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Posts posted by novakai

  1. So does the sneaky snuffler buff work on the mount attacks of a unit, it said it add 1 attack on melee weapons but units like bounder say that they are armed with lances but the jaw attacks are coming from their squig. So if they where buff by the snuffler, would it be an additional attack for both weapon profile or just the lances?

    I know it work on squigs because they are armed with their own jaw as said on their warscroll card

  2. 17 minutes ago, Sabotage! said:


    I can understand those that are disappointed that this is Chaos only (I personally am on board, because I felt the restricted factions in Mordheim really helped with the setting and immersion in my opinion).


    the thing is even though Mordheim had restricted faction, it was more varied to begin with like Undead and Skaven, and later on had Dwarfs, Orc and Goblins, and beastmen.

     I think my concern is that these type of games are hard to find people to play, and limiting to chaos faction would make it less appealing for people to play the game at launch

    It kind of the reason why I think Shadespire (varied warband who are useable in the actual game) took off more over nercomunda and adeptus titanicus.

  3. 4 minutes ago, flemingmma said:

    Kill teams gotten expanded a fair bit since its inception, i wouldn't get too disheartened by an all chaos starter set

    I am pretty sure like Necromunda, the expansion would probably be the more Chaos Warband shown by those symbols in the trailer

  4. "In the game, you’ll follow the myriad tribes of Chaos – reavers and despoilers from every corner of the realms – as they make their dark pilgrimage to the Varanspire. Warcry explores a never-before-seen side of life (and death!) in the Age of Sigmar. Every model for this game is brand new, reflecting on the dizzying diversity of Chaos on a scale never attempted before and rooted in rich lore that realises the servants of the Dark Gods as deep and varied cultures.  "

    yeah it look like it limited to chaos warbands, I am guessing it like AoS Mordheim and old Path of Glory combined

  5. case in point, GW did release a Greenskinz start collecting box with rebased units, three years later they phased them out. same thing when they release spire of dawn but then phased out the models from the box. so yeah repackage doesn't necessary mean your safe from being retired like with what maybe happening to Glade guards.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Snowl said:

    I do like the idea of the Glowy Howzit on a Hag but that 1 roll to break it is a little offputtinng. A flat -1 to hit for the entire game to me feels better, at least more consistent, as an option. 


    FYI you can’t put any of The Gloomspite artifacts on the Hag, she pretty much relegated to realm artifacts since she doesn’t have the Troggboss keyword

  7. 25 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    I know this will seem like I'm being super negative but someone might as well say it...

    I'm annoyed they hyped up a big preview and didn't show a single aos related thing. 

    Yes I know they will probably show stuff tomorrow but I'm still irked. 

    TBH they didn't say specifically for AoS either. the Killteam stuff is actually pretty big in context of that game but nothing that would interest AoS players

    Also the actual GW seminar is tomorrow anyway

    • Like 2
  8. 24 minutes ago, The World Tree said:

    Quick question that I'm sure has been answered many times, but when throwing boulders with the Rockguts, you have to roll under the number of models in the unit of Troggoths, not the opposing unit, correct?

    yes, you roll for the Rockgut unit. so if you have a unit of 6 you automatically hit with the ability.

  9. 1 minute ago, Overread said:

    The only downside ot this news is it means the Wrath and Rapture set is going away and I still didn't get any! All because of those darned rats!! Sneaky devils sneaking a huge battletome and wave of new releases in like they did! 

    So just the usual Hobby ADD and wallet suffering problems?

  10. 2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    Anyone worked out an average time between when a rumour engine pic is shown and the model is previewed? I want to know when to expect the new idoneth endless spells and potential battletome. 

    Ignoring the recent daemon engine, it generally been 3 month minimum to 6 months between pic and the model release, but  sometimes there are exceptions like the speed freak and rogue trader pics

  11. 10 minutes ago, RaritanAnon said:

    As I'm finishing my squigalanche, I've been wondering what would make good Allies with a bunch of squiggly beasts.
    Troggoths: Hard hitting, durable, and everything a squig isn't (generally). Also Troggboss makes troggs battleline which leaves room for more bounders! 

    Spiderfang: Like a more specialized squig. Ignores terrain and deals in MW rather than a bunch of attacks like squigs. Seems to require a lot of support via heroes? 

    Grots, Fanatics & etc.: Probably stronger than straight squigs, but boring. Relies on basically one tactic to flood the board with fanatics. Not the biggest fan.

    What do you guys think? Where ought I branch off? Leaning towards Troggoths tbh but I'm not sure yet. 

    I would probably tried Sneaky Snufflers, their are not combat unit but their buff synergizes well with Squig units. Also probably a spellcaster since squigalanche does have onen, Skargrott is a good option if you want to use the battalions special ability with some reliability.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    but historically goblins, squigs, and trolls of all kinds have been fairly sub-par as a whole army.

    We also got a giant just to round things out. :)

    I think at least Gloomspite has one of the bigger fun factor for an army, you definitely be the champion of the people if you can win a game with four gargants or four mangler squig or four dankholds troggoth

  13. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    You mean that poster we were all so convinced that skaven would have been released?

    Yeah I’m going for that out of no where release explanation. 

    And remember misinformation Kills-kills


    Or people where bit bias of which army they wanted to be release at the time

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