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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 15 minutes ago, Zappgrot said:

    Oh god Frontier.

    The games studio that makes me love and hate thier work at the same time.  Playing anny thing by frontier feels like finding a treasure in a pig pen. 

    so from what i gather Frontier Foundry is a new label and basically is Frontier development partnering and giving money to smaller studio to make games for their portfolio.

    so I believe whatever game they are revealing from them is not actually made by them directly

  2. 12 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    I really hope Focus Home Interactive uses this opportunity to fix Necromunda: Underhive Wars. It feels like this game is one big patch away from being playable. But they probably already moved on. 

    The Warhammer license is a graveyard of great looking bad games.

    well Focus Home Interactive is a publisher, i believe Underhive Wars was made by Rogue Factor who have a bad track record of making unpolish buggy games at launch and sort of abandon Mordheim after their Vampire DLC

  3. Image

    list of Developers related to the event

    SEGA/CA - TW:W3 (duh)

    Frontier Foundry- is a new label under Frontier Interactive that work with Smaller studio to create games (I believe) - AOS RTS that been rumored

    Fatshark: Darktide  (40K vermintide )

    Focus Interactive - most likely more Necromunda hire gun stuff, could be actual promotion for Stormground or a new Warhammer title.

    Slitherine - 40k Battlesector

    Nacon - they did Warhammer Chaosbane and Inquisitor, maybe they are releasing a new title, AoS Diablo Game maybe?

    • Like 5
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  4. 45 minutes ago, ZaelART said:

    The way the hobgrots anatomy is proportioned, they seem like a wierd genetic cross of dwarf and goblin. Maybe some new origin lore coming? Wouldn't put it past chaos dwarf sorcery.

    I think the anatomy proportion of the Hobgrot is the same shape as the regular Kruleboyz they both have the lanky arm and stunt leg body they just different sub breed

    • Like 1
  5. doing different  Armor set probably gives GW infinite creative space of making new Stormcast in the future, much like the Ironman comics

    Oh no the Mortal realm has been affected by massive floods, time to release the underwater combat armor set

    Oh no we need fight enemies in Space, time for the Astronaut armor set

    • Like 2
    • Haha 5
  6. 55 minutes ago, Cataphract said:

    I’m thinking rule-wise for these guys they will have some sort of deep strike shenanigans or at least the ability to pop up from the board edge, it would fit their sneaky theme. 

    they seem to also have a lot of poison coated weaponry on their melee and range units. (probably MW of some kind)

  7. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    It would be very interesting if Hobgoblins ended up being what, I think, would be the first cross-Alliance units when the Chaos Dwarfs inevitably land - there's Mega-Gargants though I suppose?

    If they do get more units I'd be surprised if there wasn't a Hero who could make them Battleline, or at least an Allegiance. Then again Dominion has twenty of the buggers and it's rare hordey units aren't Battleline?.

    the only instance I can think of is Gnoblars are not battleline in Mawtribes

  8. 1 minute ago, Ganigumo said:



    Anyone else come out of the show feeling like the faction is incomplete? They're supposed to be kunnin' and sneaky and all we've seen so far are the diversion and a few shooting units.

    there is still stuff they haven't reveal yet

  9. 53 minutes ago, ShyishBarry said:

    I'll have to wait and see if the line expands and what the rules are like, but I really like the look of both the crossbowmen and the Killbow, so I think I'd be running shooting-heavy if I end up getting into Kruleboyz (which doesn't seem unlikely, but time will tell if this is just the New Shiny Effect).

    As for book presence, I think these guys are gonna end up being their own book, but with the ability to take units from Warclans, kinda like a lot of Chaos armies can take units from other books and have them function properly. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up as a part of Warclans either, though.

    yeah its a wait and see since the article said one thing, but Warhammer weekly said that they get their own tome

    the only thing is that the Warscroll cards say Kruleboyz on them instead of Orruk Warclan and they don't usually use Sub-allegiance name to name their cards on


  10. i didn't hear it directly because i miss the livestream but Warhammer Weekly said they confirm they get their own tome but also useable in Warclans (maybe because of the Orruk keyword) 

    anyway excited for the models and army to come out

  11. 30 minutes ago, FFJump said:

    I think at the moment the biggest sources for these guys are Whitefang and Grim Dark Live. Whitefang was talking about these guys even before Grim Dark Live though and called Kragnos exactly, and even Grim Dark Live said in their video there was a language barrier with their source. Whitefang then corrected them from Cruel Boyz to Kruel Boyz also. So I'm inclined to believe Whitefang's hints they're a part of Warclans in this case. If indeed that's what's even being hinted at lol.

    pretty sure that Kruel Boyz was just my meme and me spelling it correctly in orkish

    but Grimdark Live seems adamant that the Wolf rider are Hobgobs, which implies they are Grot not Orruks and it weird that they would put a spindly creature into Warclanz when it goes against what Warclanz is suppose to be (strong proper Orruks)

    • Like 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Incineroar87 said:

    I adore the Kragnos model and the flavorful warscroll, but don't see any reason why you'd take him over Gordrakk/Megaboss on Maw-krusha unless Kragnos is less than 540 points.  If he's 600-700+I suppose only non Orruk Destruction armies would find any incentive in taking him. 

    Maybe the new Orruk Warclans equivalent battletome will give him some additional bonus's.   Wonder if he's the leader of these new Orruks or if there's a new special character of some kind leading them. I would love a magic Orruk special hero character being in charge of the new Orruk faction just for something different.

    he may have his own allegiance army rule in the BR book like Be'lekor, we don't know yet.

    he doesn't have any keyword (No Orruk keyword and he not part of the Orruk race either) that would slot him into any army currently so he probably going to be a destruction ally God for a while be my guess

  13. 5 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

    Any speculation on the other boxes? I am guessing the Sylvaneth box will be Dryctcha and two units of Revenants... the BOC and Slaanesh boxes are a little harder to predict. 

    from Reddit

    Beastmen - Bray Shaman, 6x Bullgors, Cygor Kit

    Sylvaneth - Drycha, 10x Sprites

    Slaanesh - Contorted Epitome, 3x Fiends, 5x Seekers of Slaanesh

    Skaven - Bombardier, 3x Stormfiends, Warp Lightning Cannon Kit

    • Like 2
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  14. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

    Unless we're getting an updated fellwater trogg sculpt!!!!

    Seems a perfect time to throw in a plastic trogg hag as well.

    well the Fellwater trolls are not that old  so they don't need a resculpt

    But Yes to a new plastic Fellwater hag hero

    • Like 1
  15. it largely depends how you build around him, if there a special allegiance in the book like Be'lakor had, and his point cost in the end.

    but for what he is, he a much more solid warscroll in the game compare to a lot of other stuff in the game and much more fun which is probably what count the most

    • Like 1
  16. ok rereading his warscroll a bit more closely, he is Brutal

    Destroyer of Draconith Empire and Icon of Destruction where meh but the other 3 abilities are really good, no command ability is sad but oh well.

    His Attack Profile is a beast,  that Mace has 4 damage and doesn't degrade at all WOW!

  17. his Warscroll is up

    he does have the damage and the MW output but is a bit slower then i though he would be. he can almost be a suicide MW bomb which sounds fun

    wish he didn't have that only stardrake or stardrake related ability to reroll against

    he seems ok depending on the price point

  18. 31 minutes ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    One thing I really hope for with AoS3: every Battletome release comes with a minimum of 3 new/updated plastic kits (not including Endless Spells or Faction Terrain).

    A lot of the aos2 books felt quite lazy and rushed out with no models purely so everyone was on an ‘even playing field’ (oh the irony of how wrong that ended up being), the same happened to 40K in 8th edition and is still happening now in 9th edition so sadly it doesn’t look like that’s going to change anytime soon.


    i don't know about three, GW seems to just give you one hero model when a new edition army book comes out and that seems to be their minimum at best of times (looking at how they did 40K). outside if you get your chance of a big range update like Sister and Orks got.

    32 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    Here's just a thought, but what if these Kruelboyz are given rules in Broken Realms: Kragnos? If they're being added to the Warclans range it'll be like the new Lumineth models that came out with BR: Teclis. After all, Kragnos goes up for preorder the same day the Dominion box is revealed. I know Dominion is the launch box for 3.0 but it would give us rules. I may be way off, of course, but it's a theory.

    Zero chance, we would have known if there was anything else in the book by now, GW usually release the rules and models at around the same time to their best of abilities

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