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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 3 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

    The Brute Wrekkaz are basicly already just Bonesplitterz, it already happened before. Some say the same about the KB warband.

    It possible that there could be more Weirdnob units in the future and they become like Beast Snaggas but for Ironjawz.

    • Like 4
  2. While they are largely a 40K channel,  Poorhammer recently did an interesting show about 40K detachment the may give people insight on how AoS will go with Formation. They also really nail what makes a good or bad detachment, do they bring play and versatility to all aspect of an army and some of the inequity that happens when codexes are release.

    • Like 2
  3. I just more hoping that Formation are flesh out and every army battletome has good ones.

    because 40K sort of stumbles in this area with their version of it (detachment). With OrK having good variety of them and Custodes and Ad mech having issues with their detachments.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    More books doesn't implies more support. Being strict more books implies less chances to received support. The number of yearly releases will be the same and the small ones will be splitted more.

    Well at least the unbespoken rule is at least your army and book release get a hero model every edition (unless your Chaos demon or Imperial knight/ Chaos Knight/ and maybe Sons of behemat in the future).

    I guess there always some armies like Grey knights and Drukhari who get left behind a little bit 

  5. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    Yeah, especially for KB. They would get something early, as it is usual for the launching faction of the previous edition.

    KBZ does have the Lumineath temple style expansion going for them with their 5 Tribe system. While all 5 tribes are represented currently in the range each of them (especially Breaka Tribe and Snatcha tribe) can be expanded upon in the future.

    • Like 1
  6. 27 minutes ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    I didn't say Big Waaagh was always necessarily better than the others at all times, it suffered too before yes.  It's probably more difficult to balance what's basically multiple very different Orruk factions in the same tome at the same time, and I hope that if they separate them into their own tomes they'll be able to put more thought and flavour into them individually. Sorry if I'm missing the trees or whatever.

    Gameplay balance aside, it probably better for them to split in the long term in a model release perspective. both sides could use more model in general and every edition your one mandatory hero is at least related to the army you want to play. If not one side will end up like Harelquins who will never get anything when they are part of Aeldari.

    that and there a clearer biological difference and distinction between Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, even though they are both Orruks they are almost a different species appreance wise.

    if course this is all speculation base on a missing keyword from a warscroll. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Yes, and my biggest problem with AoS was that heroes on foot are worthless. A Chaos Lord, Soulblight Vampire were nothing special in combat. All foot heroes have more or less the same stats. Only small variations. My Chaos Lord avoided combat.

    The Weirdnob has more or less the same damage output 3/4/3/1/D3 vs 4/3/3/1/2 isn't a huge difference. In the shooting phase the Weirdnob can seriously weaken or kill the Slaughterpriest and than combat has to start.

    As a priest of battle and blood it's best for him to avoide combat, if he don't want to die the second he enters combat. You can't force the enemy unit anymore to divide its attacks. So every foot hero with wounds between 5-6 is probably death the moment he/she enters combat.

    I was hoping they ported the hero model  can be attach to a unit rule from 40K for this edition but nothing yet.

    • Like 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    Doesn't something similar to this happen with various Tzaangor units depending on if they are in Slaves, Beasts or Disciples?

    Tzaangors had different point values between Tzeentch and Beasts, I believe the warscroll where the exact same with maybe a keyword difference

  9. 7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The problem is that as has been pointed out there are presumably people who have bought painted and played exclusively with Big Waagh. Suddenly their army is gone and they're left with two half armies. 

    One possible bright side is that Nagash has different warscrolls for different factions. 

    One way of fixing the balance issue is having an ironjawz version of a scroll and a big waagh version of a scroll which can be pointed differently. 

    I mean their army probably got gutted anyway because BSZ is being discontinued from AOS regardless. (Especially the Wurrgog Prophet who had a specific role in BW)

  10. 12 minutes ago, Grunbag said:

    Anyone else noticed there is no longer orruk warclan keyword ? 


    Maybe Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are going to be their own thing now that Bonesplitterz are gone? I at least assume that  both of them where to keep their seperate army rules in 4th 

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I feel like the loss of the BoC has really impacted the narrative this edition- The setup for something as good as the Broken Realms series exists, but it feels like they didn't commit to it because the plotline needed to set it up was scrapped. You can see this because I'm pretty sure every codex covers how the faction handles Incarnates, but the Incarnates themselves weren't ever used as a plot point outside of Thondia. (Speculation) This was probably due to both leading up to a BoC refresh and a different story than the Dawnbringer Crusades that probably focused more on Kragnos, . I think the only major through lines I can think of for the crusades that are actually starting to pay off are the CoS, FEC, Skaven, S2D, and the OBR of all people (Specifically the "Mysterious Hooded Speaker of Nagash's will" is literally Arkhan, the OBR battletome says that this is just what he's doing currently).

    It feels weird, I think is the main point of all of this.

    There were also a few more broken realm plot point that got sideline as well.

    Morathi taking Anvilguard (may be relevant in 4th)

    Teclis getting greviously wounded by Nagash 

    the Dark sky event in Chamon (maybe eventually when we get to focus on that realm) the whole Be’lekor plot has been on hold.

    Grugni coming back but then he just made new armor that fix the Dark sky event instead of helping dwarfkind 

    Gordrakk decided to go siege the Allpoints.

    Slaanesh chain are always getting looser by the day and those two twins have yet to do anything after being defeated in Ghur.

    • Like 2
  12. 17 minutes ago, Pizzaprez said:

    From where I'm sitting, that narrative had to eventually introduce Morghur to the setting and have some pretty big fallout for the Realms as a whole. The incarnates seemed to be something important, that were going to be built on, in a similar way to how Endless Spells helped to emphasize some aspects of the setting.

    GW deciding to drop beasts had to have been something they planned for for awhile internally; likely around when they were nailing down TOW's ruleset. Timeline-wise, this shaking out about two years ago feels right. That narrative just sort of faded away when I was expecting/anticipating at least one sequel. 

    If it was a multi-book story about how the Incarnates started showing up and the Beastmen began to corrupt them into/for Morghur, snowballing into the AoS Beastmen reboot, I could see why someone saying "yo AoS team, you're losing beastmen" would result in the entire narrative getting axed. Alarielle has also been pretty quiet since the Rite of Life, which (to me) supports the perspective her and the beasts would have finally had a narrative arc focused on the Alarielle/Morghur mud wrestling match that ive been thirsting for since 2003

    Considering that Broken realm Allarielle was scrap (allegedly) in 2nd edition which had her fight Beastmen and completing the Rite of life, it may have even been earlier when they decided the fate of BoC

    • Like 3
  13. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I prefer Dawnbringers because Broken Reams feels more like a fight between gods and big names and Dawnbringers is more the mortals in the mortal realms. And Ushoran and Zenestra IMO are the best characters from the whole BR and 3rd ed.

    Well it just maybe just me but I felt the narrative felt flat with Dawnbringer then with Broken realms, there not as much discourse or discussion about the storyline.

    though it could be the content of the books did feel lacking like some of PTG sections 

  14. 8 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    How about we start at 60 USD and make GW haggle their way up 😭

    I finally got my hands on some Dawnbringer books, and though I love how much narrative and worldbuilding text there is... I was disappointed at the lack of (new) art in the books.

    They for the most part did really well with Broken realm that Dawnbringer felt like a disappointment narrative wise.

    though I always felt that Narrative books in general just don’t sell well.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    I get it they're kind of a one-trick pony, but well...when you think about it, a lot of AoS factions are kinda in the same situation. It's not really a DoK problem.

    Granted some of the 1.5 to 2.0 armies (Deepkin, DK, KO, FS, OBR sort of) who haven’t gotten an expansion to their range so they are a bit limited in their playstyle and versatility.

    of course some armies like Ironjawz are just design to be straightforward even with an expansion recently. 


  16. 11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    The fact that it appears in lore or illustration doesn't make them AoS kits, IMO. If you have nothing else to display, you have to do it with WHFB minis. Hurricanum will disappear at the same time as the varied mages' kit.

    Example being Demigryphs and Greatswords. Despite artwork they both got canned when Freeguild got their update.

  17. 7 hours ago, DeLewko said:

    Gw has a tendency lately to leave 1 elite infantry untouched when redoing a line, see seraphon with temple guard and sbg with grave guard. No idea when they will update those kits. Theory floating around was that they left it for warcry update, but it has been 3 years since sbg was released and we still have them.. 

    they will 100% be updated since we got the test models through WHU and I hope its pretty soon 

    They redid Chosen when slaves got their second wave, it just a timing thing really and that was not warcry but a proper boxset.

    they tend to be hesitant to update old plastic to new plastic as interest tends to be lower for them then say redone plastic battleline. 

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