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Posts posted by robinlvalentine

  1. 1 minute ago, alghero81 said:

    Honest question, but do people think zombies will be rolled in the Vampire faction? Cause otherwise there is still room for a further faction before disbanding LoN!

    In Reynolds Souls war book one of the leaders is zombie woman on a chariot escorted by Deadwalkers (corpse cart, dire wolves, zombies, bats etc..). So unless they roll all of them with the vampires there’s still some space before decreeing LoN death.

    On the other hand Legion of Grief was a thematic allegiance mentioned in Forbidden Power, Legion of Tithe will be in White Dwarf. The latter, but to a certain decree the first as well, could or should disappear with the next GHB 

    I don't think Deadwalkers/zombies as we currently know them will exist for much longer. They're too generic for the way GW approaches AOS - it's just zombies and necromancers like you'd find in any fantasy setting. They'll either be discontinued eventually (that basic zombie kit, while a true classic, is ancient at this point), or they'll be reimagined into something totally new and different. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Charleston said:

    I think so,too. The same procedure will repeat with Lumineth :) Also GW models look quite bad on their pictures, most of the time real models look way better than box-art.

    Yeah this is definitely true - I've lost count of the number of times that, when putting together a mini myself, I've discovered I like it way more than the photos. A combination of a lot of modern GW poses looking better in 3D than 2D, and the in-house painting style being so extreme in places. 

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  3. Ultimately whether a model looks good or bad is totally, 100% subjective. There's no point trying to argue about it or declare things objectively right or wrong. It's purely personal taste and to each their own.

    Even stuff like the three strings on the bow... it doesn't matter whether things like that are realistic, for some people it looks silly but for others it looks cool, and ultimately looks are all they're going for. It's not like these bows actually have to function at any point…

    I really don't like the look of the Lumineth myself, but I don't see that as something to complain about. It's nice to have less temptation in my hobby life, to be honest! 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Tarquin said:


    Sounds like a great idea and I think you're onto something with Cawdor figures being a useful base to start from. In terms of what you ask I thought I'd throw my two cents in to give you somewhere to start:

    1) not sure about the GW saw but if it's anything like a jewellers saw then you should be fine. I got a jewellers saw for cheap off amazon and it came with a range of blade sizes. I use the thinner end of the spectrum and have no issues with it causing too much effect to the surrounding area. Of course I guess a modelling knife will always slice through finer but a thin saw blade will allow you to do those big cuts without blunting your knife and causing your hand to seize up with the effort of cutting through a whole figure. For most conversions of arms, heads, etc you should be ok with a modelling knife.

    2) I'm the same with green stuff and am just starting o find my feet with it. The best place to start I found was to start by using it to fill in gaps in joints and the like so I could figure out how it works and feels to mould. There are some really great guides on the net and YouTube as well which are life savers!! I always keep my figures wet to avoid sticking and wet the blade or whatever I'm using. it's also good to think about how you mix the two parts as more of one over the other will change the qualities of the green stuff to be more malmble or more firm. It's also worth bearing in mind that it doesn't always have to be done at once and that actually you've got time to sculpt to the standard your happy with and come back to it if not (just make sure this is within the 90 minutes shelf life!!! 😄)

    Once you feel comfortable try something simple life fur. This looks visual great and is simple to do, just apply green stuff to what ever needs to be furry, then using the back of my modelling knife (the sharp side is too Fien for my liking) I make vertical dashes in layers, working my way from the bottom of the garment or are to the top.

    3) As to figures, Freeguild Guard and hand gunners might work as the are hunched over from what I remember. The main thing will be mixing the heads as you'll see they have a different join to one another and so you'll need to build up the neck or use something like a small plastic ball bearing to construct the main part for he neck and then use some green stuff to make it look like a natural join. Also take care to position the head at the right height as flesh eaters seem hunched and so you don't want any up right noble looking ghouls (much as they might like to think it themselves!! 😂) Flesh eater arms have that shoulder blade bit so maybe it might be better to cut off flesh eater hands and replace the freeguild hands with them?..

    The braced legs of the Freeguild with the hunched top of the ghouls should look great and the joining of the two different models will you give you control over the level of 'hunch' so the ghouls aren't too far forward as I seem to remember th ghouls appearing almost bent over double!!!

    Hope this helps and cannot wait to see the results!!!

    Thanks very much Tarquin, really great advice!

    The GW saw is actually very different from a jeweler's saw - it looks like this https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Citadel-Saw-2017. I've had mixed results with it so maybe time to get a jeweler's saw instead...

  5. I'm thinking of picking up the Grymwatch warband for Warhammer Underworlds, but while I'm a fan of the lore for Flesh Eater Courts, I'm not a fan of the models, and for me they don't reflect the background well at all. So I'm thinking converting them quite heavily, and was wondering if anyone who'd done similar had any tips.

    Inspired by various Flesh Eater Courts conversions I've seen, I was thinking of picking up some Freeguild Guard and a Cawdor gang box to work with. I know the Cawdor bodies are practically cliche for conversions at this point but they just seem a perfect match!

    Basically the look I'd be going for is still degenerate and mad, but with more actual vestiges of the noble equipment and finery they think they're wearing, and just generally a bit more recognisable as something that was once human. I guess my goal, really, is to make their delusion a little more plausible, so you can see how they could still believe themselves to be warriors and knights. 

    So for example, Duke Crakmarrow seems a good fit for the Cawdor leader's body - I'm thinking I could just put his head on that body, replace the icon thing with the head of the Duke's halberd, and replace the flamer hand, and I'd be pretty much there. Similarly the Butcher seems like a simple head and arm swap with a Cawdor. 

    For some of the more hunched ghouls, I was wondering about using their top halves, but replacing their legs with Freeguild Guard legs - the ones without shoes seem like a good fit! I could potentially saw off the top of a couple of ghoul's heads to give them Freeguild helmets, too.

    For the 'harriers' (giant bats) I'm tempted to just leave them as-is - there's a few evil looking birds in the range that could fit (for example the crows from the Beasts of Chaos endless spells) but they're all a bit expensive to get hold of for the sake of one model. But open to ideas!

    In terms of my conversions skills, I am relatively inexperienced and quite rusty. Since coming back to the hobby as an adult, I've done a few little weapon swaps and head swaps, but nothing as extensive as this, and I have no experience with green stuff. What pitfalls should I look out for? And for sawing up lots of bits like this, is the GW mini saw (which I've got) the right option, or do I need something more subtle?

    TL;DR - I want to convert the Grymwatch using Cawdor and maybe Freeguild parts, any advice or tips? 

  6. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

    Just some odd choices. 

    I'd also say GW needs to do more of those box and book bundles. I know I only read Dune because I got a copy of it in paperback with the Emperor Battle for Dune game years and years ago. I think if GW put paperback (not hardback) books into a few more boxed sets so that the book was almost a loss-leader concept. Then it might help spark more reading interest. In the digital age they could even do book codes through BL - Buy a Battleforce set and get a book code etc...

    This is a great point. There's a wargame called Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago that I preordered a bunch of stuff for, and a book based on it was included as part of the bundle. I would never have thought to buy a book in that setting otherwise, but in the end I read the whole thing. It turned out to not be very good… but if I had enjoyed it, it would've been a great gateway to their other Frostgrave novels. It could totally have made sense to, say, bundle the entire Soul Wars novel in with the current starter set.

    (Side note: if you ever feel like Black Library novels are of shaky quality compared to mainstream fantasy stuff, try reading novels put out by other wargaming companies, or even novels based on videogames. It really could be a lot worse...) 

    • Like 3
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  7. 1 hour ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    That's too bad. They really failed with that model compared to the art. On a related note, does anyone else feel like the quality of underworlds warbands often lags the main line of models?

    Couldn't disagree more, I think the Underworlds minis are fantastic. I'm not a huge fan of push fit, but the things they're able to achieve with it are nothing short of incredible.

    • Like 4
  8. 29 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Yikes I sure hope not! It isn't even close. It doesn't even have the horns which are the most distinctive part of the art, the mask is totally different, the jaw is totally different. Usually the art is pretty close.

    Actually the art is often quite different from the finished minis. If you go back and look at some of the art of Hrothgorn on cards, for example, a lot of it looks very different in the same way this does. The card art seems like it's commissioned before the designs for the minis are finalised, which makes sense. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Kasper said:

    It isn't an oversight. I think it was on twitter where one of the designers explained that the monsters are roaming the eightpoints wastelands, they aren't beasts that belong to the herd  that roam the mortal realms.

    Yeah, I think the logic was along the lines of 'if you'd find it living in a dark forest, it's Beasts of Chaos. If you'd find it living in the Eightpoints, it's Slaves to Darkness'. Some monsters run with the beasts, and some live among/get captured by humans. 

    I do think it's fair enough really - in a system where Chaos armies can't just mingle freely as they have in the past, it makes sense that STD would have some monsters that are mostly unique to them. Almost every other faction gets its big gribblies and centrepiece models, why not them? 

  10. On 2/4/2020 at 3:55 PM, JPjr said:

    Obviously combat mechanics are one of the main things you need to test and get right for a game like this, and the swarm mechanic does sound interesting, but I am getting curious now as to how combat heavy the game will be and how it handles all other kinds of interactions. Not long to go to find out though, can't wait!

    Yeah... this was always going to be a combat heavy system, but those playtests are written up more like battle reports than RPG write-ups. I hope there is a bit more to it. 

  11. 8 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    Oh it will be so nice to get a bit of variety for Ironjawz, hopefully the Beastgrave unit warscroll is more special than  just 3-4 generic brutes.  Perhaps a new warchanter with two bodyguards? There is another card with a Brute wearing a skull mask out there. Here’s hoping

    Based on the art it seems like it might even be a mix of Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz 

  12. 24 minutes ago, PaniuBraniu said:


    This does look very similar to the rumour engine - but worth noting that the art isn't always perfectly representative of what the models end up looking like. The Ogor Hunter ended up looking very different from some of his art, for example. 

  13. 37 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    There's no orruks yet in Beastgrave. Did you mean the Brayherd? I can't see it there either.

    Are you just guessing for a future warband? I'll agree Bonesplitterz would be nice but that design doesn't really suit them.

    Various bits of card art have  revealed every unannounced warband that's coming - which includes an Orruk one (also Nurgle and Daughters of Khaine).

  14. This screams giants to me, especially when combined with a bunch of other recent rumour engines showing big, ramshackle bits. Hoping the 'AOS version of Knights' rumours are true, I think that's a super fun idea, especially if they can be taken by every faction. Maybe mercenary giants, or like the current giant kit there could be bits to customise them for each faction. 

    • Like 2
  15. 8 hours ago, Buaku said:

    Ok. I plan to order moulds at Prince August to cast tin miniatures of:

    Elven Archers, Dwarfes with axes, Skeletons, Skeletons mounted on horses, Armed Men and Knights mounted on horses.

    I would like to have warscrolls that I can use for those models. I've searched the warscroll builder and I cannot find any of these units. Also looked in the new warscroll compendiums and can't find any of them. Where do I find the warscrolls I need for the models I wish to cast with costs to make armies of equal strenght?

    Not to be off-brand for these forums, but if you're not interested in Age of Sigmar minis, presumably aren't into the lore, and you (understandably) find the rules confusing, have you considered just going with a different wargame? Systems like SAGA: Age of Magic, Song of Blade & Heroes, Dragon Rampant, and loads more, are designed to allow you to play fantasy battles with whatever minis you have in your collection in a much simpler, easy to understand way.

    Age of Sigmar is very much designed to support its own expansive universe and huge range of models, and it's deliberately a very large, complicated beast. If you're basically just looking to get some dwarves, elves, and skeletons on the table and get battling, I'd really recommend looking into other games instead.

    • Like 5
  16. 47 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    Might just be studio made scenery, but those are a lot of tentacles in the background of these shots. 

    It's studio-made scenery.

    I don't mean to be a grouch, but this conversation happens every time GW releases photos like this - people theorising objects in the background might be unannounced new stuff. If it was, GW would be putting it front-and-centre. It's always studio-made scenery. 

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  17. All this Endless Spell/faction terrain stuff seems like it was a bit of an experiment on GW's part to be honest - simpler models made in China, allowing them to compensate a bit for their limited production capacity, plus an attempt to create a new type of product (Endless Spells) and find a way to get people buying a type of product that typically doesn't sell that well (terrain). 

    I think it's a mistake to assume GW always has some grand and firmly planned out strategy. Endless Spells and faction terrain seem inconsistent and scattershot because... well, they are. They're GW trying something out and seeing what works and what doesn't. 

    Keep in mind as well that GW thinks almost 100% minis first, rules second. There'll never be a rules reason that justifies something existing or not existing - rightly or wrongly, the rules are an afterthought, written after the models are already finalised to give you something to do with them. 

    • Like 8
  18. 3 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    Kharadron overlord players should he overwhelmingly delighted with this release. My empire/freeguild army of over a decade is slowly being pulled apart and chopped into pieces by GW and they don't even have the decency to update a single part of the army. 

    For the time being kharadron aren't going to be squatted at least. My army faces oblivion in the very near future. So yes kharadron players rejoyce your army isn't a walking corpse of disinterest and compromise quite yet.

    Continue having slow sales and very poor tabletop and tournament representation and we shall see though. 

    Not a single part of your empire army was in Cities of Sigmar? 

    • Like 1
  19. Absolutely loved this novel, I really feel like he took a seeming pretty limited setting and expanded it into something totally fascinating. 



    I think the ending is intentionally quite ambiguous, but I think you are supposed to assume that, one way or another, Rayner and Zuvass are the same person - and that basically the former's actions at the end are him starting on the path to becoming the latter. There are quite a lot of hints towards that throughout the novel. 

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  20. I don't think you can take it as a certainty that a Kurnothi army is coming. Do you also think a goblin wolf rider army is on the way? And as Kronos says, the Darkoath never materialised. It seems to me that the Underworlds armies are like concept pieces - some of them relate to upcoming armies, some to existing armies, some to old armies that aren't even in AOS anymore, and some to little experiments that might never be armies. You can't take every single one as an omen of more to come. 

    • Like 7
  21. Gloomspite's definitely my favourite of the year, and I think maybe my favourite AOS novel so far. It does such a good job of making the core characters really likable, and then dropping them in a bunch of really horrible, dangerous situations that have you really invested in their fates. 

    Started Dark Harvest over Christmas and really enjoying that too, it's like a Warhammer version of The Wicker Man! 

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