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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 6 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    There are a bunch of Fyreslayer stories. Arguably, no dedicated Fyreslayer novels, but:

    *Legends of the Age of Sigmar: Fyreslayers, which is a compliation of short stories and a novella.

    *Bonereapers, a novella which while the Bonereapers themselves get top billing the Fyreslayers are the main heroes opposing them. 

    *Heirs of Grimnir, an audio drama spinoff of Realmslayer that focuses purely on Fyreslayers.

    *Grombrindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer, which is evenly divided between Dispossessed, Fyreslayers and Kharadron with neither really getting more focus than the others. 

    *Soulslayer, a Gotrek novel which is something like 70% Fyreslayer focused.


    Yeah but if you compiled the list for KO it probably bigger, and more stuff that are focus on them.

    Granted I think in terms of overall lore support for KO they are probably show up above average compare to other armies. That why no one think they are neglected lorewise (model-wise is another issue)

  2. 2 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Fyreslayers did play a role in early Dawnbringers what with the whole rivalry with King Trugg thing. Honestly I think Kharadron get about just as much attention in the narrative as Fyreslayers do and I see nobody saying they're neglected. 

    Kharadron have actual black library novels though where FS have none among other things 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    And maybe a campaign book? 40k had one almost after the release, isn't it?

    Well 40K has had Crusade narrative books release for 2 editions now but AoS has not gotten anything similar and our narrative supplements have always been release at the end of an edition (Malign Portent, Broken realm, Dawnbringer)

    though it may have been that something happen to season of war: thondia and the series was scrap for AoS.

    season of war Thondia was also release April of the next year during 3.0

    edit: actually I forgot we got Forbidden power and Wraith of the Everchosen but I remember them being release later on during 2nd edition.

  4. Usually when an edition hit, there a long content lull with maybe a something release in November and the next big sigmar release won’t be tease until next year

    Skaven and SCE are probably the only big thing left for this year for AOS. So I wouldn’t expect much accurate rumor mongering for a while.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    About rule articles, if the faction focus articles start next month (next week) we cannot have many more rules related ones.

    Next week is Endless spells/invocations and Spearhead (Along with a SCE model review probably). Does not sound like faction focus start next week

  6. I be more interested to see how the power of the double turn affect scoring and BT. Since taking the double turn mean your not worried about completing your battle tactic for that turn but it seems more beneficial to keep the turn order as is.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Only if you are really into the hobby you will buy from 3rd party stores. If you know nothing and you see the brand selling their product on their web, you will buy there.

    Some GW stores also build a local community and host events throughout the year. I know every Saturday my store has a line for Preorders and delivery pickups. 

    so I am surprise some people never seen  customers actually buying from GW

  8. 3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I really do feel like these new universal/Grand Alliance battle tactics were made as a response to how impactful faction specific battle tactics are in this edition - some factions lived or died by their battle tactics and how easy/difficult they were to score. At least now, you won't see degenerate SBGL players clogging the board with zombies to get easy battle tactics scoring (same goes for you Tzeentch).

    I wonder however how certain factions that don't fit the "standard" mold of their GA will use their battle tactics. For example, the Order tactic they showed requires map control, something let's say SCE might do with teleporting or IDK with their fast units, but a more "castle" army like CoS might not score it.

    Each GA gets two Battle tactics, so it depends if both cover enough ground for each of their army.

    • Like 1
  9. 59 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I would go even deeper, something like the bug from the back where a beetle is carrying a whole caravan, but with the worms, as you posted. I like the worm theming for the desert and bugs are kind of the Sylvaneth thing:


    Oh Roving clans!

    on a side note, silent people should look like the Necrophage from that game.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Fracas said:

    My Gitmob wishlist:

    - Chariots

    - Chariots

    - More Chariots

    That’s it really, just chariots. With ballistas or catapults even.

    Oh and some snotlings. Gonna need a pump wagon to go with them.

    Chariots and wagon could be like all the Ork Buggie, so many different versions and flavors of them

  11. 37 minutes ago, Warboss Gorbolg said:

    If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book.

    “Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.”

    Would be great for Back Library stories as well!

    If I had to predict a Gitmob release they probably dive into their Mongolian aesthetic. Iconic units like the wolf chariots and pump wagons variants are probably the bulk of the plastic units being released. From the limited lore we know about Gitmob, we probably have a Gitlord hero at minimum.

    since its been theorized that they sort of the opposite of Gloomspite Gitz and worship the Evil Sunz as sort of the counterpart to Da Bad Moon. Knowing the design teams like having some 40K design cues, they probably homaging stuff from Ork Speed Freaks and White Scars but for Grots lol

    • Like 3
  12. 20 minutes ago, Vaellas said:

    Speaking in what is going to pop up here and there in 4th and the future I was thinking more on Spearhead boxes.

    In the preview on different game modules they mentioned that there is no magic phase. Now no magic/ prayers is going to feel a little odd for some boxes that already have Wizards and Priests as the general. Sure they can edit them to make them fit in to Spearhead but it won't feel very true to the models so curious which boxes  will be updated first. For example they mentioned Vanari as a Regiment maybe we will see the Cathallar replaced.

    Maybe it will even point to speculation on model updates. Soulblight have a Vampire lord for example but maybe we would have a thematic box of Wight Knight, Graveguard and Black Knights to remove the wizard and also have updated sculpts. 

    Some armies can’t avoid it like LRL where I believe every hero is a spell caster of some sort 

    in fact of the 2 armies that have spearhead boxes, the one for FEC has an Abhorrent ghoul king which is currently still a spellcaster.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, DD-Lord said:

    I'll be painfully honest with my thoughts here. I really don't understand why so many of you here believe the Gitmob is coming back; they were squated for the same reason the Greenskins were; they were old models without any new ideas or concepts to expand them beyond just that. And you seem to base your belief about their return entirely on the existence of the Snarlfangs. I seriously don't get it.


    51 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    My thoughts are the other way around. They could have stopped with Rippas warband. But why reimagine a whole unit with the Gitmob design if they are just planning this unit? They could have just put a moonclan or hobgrot on top instead.

    having an actual model kit (and a full Plastic unit) release for Gitmob gives more creedence to the speculation. It isn’t the same as the speculation for something like Silent people where most people are basing them on fluff and some pictures from Underworlds.

    it also because the Snarlfang rider was a pretty surprising and odd release for Gitz. A stand-alone unit that didn’t have much similarity or synergy with the rest of Gitz (bar a few of the universal Gitz buffs). So it does make it interesting to speculate on why GW release them as they did since it rare for them to do such an an isolated unit release.

    • Like 2
  14. the theory is that they tend to make new models for an army in bulks and not one off (unless it’s the obligatory foot heroes) and  models release during the end of editions narrative supplements are sometimes teasing the future.

    if it hold true it be 

    FS, Nurgle, Gitz (well they got 2 releases), SCE (well duh), Sylvaneth,  Soulblight, and DoK.

    i guess for their sake we can count the Gorger release for Ogors to be in there even if Ogors didn’t officially get a Dawnbringer release.

    IJ, FEC, and Slaves are questionable since they got full or big releases during Dawnbringers.

    of course they maybe smaller releases like NH and Sylvaneth from last edition but just more then one hero (honestly I think NH stuff where actually Soul wars leftovers) 

    • Like 1
  15. 33 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    Regarding gitmob release, I think it'd be better for them to get their own tome or be moved to KB. They differ a lot from the concept of crazy shroom-eaters and cave dwellers. Expanding their range within GSG tome will make tome bloat. I've always been wondering why they put gitmob in GSG army, unless it is just a temporary harbour. They don't even have synergy with any of GSG heroes or traits.

    Frankly I alway though it was because the underworld warband was super popular or something (I know during the Beastgrave era they where consider one of the strongest warband for Underworlds thaw game) that they made them into an actual unit for AoS and Gitz was the only place for them.

  16. 3 hours ago, Augusto said:

    So what are we expecting for gloomspite gitz new expansion? besides armored troggoths and gitmob hero or chariot

    They did tease a new species called a Supharbreath Troggoth in a white dwarf one time. 

    while I don’t know what to expect for Gitz in 4th, they do have a lot of room to expand upon despite being a pretty big range already. Update Spiderfang, more Moonclan grot knight like Grimkrak’s court, plastic version of their old forgeworld kits like the Hag and Squig Gobbla, or expand Gitmob.

    • Like 3
  17. I think the problems is that GW won’t rewrite army rules or warscrolls to an extent that would boost an underperforming army (See past examples of NH, Gitz, and Kruleboyz). They can only do things like adding minor things in like Battle tactics, rewording stuff a bit or supplements like AoR

    its really the flaw of there written rules in book format but it profitable and they are willing to stick with it for the foreseeable future.

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  18. I rather they simplify Path to glory especially the amount of post game book keeping and power buffs.

    but I would like if they where consistent in supporting Narrative play with new battleplans and releases through out a whole edition because it felt like 3rd edition we where stuck with the same 6 battle plans in the core book. Dawnbringer came in to late and the content was all over the place.

    • Like 1
  19. I can see a kroot style release for Gitz but I wouldn’t hazard a guess if it would focus on either Gitmob or Spiderfang.

    Gitmob getting the Snarlfang unit out of the blue can be taken account as a teaser for more of them, but Spiderfang loosing a resin hero and feeling that this is the best time to update them when they could have retire them already is also an argument for them as well.

    hels it can even be to flesh out the Troggoth side a bit more. 

    • Like 1
  20. Did we every get that rumor about Warhammer underworld was being retire because of low sells?

    and that Warcry was also not performing as well so they are rebranding it next year with a mordheim esque setting with skaven vs city of sigmar?

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