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Posts posted by novakai

  1. Careful now, GW can be stingy when it comes to Keywords, somethings that are clearly Grots don't have the Grot keyword, a person that clearly a Daemon prince is not, and certain pink beastmen can't even get the Gor or Brayherd keyword put on them like their similar blue cousins do.

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  2. 21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Oh!, I understand from him that the new boyz are a new faction with a big relation with classic orcs and goblins.

    my drift from the new faction rumors that its a brand new army that will get its own battletome, and it isn't part of Orruk Warclans or at least i don't think what ever this army is coming out is going to be Warclanz 3.0

  3. well at least in the Destruction Soulbound expansion coming later this year, one of the Archtype is a Firebelly, i am not sure if there is hint that GW wants to do something with Firebelly in the future and them allowing Cubicle 7 to flesh them out

    i do feel like GW keeping that model in the range all this time, that they may have some plans.

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  4. To be fair, i think they where force to release this part of the CC Set because they where in the Gravelord battletome and they just following their No model, No rule policy but with if we publish rules for them we have to make the model purchasable in some form.

    they did this for Indomitus for the same exact reason because Indomitus has a lot of units that where not avaliable to buy once the box went no longer avaliable and where not in the recruit/ command editions so they had to release them separately as well

  5. i am surprise that Rakudar the wolf and his court are separate sets considering that they are one unit in the game.

    in fact why does wolf Rakudar not have his own separate profile, he the only miniature in Cursed City that doesn't share a sprue with the other models

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  6. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    well if Adam and Eddie  where correct on the livestream that we are getting two previews this month,

    the first one should be announce today and maybe a possible tease?


    Welp never mind,

    side note: I think they forgot to release the Medusi Ironscale sepetately

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  7. If the rumors are true it does sound like this army is like the Spiritual successor to the discontinued Greenskinz/ Gitmob line of the old Orc and Goblin army range but really AoSifed and turn up to eleven to be very unique and new. that why the units are all describe as either hobgoblin size or lanky Orcs because they wanted make a new Variant of Greenskinz for AoS.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Damosane said:

    Hmm where did that rumour come from then? Seemed to spring up at the same time. 

    I found it hard to pay attention to their first video to be honest because one guy kept excitedly yelling over the guy trying to give the information so it's possible I was mistaken 

    it came from Honest Wargamer but he himself admit that he didn't believe the rumor of Bretonnian SCE but wanted to put it out there

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  9. 55 minutes ago, Nagash42 said:

    so grimdark live says the name of the new box is called Dominion. 

    the goblinoid army is called the cruel boys/z?

    they look like LOTR orcs so all mangled looking and such.

    They have a unit called hobgobs who apparently trade to get weapons and armor from Chaos Dwarves!

    Warboss is on a weird squig/wolf/bear critter

    Shame with a black pot being stirred by a snotling. 

    well if anything i do applaud Grimdark live for being confident and upfront with their rumor/leaks 

    anyway i am jumping the gun


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  10. Creepers

    excerpt from the last page of the Behemat tome:

    "Olag sat deep in his cave, slow thoughts sliding like icebergs in the dark waters of his mind.

    He closed his good eye for a moment and listened hard, his forearms on his knees and his back flat against the wall where the strange paintings appeared as he slept. Sometimes, the night before a big fight, pictures appeared on his skin, too. Patterns of red, white and black. His hair got twisted all regular at night, sometimes and he heard skittering and scuffling on the cusp of hearing as he woke. He'd given up getting angry about it, given up punching the cave walls in frustration that someone or something was messing with him while he slept. It was the Creepers that did it, those pale, dirty little stick figures that always kept out of sight. Stick figures, like on the walls. Sometimes he heard them whisper-singing, in the tunnels, or saw torchlight glinting from eyes in the dark. "Olag. Olag. Olag the Great", they chanted in their weird hollow voices. It wasn't so bad, especially when they left him food. They could stay he thought, so long as they stayed well out of sight. (...)

    Back at his cave, Olag poked at the wound in his knee, wincing as the Creepers dug the sting-rocks out of his back. He could hear them whispering, feel their ropes tugging his mantle back into place, even feel their feet on his skin. He let it slide. They would sew up his wounds after a fight, just as they did his rags"

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    I mean, you really just have spearmen, bowmen, silverhelm, boltthrower, blademaster and loremaster aosfied......

    That’s really pretty whfb

    But Robo Yak and TaunTaun riders though, 

    though honestly they are similar yet really different at the same time really

  12. 25 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    In my opinion the aesthetic of AoS is getting closer and closer to WHFB by the day.

    i didn't remember any of the LRL anime aesthetics came from WHFB

    you can't tell me Robo Mech Cow and Kitsune fox spirit was something from WHFB

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  13. Also GW seems to recently love relating the word Beasts with Orkz/ and Greenskinz lately.

    Obviously AoS, Gorkamorka is the Incarnate of Beasts and most of his Faction are based in Ghur

    40K, the Beastz was the strongest ORK every seen by the Imperium. During the War of the Beastz, he beat up a Primarch, destroy a whole Marine legion, and nearly getting to Terra before eventually getting defeated. and then there Saga of the Beast with Ghazghkull. Beast Snaggas of cource

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