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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 14 minutes ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

    Didn't say they had to be right after each other , rumour was of the first 6 tomes , so why not a battle box in August /september .and one in October/ November 

    Dominion is 3rd July, shouldn't be too long after we get stormcast and warclans. 

    Late Aug early sep we get nurgle vs mawtribes  

    Late Oct early Nov we get beast vs gloomspite 

    The only thing causing doubt it that would be alot of destruction and chaos in 1 year

    i mean take rumors with a grain of salt and i believe only 4 was every mention in the dodgy 4chan rumor

    and those boxes where from two different sources

    also there is a lot of pending 40k releases (two big boxes are likely coming out) and recently they just leak the 30K plastic starter box  and they have yet to reveal more SCE and Kruleboyz so it probably not right away after Dominion

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Freypal said:

    Not sure if I've just missed it... But has there been any comment/rumour on if/when there will be new battletomes for Stormcast and I guess Orruks?

    When indomitus dropped the new space marine codex followed a couple of weeks later if I remember correctly. 

    they said they will come out eventually


    though last year the SM and Necrons codex where not release until late september but also Pandemic so.....


    • Thanks 1
  3. keep in mind there a lot of stuff yet to come that could take most of Q3/Q4 slots like the rest of the SCE/Kruleboyz, the Ork beast Snaggas and that army box, Warhammer underworlds next season, that Horus Hersey box that was leaked a while ago, and anything that they delayed to get AoS 3.0 like the codexes.

    If they are doing a 2nd run of dominion it could also ****** up their production cycle

    there may not be another Big AoS release until next year or at usual the Christimas preview 

    last edition AoS only had BoC release in september and there was nothing really until Gloomspite in january

  4. 1 hour ago, ageofpaddsmar said:

    So the rumours then nurgle vs ogor box then beasts vs gloomspite lol

    i doubt both would happen in such a short span, they tend to spread the boxes out and between their game system.

    i would only expect them to release only one AoS box after Dominion this year in Q3, and the next one you some time next year after a good amount of BT are release

  5. 29 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Warhammer Plus is receiving an Online Preview on Wednesday the 23rd of June. Had a mini freak out it was regular a Preview for a second.

    eh not excited, the current streaming plateform war and releasing mediocre product is already bad enough, can't see this being any better

    • Like 3
  6. 5 minutes ago, Austin said:

    What?? The Grey Knights part was proven wrong? Link plz.

    there was nothing new for Grey Knights in the Munitorum Field Manual 2021 MkII which was suppose to have been release after the New Codex for them and T-sons came out first and that book had the points for the new T-son Infernal Master, 


    most likely what this mean is that they are getting one of their Fincast character redone in plastic (Cowe, Stern, Draigo, or the Brother captain) but no new units like the rumor had said they would. (which i find suspicious because the guys use this fact to justified the BoC (all new units- very sus)/Gloomspite (only one hero) box for some reason)

  7. 3 hours ago, bonzai said:

    Anyone see any updates on the Rogue Idol? My list building will heavily depend on how they are treated with the edition change. 

    the new GHB did say that the Monster Arcanum publication is still playable but FW model Longevity is not looking good so I advise with caution and don't expect them to last.

  8. 1 minute ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Yeah, I also saw on another site that the dwarfs mentioned might be called “Oathbreakers” as a faction instead of Furnace Kings and wanted to see if anyone else had heard the same(granted my source is 1d4chan).

    that was a 4chan rumor and was really sus since it mention Grey Knights would get more unit and i believe that was already proven wrong

  9. 8 minutes ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

    Hey sorry to derail the thread but can we go over the chaos dwarf rumours? I’ve been relatively out of the loop these past three days and am in a real good mood due to the Preorder.

    you mean this one

    r/ageofsigmar - More Chaos Dwarf Hint Dropping

  10. 4 minutes ago, Feii said:

    wait. I can understand if something becomes unplayable or rotates out but nerfing slaanesh that has an absolutely terrible new battletome, Slaangors and other  new warscrolls are just terrible, their point costs are equally bad is nothing like that. I don't remember any gaming company that would just double down and straight out ****** on their product in such a way. This is either huge incompetence or somebody hates slaanesh or both. (given a lot of those weird dominion prerelease copies targets, giving GHB to random niche UK based channels it just smells of nepotism)

    For people who play 40k it would be as if GW took Tau/GSC in their latest recent point updates and increased their points 20% across the roster. (having that said at least GSC and Tau are getting their codex within some months - rumour engines - but there is no light at the end for Hedonites) 

    As a customer I am looking forward to my 40k  codex and box that is coming for Grey Knights. As an AoS  player I'm afraid who will write SCE/Krule Boyz rules. That's not ok. (also is it just me or anybody else finds kinda unprofessional that they are selling the dominion boxset with Krule Boyz but we have absolutely no idea whether they will get a new book or what will be their introduction into the Orruks like etc.? + their rules and points so far look rather weak)  

    i think that why Bin/ SIn guy has been popular because AoS battletome seem varied in quality, while 40K (though people have perceived each book as powercreep), it at least felt that the gaming rules where strong across the board bar maybe one or two bad apple (like Grey knight being kind of weak last edition and Drukari being too strong just recently), while two book that are release in AoS have vastly different design style and language, where one seems to have options and the other seems lacking in options.

    Also AoS seem alright with releasing rule books before edition changes while 40k every army is update once the edition starts. i am surprise they release any battletome in the last 7 month when an edition change was coming and it was already a feels bad when about 4 battletomes where release between the edition last time

  11. 44 minutes ago, C0deb1ue said:

    he probably wouldn't be able to fly over anything anyway as his base is too large to easily clear 3 inches behind a line. It's not just mortal wounds, it's anything with a bit of rend as well. No ward save is just bad on huge point investments.

    This guy will likely never get to choose what he engages and if an enemy holds up Kragnos with cheap chaff all day , that is a win for them not you. He needs to get priority targets to be useful, not kill 300 points of zombies... 

    I think at least either mystic shied or all out defense probably help against rend if I recall how save 1 work

    kill 600 pt of zombies is probably worth it so they don’t respawn for reason

  12. i think you have to build an army around him to alleviate his shortcoming, he can be a little cheaper but his point decrease really help him, though generally most destruction army got a point increase as well so eh

     i also think MW problem is a bit over blown because of the current LrL sentinel problem which probably shouldn't exist, but he on average immune to spells and only range MW really works on him, but a lot of changes makes taking those killer blocks of range units harder because of point increase and reincforcement point. (bar LRL but that case is just an unhealthy example)

    to be fair he has ok not great but not terrible mobility, sadly the levitate spell is +8 to cast and not reliable to sure up this weakness

  13. 48 minutes ago, Dracan said:

    Can someone explain to me why warp lightning vortex went up 10pts and the other 2 skaven spells by 45 and 40??

    Bell of doom and Vermintide both arent very good spells... even at old points.

    Warlp lighning vortex broke the game for a while at 100pts before it got erretad with less range.

    To pay 90pts for warp lightning vortex and 85pts for Bell, 80pts for vermintide seems mind blowingly bizare to be frank???

    they seem to have generally point increase to Faction endless spell to all be around the 80-100pt area for some reason.

    not sure if it because endless spell got buff to work in every hero phase so damage is technically double but i believe not all the faction endless spell are predetory or work in the hero phase unless they plan to massive rewrite too them

  14. 3 hours ago, Zeblasky said:

    Still though, guys, while we have enough info to start panicking, there are 2 things still missing - 3.0 warscrolls and potential day 1 FAQ. If warscrolls are largely unchanged or FAQ won't happen, then yes, there are some serious problems ahead of us. I am however very interested to see warscroll book as of now, because due to a few very weird point changes (Sorceress on Dragon just can't be more expensive than Dreadlord, it makes zero sence!) I feel that some warscroll changes must have happened. Otherwise it would make no sence at all.

    FAQ maybe but i don't know where you getting the idea that a warscroll book happening, traditionally GW don't really make sweeping changes to warscrolls unless it a Battletome update for an army.

    i can see FAQ reworded some thing so they can work in 3.0 like changing a +1 to hit or save ability to be modify the characteristic as to circumvent the stacking cap but not anything major

  15. Honestly in the end i think it just been lack of communication by GW which kind of turns into Dishonesty when they decided to hype stuff up but feel like they hide stuff. they don't really say hey points are going across the board to take in account of there being no battalions and smaller boards in the game, hey some abilities may not work in this edition but this FAQ we will address as many as possible, there not really an open forum that GW has that players can give their opinions and feedback to them (yes forum can be toxic and not everyone has the greatest perspective on balance, but if game company can use Reddit of all places to get constructive feedback from it, GW could at least give the impression of them listening)

    being left in the darkis going to lead to skeptism of anything GW does and with good reason. people are not going to believe that the FAQ is going to solve anything because GW doesn't show the competence to do a good job, especially if you compare to the last few FAQs. They also get anxious too when there no roadmap of Battletomes and how long they have to wait to feel like their army is up to date. people feel the same thing in 40K already when your army is basically outdated and not playing the new edition until your codex comes out.

    • Like 2
  16. 16 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    So they intended to raise the points of HoS before they released them? They preemptively prepared the ghb nerfs to fix how broken they were DEFINITELY gonna be at launch? Lol

    yes but maybe for reason that they didn't foresee that Slaaneshi was over costed at the time and still gave them the general point increase they gave to other armies but I don't know honestly lol

  17. NVM the page is too blurry and i didn't see that the megamob gargant was a thing so a single gargant is cheaper and we still get the 3 but it cost a bit more

    But Overall Sons are looking good, 4 megaGargant list hype

  18. Just now, Chikout said:

    The eternal problem with points is simply that they are in a book. The book was definitely written at least six months ago, before the Lumineth and Slaanesh books came out. Given how long in advance new editions are written, these points may even have been done before the first Lumineth book came out. Until this changes there are always going to be problems. 

    well they should just go digital with the points but GW loves their books though

    • Like 5
  19. 40 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I am so confused at this - really just incredibly disappointed by the news, and makes me wonder why the games designers are so detached from the community :( I have no clue what rules writer thought in good faith that Slaanesh needed another points increase while the entire community thought they were too pricey. 

    In fact, the most baffling thing is that someone thought that Hellstriders were too pricey and brought them down to 135. On it's own, that's totally fine - they were overcosted. But what this means is that the points weren't just stuck into an algorithm - somebody actually looked and Slaangors and went "yup, these are a bit too strong for their points!"

    But yeah, just disappointed... 

    well i think the problem with how GW does things was that this GHB was written 7 months ago (at least that what i been told) and this was probably printed way before the HoS came out to the public last February where most of the lurkwarm response came out.

    of course people have wanted GW to just switch to a digital format when it comes to points and rules instead of relying on books but I doubt that will change anytime soon.

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