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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jimmy Bob Jones said:

    Off topic and five years late but this is the best I can find, can I do a megaboss on mangler squig conversion? 


    i don't see why not, the only  rule people have on conversion is that it on the right base of the unit your trying to represent.


  2. yeah  I think I am on the Ogroid Godbeast theory train as well since that probably the closes similarity he has to anything that exist to right now other then it being Kurnothi/BoC related.

    Just now, silverstu said:

    Got to be what Grungni has been up to?

    didn't the sentence before that said that it was related to Nagash's plan?

  3. i mean the biggest strike of him being related to Dwarf is the lack of beard, what kind of Duardin god has no beard unless it hidden behind his body in the picture

    Edit: if he had this magnificent lock then we would be talking

    See the source image

  4. 1 hour ago, silverstu said:


    I would be very interested to see an AoS version of Indomitus- love to see what they will do to expand and rework the destruction factions and what might follow- war machines/ a small giant/big troggoth as part fo the set.. 


    i think the big thing like 40K is that it will include terrain and a playmat in the starter set (depending on which edition box you buy)

    22 minutes ago, NotAWzrd said:

    Could the theory of a new Orruk release as part of AoS 3.0 be in jeopardy considering 40k are about to get a pretty substantial Ork update? I feel like new destruction might be something different. Ogres/Ogroids or a new race entirely perhaps. 

    An outside chance could be that the Beast Snagga’s come with dual options for 40k and AoS maybe... 

    Orruk is probably the safest bet atm that why most people are thinking its them, i know the podcast where floating other possibility of it being a pure brand new army like Grotbag scuttler and Silent people

  5. to add to the Grimdark live rumor that  AoS 3.0 is going to have Indomitus style boxes with Stormcast vs. an unnamed Destruction army (though that is a general speculation that the community has been predicting would happen)

  6. presumably it be like 40k and that it cost a command point (or 2)to shoot in the charge phase

    i am noticing that they are adding more ways to generate CP in the game in the more recent books through new battalions and heroes.

    I am more wondering are they overhauling battleshock to be like 40k where you can only auto past it once but if you fail the test you auto lose one model and roll a dice for each model in a unit and on a one they flee.

  7. Megaboss on Goregrunta

    TBF more mounted heroes in general in AoS since

    a. GW mounted heroes are some of the coolest sculpt 

    b. Foot heroes often have a hard time keeping up with your mobile offensive units so it nice to have a unit that can keep up and buff them

    c. There not that many small mounted mages in the game either so it’s a design space that GW can really go into.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, silverstu said:

    Yeah but he's looking at a ruined city so it looks like a destroyed civilisation. 


    Exactly - we can't tell what this is- which is pretty cool. One thing though the build up so far in BR for destruction has centred around the massive army of Orruks and friends heading to Excelsis - a Gorkamorka force. Seems a bit strange that suddenly another deity for them would pop up, not impossible but to me seems less likely. Hopefully we will start to see hints in stories/the upcoming books to drop hints of who he might be. The only hints I'm aware of are of the Beastgrave entity and the Kurnothi being leaderless , but maybe he's something that hasn't even been mentioned yet. 

    actually the first BR fiction, the Orruk did feel like it in the wind that a god was coming back, people thought it was Gorkamorka but rereading it could have been Kragnos


    Something clicked in Bokkrog’s mind. Above the shaman, the clouds were being blown by a hard wind. One of them looked a bit like a charging boar rider slowly pushing its way through wall upon wall of thick white clouds. No. Not a boar rider. Something far bigger. More primal.

    A god.

    The shaman came towards him, dipping his gnarled fingers into a pot of fungus woad. Bokkrog let the old orruk smear the bright-blue pigment on his face and chest, too entranced by the clouds to stop him.

    ‘It’s time, in’t it?’ said Bokkrog.

    ‘It is.’

    ‘He’s comin’, in’t he?’

    ‘He is.’


    • Like 7
  9. they did describe that Kragnos's awakening as very ominous and scary  on the article


    But wait… do you hear that? It sounds like a rumble, coming from somewhere very, very deep. Almost like something terrifying has woken from a long slumber.


    We don’t know about you, but we’re not sticking around to find out who that was. Let’s take refuge somewhere safe, like… ah yes, we have the perfect place.

    Edit: also they use the phrase the Realm will Quake, so whatever he is, he going to cause a lot of calamitic problem it feels

  10. i feel like with how the release has gone this year with Slaanesh, LRL, Bel'ekor and Soulblight, that Destruction is next on the cycle to get something (or it would  feel a bit unfair). while i am not saying that mean that Kragnos is related to Destruction, either that release or the one after that one probably should be destruction 

  11. he doesn't look like  a beastmen though, considering that they tend to have anamorphic animal heads, Centigors also have clawed limbs too (though they can redesign that weird aspect of them.) Dragon Ogors obviously have reptilian bodies that doesn't match this either.

    i think i agree with some that he looks like an Ogroid (probably a non chaos one)

    since he getting a broken realm book, he probably a God/near god like being like Bel'kor, Morathi and Teclis. maybe a Godbeast

    • Like 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    This Kragnos thing is interesting. Nice to see a new name pop up. BUT the second book hasn’t even be released yet. Why tease the fourth book already... GW really likes to hype up things way in advance I guess. 

    well they confirm the Teclis book is going to be on preorder next week

  13. not sure if it means anything but the Backdrop for the trailer is Brown which is the color background for most of the destruction BR fiction stories

    also keep in mind all the BR trailer had the character in  them, OBR was a faction reveal trailer and if you go by that metric Gloomspite and DoK had Morathi and Skargrott in them when they where reveal.


    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Reuben Parker said:

    I was interested to see in the warhammer community Metawatch article the SoB player was saying his current favourite list is what I have been banging the drum for. Although not tooting my own horn that much as theres not that many different choices :)  


    The article isn’t clear though as to if he means triple gatebreaker mega or just triple mega one of each as commonly seen in taker tribes. I assume though that he means triple gatebreaker all with the +1 vs heroes and wizards as the sniping game is super important. 

    The list I’ve mentioned before is 3 gatebreaker, general with +2 flail trait and 6+++ item and then a unit of 3 mancrushers. After that I’m never sure if a CP or just a triumph bid is better. 



    this was his list that he took to VicGT


    he used two Breaker and  the Krakeneater for the objective moving

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