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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 20 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    I'm just posting the results from Vince's Warhammer Weekly surveys one more time. Had around the same responses, but asked for armies played. The blue one is from mid-last year, when the LRL weren't fully released yet, and the other one is just from a few weeks ago. The blue one only allowed for responding with one faction, the green one allowed for multiple choices. 

    There are quite some differences which could be fun to speculate about, although I don't think we have enough data yet. But there could be a big discrepancy for some armies that are well liked, but still not being played that much (pricing could be an issue, difficulty of painting them etc.). Or there could be none, because most people equate "like" with "play". 


    i think it easy to explain why SCE are the most own army here, both being a starter set army and market to the beginner crowd.

    they are just probably not someone favorite army, people probably branch off SCE once they made a 2000 point army to another army they personally like more. a lot of people probably have SCE but it maybe their secondary or tertiary army they play as oppose to their main.

  2. i feel like KO don't need to be merge with other Duradin in one battletome. i don't think 2 different separate Dwarf faction  is such a bother considering that there are 4 and maybe 5 in the future different Aelf faction that don't look like they are going to be merge together either. 

    the best world would just keep the current two dwarf tomes seperate as is and just make an Ynnari rule set in CoS for the big united Duradin army.

    • Like 7
  3. maybe a solution would just give  foot heroes better protection against shooting (extreme case would be to make them un-targetable when in look out sir range or maybe something similar to the necromancer where they pass on attack to nearby units) but buff up  melee assassin foot heroes  like  the deathmaster  or Tenebral Shard to have strong abilities to jump past screens into these heroes (Flying charge, better Deepstriking abilities, ect) maybe still a bit NPE but feels a bit fairer then being dumpster at long range.

    i guess you can have certain sniper heroes that ignores LOS like 40k Vindicare assassin  do

  4. 1 hour ago, Kurrilino said:

    Can someone point me to the direction of the AOS rumours forum.

    I mistakenly ended up in a 40K Necron's section. Maybe the DNS records are mixed up and point to "40K Unwanted United"

    Admins, please fix that i want to go where normal people go.


    to be fair we are talking about AoS 3.0, just using the 40k edition as a comparison.

    • Like 3
  5. i think one of the reason they choice Necron is that they have always been  known as an  easy to paint army (spray leadbealcher and put a coat of nuln oil on them and you are all set). so it a good beginner army for newer customers.

    this could also be a factor of what armies get chosen in the end, we are all kind of assuming Stormcast is going to be front and center of the new edition just because of how they are both posterboy faction and have always been design to be newbie friendly.

    • Like 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    What will be the big baddy for AOS 3 after broken realms. I’m interested in the direction it could take I’m hoping it’s destruction or order as we’ve had chaos and death so far. There’s a lot of armies that need new models or revised old models, so could it be something like bonesplitters or skaven or maybe something new? 

    if it is destruction, most people are leaning towards updating and giving more Models to Ironjawz, since they are suppose to be the posterboy of destruction and a lot of people have been waiting for models for them since they been release 5 years ago. new armies for Destruction have been theorize to be either Sky Grots or the Silent people two popular theories.

    Skaven is probably the other big contender only because their range is half anchient and they could use a Necron refresh but the BR narrative doesn;t seem to be going there

  7. 28 minutes ago, Popisdead said:

    It is really,.. weak.... :(

    They aren't bullgors/warherd they are marked Gors.  It's disappointing they don't have Brayherd.  But then I don't know if Tzaangor or Tzaangor enlightened do either.  They do have 2" reach on one weapon though for 40mm bases.  But at 140 points 280 for 6 isn't doing anything....

    pretty sure all Tzaangor units have the Breyherd keyword

  8. So Forgeworld went back to classify units into Grand alliances. i am going to go on a limb and say that everything in the AoS range (even Gloomspite units and greater daemons) is going to be purge really really soon.

    probably the best time to get any model is now

    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, C0deb1ue said:

    The battletome is an age away hence all the well meaning but not very helpful  white-dwarf articles. BR is also probably a good 5-6 months away as they only just announced Teclis (if the next BR is even destruction related but the few stories may be a positive indicator).

    Well they just release a DOK battletome just now,  not sure what your bone in this fight anyway, if you can’t enjoy playing gitz and Just complain in the forum all the time get you no where. Get a better army then.

  10. Don’t think Malarion or Tyrion are getting BR books, the cycle indicate existing character with reusable artwork, are the ones getting the books. That means only Allerialle can get a book at this point in time. 


    also BR would just be boring being all Aelves anyway and a failure when most people did get the memo anyway

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    I've been hyped for new gitmob since we saw the warcry warband, definitely feels like they're teasing it to some extent. Not sure if they belong in gloomspite but I'll be happy as long as we get them in some form.

    you mean underworld?

    i hope either a BR book or a new battletomes come out soon for Gitz really

  12. 3 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Broken Realms : Tome I announced the Hedonites battletome, so Tome II could announce Battletome : Soulblight Gravelords.

    EDIT : if the 3rd (and last ?) BR book is indeed about Alarielle, then it could announce BT : Maggotkin (a very old one) just before Starter Set for 3rd edition and DESTRUCTION HEGEMONY / FALL OF EXCELSIS

    that make sense, since those theoretical three book would sort of update all the 1.5 battletomes (DoK, IDK, Nurgle, and maybe LoN)

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:


    Btw those lines are more or less similar to the Shyish energy lines in the Ossiarch Empires.

    So probably a map from Shyish from the next Broken Realm book ??

    could be related to Arkhan and his Null myriad bonereaper being in conflict with the Thunder lizard constellation that they mention in the battletome (though i think they were in Chamon)

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