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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 35 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    I can't help but feel that Catacombs should be an expansion pack. $237USD for something that most Warcry gamers already own a large chunk of makes it very off-putting for existing players, and at that price is hard to call it a starter set.

    Fingers crossed that the warbands, new dungeon accessories ("scenery" that you can't really use in any other setting), and Catacombs book will be available on their own in a few months. I'll maybe pick up the board pack in the mean time. Maybe not. $55 is right on the edge. Likely I'll just skip it entirely and just pick up the Scions for regular Warcry games far down the road. Bummer, really. Was very much looking forward to this.

    Pre-covid I might have seen it on display in a store and been pulled into an impulse buy. Now, with the risks and lockdowns (yeah, I know, America ...), I won't have that exposure, so I'll wait.

    Very interested to read about others peoples' experiences, though!

    its 210 USD, 237 is the set with the novel included.

    it sucks that it both more expensive and some what less content then the previous starter set, 

    it also not helping that the new warband boxes are $10 more then the previous ones

  2. Not sure if it was design with this intent but mega Gargant kit has its basic body rig all on one spures I can see GW using that rig in the future for other mega size Gargants like what they did with the Bigger knights ( Dominus class). Their maybe chaos Gargants in the future too since they had a brief lore bit about them working with chaos Duardin.

  3. 2 hours ago, Gotz said:

    I think everything is fairly set up until the end of the year, so I wouldn't expect another preview until New Years Open Day.


    i think there going to be at least one more this year to replace the big Blood and Glory preview

    the last one was a replacement for Spiel show

    • Like 2
  4. i wouldn't really care about the competitive scene at the moment given the world state right now and the fact that only small tournaments are being held right now.  barely any worthwhile tournaments are happening in the US and i don't expect much with COVID is just coming back. yes Gloomspite is not a strong army but complain about it constantly damper your enjoyment of playing games. just enjoy what you got and not care about what others have.

    often times the strongest army are often times GW forgeting how to balancing stuff and not really metric of player skill or anything one can do without bent out rules.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bigtroggboi said:

    Hello just joined, quick question.

    So you get 1 command point on your hero phase automatically from your general. Then you get a potential extra point with the Shepherd of Idiotic Destruction on a 4+. Then you get an additional point under the bad moon.

    Does this mean your Dankboss can get a potential 3 command points on turn 2 if the moon is on him?

    I believe yes, 1 naturally per turn, 1 from the artifact, and one for being in the moon

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Yeah I don't see Morathi sharing that kind of power with anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if the "shadow daemon possession" in their lore so far winds up being the Umbraneth allies are under her power and can't report back to or do anything for their real master, Malerion and his empires of shadowy devil aelves.

    It even goes back to the naming conventions you mentioned. She personally created several races of aelves, Melusai, Khinerai and the Gorgai's. They belong to Her and bow to no other, only those she permits them to for her grand plans.

    I am of the opinion that the design plan was for each aelves gods to get there own army since each got a portion of souls from Slaanesh.

    Tyrion has his side of Pointy aelves yet unseen

    Teclis has Deepkin but stuff happens and he had to use some of Tyrions to make his side of Pointy aelves

    Morathi has daughter of Khaine

    Malarion has Umbraneth spiky goth punk Aelves

    Allarielle didn’t get any souls but has Sylvaneath and maybe Kurnothi in the future 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, amysrevenge said:

    That's a barrier for some (most?) people but not for me.  I bulk buy MDF bases, and would have no problem putting dudes on Marauder sized bases (or with having a handful of excess dudes left over at the end).  Realized I don't even know if Marauders are on 25s or 32s haha, I'd have to look it up haha.

    they are 25 mm

    technically you could proxy the smaller Corvus cabal (10 of them) or Unmade (8 of them) models  as marauder. people don't do it though because is easier to buy the one Marauders  box then spend 2 box of more expensive Warcry boxes. plus i think people really distain the fact that marauder spams happens to be one of the strongest part of S2D over classic Chaos warriors and knights

  8. 1 hour ago, Shearl said:

    I play more Warcry than anything else these days and have been eagerly awaiting this box. 

    I'm kind of bummed out about the price, but what really rubs me the wrong way is that a number of the terrain pieces are the same as the previous box and it comes with the same core book. I know its labeled as the new starter so it makes sense to include the core book, but as I already own all the books getting another of the same thing is kind of annoying. I realize a solution is to simply wait for everything separately, but I can't help but imagine buying everything except the duplicated terrain and book will cost more than this box.

    I think the biggest strike on the box is the lack of chaotic beast that was in the first box

    • Like 3
  9. 42 minutes ago, MaatithoftheBrand said:

    So I finally got my hands on the book after some pre-order delays, and boy I thought that I could not have been more hype/excited than I was waiting for it. I appear to have been wrong!

    The lore is stand-out to me, honestly some of the best and most naturally written of the Age of Sigmar Battletomes - the myths of the trials of Behemat (the tsunami, the fear of the trees) were great, not only for giving the gargants an almost classical mythology/dark fairy tale feel, but also for a new look at Gorkamorka as an "individual" rather than just a force or a greenskin philosophy. Also, I believe the reference to a squig godbeast was new to this book, right? That was an amusing anecdote to stumble across whilst reading!

    Loving seeing the gargant models, both base and converted/kit-bashed, in this thread - it is really helping me keep the keen up! Has anyone managed to give the narrative battleplan in the tome a try yet?

    Yeah that the strength of many of the destruction battletome, they really have colorful engaging if a bit hilarious lore In their books

    • Like 1
  10. 33 minutes ago, Dankboss said:

    So I was thinking about Mega Gargants after having built my Warstomper, and remembered in the Gitz tome it mentions that Dankholds can grow to fit the space they're sleeping in, and that the tallest are nigh as tall as Gargants, and that makes me wonder if that also refers to Mega-Gargants, given both excerpts. So, I threw together some rules for what I'd expect the biggest, dumbest Dankhold to be. I might even draw it as a design. I picture it as a bloated, slobbering toad of a Troggoth who's so fat its legs barely work and it drags itself with its arms.

    I'd expect it to be in the 550-600 point range.



    I was also thinking they would eventually make an even bigger Troggoth character called the Dankhold Troggking, since when they initially release Gloomspite  gitz, the Troggboss was a nice size model but he wasn't as big as i though he could be.

    • Like 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Groomy said:

    I'm curious, has any of you guys ever tried to email GW's team directly and asked for a simple motivational justification of why their 2+2=160EUR?

    I mean something to the effect of "Hey guys, I've noticed the price doubled but there are 12 fewer models, 6 fewer buildings, no proofread and no cards. Could you be so kind to tell me where the value is given that I'm on the fence about it?" 

    I was good about not buying GW this year. Not because I was "priced out" per se but because I felt like GW just wanted to get into my pants without buying me dinner first. But I was really looking forward to this box and while I can both afford it and probably justify it with the whole "I haven't spent cash on GW for 12+ months" it still feels like they just don't give a (blank) about me, you or anyone here.  

    Also, I know the topic of the Old World is now synonymous to "Voldemort" and people more vile than nurgle himself crawl out of their holes to pull you into their toxic lairs, but, didn't they blow up the old system mainly because new people couldn't afford to join the hobby and it took 12 billion books to start playing? (Mind you I know I can play with just one book and a first starter and am only looking at the new books for the narrative quests) 

    pretty sure people have but either they don't get a response or they get a generic corporate response

    as with the Old world, it may have been contributing factor to the decline of WHF as a game but there was probably many internal reason that they blew it up ranging from IP issues to revamping the game system entirely and having a new slate.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, robotnik_taco said:

    Soooo, maybe I'm just being impatient, but is anyone else who preordered through gw still waiting for their stuff to even ship? Yes I know covid troubles, and yes I should have gone third party, just want my big guys.


    Edit: I'm in the US

    i am also in the US and mine is also delayed until Wednesday.

    it because their warehouse is operating at lower capacity because of covid  restriction in the US so they having logistic problems  especially since Holiday shopping has also started.  Prime day also happen last week too so there a lot of shipping traffic going on right now

  13. I am not sure if  it was because the response that it was all chaos warband was a bit murky that they decided to add the AoS units into the game. it did feel a bit tack on because the chaos warbands felt balance within each other but the AoS roster introduced a lot of units with extreme state lines

    I felt like they could have done better if they had initially release warbands like the Khainite shadow stalker along with Stuff like Scions of the flame

  14. 28 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm thinking they priced the first warcry box as a loss leader and might now view the game as it's own, established thing and treat the second box accordingly. Warcry is not a great entry point anyway, since it requires so much extra stuff. You can start AoS cheaper than warcry by just getting a start collecting box and playing with the core rules. From that perspective, warcry really does not succeed as an entry level product. The individual warbands might be cheaper, but the entry cost is actually higher than AoS proper.

    Yeah plus Warcry doesn’t use many AoS mechanics either unlike what Killteam does. strength and toughness, lack of charge phase, and no save rolls are just a few

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