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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 11 minutes ago, froo said:

    They pretty much nailed my wishlist I was tossing around a few months ago.

    The only thing that I asked for but didn't get is a giant spider plastic kit that also had a crew option so that it becomes sort of a chariot model... but you know what, I'm ok with that.

    my only thing was that they didn't release the Grot Scuttling from Silver Tower for this army. it felt weird that they didn't do that when that unit look like it would have fitted in well with the Gloomspite Gitz. 

    • Like 1
  2. the Skittlerstrand deepstrike ability is pretty bonkers

    the flinger seems powerful if you can hit that 4+, amazing range and has good ultility

    I think GW has done a good job differentiating the unit variant in this release, they all have different abilities and strengths so you got good options

    • Like 2
  3. 9 minutes ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    looks like rockguts and mollog cant vomit... not very troll like! also they lost there 4+ save... i think id take fellwater trolls over rockgut. Although there clubs are -2 and flat 3 damage, hmmmm...

    Rockguts have a d3 mortal wound rock throw attack that has a better range and auto hit any unit with 6+ model in them and a 5 + save for wounds and mortal wounds

  4. you can see the Warscroll for  Mollog and the Rockgut on the battletome store page.

    Rockguts have a 5+ invulnerable save and a range boulder ability that does d3 mortal wounds if you roll equal or less then the amount of models in a unit

    Mollog has special ability for his minions and is similar to a dankhold troggoth, though I can't quite read his warscroll on the page

  5. looking at the Loonshrine, the battleshock immunity wholly within 12'' seems strong.

    the reinforcement ability seems ok, bringing back units at half strength on a 4 +, it seems pretty balance and can be useful bring 30 grot back when your unit of 60 just got destroyed.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    Holy gods that mushroom is a horde killer.

    The arachnocauldren sweet jebus you can ally a Gloomspite gitz hero into your army, cast the Arachnocauldren then have access to all the Moonclan spells. THE FUNGOID IS A GLOOMSPITE WHO CAN BE ALLIED INTO ANY DESTRUCTION FACTION.

    This is game changing


    the D3 damage is a bit of a drawback, but it a workable one (using Gnoblar as a sacrificial unit in a Gutbuster army for example)

  7. For the endless spells, they are all pretty low cast value spells that have interesting abilities and some drawbacks

    the Aracknocardron has a +1 casting/unbinding for the wizard that summons it plus it then knows all the spell from the Moonclan lore, the thing is always 1'' away from the caster and every hero phase it must do d3 mortal wounds to any one unit within 3'' of the caster, if no unit is in range the caster suffer d3 damage. 

    Mork's Mushroom seems like a stationary spell that affect every model in a unit ( including your own ) in 8'' of the mushroom, roll a dice every model and on a 5+ it does a mortal wounds.

    The Malevolent Moon is a predatory spell that does D3 mortal wounds on a 2+ for every unit it passes though, in addition it subtracts 1 casting rolls of wizards within 8'' and 2 within 3''.

    Scuttletide is pretty much like quicksilver swords you pick a unit and roll 6 dice and on a 5 up you do a mortal wound, However in addition it does damage it damage effect every time a unit moves or charge within 6 of the model. Spiderfang are immune to the damage.


  8. 6 minutes ago, Oredre said:

    Odd query; I really enjoyed the music from the Gloomspite Gitz reveal trailer. Is there any person posting here that knows where that music originates, or if it was something composed for the trailer?


    it from the Soundtrack of Warhammer 40k Mechanicus video game. GW like using music from their licensed video game for their trailer sometimes

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  9. Did the Scuttlings made it in to the army release?

    it be kind of weird if they didn't since this would have the best moment for GW to release them  separately from Silver tower. but I have seen anything that would suggest that they are part of the Gloomspite.

    5 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    Sooo does this mean that the Dankhold Trogboss might be the biggest "humanoid" individidual in GA: Destruction, which is not some sort of beast?

    I mean he seems to be bigger than an Orruk, Ogor or Grot. Maybe a giant might be bigger. But all the other big Destruction models and leader models are big creatures with Orruks, Ogors or Grots riding on top. 

    But the Trogboss might be the biggest Hero model with brain cells (I mean more brain cells like the instinct-driven animals) in Destruction.

    I think the Trogg Hag is maybe of similar size to the TroggBoss.

    if you could still use the Son of Behemat battalion and use the Bonegrinder giant as the Gargant King, then he probably bigger


  10. 4 minutes ago, Charlo said:

    Preorder apparently the 5th. With the amount of kits I'd expect it to last 2 to 3 weeks like Deepkin.

    Ltd editions: double the price for a nice cover, gilded edges and lots of pages stuck together by the gilding process 👎 that said, when I complained I got a new basic codex to tide me over and the option of a voucher for the full amount or they'd send me another when they print more.

    Man if it a deepkin like release, my wallet going to suffer this January. I glad I held off buying thing until this release came

  11. 9 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    If this is true then I am very impressed that they managed to keep the lid on pictures of the models as well as they did for this release.  We had rumors that Moonclan/Grots were coming for quite a long time now, but for a release as large as this appears to be it is impressive that none of the models leaked.

    I think after the BoC leak they decided to just tighten the noose on leak information 

    TBH i didn’t expect Grot riding mushroom squiggly beast and Centipede riders so I am already overly impress with the release so far

    2 minutes ago, Ungface said:

    Heres your mangler squig variant


    Is that two mangler squig riding a squigaroth?

  12. I think a Dispossesed Tome could happen once GW decides to bring back Grungni back into the lore and have him guide the Duardin into retaking Chamon from Tzeentch. GW could also use Grungi to forge all sort of new machines and weapons for the Disspossesed.

    though I am not sure how strain his relationship is with the Duradin that it could be irreconcilable at this point in time

  13. 5 minutes ago, boots468 said:

    From the trailer, seems more likely then that the next battletome will actually be pure Moonclan rather than Moonclan-focused grots (like last tome was Beasts of Chaos, rather than Brayherd even though main focus was on the goat boys).

    If GW are moving away from the Grand Alliance books, would then need to fold Spiderfang and Gitmob into generic Greenskinz book (or a subset in a new Ironjawz tome, though their thing has generally been "biggest orruks only").

    Judging by the new article, I think for destruction future tomes there would  probably be Gutbusters, Spiderfang, and maybe Firebelly as a completely new army 

    TBH i am not sure if GW have any plans for Greenskinz or Gitmob

  14. 3 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    And if cafe mocha meant raspberry flavored coffee then your mocha from Starbucks would taste like raspberries, not chocolate.


    But it doesn't.

    Spring is March, April, May.

    I mean if you swap it Q1 instead of spring then the release look like it make sense

    like you actually where smart enough and order the chocolate mocha and not the raspberry whatever coffee

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