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Posts posted by novakai

  1. the only caviat is that Blightwar was release in August so their was four month between that box and the Maggotkin release which support Sabotoge! point.

    granted the last 2 January release have been chaos god, so chances are pretty good for a Slaanesh releases but it not a guarentee thing either given GW schedule.

    the big exception this year was that there wasn't a daemon Primarch chaos marine release to correspond with AoS version release this year like the last two but I think Slaanesh release is happening soon regardless of this fact

    Edit: no one is really talking that their could be a possible Khorne release too given since W&R is 50% his force.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Sabotage! said:

    Oh man, I hope they show the Troll Warband at Spiel. I'd love to see what the unrevealed models look like.


    I really hope that Troll caster is a hint of something new to come, I know that the Briar queen and Zarbag are both unique hero profile different and don't have exact counter parts like Stormcast Gandalf and Vortemis. but that concept and models seems so unique and outlandish that it be a shame if it was just a one off model. Also there isn't current models for Bat squig, Mushroom and rock monster either.

    10 minutes ago, Sabotage! said:

    1). They have a Malign Portents model


    I think this is the biggest hint really, since I think GW where always planning to makes armies releases for each of the MP heralds models and they where just teaser for them when they release them. they already did the SC and Nighthaunt one and the other two are hinted strongly to come soon.

    • Like 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, Local_Goat said:

    Have there been any updates on Moonclan Grot rumors?

    the last new thing I heard rumor-wise was from last week Warhammer-weekly show where the new rumors where the Moonclan release was going to be the first new Grot army and going to be similar to the DoK release, going to have both a shroom theme and fairytale-like aspect, and some of the existing unit are changing names (Moonclan Shaman to Madcap Shaman). release date unknown. not exactly sure where they got these rumors though

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    Highlights a known lore issue with AoS.  Normal men make up like 35% of the lore, and 0% of new models.

    Well technically they did release the human excelsior warpriest for silver tower. So its like about less then 1% of new models 

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    • Haha 3
  5. 22 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong but for that (I think awesome) wizkids game we can see: fireslayers, ironjawz, Stormcast, skavens, dispossessed and two that I see the most important, Free people's (curious to have that rumour picture and now that) and the other is what? Order ssrpentis? I can't see it nice... 

    The icons we can see that snake too and skulls 

    From the logo of the last three,  it Hammers of sigmar SC, Anvilguard SC from Firestorm, and the snake one is probably Scourge Privateers by the look of it. the Skull one  belongs to Freeguild. (I think the background color of each faction artwork on the box matches the corresponding logo on the box.)

  6. 23 minutes ago, Raviv said:

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for these news, but Wizkids announced a new boardgame set in the AoS world - "The Rise & Fall of Anvalor".



    Despite being a boardgame, that an interesting line-up of playable factions (Fyreslayer, Dispossessed, Ironjawz, Skaven, Freeguild, Stormcast, Scourge Privateers, and Khorne)

  7. 35 minutes ago, Sabotage! said:

    Something of interest I saw on Dakka yesterday was apparently the new Blackstone Fortress game is either going to be out the weekend of the 40k weekender, or will be up for preorder. So with Orks getting the first week of November and Blackstone possibly getting the last, It seems unlikely we will get any more AoS stuff this year, unless you count Wrath and Rapture or those rumors of another few Fyreslayer boxes are true. I'm guessing at Wrath and Glory they will show Moonclan for January though.

    wait you mean Blood and Glory on the first week of November, right?

    I mean I would expect that event to announce Blackstone, Wraith and Rapture, and maybe Fyreslayer if rumor are true. sadly I think Moonclan isn't going release until February/March. they could ended up as the Christmas special release but going by trend that probably the Slaanesh release (unless GW for strong reason  felt it wasn't good idea to advertise them for Christmas).

    8 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    Same could be said for Darkoath. Here’s hoping it’s just the tip of the iceberg for both.

    I think the MP Heralds release and the Nightvault warband release makes it more likely then not we see Darkoath and Moonclan.

  8. 3 hours ago, Overread said:

    I'd be surprised - if just because they do already have a Battletome and there are loads of factions and subfactions without one. Granted some of the older ones do need updating, but at the same time I'd have thought it better for GW to focus on getting factions with nothing out there - at least Battletome factions are known to be safe for the long run (as safe as any army can be); whilst many of the smaller factions with nothing are totally unknown. Even forces like Skaven don't know how they are going to look organisation wise. 

    It not that suprising considering that GW have historically release new books for existing army every time a new edition hits. I think they have a more vested interests in those Older AoS battletome  armies like Fyreslayer, Ironjawz, and sylventh in expanding and updating them since they made those range with AoS in mind.

    granted currently it does feel like an outlier right now since this is the first edition change for AoS and the only army to have gotten a new battletome update has been Stormcast

  9. Ideally I think they should just combined Greenskins and Gitmobs together ( with the Giants and troll ), give them their own battletome, update a few models and make them like the Imperial guards of destruction, Where they have really loose battalion keywords that allows them to ally in with every other Destruction factions without taking up ally points (like the chaos battalion do in BoC) but still be able to play as themselves.

    IMO I still think that Spiderfang, Moonclan, and Gutbuster with Maneater (Firebellies?) should get their own Battletome evetually


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  10. 57 minutes ago, Incineroar87 said:

    Are we likely to get a standalone Moonclan Battletome or Battletome with all the orc and goblin factions under the one name with the recent announcement ?

    with the recent Nightvault release of two Moonclan warband, the Moonclan Fungoid Shaman released early this year, and a lot of rumor about them specifically, I am leaning more on a Moonclan battletome release more then anything else really. Also it look like their are actual new unit for Moonclan are on the way which doesn't match with their soup battletome release since they haven't release those book with new models yet.

    I think we are reading too much into the poster, like two of those faction (Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz) have battletome already and the only hint you could really get from it is possibly Moonclan and Spiderfang being roll into one. ( or there a separate spiderfang battletome release happen soon afterwards)


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  11. 17 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    Honestly, I thought Orktober would be both 40k and AoS. The poster gives me hope but I feel things are going to need to speed up if we're going to be seeing a lot of both 40k and AoS releases this month.

    Given that the earliest Ork release is not until the 27, I doubt that it going to happen this month. the AoS release would have to be in November at this point in time



  12. 4 minutes ago, angrycontra said:

    It should also be noted that there is still the non-debunked (as far as I know) fyreslayer november/late october release rumour. While I don't always put much weight to these "l heard from a guy at my store"-rumours, there is some credibility to this particular rumour, mainly that it would actually coincide with the release of Brian Bl- Gotrek Gurnisson audiodrama, and if I were a businessman, I'd use the audiodrama to promote fyreslayers and vice versa. Maybe get Brian Blessed dressed as gotrek and do video for warhammer community team, then I could die happy.

    that rumor originated from the French Warhammer forum where I heard the source was pretty credible when it came to rumors

  13. 4 hours ago, Hoseman said:

    Well... as I said I don't know about lore of the new whq. Said that if wrath and rapture is a demon box it will be useful for 40k too.

    The slanesh Aelfs is something possible by lore but I think and hope for my wallet they will not come, but would be nice.

    For next Aelfs nothing is said. Malerion shadow ones and the brothers celestial is supposed to come maybe next year. If I had to bet I would choose Shadow ones because of the slanesh thing going as it's supposed to be released by January or something.

     Celestial Aelfs sadly maybe for 2020.

     It has been a cool year for AoS and a last release with rapture box will be awesome. And there's the goblin thing going on that I hope we have a destruction release soon too.

    I think this year was Nurgle expansion on january, 2 old armys battletome and expansion (DoK and BoC) and 3 totally new armys. If they follow this for next year we could have Slanesh, grots, darkoath and Shadow Aelfs plus compendium for Dwarfs, Skaven and maybe old elfs


    I don't mean to be too pessimistic but I think next year going to be more 40k heavy with them having global kill team event set on Vigilius and Chaos Space Marine with Abbadon/ Black legion returning. I don't think AoS release are getting shafted like they did when 40k 8th edition happen (because Slaanesh and Moonclan are in the horizon, and maybe a Darkoath release along with the AoS Forgeworld team finally doing something) but it definetly going to be less then what we got this year. Also I don't think the next truly new army is going to be part of Order for once.

  14. 3 hours ago, Dirtnaps said:

    So I've just finished reading Shadespire: The Mirrored City and I seriously believe it's hinting at some future content GW might have planned somewhere down the line. Obviously SPOILERS so if you planned on reading the book yourself you know what to do.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Call me crazy but straight up I think there will be a sixth chaos god at some point in the future. We have Zuvass a powerful chaos warrior, clad in dark amour with a cerulean cape and a mask in the visage of a smiling face, dedicated to an as yet unnamed chaos god hidden (or what I believe sealed) within Shadespire. A god that both does and does not exist and is dead and yet not. It is mentioned that the citizens of Shadespire consorted with daemons and some even worshiped a god that was not Nagash thought to dwell in an abyss that was there before the city was even built, one of the characters erects a temple over the abyss to this god, with an almost completely featureless statue save for the a wide smile  and either creates or finds amulets in the twisted shape of smile which Zuvass himself carries with him.

    Reynar's shadow is replaced by a copy that reveals itself to be some kind of daemon, one that I don't think really fits with the descriptions of any of the daemons we have so far (although it could possibly be a furry or something like it? I'm not sure), It should be mentioned that Zuvass himself even says that the god exists somewhere within Shadespire and while it is weak and no threat at all to the other ruinous powers at the moment it is growing in strength with each passing moment, this could explain why everyone within the city eventually looses the colour of magic that their soul is infused with the longer they stay there. It would also explain why Nagash is so interested in the mirrored city after casting it out of Shyish to the point where he's kept a portion of himself overlooking the city watching everything that happens within. 

    All of this and the way the book ends leads me to believe that this is going to be a series of books and that it might at some point, eventually end with the huge reveal of a brand new sixth chaos god along with a new range of mortals and daemons possibly influenced by the culture of Shadespire before it was destroyed.

    Of course none of this could happen and it's only a story but boy does it feel like it's dropping some huge hints there.


    actually if you read Malign portent excerpt on the Great Horn rat.


    he alluded to the fact of an entity similar to himself was coming and seeking the same power he wanted (implied to have the same goal in become a full fledge Chaos god) and he was peeved that he had a rival now. At first I though he meant Nagesh, but I think he foresaw that Nagash's plan with his black pyramid could cause enough chaos and entropy to give birth to another Chaos god . It was theorize that the Horned rat felt a stench of death that belonging to a new Chaos god who would represent Fear and Death (since those aspect are not really represented by the other four gods)


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  15. 26 minutes ago, Barkanaut said:

    Man GW I hope you see how popular they are. Even when the new undead stuff was being teased for malign portents everyone seen the ghost looking ship and thought we were getting undead pirates of some sort. My heart broke. If you do your own AoS undead pirates put your own spin on them + AoS twist of ocurse I have full faith you can do something amazing. I will ditch my plan for order vs destruction so fast and go order vs death if they get them. 

    dude you know they just going to look at this and say Hey let release more Stormcast except make them pirates with guns

    • Haha 8
  16. 39 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    New rumour engine, more than likely  Orks but who knows it could be Kharadron or Skaven even.


    It probably something for 40k

    Since Skaven use Warpstone power weapon and KO use Steampunk weaponry not actual bullets for either

  17. 20 minutes ago, Infernalslayer said:

    Indeed these were the two first spoiled.

    Do we know how spread the Nightvault releases will be? Is it going to be 2 warbands every 1-2 months like with Shadespire?

    the warband release schedule last time was:

    Ironskull/ Sep Guards where release in October a few weeks after Shadespire Starter set

    Chosen Axe/ Spiteclaw was in February 

    Farstrider/ Magore's fiends was in April

    • Thanks 1
  18. 6 minutes ago, Infernalslayer said:

    Do the Nightvault releases come in waves of 2 warbands each time? I am sure if this is the case the first 2 are the Tzeentch and Grot warbands that were shown off first,  but i am looking forward to the Darkoath warband as their warscrolls for AoS might have hints of what we will see in a future full faction release.

    correct, that what they did last season

    If they are released in the order shown in the trailer it would be

    Moonclan/ Tzeentch

    Darkoath/ Troggoth

    Sylventh/ KO

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