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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 1 minute ago, Tonhel said:

    True, but with the return of Slaanesh it seems inevitable that Malerion, Teclis and Tyrion will show up. Which could be a nice 2019 campaign.

    I think 2019 is going to have a 40k campaign since they hinted at one in Nova, Also their is a chance Slaanesh may not actually escape its when the  battletome get release. also Lorewise we haven't resolve the big Nagash problem right now.


    8 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Grots for november is very unlikely. The october white dwarf showed BoC battletome + spells. So BoC will be either a late september release or an october release. GW confirmed that Orks are in october. Before Orks there will be Roque trader Kill team expansion. Late october / early november will probably be Nightvault.

    I don't believe GW switches army releases easly.. if they ever did.

    It seems that Grots will get only get a Underworld release in the near future.

    I think we will see Slaanesh / Khorne and than Darkoath and another Aelves army before grots.


    There hasn't been any rumors of more Aelves though, the things that have been hinted to be in the work is Kharadron Overlords and Destruction/ Ironjawz models.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Bloodmaster said:

    Dude, Nagash changed the Realms with the necroquake - that alone should make for a good year for death. 

    Technically the necroquake was the result of Skaven messing around Nagaash's pyramid. Though if his plan did went off without a hitch  he probably would have made a big impact on the realm anyway

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    The fact that they're willing to show off sets they're not planning on releasing for a while, like Rogue Trader, while Beasts came out of nowhere to me says no new models other than the possibility of Malagor getting his rules back. Hopefully though they bring back Start Collecting boxes.

    Do the beastmen have any Plastic hero other then the shaman? because if they don't that hampers their chances of getting a start collecting box just like why Bonesplitterz never got one. the Shaman could have work but he has his leg pined into a square base like the Savage Big boss so I don't think they would use him for a SC box either.

  5. Well at least that Nightvault warband are coming out soon but I have no idea how that unit of a Troggoth, Squig, and potentially  few gobbos would work on the TT, I have a feeling this time around they are not going to be cohesive

    unit . I do hope the other warband are as cool as the Nighthaunt and potentially what the Moonclan one is going to be


    1 hour ago, Kurrilino said:

    Geeez.. people would prefer 6 boobed creatures and sexual torture over drooling green dwarfs and cave mushrooms.

    Who would have thought that ?

    I am in the camp where I feel like people overemphasis the sexual nature of Slaaneshi and not actually the dark princes other aspect

    2 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    At least Orks have fared pretty well in 40k just using the Index rules they were given.  Those "get-you-by" rules were pretty well done.  And in regards to codex releases - they are obviously saving the best for last.  In Games Workshop games it is almost always universally better to get your books towards the end rather than towards the beginning.  GW is notorious for not being able to completely stick with a codex/battletome design template for an entire edition.  They almost always jump the rails and change directions at some point.  The only version of a core game where I can remember them sticking to the script throughout almost the whole edition was 8th ed Fantasy.

    I still feel that 40k 9th edition is going to come out a lot quicker than most people suspect.  The new 40k edition is an improvement from the previous few editions, but they did not get the core rules quite right.  I think they will probably revamp the core rules a bit and launch a small iterative edition update that still works with all of the released Codexes (although expect a new Space Marine book), and if that ends up being the case then as an Ork player I would rather have a book designed closer to that new edition.

    But honestly, as an Ork player and a big fan of the old GorkaMorka game - I really dig the idea of the Speed Freaks game.  I'll probably have more fun playing that little game than playing big 40k games.  KillTeam is already doing an excellent job of scratching the itch to play 40k more than playing the main game anyways.


    As for AoS, the time for Destruction will come.  Death got a big shot in the arm with just the release of 2 books and only one of those had a model wave.  I think we will end up faring pretty well if we are a bit patient.

    I am excited for Speed freak, just have not a big paint Vehicle type of guy, but gives me a good excuse to learn. As an Ork fan I hope some of the new model they release is morel HQ choice and a new Ghazghul.

    I think 9th edition may come after SoB launches and be out for awhile, Probably exactly three years from the release of 8th (like how AoS 2.0 came three year after AoS was actually release)

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, GeneralZero said:

    Well, it is now clear that GW is fishing.

    Fishing new games and systems around miniatures and how to play them. GW is spreading out dangerously in many  ways, with different systems (around the same miniatures) and different games (around new miniatures and/or scales). That doesn't reassure me on the shedule of new factions for both 40k and AoS. Add to this, that they have some serious production issues and many "refresh this or that" (read: rebox but not re-create) that needed serious redo.

    I hope that they now stop the "lets do more game race" now and focus on their core job (miniatures creation) around their core games (AoS and 40K)

    on the production issue part, they said in Nova that it should be resolved soon after this year and they can crank up more models in the beginning of 2019

  7. I don't think the problem is one over the other, it probably the fact that Destruction may not get a single release this year, haven't gotten one for almost 2 years now, got very terrible GHB updates, and never really given good lore coverage.  that and worst case scenario is waiting until next year for the release really feel like being neglected even further by GW.

    • Like 1
  8. the rumor box set are probably going to be all Daemons though since its set in the realm of chaos and  compatible with 40k, so definitely no mortal units (god specific gors still count since they exist in both universe). also pretty sure their also going to be at least a unit of daemonette on Slaaneshi's side judging by the teaser.

  9. 7 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    My experience with GW’s “soon” means it’ll probably be longer than that. Pretty sure they said “soon” on the first Death Guard previews and they didn’t drop for 7-8 months later.

    Fingers crossed though as I would love to be wrong about it. :)

    Well they said "really soon"  so I think it not half a year

  10. 4 hours ago, elfhead said:

    So I guess the warherd units will be re-boxed? I hope they don’t raise prices, they are pretty afdordable right now. It would be great If there will be khorgors, slaangors or prestigors released, but it looks like there won’t be any new models apart from the spells and idol. 

    I have a feeling they going double the unit size of Gors and Ungors to 20 while also doing the same for the prices when they re-box it. though maybe if where lucky, the Ungor could be price in the same range as Night goblin and Plague monks since they are 25 mm base units.

  11. It looks like a ETB model judging by the base.

    it looks pretty cool though, the paint job is maybe a little too bright but I do like how purposely derpy his face is

    Edit: oh it for Shadespire, of course it ETB, duh

  12. 33 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    While i'm curious to see what the beastmen get i'm detecting a distinct lack of grot, which is mildly concerning. 

    yeah if they don't release anything for Destruction soon, I feel like GW is just salting the Destruction playerbase even more. 

    heck even I am even kind of getting salty over the possibility that Chaos may get Beastmen and Slaanesh soonish before Grots come out.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, pseudonyme said:

    Talking about Grots, what do you think the release will be?

    Will they « just » expand the range or replace some old models?

    I think Plastic squig and plastic warboss is needed, The Mangler is still a good sculpt but it in Finecast so I think it needs a plastic version too.

    I predicting/ guessing Moonclan may get a few named character one being a Fist of Mork grot warboss

  14. While I do think this year has been awesome for AoS with the edition and all the release I think GW did miss the mark when it came to not merging some of the army ranges together when 2.0 was release. it would have been pretty nice if all of a sudden your brayherd army all of a sudden had more choices with Warherd and thunderscorn, it would have made the edition more impactful with more army feeling almost up to date. so even if you have to wait years for a battletome, your army range had more stuff to work with. Patient is a virtual, but people have a limit when they feel neglected. 

    • Like 2
  15. 4 minutes ago, froo said:

    Well, I don't want to be that guy, but keen eyes viewers will notice that those grots have 6 limbs while the silver tower scuttlings have distinctly 8 limbs which would suggest insectoid rather than arachnoid.


    Tinfoil Hat time, perhaps they're thinking about some crazy insect based chaos grot thing. There were hobgoblins that served the Chaos Dwarves backs in the day, so there is precedent if they wanted to explore that idea.

    or they where just lazy and didn't want to draw an extra pair of hands

    29 minutes ago, Elmir said:

    I'm very well aware of how GW doesn't want to show anything too soon... I was however hoping to see a bit more of one of the flagship games for an event that actually has a pretty steep price tag on it (compared to lots of other wargame conventions around here). The last version in the UK had a good balance between AoS (with the soulwars release), adeptus titanicus, imperial knights, blood bowl,... previews. 

    Now, it's completely focused on the scifi side of GW, with 2 tiny little teasers for anything AoS related. When they charge €30 euro plus parking fee for an event, it would actually be nice if it's slightly more balanced, even if  it means looking a bit further into the future. They even have previews of sisters of battle stuff that aren't even coming in a year from now, so I'm not sure how well that argument holds up. 

    I'll see what it's like tomorrow. Looking at GD will be cool, hopefully I can have a fun chat with one of the designers and painters of GW, but in the future, I really do hope they balance things out better. I'd be equally annoyed if I were a 40k fan and didn't get to see any new model because all the models being showed were AoS. 

    Well actually 40k player did complain that the last Warhammer fest had a lack 40k content reveals and that  it was all AoS soul wars, I remember Chapter Master Valrak felt disappointed by it when he went there as well a few others. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    Haha only when you dispel it ;) 

    ? the new endless spell image we where talking about  


    I laugh if it ends up being part of a surprise Firebelly release of all things.

    TBH they didn't really announce anything I feel noteworthy at Warhammer fest IMO, Like Speed freaks probably would have been more exciting if it wasn't preview before hand and everything else seemed pretty minor. I thought they would have showed the Wulfen Dreadnought that I been hearing about.

    I am guessing they saving the bigger announcement for Nova next week

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  17. So the maximum amount of dice for weirdfist that you can use is 6 right? (5 unit + the Weirdnob), so on turn one i can average +18 range with another 6 on balewind and have about 42 inch cast range. 

    also if Foot of Gork is successfully cast does the extra mortal wound only apply on the first instance of the foot's damage or does the extra damage stays every time you successfully recast it on a 4+?

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