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Everything posted by Moogypies

  1. This still counts as Gargant related right? A lovely little plushie gargant I've had made as a tournament companion ❀️ He has functional dice pouches on his belt and a little cage / pouch to put a model in if you stuff it in yer sack πŸ˜›
  2. Im pretty happy with these FAQ's every question I submitted was answered ❀️ Now we truly know what we have to play around with with endless spell access and the such without mercing in an archregent
  3. Everyone enjoys different aspects of the hobby, and sometimes you don't have the chance to get everything painted before your game, especially when we're still pretty new faction wise. The paint aint gonna change the tactical value of the video, also I went back and the majority of their videos have painted armies, so this is an outlier. You're entitled to your own opinion too of course, but what's the point of trying to hobby shame them we're all pushing plastic round the table end of the day. Was a good report to watch, glad to see how the 1 and 9 setup worked and had wondered about lumineth matchups with them being the other new hot stuff, I haven't had a chance to face yet. Working on the second mega's painting now
  4. Been discussed a few times, most people seem to agree RAW it cant. Waiting on FAQ's really, everyone should submit all the questions to the FAQ team to make sure we clear things up.
  5. Yup, I might grab a Gatebreaker and Kraken Eater piece they seem okay, tis a shame my phone isn't any models cause the cases look good Gotta rep the gragants at tournies 100%! Already have a custom Mega-Gargant Hoodie too
  6. https://merch.warhammer.com/collections/sons-of-behemat?fbclid=IwAR1llc-Br9MgnSlmYf4-FNNrYAs0M1giM8L8w4hM2qtAvr3RknqeaydEpzY#utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=FB_sons_of_behemat_23_10_2020 We have official Gargant Merchandise now Shame it's mostly feet.
  7. MIGHTIER MAKES RIGHTIER Mega-gargants and their followers are so immense that it takes many lesser creatures to drive them from the lands they have claimed. When determining control of an objective, each friendly Mancrusher Gargant model counts as 10 models instead of 1, and each friendly MegaGargant counts as 20 models instead of 1. Designer’s Note: If the battleplan being played does not follow the normal rules for controlling objectives, you can pick whether to use this battle trait or to follow the rules from the battleplan each time control of the objective is determined. When using the rule "Mighter Makes Rightier" or "Get rid of Them" allegiance traits and you opt to use these rules in place of a battleplans default (As the text says you can) does this rule supersede the units inability to capture the objective. For example only Battleline units can capture objectives in the battleplan "The better part of valor." For matched play I'm not quite following, there's 1-3 missions that can only be captured by Battleline or Wizards, or Leaders are these counted as non normal rules, if not 1x3 Mancrusher lists going to be VERY hard to play if valor ever comes up.
  8. Sacrosanct Stormcast and Tzeentch also. But yes, point is taken but +1 to hit over the majority of the board is good, but many combos to try still.
  9. Must be the Gargant Gods manipulating the dice for everyone to get Focal as their first game
  10. I dont know what happened with the spam post making it appear three times. But I can use it to evaluate! without making one post too long. Rend -2 and -3 really hurt, whilst uncommon that they'll be run, those morghast where super dangerous and I couldnt do anything to stop them. Catapults are very scary at a flat 5 damage a piece, fortunately it's rend 0, but if you run the catapult spam list, you could be seeing an early removal of giants. We are...deceptively fast with decent charge rolls I had no problem covering the map turn 1. I was questioned on the use of a second loathing instead of +2 attacks on the flail, and from using the combo of +1 hit rolls 1/2/3/4 saves and +1 to hit rolls of heros and wizards, I felt I could confidently smash anything with the 10 attacks that pretty much always hit going from a 4+ to hit to a 3+ is incredible. Maybe different combos would work better, but I stand by the two +1 to hit for the general (against a good chunk of things) instead of + attacks. +1cp vs a triumph? Hands down, that garaunteed 6" run made it possible to get to the middle objective and be positioned well. with a spare CP to reroll in a later phase (Which I needed for a charge) I think the safety of it is too good to not have. Added a picture of turn 4 to see what kinda board destruction I managed
  11. Game Plan was randomly rolled and was...Focal Points opposite points score move when held together, Behemoths score +1vp. Majorly good plan for us, for obvious reasons. Set up was as below (We work in a rescue centre, so bowls are terrain...and we forget to bring real stuff ) Enemy was Petrifex Elite. To TLDR it Gave up T1 to them They slowly advanced, catapult did 10 wounds to Kraken Eater (They score 3 +1 from Crawler on objective). I go and held back Aleguzzlers, the Gatebreaker general (Painted) to secure objectives T1, moving the kraken hunter to the middle to secure that and the gatebreaker over the terrain and in position to next turn charge the mortek. Threw rocks, whiffed them all. (Score 7 due to + for behemoths) Got Double turn T2 Kicked Objective behind so it would be harder for them to score. Shuffled the General Gatebreaker and Kraken to the Mortek on the upper side whilst Aleguzzlers advanced forward. Lower Gatebreaker charges in and wipes the Horsemen out with the flail, and take 4 mortek (after FNp/Harvester revive) out with charge wounds and other attacks. Loses about 11 wounds IIRC from the remaining mortek buffed with -rend and exploding on 5's. Captures the objective. Higher Gatebreaker charges 10 mortek guard, wipes them with flail. Misses all attacks on the Reaper. but Capture the objective. (Score 10 due to + for behemoths) OBR responds with moving morghast into combat with the General and takes 20+ wounds off in one round of attacks (-3 rend is very Ouchy) Catapults ping a few more flat 5 damage off, but he still stands to secure points. (+0 enemy Vp) T3- I retreat the general from morghasts as to still hold objective for this turn. (Score 10 due to + for behemoths) OBR turn he kills him, but the kraken eater has taken his place on the objective. From this point on, it's simply me charging remaining gargants in to maximise the enemy time stuck in combat unable to go to back objectives. They did not have the numbers to ever take back the objectives from the megas and had lost due to VP at this point regardless. T4- They finished killing the Mega-Gargants, Aleguzzlers smashed the Bone Tithe Nexus. T5- Sons tabled by OBR. As I say, finished 41 to 7.
  12. I have returned from the game! It was a crushing Victory to the Sons, 41vp to 7vp. Will be making a little post up to describe shortly.
  13. Not knowing the list I'm against i'm hesitant, I can at least guarantee a 6" run for the Kraken T1 to try get to middle objectives to kick back, as well as keeping a CP stashed in case the Mancrushers have -bravery around them to stop a run if one dies, or to reroll a charge.
  14. Allegiance: Sons of Behemat- Tribe: Breaker Tribe (Fierce Loathing: Shiny 'Uns)LeadersGatebreaker Mega-Gargant (490)- General- Command Trait: Extremely Bitter - Bossy Pants and Clever Clogs- Artefact: Enchanted PortcullisGatebreaker Mega-Gargant (490)Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant (490)Battleline3 x Mancrusher Gargants (480)Endless Spells / Terrain / CPsExtra Command Point (50)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1 This is what i'll be running. Cant resist the urge to field 3 megas for their first outing, even if it may not be the right choice ^^' Unless anyone has a list they really want to see how it plays, if you do drop it in and I can test it out instead.
  15. Warscroll builder now has Sons on it Also have my first game with the big boys tonight vs OBR, can't wait still not decided which tribe to try though ^^'
  16. White Spray -> Allover contrast of Guillamen flesh -> Heavy Wetbrush of Cadian Flesh -> Heavy Drybrush Kislev -> Drybrush Pallid Wych -> Get into the folds with guillamen flesh again
  17. Got the first boy down and ready to smash ^^
  18. I think the sheer size of the things the megas hands hold would be an issue for plopping them onto the Troggoths. The club to the Warstompas hand is as tall as my Dankhold Troggoth ^^'
  19. Here you go. As I posted last page, great unclean one hands and weapons are perfect scale too.
  20. All the Mega's made, custom loadouts just so I can swap heads and run them as anything ^^' All the random bits I left off to paint seperately and pop on at the end, I can't even imagine doing all the nets between the flesh πŸ˜›
  21. If anyone was wanting to try it or have a big sword gargant, the great uncleans ones weapons and fists are almost a perfect fit to a mega gargant, just needs a little greenstuff to cover holes.
  22. Twas the night before Gargants, when all through Moogypies land, Not a model was painted, not even a hand. The Loincloths where hung by the brushes with care. In hopes that Big Boys soon would be there. The Mancrushers were nestled all snug on their shelf. While visions of murder, eating and killing some elf. Lady Moog with her car and I with my cash Had just settled for bed, in the morning GW to dash. Tomorrow is finally the day ❀️ There's been a lot of salt flying about, some great talk and disagreements, but I can't wait to get them painted and (eventually) on the table and being stompy! In line with todays GW article, I can't wait to see what the Sons community can push out with conversions and i'm already having a good think what to make after the 3 standard variants.
  23. Each clan only effects their related Megas, the only one he benefits from is Taker tribes 30 model count as rules.
  24. Indeed, not much flavours but 3/3/-2/3 is a dang good profile
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