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Posts posted by Jator

  1. 1 hour ago, SirSalabean said:

    So far there’s a few key differences we will see how it turns out next Tuesday. I’ll do a direct comparison to the Warhammer Weekly one too if it interests people. I think this one is more encompassing of every part of the community rather than just what’s played, such as painting and general collecting too. It will be interesting though. 

    I was just writting a post about how I think the criteria for the survey could have been more specific than "favourite". Because Lore and Aesthetic come to my mind when I read favourite, but for others that may be the army that gives them more victories, or a paint challenge, or something else entirely.

    I still think your results will be interesting and I'm eager to read about it,  but we won't be sure about what is the appeal of the armies at the top or what is missing with those at the bottom. Different categories would have been  great.

  2. First thing that came to my mind are Clan Tichritt and their chronomatic weapons. Sure, they were crushed by Sigmar&Co. but surely some of them were able to jump in time into the current era!

    To be honest I don't know how you can design such faction without it looking like Skryre with more cogs, but that would be a job for the design team!

  3. "The Spirefall was the result of the unchecked hubris of the Lumineth, whose raw talent and mastery of art, philosophy, martial pursuits, and magic gave them little reason for humility. The short version? They sought endlessly to outdo one another, and these rivalries culminated in a devastating internecine war. So great was the power they unleashed that the resulting energies attracted and empowered the Dark Gods, Slaanesh in particular, giving rise to the Age of Chaos."

    But...Slaanesh was already chained, that's the reason the Lumineth existed in the first place.

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  4. 5 hours ago, cyrus said:

    Death could be just new Death guard codex/models going on preorder this saturday




    No. The teaser was all about the Age of Sigmar Universe.

    Edit: My bad, I've forgotten the video also featured what looks like miniatures for the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Titanicus game, as pointed out by the guy below. So @cyrus, it could be as you said!.

  5. 13 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:


    If we assume that 3rd edition is coming this summer, with an updated/new army to go with it AND that the army will be Destruction focused (the biggest assumption here), then a Death release would either have to fit in between February and whatever point in the summer 3rd ed drops, or some point in the year after that. There's a chance that it could be one of the 3rd edition launch factions, but since we already got a Death faction with Nighthaunt and since the Soul Wars narrative seems to be wrapping up, I find that to be a little unlikely.

    In short: I have no idea.

    We pretty much got confirmation of a new death army. The New year preview video ended with the words "Destruction. Decadence. Death".
    With Decadence being obviously Chaos/Slaanesh.

    Of course, the video also featured new Lumineth and they didn't write "Order" at the end,  but we saw some kind of zombie/pirate/witchhunter whatever.  I'm more puzzled about the destruction part.  Maybe, as you say, it will come with a new starter box.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I don't think most people are talking about sales here. In the other thread the question of Fyreslayers popularity came up in reference to the Warhammer Weekly aesthetics and gameplay surveys. Fyreslayers were the least popular army in the aesthetics survey as well as the least picked main army in the gameplay survey. You could make an argument that people not having them as their main army is due to price, but aesthetics has nothing to do with that.

    Thanks for clarifying.
    Then I guess more dwarf players feel like Greybeard: The Fyreslayers looks are similar enough to the old slayers and took their place, but they aren't the" real deal". While for those who don't like dwarf they're still to close to classic dwarfs, like you pointed out.
     So they're liked by neither the dwarf lovers or the haters?

    PD: I wasn't a fan when they were released but I still felt cynic about AoS back then. Reading realmslayer has really warmed up my feelings towards them.

    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    What prompted me to post this is other folks telling me that they are overall often voted as the least popular army.

    Wouldn't that have more to do with the price? Even the SC! isn't great value compared to other start collecting, like the Ironjawz one.

    I know I like the lore and theme well enough, and even could paint 60 of them without hating them (I'm used to paint skaven, after all) but the price to collect such army is a big No for me when there are options that I like as much and offer better value.

    I do agree that the old metal slayers had more personality, but IMO, that happens with most comparisions between old metal sculpts and plaqstic ones (bear in mind that I like better the old metal orcs before the Brian Nelson designs, so your mileage may -and probably will. vary!), so it's a bit unfair to blame only the Fyreslayers for this.
    Same thing with your point about lack of variety: Sylvaneth and kharadron, for example, have also very samey units.

     So the issue may be more about how much you liked the old slayers, wich is totally understandable to be fair. They were badasses.

    • Like 2
  8. Probably irrelevant. but the Grotbag Scuttlers were mentioned again in December's Tome Celestial:


    The origins of the Spiderfang lie in the Age of
    Myth. It was then that, for whatever reason – and
    the shamans have put forth many theories on
    this, ranging from a command uttered by mighty
    Gorkamorka himself to a mushroom-fuelled
    escapade that blew wildly out of proportion – the
    original grot tribes diverged. Many sought
    sanctuary in the dank and clammy places,
    becoming the Moonclans. Some, often those who
    hailed from industrious Chamon, took to the air
    as the Grotbag Scuttlers.

    If GW doesn't have new goblins in the works they're just being cruel.☹️

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    18 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    There might be a chance where the skaven actually become the whole bad guys for the 3rd edition.



    Well, the Great Horned Rat should be the most interested in keeping Slaanesh out of the board (as much as is possible, anyway) so they have a great motivation to take part in these new events.
    If that leads to new Eshin miniatures (warcry warband?)  it would be the definitive proof that 2021 is reversing 2020's luck.

  10. What do you think Aenarion could bring to the setting? I mean, we are not short of elven deities (Aenarion was practically a demigod in his times) and besides being more of an as**le than the twins I'm not sure how his contribution to the Realms could be different than anything his descendants could do.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the guy, he's cool and all that, and has a connection with Morathi but I'm just unsure about how he could be well used.

    • Like 1
  11. There's much speculation about the next "broken realms" titles, but I think the first mention about the campaign prety much spelled it out:



    The aelven gods are rising up to challenge the might of Chaos and the growing power of Death – but like Sigmar’s pantheon before them, they are riven by mistrust and each pursues their own goals and schemes. Teclis, ever aloof and arrogant, seeks to single-handedly save the Mortal Realms. Allarielle, fickle as the seasons, turns on allies as well as enemies, attacking explorers and settlers across Ghyran. And as for Morathi… well, she has a very definite goal in mind – godhood. True to form, she doesn’t intend to let anything stand in her way.


    I'm ok if that's the case because I like the dynamic between the elven gods, but I can see why some people would be less than pumped out.

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  12. I'm surprised no one is talking about this. Although it has been edited fast and replaced by "daughters of khaine".

     Still, seems like we got the name of malerion's faction: The Umbraneth. (Or at least part of the name, they can be named Umbraneth Shadowmuch or something like that).

    Sin título.png

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  13. 5 hours ago, Grim Beasties said:


    But who knows, there's always Underworlds to give Fimir a chance again.

    I think Blood Bowl has better odds (although still slim) to see Fimirs, they´re even mentioned in one Spike!. Most likely just a nod but who knows, it's clear GW wants to make new teams, and they're rescuing many bits from old lore (zoats in 40k!)

      And there´s The Old World but is soon to speculate about it.

  14. On 8/27/2020 at 10:45 PM, Yeknomious said:

    Winsor and Newton Professional Varnish. It's incredible. I've had a lot of frosting with GW varnish spray (yes, I did shake the can and warm it). I will never buy it again after using the the W&N varnish. I was so impressed with it I even tried it on some frosted models and the spray actually restored most of the vibrancy and contrast of the models. My attention was brought to the W&N spray via the Necron YouTuber IDICBeer.

    Interesting! Not easy to find in my country, but I can look if there's a way to get them at good price.

  15. 12 hours ago, michu said:

    Back on the AoS Video Game topic for a bit:

    I was recently thinking what kind of game would be good for AoS. And then I realised - Stormcasts can die many times and they are always (not really) back but with lost memories and more reforging flaws. Fighting against various enemies, from lowly skeletons to beasts like Bloodthirsters, in fantastical landscapes, while knowing that your efforts can be ultimately futile because gods made too many mistakes... Sounds familiar?

    AoS: Dark (Tempest?) Souls anyone?

    The Stormcast coming back from death makes me think about the Shadow of Mordor/War games. The némesis system in warhammer would be awesome, imagine all the chaos warriors with corny nickames and cool scars wanting revenge or gaining mutations and favors each time they defeat you.

    • Like 8
  16. 21 hours ago, Lior'Lec said:

         If you have an airbrush grab a bottle of Velejo’s brush on matte varnish. It isn’t an actual varnish but water based so less finicky about the weather. It can be applied with a brush or airbrush (preferred) and gives you one layer or protection already if you decide to apply anti-shine later. One thing of note is the finish isn’t as dull as anti-shine and looks more like a satin finish. 

    Seems like mate varnish could be a very wrong choice for contrast. Today I read this on reddit from a guy called Catgutt:



    Because the Contrast is a semi-transparent ink with a satin finish, that 'depth' is from the light reflecting off the primer coat through the ink, and matte varnish kills that by scattering the light to 'flatten' the finish. It does the same thing to conventional paints too, but since they tend to be fairly matte to begin with the change is less pronounced.

    Something to keep in mind!



    10 hours ago, Tommy said:

    I’ve had lots of frosting over the years (before I even knew what it was), it’s an awful feeling. 😕

    If you prefer Citadel/don’t have an airbrush there are Citadel brush-on varnishes too - Stormshield (matt) and Ardcoat (gloss), there’s a short GW video about using them on YouTube.

    I’m just beginning to look at them myself, it’s pretty humid here in Ireland so spraying’s often risky. Since I’m a slow painter anyway I reckon the extra varnish time won’t add up to much! 😅


    GW products are usually as noob-friendly as they can made them, so that's probably a good recomendation. If you try them, please share the experience. I'm still making up my mind.

    Thanks for the responses so far!

  17. Hi all.
    I'm planning my next painting project after months without touching a brush. I will use mostly contrast, which has a reputation of chipping if you stare intensely at the miniatures.

     I'm a slow painter and sometimes find the process frustrating. The idea of ruining a finished miniature in the varnishing step gives me shudders.

      So as the title suggests I'm looking for a foolproof way to do it.

      I have a can of Army painter's Anti-shine spray, but I bought it 5 years ago, has endured some really hot summers, and doesn't have the best reputation around.

      Could you help a fellow hobbyist with moderate skill and more moderate frustration tolerance?

  18.  So, I don't follow 40k news, but some info has beed flodding into my gaming whatsapp groups. Info that will probably be relevant for AoS future.
      Seems like there is going to be a point increase for all units. This seems like a smart move if they want to keep atracting people to the hobby in the dire economic future that awaits us. Not sure how 40k scales with AoS in this regard, but anyway I think we can expect the fantasy game to follow the same route as soon as they can implement it.

     There is also table size reductions and apparently some focus in shorter games, which is where modern games are headed anyway, and where they were stepping into with Meeting Engagements.

      Again, I think all of this gives a hint on AoS future.


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