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Posts posted by novakai

  1. i think both type are welcome at this point since most army (outside SCE) haven't gotten much of an update past their initial battletome release

    one-off heroes for armies that still have a bunch of resin heroes or not many separate heroes to begin with (Bonesplitterz, Maw tribes, BoC, LoN, Seraphon, and Skaven)

    I would like if they start releasing  more midsize mounted heroes like the Chaos lord on Karkadrak or Endrinriger with dirigible suit since that is a design space that could be used more in AoS. stuff like Megaboss on Goregrunta, Frostlord on Mournfang, new Oldblood on Cold one, New scuttleboss, Clawlord on rat ogre, Lumineath horse lord, Slaanesh chaos lord on bigger helltriders just to name a few.

    any army can use new  released unit in general but definitely for the smaller ranges like Ironjawz Fyreslayer, FEC, and Slaanesh

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  2. 8 hours ago, C0deb1ue said:

    I mean that’s exactly what they have started doing with 40K. Harlequins/Deathwatch got big changes in white dwarf.

    My concern is that rather than getting a revised battletome, we are getting these white dwarf mini-updates that don’t address the actual problems the book has. 

    I mean I get being pessimistic and all but I don’t think Gloomspite is in the niche tier like those two armies are. 

    I am pretty sure every army get a revised battletome when the new editions comes out so that is not a concern

    broken realm is sort of a we don’t have any information regarding what it will do in AoS. But they did confirm that every current battletome army will get something from it

    • Like 1
  3. i am guessing they are going to reveal the full seraphon and maybe the another warbands (OBR would be my guess) since they like to releasing a pair of new warbands out after the starter set is release. though last year there was a bit of a delay with Grymwatch coming out first before Snarlfang but they tend to release them in pairs.

    granted i think this preview is going to be relatively smaller and that they are planning a bigger reveal later in the year (November) that will have more AoS and 40k content.

  4. 2 hours ago, C0deb1ue said:


    well quite frankly no, something that doesn't make you worse doesn't automatically make you better. It could just provide a choice of the same value as before (what I am trying to say). 

    As with all "fun things" the loonshrine/bad moon etc may do nothing at all, that's kind of one of the big problems. But hopefully it least gives some variation in playstyle.

    i don't think people should expect that kind of change in WD rules, they usually just flun casual rules (bar the one from Slaanesh) and not meant to change much of the army.

    if people want sweeping changes like warscroll rewrites and rule changes i feel like that will only come from supplements like what PA did for 40K or a new battletome.

  5. eh i don't think tournaments or competitive play  really matter right now  given  the current climate. big tournaments are basically cancel, no one is really keeping tracks of wins or the meta for the small tournaments that are running. By the the time thing get back to some semblance of normalcy, Broken realm book all came out, AoS 3.0 probably already launch and everything changed before things like the suppose shooting meta get into gear or army like Seraphon and Realmlord get any time to shine.

    i think what important that the army is fun to play and that your not too oppressive like Knight where in 40K but your not too underpower to play the game of AoS. casual gaming is probably the best atmosphere for playing the game right now. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Sttufe said:

    I believe that last point is literally the exact same thing as well, both of you are saying can I afford it, if not what else can I do with it. For some other people (such as myself) I really badly want a mega gargant, but I literally cannot afford it. If it had been a 150 - 140, I might have been able to squeeze it in but now with this raised price they lost more money. I really do think this will affect their sales negatively, because it's not every King Brodd who buy 2 to 2 Jack Streichers who buy nothing, its every King Brodd who buys one - 2  to 3-5 Jack Streichers or Sttufes who dont buy it. And when it flops, GW will abandon it, and then it will be squatted.

    Eh for my experience it usually 5 king Brodd to one jack stretcher, mainly because it always been small vocal people on the intenet saying thing cost too much but in reality, the consumer base buy into the hype more readily then the small people are willing to say so. and for the most part their marketing has gain a lot of traction (more so then Lumineath did)

    i don't think it will flop just because the market traction for this range has been very consistent when it comes to view and traffic, yes there always comments about the pricing but it just a small subset of the population.


  7. then again Mortek guard could have easily became the most expensive 25mm  horde unit in the game, they where just thankfully pointed as an elite unit  which made the whole army affordable.


    9 minutes ago, Howdyhedberg said:

    Did they mention what all the books would be besides morathi? 

    no they have only reveal what the first book is

  8. running a full group of Mancrusher sounds fun and pretty strong but there is going to be some wound keeping when running them because of the bracketing

    following how unit rules work, if one is injured that one model get weaker, but  the other two are basically at full strength and are kind of protected from being bracketed by the injured gargant. the downside is that if one Gargant is bracketed you have to make separate rolls for some of its abilities and attacks.

    running three you can do up to 3D3 mortal wound to one unit and get three chances of using the instakill ability on low wound models. at full strength they get 30 clubs attacks 

  9. the stomper artifact (Club of the First Ork i believe) of escaping death on a 4+ sound cool, maybe a bit swingy  but  also strong at the same time. rerolling saves on the other artifact sounds more useful overall but this one is such a go big or go home type artifact.


    • Like 1
  10. yeah if you look at the history of tome Celestial it all been new AOS armies (stormcast, fyreslayers, Slaanesh, Nighthaunt, Ironjawz, OBR, and Gloomspite)

    also i would feel it be a bit unprecedented to have 3 gloomspite tomes in a row.

    problem i feel is that until GW actually update the spiderfang range they are just going to leave them at where they are right now

  11. 1 hour ago, Jymmy said:

    When is the next white dwarf announced?? I’m loosing hours of sleep waiting to see if  the next tome celestial will contain Spiderfang allegiance rules...

    Same weekend as when the son of Behemat comes out


    edit: tome celestial comes out every other issue though

  12. from what i can gather, one of GWs strength is logistics and customer service, most FLGS find them very reliable to work with  and getting product  from them in a timely matter (especially preorders).  this is something most other miniature companies struggle to do.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Greybeard86 said:

    This is usually an issue and I feel similarly about it. I do think that, sometimes, 3rd party models do look out place.  Certainly the proportions used by GW make it hard to combine...

    But I am willing to sacrifice that aspect so that GW feels the pressure of the competition. It will only be better for us if they do not think they have free reign.

    The problem is that they would only feel pressure if their was a competent competitor in their market and for the most part there isn’t a company that is big enough to do so.

    privateer press, mantic, covus belli, all lack the marketing reach too do so. Third party can produce models but not rules, paints, or other accessory that GW can produce

    Hasbros is probably the biggest powerhouse company around and surpasses GW in market worth but they don’t compete in the miniature War game market

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