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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 5 minutes ago, Fyrenn said:

    Just wondering - the tides have really shifted to assuming Kragnos is Destruction based... knowing we're getting a sylvaneth model, and based on the list above...

    Is there a growing possible he's BoC after all? Destruction appears to be getting a new starter set, so maybe they don't need a new centerpiece / god character now - I would assume more might be on the way for them in the months ahead if they're in the starter as we expected.

    It really only leaves Skaven, Khorne, and BoC.  And I hate to say it - but at least Skaven technically DID something in Belakor.  BoC and Khorne have literally not been mentioned as far as I know....?

    well i think currently people are divided on him being Kurnothi (maybe less so after the Warsong reveal)/ Destruction/ and recently more BOC because of his portrait release, there even still a Duardin camp because of the rumor engine


    eh we will know by Monday, people are speculating he like Illuminor Szeras who got a new model at the end of PA and sort of herald the Necron release in 9th edition. So Kragnos is like Heralding destruction for the new edition

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  2. 4 minutes ago, wayniac said:

    It's interesting that this is going to be the final broken realms because that would mean several factions are not getting anything before 3.0. They did say it would affect every army but apparently it seems like half the factions are being ignored

    I guess if destruction was purposely left out of BR then this book would only need Sylvaneath (confirm) BoC, Khorne, Skaven, and Slaanesh (confirmed) to cover most major factions.

    Gravelord are a new army for the most part and LoN is probably going out the door so they are probably excluded from BR as well

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Wouldn't be hugely obvious. The fact that there are two days of 40k doesn't mean that one of those days is dedicated to a new edition.

    If they said AoS on Saturday which is both the weekend and the last day it would feel like something big was going to be reveal for AoS at this point.


    leaving a mystery mark at least keeps some mystique to the reveal

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    I'm very sceptical that Saturday is 3.0. Otherwise it would say AoS on the calendar for Saturday too.

    Think its probably something else - Epic 30k or maybe Old World. 

    It could just be them hiding the obvious if they said AoS was on Saturday

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  5. 2 minutes ago, wayniac said:

    So I got to thinking, and 9th edition 40k changed the board sizes to be smaller.  I noticed that A) the Shattered Dominion board is no longer available and B) the Hallowheart or whatever it's called board, the one that's several pieces of thick card, is roughly the same size as the new 40k board size.

    Could that mean that AOS will get a reduced board size too?  Considering that would make melee better, maybe that's the counter to the fear of charge reactions making shooting even better?

    *I know the size is a "minimum" but in 40k at least it quickly became the default once all the major tournaments said they would adopt the new size as the baseline.  So I'd expect the same thing to happen in AOS and the "minimum" to become the only way.

    I think that the change that most people agree will happen because it makes more sense for GW to have both of their system on the same board size especially if they want to start selling boards in the future

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  6. 8 minutes ago, Docthe3rd said:

    Ah, I missed that one - thanks for the heads-up. 

    I feel like that won't be the case, ONLY because when they first announced Broken Realms they announced that "every faction would get rules", which to me means they'll get something...


    I mean they have said that before but it doesn’t always pan out

    wraith of ever chosen was all chaos but they didn’t have Skaven or BoC

    PA haliquins and deathwatch where white dwarfed

    its also suspicious that the previous three BR didn’t have at least one Destro army in it considering that the spread isn’t GA exclusive

  7. I guess interesting note is that none of the recent tomes have things that suggest there is AoS crusade rules on the horizon unless it’s an overhaul to Path to Glory or the times wheren’t particularly made for the next edition

    i believe Crusade rules are strictly in Codexes though you can get expanded rules through supplements 

  8. 2 hours ago, FFJump said:

    I was going to suggest a combined orc and goblins tome from Whitefang's mention of the Hobbit, but thought I was reading too much into it. However, I'm starting to think that may be the case. Maybe some Gitmob Grots models as part of Orruk Warclans? Or a new tome with generic orruks and gitmob grots combined in the same vein as the Orcs and Goblins army book in fantasy? That would explain the Orc chariot weapon from the Rumor Engine. I'm gonna spit my drink out if we get a new battletome called "Orruks and Grots".

    Are we sure those engine are chariots? To me They just look like random bits that all look aesthetically similar and maybe being the same army but nothing screams it’s a chariot piece.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    I was informed by my local store that the reason cursed city changed plans was due to their print company who does all the cards and such closing down in lockdown which is who they had their plans with. 

    GW is such a large company I would have thought they’d set up their own printing area by now. 

    I mean if they did, Warscroll cards wouldn’t be a limited item for sale every time a book came out

  10. It really depends if you as a person count that wave as a proper release or not, like do people count Tzaangor as a proper BoC wave since I don’t see many people think it is one.

    but GW has set a president that it doesn’t matter which army lavished the longest,  you get stuff when you get stuff regardless of when your last update is. Arguing about it is pointless really

    • Like 1
  11. I still think Ironjawz is the safest bet for AOS 3.0 starter set though. Just because their play style really fit well for beginners and they can be design to fit the ETB easy to paint models like Stormcast, Nighthaunt, space marine, Necron, and Deathguard.

    they still would be my most likely pick despite maybe recent rumors and that 40k Ork are getting a release relatively soon at the same time

  12. 3 minutes ago, Ahlambra said:

    Maybe treat it as a dual TOW/Total War reveal? Like a first extended look at Cathay using Total War, mention that some/all of these units will be part of TOW when it comes out.

    Depends because the scope of the TOW that they have shown doesn’t stretch to Cathay, it mostly been confined to the original Old world map so even Lustria and Ulthuan aren’t in it. 

    it quite possible that TOW and Total war aren’t really related to each other at all or working in tantrum given the time table of releasing

    there seem to be more stuff related to AoS since it seem they are taking a lot of design cues from the new greater daemons

  13. 6 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Broken Realms Kragnos looks absolutely jam packed. Kroak, twins, kragnos, now this new sylvaneth thing. 

    also witch hunters too 

    it like a Kaiju godzilla battle royale movie; lots of big monsters with obligatory human element in it. 

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