll need to watch that video.

  9. 6 hours ago, KingKull said:

    Printed Highlands dwarfs & Brets, painting the former as I wait for the Bret launch box to get the book & peasants.

    I'm seriously considering beginning a third army, and I'm split between Ogres, TK & WoC.

    As other people have noticed on the internet, painting comparably less detailed R&F models (compared to contemporary 40k & AoS units) did wonders to my painting motivation 


    Those look excellent. I've been looking at their range for some time now and wondering how good it actually is. 

    • Like 1
  10. After some tinkering with the Forces of Fantasy book and looking over what I have, I think this is a list I will start using. I've always been a fan of the white lions of chrace since i was a 10. During 8th edition, I was converting an army built from the plastic white lions, but we know what happened. I started Sylvaneth, lmao. They were the only whfb project I held onto. I am not entirely bothered if it's not a great or even a good list because it will look awesome on the table.

    The Ellyrion reavers are going to be represented by white lions from the chariot. I have 15 spare, so that is why they don't have bows, but do have a champion (the leaping one lion). 

    The Host of Chrace

    - chracian hunter
    - chracian great-blade
    - lion cloak
    - shield
    - lion chariot
    - armour of caledor
    - seed of rebirth
    322 points

    - hand weapon
    - level 4
    - silvery wand
    - loremasters cloak
    225 points

    20 Elven Spearmen
    - thrusting spear
    - light armour 
    - shield
    - full command
    - shield wall
    - banner of ellyrion
    225 points

    20 Elven Archers
    - hand weapon
    - long bow
    - light armour
    - full command
    235 points

    2x5 Ellyrian Reavers
    - hand weapon
    - cavalry spear
    - light armour
    - champion
    - skirmishers
    188 points

    20 White Lions of Chrace
    - chracian great-blade
    - heavy armour
    - lion cloak
    - full command
    - lion standard
    323 points

    2x1 Lion Chariots of Chrace
    - hand weapon
    - chracian great-blade
    - lion cloak
    250 points

    10 Shadow Warriors
    - hand weapon
    - long bow
    - light armour
    - champion
    146 points

    1 Eagle-Claw Repeater Bolt Thrower
    - repeater bolt thrower
    - hand weapon
    - light armour
    80 points

    Army Total: 1994 points

    • Like 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. 14 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    Just had a delivery of the printed legacy army lists and I'm very happy with them, much better than having to check my phone all the time! 

    Will order the rest for sure. 





    I did the same thing with the Adeptus Custodes index with 10th. Makes a world difference, in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  12. 16 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    I mostly ignore those mathammer / insane waac lists as it not how I or my friends play. It's absurd how some people try to abuse every rule and min-max every possible option. For me the rules/armylists need to be a blanket which I can use to make an army how I envision it and than I want to play with it with like minded players. The goal is to have a fun and immersive evening and winning is ofcourse nice, but it's the experience that counts and imo TOW delivers 100% with this.

    I love all the options and flavour and it is sad that people are obsessed with finding loopholes or insane combo's just so they can win.

    This, my dude. I resonate with this so much. We have a person in our group who likes to hunt for loopholes and for them they don't find the game fun to win at all costs. 3 of us have built this really fun and thematic lists for Bretonnians, High Elves and Wood Elves. We know they will never be  championship winning lists, but they reflect the way we envision how the army would look on the table. Those are the most fun experiences gaming. 

    • Like 4
  13. 6 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Same for me. I don’t have loads of space and my wife hates clutter so I’m in the same boat of having too many and not enough minis! 🤣😭😭

    I'll give that a same here. My spouse walks by my hobby space and just closes the door. The last few years I've started to make those harder decisions and have begun parting with minis. It's really tough when you have a great idea for a new army, but just know you won't ever get to it. As a matter of fact, that's what I'll be doing more of today. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    And don't you think there are some fun factors based on rules that were lost from WHFB?

    I talked with a guy once who told me how a friend of his playing dwarfs got something exploding in the middle of his army,  cause he rolled 1s twice, and destroyed almost half of his army. Ofc a situation like this is not fun in the moment for those having such bad luck, but after some time is the classic memory you remember and laugh about (or even share with others like it was my case).

    I do. It's one of the reasons I am looking forward to TOW. There was a simplicity in the complexity. For AoS I find it to be complexity in the simplicity, if that makes sense.

    All of my memorable games are moments just like that or complete luck situations. My friends skaven were the worst engineers, and we started to joke about them needing dwarf costumes to learn how to build cannons. 

    • Haha 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    If you keep losing, the fault isn't with "other people being mean." It's because you failed primarily as a player - in which case you need more practice with your army.

    Perhaps, and I could be wrong, but could it be that those kinds of skewed list might just not be fun to play against, especially in a casual game? I know from experience that I do not enjoy playing them, regardless of the result. As an opponent I don't find they make the game more engaging when playing against a list that leans so heavily into some janky mechanic. It's got nothing to do with my skill level as a player. 

    This rhetoric about how someone must not be be good enough because their opponent is mean with "X" list really does need to be put to rest. Personally, I've stopped playing games with people like that because, to me, they are missing the point of Warhammer, in my opinion. It is a 2 person game and we as opponents are engaged in a social contract of sorts to make the experience fun for both people. Far too many warhammer players have adopted a MTG mental attitude about a game is only fun if you win at all costs and by any means necessary. 

    By remembering that as an opponent you are responsible for half of the enjoyment level of the game it improves the entire experience. This requires the social intelligence to know what kind of game your opponent likes to play and working with them. Some people may get more enjoyment playing the game with a story in mind for their army and build into that restriction that makes it "less competitive" but it doesn't mean they are bad or less skilled players. Just that they have different motivations for playing. 

    • Like 10
  16. 3 hours ago, Gotz said:

    I wasn't sure wich army start with old world, so I think I'll finish an old project 😅, building a couple of 500p forces using the stuff I have left from 4th ed boxset as the core. 


    Thise old high elves make me so jealous! Not to mention those sweet night goblins. Nice looking start there. 

    • Like 2
  17. 20 hours ago, Asbestress said:

    And maybe the Fimir Matriarch/Dirach for WoC? Hope the files/masters still exist.

      Reveal hidden contents




    That would be enough for me to jump for joy! I've loved the fimir design since my first encounter with them in the Heroes Quest box back in the early/mid 90's. Even in my Kruleboyz army, they get to stand-in as trolls. I hope GW takes this opportunity to release all those older designs that never made it to the table for people. That old Bretonnian king on foot could be an indicator?

    • Like 2
  18. I'd love to know if the MESBG community is overloaded with the same level of doom and gloom, like many of the people here feel. Many of their old kits are just fine and they seem to be happy to have a game to play, regardless of the miniatures that are made available for them, and they have to deal with range rotations. 

    I don't understand why so many people undervalue the appeal that some of those older kits have. I remember when that orc warboss on Wyvern model came out in 6th. It's just as good looking now as it was then. Not to mention that those older kits look excellent ranked up. Sure some of the AoS kits are newer, but not all of them would look good on squares and in ranks like those orc Boyz do. I know I'm getting more excited for my high elves return from today's article than I was before. Knowing they are re-releasing that 1993 Wyvern as made to order brought me so much joy. I want one so bad and will order one. Now I have some optimism that they could release the older Imrik (pre 6th ed) and a few of the other older kits. I won't have to watch people gouging on ebay for them. 

    I also fully agree with @Hallow with regards to how to utilize resources. Use the demand for current kits to fund the growth of the game to introduce new factions like Kislev, Cathty and (I sure hope warmaster will be referenced) Araby. 

    If you are going to be so let down to play a game because of old kits being used, check your motivations for why you are playing it at all. All these "this just killed the old world" commentary really is dragging down the thread for those of us who are excited. 

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
  19. This is a great topic for a thread! Good luck at the new job Gaz.

    For 2024 I think I would like to focus just a few small monthly goals, mainly to paint 1 hero or unit per month. I think to keep it simple I'll focus on 3 projects: Kruleboyz, Sylvaneth and High Elves. 

    The harder decision is to part with some projects I realistically will not get around to. So will need to go through my closet and make those hard choices. 

    • Like 2
  20. I'm new to the army and have played a few games.

    My friends and I have all started new armies and are playing PtG as we grow our forces. I'll be building my Kruleboyz towards big yellers because I think they are fun and different from the Sylvaneth I also play.

    I love the hobgrot minis, but I'm really struggling with utilizing them well in games. They are quite fragile and their shooting attack is not great, neither is their close combat. I was trying to use them to hold objectives, but my opponents (Hedonites, Seraphon, and Idoneth) and remove them quite easily with range (blissbards, skinks, and reavers). 

    I'm starting to feel destined to struggle with the Kruleboyz for the first few months as we grow. 

    Here is my starting army:

    Killa boss


    10 gutrippaz with stickas

    6 boltboyz

    10 hobgrots

    Beast skewer

    Game 1 was tough to evaluate because the terrain placement was so dense that my boltboyz had no targets for 2 turns. Game 2 was pretty similar because we played the same scenario (the ritual) but reversed attackers/defenders. The hobgrotz get decimated so easily and it feels like I'm essentially playing 80 points down.

    Any help would be great. 

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