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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 6 hours ago, C0deb1ue said:

    You will be lucky if it’s anything more than a reprint of those weak white dwarf rules.

    probably not, the rules we may get may either be Spiderfang (they need update Loonshrine rules) or sure up the Moonclan section of the Book just considering that GW doesn't really reprint WD rules like ever

  2. 2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    So I checked the Warscrolls for the Slaves to Darkness Chariot box are there no special rules for the named Charioteer? 

    Will they just be connected to the battalion or do we not know yet? 

    Sorry, I was just strangely excited to make my Chariot into a hero maybe because I run Ravagers or maybe because my army's Knights lack a dedicated mounted hero to lead them into battle.

    not sure if there is one

    the table of content doesn't list anything about a chaos chariot warscroll (well in fact the S2D section is sort of messed up and merged with the Deepkin section for some reason)

    and Broken realm website didn't mention anything about a new warscroll for S2D either

    • Thanks 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    Yep, though if they're going the way of Anvilgard/Har-Whatever, they might want to drop the 'of Sigmar' suffix going forward 😜


    (Pls Grungni take over Greywater Fastness, u were always my pal and I need more cannons 🙏🙏🙏)

    Grungni probably should focus on his own realm first considering that Chamon is still chaos controlled.

    Greywater should probably be destroy by Sylvaneath because of the deforestation and crime against nature

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  4. i think Dark elves just luck out because their fantasy kits where newer, kind of how the Mortarch kits where endtime kits that they get to survive in AoS

    either that or Umbranith wasn't in pipe at the moment in time unlike Lumineath that was around the corner when cities was release

  5. full warscrolls are up on the New zealand site as well for Ironscale and Lord of pain

    Ironscale's CA allows 1 unit of Medusai to run and  still Charge/Shoot as well as allow them to run 2D6

    Lord of Pain allow 1 unit of Slaanesh's mortal units to reroll hits

    • Thanks 1
  6. I with warhammer weekly prediction that Slaanesh get release mid broken realm narrative but it leads to everybody turning their attention on the chaos god (including the other three chaos gods) and turning a blind eye on another threat. One that requires sigmar to release another chamber to deal with.

    Their hot take was Skaven was the big bad since they are unique concept and their range was in a similar state to Necron before the new edition.

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  7. 29 minutes ago, Overread said:

    I believe Destruction would have been a greater focus this year. Don't forget Shadow and Pain is likely 6 months or so late in appearing. It was likely going to pair closer to the summer with Indomitus. One big event for 40K one major event for AoS. 

    Eh with the 40k edition I think after sons of Behemat there wasn’t going to be much AoS release until October. So I think these release are only about a month behind at best 

    pshychic awakenings started in October as well

  8. 47 minutes ago, Overread said:

    The core of the Lumineth is spearmen, archers and cavalry backed up with some hammer infantry. That's almost the same as the high elf army; in fact I'd wager there's more than a few "high elf" models being used instead of lumineth models. The whole "GW is trying to avoid cheap copies" doesn't really work as a concept. If you're going to use a cheaper elf with a spear then any elf with a spear will do as such. 

    Plus that only accounts for things like Kings of War; meanwhile groups like Wargame Exclusive make sculpts which are unique in their own style and yet copy GW themes and concepts. Granted there's way more of this for 40K than AoS in genera; but you've got groups like Raging Heroes doing their own take on fantasy and sci-fi armies in abundance and GW's efforts don't stop them.


    As for an elf riding a dragon, that's very much in AoS. We've got them already in fact. Granted AoS does have fewer dragons in general, but I don't see it as a theme GW is trying in any way to avoid. Heck Daughters of Khaine come right form greek mythology; Khadorans are jsut steampunk dwarves; 

    Counterpoint would be IG since I feel many 40K player agree that the range  doesn’t get much love is that they are way to similar to bolt action minis, that GW doesn’t bother updating them because they can be easily rip off or proxy by other companies minis

    55 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Only reason why I am sceptical is that AoS has in the past always tried to have unique (read: immune to cheaper third-party alternatves) armies. We didn't get regular duardin, we got naked crazed fire duardin and hyper-capitalist steampunk duardin. We didn't get High Elves, we got Cow-Worshipping Elemental Magic-wielding Vulcans. We didn't get regular skeletons, we got a vaguely byzantine bone mafia. We got soulless elves riding flying sharks! Copying Dark Eldar (or having someone riding a dragon akin to Malekith riding his trusty drake Seraphon) feels...almost out of place from current Age of Sigmar. Almost too mundane. While I am myself a fan of both the Dark Eldar and the classic Dark Elves of yore, I expect some unique twist upon the 'Umbraneth' (if that is their name!). And while poison weapons could otherwise fit, the fact GW would be borrowing the mechanic from Dark Eldar, combined with the previously mentioned dragon rider, makes me feel a bit cautious to believe the rumour yet.

    yeah that I would put skepticism on the rumor (well is a second hand 4chan rumor) but I think GW using A similar poison weaponary mechanic for thé AoS dark elf spiritual successor army sound about right in my head

  9. 2 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    Sorry, it was second hand knowledge from a buddy who read it while he was coming home on the bus.  Pretty sure it's all gone.  Apparently a dragon and rider and the army is based on poison attacks.

    not sure if it means anything but a side note is that Poison attacks (poison weaponry) is a Dark Eldar mechanic. speculation is that the rumors is basing that they are bring that kind of theme/mechanic to Malerion's Aelves. 

  10. i don't think the CoS going to be necessary be squatted but I could see a lot of the range being replaced or repurpose for newer armies only because of what they did with the High elf range when Lumineath  came in. I though them retiring the High elf range right then and there was really telling of their plans at the time.

    like what the point of keeping Wanderers around if your going to make Kurnothi in the future  (at least put the Wild riders into Kurnothi when it happens GW)


  11. hmm i wonder if Morathi-Khaine is the new name for her transform self, probably 

    4 minutes ago, Overread said:

    It's a pain we can't tell which are battalions and which might be new/updated models for DoK. 

    Zainthar Kai
    Vyperic Guard
    Shrine Brood
    The Shadow Queen

    The last two likely relate just to Morathi. I'm surprised we don't see the Shadow models form the Warcry set in there, nor do we see the Underworld team. That said any one of those could be an update to regular models or something new and shiny that we've not seen and GW are teasing us with. Or they could just be battalions (which are neat, but not as exciting by far). 

    Zainthar Kai is the new temple, the next three are battalions and the last two are Morathi, i believe as stated by the website

    Edit: they also not as strict and been pretty lax when it comes to underworld models in battletome, Warcry set may also be the case here too

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