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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 8 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    These two new cards from Underworlds Direchasm look interesting and a bit different. 

    Edit - on closer inspection it’s just a pimped skeleton and a fancy Kurnothi. (Kurnothi look cooler with insect wings, like a union of Orion and Ariel) 



    I believe the bottom card is one of the Kurnothi using the Upgrade card, they have done that a few times already

    Edit: didn't see the edit

  2. who know maybe Bravery and Battleshock are going to be retuned in the next edition and that =1 bravery may actually be useful. GW keep adding this rule to many other units lately as well.

    i know it one of the biggest thing people want to see change is the battleshock phase of the game

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  3. well tomorrow is Orks then the two remaining banner would be the Warhammer community icon, and the Stormcast icon, but then again the Black Library day had its own icon that totally new.

    i didn't know if the Necromunda one was used yet but it was on today article with the Delaques (the book cover as well)

  4. 2 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    It is a top view of the big claw. You can tell by the 3 side spikes and the ridges on the inside of the claws. Barnacles are the same

    yeah i double check and video has a slightly better view



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  5. if i recall correctly Sigmar was only active during the very beginning of the Empire (like 1AD) barbarian era and then only return during the Endtimes. he was largely gone/dead/ not active during most of humanity 2400 year rise in WHF

  6. 33 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    My money is on Old World, since there’s supposedly a Total War Warhammer 3 reveal this Friday. I’m hoping for Chaos Dwarfs or Tomb Kings as always.


    edit: I was wrong, it’s next Friday, *sad skeleton noises*.

    TBH I don’t think they are that far along in making Old world, the last time we saw them they where at concept art stage, I don’t think they are even the concept model stage yet given that their team is quite small.

  7. 4 minutes ago, TheMuphinMan said:

    i know a lot of people that dig FEC lore/theme-wise but just don't feel the models reflect that delusion aspect

    Well to be fair, the FEC minis where designed before that aspect of them was created.

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  8. i going on a limb and say they will reveal the Eisenhorn TV show this Saturday that been in production for a while now.

    their new streaming service for all them Warhammer Annimation that they been promoting

    Hersey starter set

    AoS 3.0


  9. well given that Kragnos is a dragon slayer, and the cave painting has some hints of Drachothian in it.

     maybe Kragnos is related to the new rumored Greenskin army coming (the ones who are planting his totems in Ghur)  the Stormcast could just an expansion of the Extremis chamber and it just more Dragon rider but more knightly looking.

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