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Everything posted by Marzillius

  1. Are Gavriel Sureheart droplists dead in tournaments? Most tourneys use Total Commitment as one mission, which leaves the army kind of dead in the water if you rely on dropping in Sequitors or other stuff. Or is it still good? I want to make a list like this: Lord-Arcanum on foot Gavriel Sureheart Lord-Castellant Lord-Ordinator 5 Liberators 5 Liberators 20 Sequitors 3 Celestar Ballista 4 Concussors 1 extra CP, Hammers of Sigmar Because you gotta be Hammers to use Gavriel, right? You can't just give the Sequitors the Hammers keyword and then get to choose artifact for a hero, right? It's gotta be the entire army? Or am I wrong?
  2. I play a lot of Dracothian Guard (my entire army is themes around cavalry, pretty awesome, and good too!) and I can say this about them in the new edition. Fulminators are still good, but the loss of the breath attack requires you to take a Knight-Heraldor, since they can't shoot their way out of combat reliably now. If they get bogged down they are really bad. I think Concussors are better. They are worse against shooting lists, but with a Castellant lantern buff and Staunch Defender it doen't matter as much. They also don't require a Heraldor as they are as good on the charge as in protracted combats, and they obliterate hordes with them preventing pile-ins. 40 skeletons are scary, 40 skeletons who can't pile in are not scary. For 20 points more they are worth it. Tempestors are only good against shooting lists, otherwise they're a waste. Find the points to upgrade them to Fulminators or Concussors. Desolators are bad, you need 8 of them in a unit to be sure of them getting their attack bonuses, and such large units are very weak to debuffs. If you face any army that can give them a -1 to hit you're in trouble. Otherwise they will of course destroy whatever they touch, but making half your army a joke to one debuff is very risky.
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