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Posts posted by robinlvalentine

  1. 39 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The mods confirmed it was another user posting under an alternate account and as for their rumours, well the skaven battletome coming next year was a bit sooner than expected ;) NDA also went very quiet once called out.

    I still don't really understand this - why does being an existing user posting under a new account mean they were making everything up? It was always clear it was an alt account - I mean, they were called 'NDAbreaker', that's as clear as can be - so it's not like he was pretending to be someone else or something. It's perfectly believable that someone wouldn't want to post NDA-breaking stuff under their main account, it doesn't mean they were telling fibs.

    Not saying the stuff they said was true necessarily (or that their source was reliable either), but I found the logical leaps people made around them being 'outed' really odd. It didn't seem like we ever got any evidence either way, unless I missed something. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Swooper said:

    There's a jumping Stormcast that looks lightly armoured on one of the screenshots people grabbed from the trailer.

    Maybe, but I don't think you can infer that much from some small silhouettes - I mean, the art in that trailer is open enough to interpretation to have some people saying they're Tomb Kings... IMO there's all sorts of things it could be, and not all artwork gets models anyway 

  3. 24 minutes ago, GeneralZero said:

    To be honest,  I don't think that a skirmish game in AoS world will ahve the killteam success. The main problem is that it is not a shooting game.

    Lets see what GW will do...

    People keep saying this and I really don't understand why. Since when has shooting been a crucial part of skirmish games? We've had fantasy skirmish games for decades, and even just in the last few years there are hugely successful non-GW fantasy skirmish games out there such as Frostgrave. I mean, half the reason people even want an AOS skirmish game is because they're nostalgic about Mordheim. Kill Team is not the be-all, end-all of skirmish gaming - it's an incredibly young upstart in the grand scheme of things. 

  4. I'll eat my hat if that's anything more than wishlisting.

    The 'no wizards' thing doesn't add up at all - does Tzeentch even have any heroes that aren't spellcasters? Not to mention the poster boys of this current edition are wizard Stormcast. 

    I also don't buy the idea that there'd be rules for that many different units all in the base game. How big is that book?! Not to mention the improbable inclusion of old-school groupings for Dark Elves and High Elves... 

    I don't think they'd do another new kind of Stormcast for something like this, either. I could believe new models, but not a whole new type of unit. 

    The whole thing reads like it's been crafted to make people want to believe it - by containing all these implausible, people-pleasing ideas, stacked on top of very basic extrapolations from existing stuff ('it'll have no wizards, like Shadespire, and they'll be added later, like Nightvault, and it'll have a starter set with Stormcast, like AOS, and it'll have Darkoath, like in the trailer!')

    Consider me a skeptic :P I stand by my belief that Warcry will be much smaller scale than this, and focused only on Chaos 

    • Like 1
  5. 47 minutes ago, stato said:

    HA!  yes I admit I'm the kind of person that causes miniatures like this to continue to exists, awesome model, terrible rules. Who knows when ill use it, but I will eventually.

    It's such a lovely model, maybe my favourite in the whole Stormcast range. I got him for Christmas last year and I don't even care if his stats are rubbish :P 

    Nice for Skirmish at least, with his low points cost! 

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  6. Guys, this circular conversation is getting very boring already. It's really not that difficult to have a quick scan over the last page before posting.

    Once more for the people in the back:

    That image is reused art of the Grand Alliances from the rulebook, there's no reason to think it's representative of what battletomes are coming

    That aside...

    My expectations from this were fairly low, but I'm still disappointed at some stuff.

    I suspected a new campaign was coming, that's cool to see. 

    A Khorne battletome is... whatever, I suspect almost everyone is getting one this year so it doesn't really matter the order. But I think having Khorne Endless Spells (or whatever they want to call them) is really lame. Feels like that's purely a business decision, rather than because it makes sense for the game. In general, I'm really not a fan of the trend with AOS Khorne where they just keep giving them more and more clearly magical powers, but give them a different name that makes it okay... just feels really weird to me to take this faction that has maybe the clearest theme in the game, and then keep diluting them with stuff like this. But hey, I'm not a Khorne player - hopefully the people who are are happy.

    Warcry has me a little worried. AOS getting a proper skirmish game? Yay! But it's all about Chaos? Oh... I suspect GW's intent is that, by focusing in on one Grand Alliance, the game will be much easier to write and balance - they don't have to dedicate 300 pages just to providing stats and advancement tables for every single thing in AOS. And that totally makes sense, but as someone who doesn't like the aesthetic of AOS Chaos, it feels really exclusionary. Feels like waiting ages to bite into an apple pie, only to find it's actually full of toothpaste... 


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Honestly looking at Stormcast its getting hard to work out what they can practically add to the faction. About the only thing I can think of them having more of are monstrous and warengine models. Troops and elites and heroes wise they are very well stocked for - if not overstocked to the point where they are tripping over each other. 

    GW pushed them out hard to get them from nothing to something and its done great; they really need to just leave them alone now and only use marketing to push sales whilst improving other armies. I'd wager many SC players are still collecting and building their armies anyway so its not as if there' sa huge burning need for more models.


    My impression is that whilst SC are Marines in Fantasy they are not marketing nor selling like marines; which is a good thing. I think AoS has retained that Old World fantasy edge in that there's a wider spread of factions doing well rather than one doing obscenely well. That's a healthier position for all parties. 

    I think the obvious gaps in the Stormcast army right now are more warmachines (feels weird to have a hero specifically for buffing them, and then only have one of them you can use) and special characters for non-Hammers Of Sigmar Stormhosts.

    Not saying they should get more stuff right now, obviously other armies are way more in need. And I don't think GW is likely to do any kind of release for them this year. 

  8. Given the language they've been using (implying stuff usable by all factions), it seems pretty likely they'll be announcing some sort of new Endless Spell set at LVO. I think it'd make sense for it to be part of a new campaign box, kicking off the next phase of the Soul Wars. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, herohammer said:

    There is a warp fire thrower in art that they show off from the new battle tome. I wouldn’t worry about it. If scryre acolytes are still in I doubt the book will lose anything but rat swarms. Rat swarms are conspicuously absent from the Moulder army shot they show off.

    Now I would not be super surprised if they streamline the ranged weapon teams to all have the same stats and profile and just be called something like “Scryre Weapon Team” so that people can use whatever model they want wether warpfire thrower, rattling gun, or mortar

    There are rat swarms in this photo, to the right of the very rat swarm-esque Endless Spell, so looks like they're still in


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  10. 9 hours ago, Roark said:

    Eh? Purple Sun is 8 to cast, procs on 6+ per model, and is 100pts. I think that's almost the worst possible spell for Stormcast wizards...

    Also, how do you figure the Pendulum is "harmless"? If you can tag 4 units with it (eg: passing over 2 and landing near 2), that's 4d6 mortals straight up without rolls. 

    I'm really confused by your thinking here. Sorry if I'm missing something.

    Geminids is a great spell, but I think the combo is made more awkward and situational by the Nids' need to finish near each other, and the Lord Arcanum only being able to move one.

    He's talking about how it interacts with the LA's ability to 'push' Endless Spells.

    So the Pendulum is 'harmless' in the sense that it can't swing back on your own dudes, so there's no value in being able to push it.

    Whereas the Purple Sun is as dangerous to you as the opponent, so being able to push it can give you an edge. 

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  11. 17 hours ago, Joeyj001 said:

    Hey hey, newbie here, I just bought a box of libs to fill out battle line. I’m sure the difference is neglible but can the prime get the great weapon?  Looks like whoever the prime is gets the head with the decoration. 


    It's the best choice to give the Prime the greatweapon yeah, as he gets an extra attack. Primes have a head plume, and also a special shoulder pad.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well it could be.

    but in the same time, it could also be true.

    think about it.

    in the Gloomspite Gitz book, you can literally find fluff about the existence of the gitmob grots.

    Also if you look at Greenskinz and The gitmob range, most to all of this models seem to have aged very bad.

    the only model who looks somewhat good is the greenskinz boss who is riding that big Lindwyrm and is made out of finecast.

    So a total reboot is definitely a possibility.

    this really is just a guess, and I do not know anything about any kind of releases or reboots happening right now, just guessing what possibilities and how likely they could be.

    It's more the source of the rumour I question - the guy basically says he just walked up to a studio member at Open Day, said "What about all the other Greenskins?", and the guy just off-the-cuff told him all this stuff, even including stuff from the third season of Shadespire... it just doesn't ring true at all. Like this GW staff member was just sitting there waiting for some random spod to ask him the right question so he could leak info probably a year or more ahead of schedule? Nahhh

  13. 5 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

    'Rumour' from some comments on facebook. Someone is claiming that this comes directly from staffers at the last open day on grots. I don't put any stock in this at all, but have at it:

    " Goblins are being redone, as are wolf riders. Combining the remaining orcs and goblins into a new faction. Gonna be a shadespire team for them next season."
    " some conversations I had at the last open day surrounding the current normal goblins/grots being missing from gloomspite. "

    Yeah this seems like total nonsense. Has the air of 'my uncle works at Nintendo and he told me...' about it. I almost challenged it on the Facebook post, as I think it's pretty cruel to be giving people false hope, but life's too short for social media fights :P 

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  14. 5 minutes ago, michu said:

    Looking at Blanchitsu articles and photos on the internet - Devoted are probably mostly buyed for conversions. 

    This seems like the answer to me, too - I follow loads of mini painters on Instagram, and I'm not sure I've ever actually seen a painted unit of Flagellants ready for AOS, but I've seen loads of 40k conversions using their heads. 

  15. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    well the Flagellants are sold out in the US store, so someone out there is buying them.

    Again, it's not something we can draw meaningful conclusions from. How significant 'selling out' of a product is is relative to how much of it you were keeping in stock in the first place. How many boxes did they actually have at the start of last year? 10? 10,000? We have no idea. 

    Why were they bought? Are people hungry for a religious fanatic faction in AOS, or was it just 40k players looking for parts for conversions? We have no idea.

  16. It's been said upthread, but it's worth reiterating - even if we accept this sales rumour as true, it doesn't say 'these factions sell well, these sell badly'. It says some factions are selling above expectations, and some are selling below expectations. We have no clue what those expectations are, which makes a lot of this speculation very spurious.

    If the Devoted Of Sigmar were expected to barely cover the costs of giving them space in the warehouse, then 'beating expectations' means something very different to what it likely meant for Idoneth Deepkin. Again, assuming this 'leak' is even true, which doesn't seem super likely. 

    Bit disturbing to see a distorted version of already dodgy info starting to pass into the realm of accepted fact in this thread... let's just reel it back a bit, guys. 

    • Thanks 7
  17. I really hope there isn't any truth to the idea that people are put off by factions that are too 'weird' - the thing I really like about AOS is how different it is. So much stuff in the fantasy genre is so rote and stale, in miniatures, TV shows, films, videogames, comics...whatever. AOS' flying fish are a breath of fresh air. 

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  18. 15 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    Not sure how much to read into the German thread about factions and sales, but I am not surprised to hear about Fyreslayers and Idoneth sales being low.

    Fyreslayers have 2 big issues that I can see and I expect that they both impact the sales.  First, they have some absurdly high-priced box sets for infantry.  They are an expensive army to buy.  Second, they have somewhat of a silhouette issue in the army.  Everything really blends together from a couple feet away.  The models all look good for what they are, but they all look very much alike.

    I don’t know what it was about Idoneth, but I know that my interest was high up until I got the book.  A whole lot of my enthusiasm in this case was lost when some of the units had very underwhelming stats and abilities - especially the shark.  In addition, it seems to me that they dragged the initial release out too far and more interesting stuff came out since then.  I can’t speak for others, but I would be more interested in the army if they had wider build options & synergies for armies with all fish-riders.

    Yeah I was definitely similar... I was really hyped for the release, it was actually the thing that finally got me to commit to making an Age Of Sigmar army. 

    Then, as you say, the book was a bit deflating.

    I think the problem was, they designed these two archetypes for the faction: Namarti horde army, or eel cavalry army. So many of their units feel like they only work in one or the other, so for any given list you're basically taking their already tiny selection of units and halving it (and then removing the units that just seem rubbish). 

    So I'd fallen in love with models like Lotann, the Soulrender, and Namarti Reavers, only to discover that because I didn't want to paint loads of infantry, I couldn't really justify taking them.

    I'd definitely have preferred if it had all been a bit more integrated together - even if it might have meant less strongly defined archetypes. 

    Ended up going for Stormcast instead in the end, despite having already invested in the book, the shipwreck, and a box of Thralls. 

    [Though it also didn't help that, while trying out my colour scheme on the Thralls, I found them maddeningly difficult to paint]

  19. 31 minutes ago, Deepkin said:

    He certainly means /tg, the 4chan tabletop games board. Would not recommend linking here, since it contains a repository of GW ebooks, armybooks, codicii and so on for free, and mods may frown upon such blatant freeeeedom 😛

    Not to mention rampant racism, anti-semitism, sexism, and about every other -ism under the sun... Like most of 4chan, it's not a nice place to linger

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