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Posts posted by novakai

  1. 2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    Fallout 4 had an increase of 7500% after their shows release. If GW can have a healthier community for 40k, and its show is good enough, pretty sure that it will be a win/win in a mid and long term.

    Amazon sort of need that success because they been having problems with Ring of Power especially since it seems they are cutting marketing and promotion for it. (And they spent a billion on this project)

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

    The ork one is outstanding though 🤷

    As for AoS, the rules we've seen so far don't feel like complete rewrite so much as an evolution. I'm not currently concerned. Anyone else in the same boat?

    Well yeah that was the biggest bummer both codexes came out the same time and the quality between the OrK and Custodes was so stark.

    Granted this is pretty common with GW and it’s where the meme “Bin or Sin books” comes from

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    The Year is 2074, 10 years after the Civil strife in Warhammer World HQ. The Warring Clans -   Warhammer the Old World, AoS, and 40K have destabilised the Peace Treaties due to a disagreement on the Spelling of “Snotlings”. The Neutral Faction of “Specialist Designers” celebrate their first release in decades, “Bill The Pony- Get Back on the Road”. The internet brays with excitement at rumours that Malerion and his Aelves are a just a couple of editions away.





    I just assume we fail to curb Global warming by then 

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  4. Well also the global market in general is going down because of fear of the Middle East escalation and UK market in general hasn’t been great. Selling now is probably the best time if you see the stock price going down

  5. 56 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    I think Arachnarok would be the only models to survive from Spiderfang model. Spider Riders were not named during this edition outside the description of that unit.a

    I guess it depends if they want to keep the Native American like aesthetic of the forest goblins that the spiderfang units still have or go a completely different direction with them

  6. 48 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    If that's true it will be:

    - GSG
    - FS
    - FEC
    - SCE
    - Warclans rather than IJ? Presumably KB?
    - Sylvaneth
    - CoS
    - Ogors
    - DoK
    - LRL?
    - More S2D? Maybe this one is a bit too much.

    It would make sense in terms of giving love to needed armies.

    It would go by Dawnbringer box releases, and Ogors/LRL only got warcry releases. Warcry is so and so when it comes to predicting releases, but Ogors like Drukhari are in the need to be desperately updated zone.

    You could argue that FEC and S2D Dawnbringer release were tied to the FEC launch /Darkoath release but they could still get stuff in 4th.

    • Like 1
  7. 38 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I don't think Harbingers are a sign of new releases, what seems to be clear is that they are pruning the WHFB kits, and Gitz still have a few of them. That fixed with some of the AoS only more needed for releases would be a good guess for the upcoming two editions.

    Depends because armies that got Broken realms releases was a very accurate sign of what armies got stuff in 3rd (except LRL because their BR lead to an odd battletome release with a second wave )

  8. 16 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Nobody wondering why all these things are getting squatted? Do we expect something to happen that causes this change/removal of armies? Some kind of mid season narrative campaign?

    Just give me a renewed BoC and reimagined/ integrated BS please.

    Well going by history

    Greenskinz/wanderers/swifthawk agents: exist in the background but rarely mentioned again if at all

    Gitmob: exists in the background but did came back with one mini

    Lion rangers/order Draconis/ Eldritch council : umm we forgot about these guys

    Phonecium: your city get blown up

    3 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Yes thats is true, but they did get replaced by one of the biggest army refreshes GW has done so far. So im wondering what BoC and BS get replaced by or made room for. Silent people? Frazzlegitz? Something weird?

    probably Chorfs, Kruleboyz seperate, or maybe kragnos army

  9. They all get Index rules though Indexes are just placeholders in the end for battletomes. You would just hope that the parity between Index and battletome isn’t that vast for the remaining life of those AoS armies.

    TBF I think only like 1/3 of the armies will be updated by summer 2025. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    It is complicated for that to happen when we know Chorfs are on its way.

    Well it could just be that they had to open a spot in Grand Alliance Chaos for Chorfs as well I guess. And beast just had to go lol

  11. 27 minutes ago, Son Of Morghur said:

    Just thinking about it, but it is still kinda annoying, that they don't let these armies be played until the end of the edition! I mean, even if they don't have an official Battletome, GW will not release all the battletomes up until summer 2025 anyway. Also, what's SO heard to adjust the points? They could let us play with our miniatures until the of the edition even if we're under-powered rather than just cut us all-together during summer.

    This will mean that Beastmen (and probably Wood Elves) will be released for Old World at the latest in Summer 2025. They are probably scared that people would go buy those and make sales for old world,, just to play them in AoS. But I mean, this is really curious, since people are going to buy Old World minis for AoS anyway (and the same goes the other way around, I just saw someone playing Orks and Gobbos in Old World, using mostly Gloomspite and I think he also had some 3D-printed ork chariots, some weeks ago).

    Think it’s just doing things sooner and not dragging their feet on something, also they don’t want to commit to it for that long.

    could be that they are planning a new Beast army a year in the edition but marketing won’t reveal things more then 3 months in advance either way.


    or maybe office politics are strict and things have to be gone in deadlines

  12. 1 hour ago, HCMistborn said:

    Did the murder the plague priest in the model cleansing? Maybe a grey seer that can be built as a plague priest, like in Total Warhammer? I seem to remember them being the same model with a different staff and stink lines floating around the plague priest.

    It really rare in AoS for a foot hero to have an alternative build into another hero. Sometimes we are lucky to even get a different weapon loadout.

    • Thanks 2
  13. Keep in mind though 40K starters boxset sellout is mostly because the population is magnitude larger then AoS.

    for context the 40K trailer manage to get 2.3 M views on YouTube while AoS 4th is stuck at 493K (Dominion manage to settle at 1.2M now)

    • Sad 1
  14. 6 hours ago, MitGas said:

    I don‘t think a range extension for daemons is likely, they are pretty complete overall, especially because each God has to have basic troops and specialists so there is little room for more. Doesn‘t mean that there won‘t be anything new but I think that‘s more along the lines of a unit here or there. 

    The only way they would really introduce a bunch of kits would be by making more unaligned daemons and while we saw some of those in HH, I‘m not sure they gonna go in that direction on a bigger scale. Unaligned daemons would be the most „standard“ cookie cutter daemons and since GW wants to make their IP more unique than less unique, I doubt such a move. Perhaps the Malerion faction will get something daemon-like, they‘re said to lean into shadow-daemon/draconic themes. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I can see them expanding Be’Lekor’s side of slaves to darkness with his own Daemon creatures and It can either go into either ruinstorm daemons or shadow daemons for him.

    • Like 3
  15. 25 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The interesting thing is that the memorians and the cover star confirm that there are models in the box which weren't in the video. We're definitely getting some more heroes for each side. The big question is whether we're getting another unit for Skaven. I'm pretty confident there won't be 40 clan rats. Recent boxes have aimed for variety. It wouldn't surprise me if we see a unit of stormvermin or acolytes. The other option is a larger rat ogre unit with pack masters similar to the reclusians.

    Both Dominion and Leviathan had 8 unit entry (though Dominion double dip as there were 20 hobgrot and 10 vindictors which was technically 2 squads of them so they had seven different units compare to leviathan).

    Skaven probably gets the wolfrat leader, 3 foot heroes (probably a foot melee hero, a spellcaster, and a specialist hero) 20 Clan rat, Jezzails squad, and rat Ogors (and maybe another unit depending on the clanrats)

  16. Well at least with the point of Firebelly. Since GW has been more aggressive in culling Resin and Metal model and Ogor Mawtribe (Yhetees, Frostsabre, Firebelly, maneater, and icebrow hunter) has the last holdovers of them in Sigmar, 4th edition is probably where their fate is going to be finally decided. 

    Weather there get an actual Ogor release and all or some of them are refresh, being removed completely the Mawtribe range, or going the Drukhari route is all up to speculation. 

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