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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    I wonder if we're now done for releases for the year with the death guard being delayed. 

    The only other stuff we know is coming is dark eldar, slannesh mortals, STD Underworlds, skaff halfheight for BB and Necromuna reinforcements which all seem to be in January. 

    So will something get pushed forward or maybe we'll be treated with reveals of the rest of the slannesh stuff. 

    The only thing I can think of that is left is the white dwarf, the remaining Necron heroes that haven’t been released yet, and maybe another limited edition Grombrindal model.

  2. I don’t think the Christmas reveal is solely going to be all Slaaneshi (maybe a good portion) by the fact advent rumor engine seems to be teasing the random stuff they going to reveal that day

    Slaaneshi was probably was going to be reveal at what blood and glory was going be

  3. 56 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    They seem pretty good and give us a hint to the new warscrolls :)


    So initial viewing

    Glissete weapon profile seems really good makes me think that the Glaves are special weapon like the one the Kairic acylotes where is one in three of them have it.

    Slaangor guys profile seems crazy too and he has three wounds, he maybe a unit champion or Slaangors are going to be more elite then Tzaangors are

    Bow attack if represent in a unit is decent, basically better Namarti reavers  with rend

  4. forgot that once Direchasm is release, you can tell what the remaining warbands are and what some of them may look like once the card comes out.

    so  the maybe Vampire and Bonesplitterz/ Spiderfang ones are probably going to be confirm once the box hits. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, TheR00zle said:

    Too be fair the grotbag scuttles have also appeared in the Gloomspite Gitz book, and a few other books, so those are less of a meme and more of a tease.

    yeah i would put more stock on Grotbag Scuttler since it both an actual name drop by GW and they constantly mention in the fluff.

    things like grot who decided to live in the oceans, steam golem automatons, chaos worshipping duradin, armored chaos gargants. i would put less stocks on 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Gutlord said:

    Well we have seen lots of ramshackle weapons on some of the rumor engines (one that even looked identical to a weapon used by an old orc chariot).....maybe we could see a new faction of orruks? 

    its a possibility

    it just that symbol doesn't really scream Orruk to me. the style feels a bit different

     we are all kind of assuming its for Destruction since they always tend have at least one warband for every GA in each season.

    it could be the silent people for all i know

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