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Everything posted by Moogypies

  1. Latest Art piece, with the comment yesterday about kit possibilities am I hoping too much for a rock thrower 😮I know they can only do art for 3 mega gargants so much so variety in art will be needed, but the left hand one has no similarities with any current gargant, whereas the right still has the features of a Warstompa with the armoured loincloth, with the flail of the Gate. On that note has anyone thought about mixing the armour types on their big boys? I.E Kraken eaters armour with the head/weapon loadout of the Gate? Surely it's the weapons that make the gargant in terms of WYSIWYG (Unless rules for the armour of the Stomper gets a rule or something)
  2. Only 3 more days till the hopeful announcement for pre-orders in 9 more days for a massive 16 days till release (I hope!) 😧 Count down the days like it's christmas boys and girls.
  3. Todays Picture was the Kraken-Eater from a few different angles. But this in the comments caught my eye! Im hoping we see what else can be done shortly then in terms of extra customisation
  4. Now with cannon reinforced pole (thank goodness I have these ship bits and cannons lying around!), just like his big brother He's An Eel Eater, he's got half a munched idoneth eel tied to his waist out of view. Now I feel like I have to do a minigargant of the other two types ^^' Whilst fitting bits I also found my beastgrave terrain skull (which looks exactly like brodds!) was crazy big for an aleguzzler hoping it fits a mega so that I could make a proper big king brodd in time
  5. There's been one in my local store for 3 weeks i've been umming and aaa'ing about, do I need another. Todays trip i bit the bullet and said, yes, yes I do. Cyberpunk theme went out the window already, making a mini kraken eater instead.
  6. Picked up yet another giant, our group has a 48 hours started collecting challenge this weekend coming with a theme of cyberpunk so, I'll have to bash him up to fit the theme in some way. 1 Gargant counts as a start collecting set right? This will be gargant #14 of the collection.
  7. Some lovely Art. Look at how big those big boys are ❤ī¸ Those prosecutors in the back just make me think of attack on titan though That's the new Desktop Background.
  8. -1 will always help, but what are Jump up and Down profiles 😛
  9. Now is THAT our tome cover? 😛 But yeah it's gone so likely a mistake, im still guessing next weekend pre-orders, though would be over the moon with release next weekend. Even if its the wifes birthday ^^'
  10. I originally had this pinned at a October 10th pre-order to go with the audiobook, do we think we're now possibly an october 3rd pre-order due to the step up in articles? 😮 At least if it is, i can build the gargants and paint them whilst turning into the story
  11. Size guessing time. Including a base, a stormcast liberator comes up to 4.5cm it seems you can plop around 4 liberators to match the size of the megaboy. This puts him at roughly 18cm high / 7" tall. An aleguzzler for comparison is 4.5" tall and a Bonegrinder is 8.5"
  12. Love it. I still wonder if we will be able to take these in addition to the bog standard kraken eaters etc.
  13. Why they got to tease it out so hard What if that's our battletome cover 😛
  14. Preview video say's we'll be getting news in the coming week! Despite nothing in the article saying it. Can't wait to see what they reveal!
  15. Well he almost certainly won't be in the book, but may get an updated warscroll on forge world.
  16. A possible upgrade sprue? Would help with some rumor engine bits, however doubtful.
  17. I wonder how many there are, since Mr Whalebiter is Order/Destruction only well probably have a chaos only guy, a dead giant? and a few inbetween. Make me wonder if the sprue has spare parts to help differentiate them too
  18. This says we're going to have a bunch of named special mercenary giants in our book! The question will be if we are able to freely use them also in addition to generic megas. We now know a little more content about our book at least, it's not just 4 warscrolls!
  19. Almost there, only 5 weeks and 3 days till at least one of our official products is on preorder which means community articles in about 4 weeks hopefully! The book can tide us over if its not at the same time at least.
  20. Only when it comes to giants is my motivation so high, my other piles are a disgrace
  21. Apologies on the double post! but we're done only need 3 more of these to function as an army
  22. Progress shot, the beastie is nearly done, tomorrow the giant gets hit with the brush and we eliminate those unsightly streaks and pools. I'm not sure how much we'll see beneficial to us in New Book 1- Morathi, possibly some relics and the such usable to all races? But there again if we assume they would've been out already credit of the GHB having our points, maybe it does.
  23. Hah, you never know in like 10 years maybe well get giant cavalry when they expand the faction It's just about the right size, the hardest thing was the body shape of the stonehorn and the way the gargants groin/leg stubs are doesnt really lend well to a traditional riding pose, but when you're that big if you fall off just jump back on I suppose. I'll want at least 3-4 of these so will have to think about ways to keep the theme and add some variety in poses which will...pose a challenge
  24. Now for actual models I have started work on the Giant Cavalry with his "Blood Vulture" to be used as a huskard on stonehorn Lot of work to be done filling in gaps and contructing the legs still This guy will also have to fit in with my Orruk mawtribes desert theme so will probably have tyranid carapace like shoulderpads added too
  25. I have ordered it, well see what it turns out like After the community having some art commissioned I made a sneaky little commission also, King Brodd upon his pillar, looking over the corpses of the beasts that destroyed his fathers temples.
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