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Posts posted by Jator

  1. 3 hours ago, Sabush said:

    Are there any plans on creating a sub-forum or sub-section for Old World-discussions here on TGA?
    I think it would be good, because having all TOW-related discussions in this thread could be problematic and making several threads in an AoS-section is problematic too.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first to participate in such sub-forum and enjoy it, but I won't hold it against them if they refuse to go though that. It's clear not everyone will be comfortable with the idea and in the end this is an AoS forum.

    But this is probably best discussed here:


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  2. 32 minutes ago, Someravella said:

    Well, in the interview about The Old World they releases last week, an designer said that they were going to release some models that were done for last editions of Warhammer Fantasy... So, I do think they can release old models that were forgotten in a drawer.

    They could do that, but just to be clear, that's not exactly what they said.


    Jonathan: We spent ages in the archives searching for classic ‘Eavy Metal models, and the production guys worked hard getting old moulds and tools out of mothballs. Lots of cutting new moulds and polishing old tools, but it’s not old stock – none of the models we’re releasing were found on a pallet.


    Rob: There’s one Bretonnian model coming out that had been designed decades ago and never released. It was incredible to be able to find things like this buried at the back of a cupboard.


  3. 10 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    Hum... if things are moving so fast maybe the rumour about Orcs and Goblins vs Dwarfs content being seen at the end of the month could be true.

    I guess they could start the hype for the next factions even if they're two months ahead.


    I wonder what the armies of infamy would be for those factions.

    For dwarves my bet/wishlist would be Norse Dwarfs and Karak Kadrin.

    For greenskins is more tricky.... I'd normally say savage orcs and night goblins, but those are AoS armies, snd after all this talk about GW wanting to keep a division between the ranges...maybe black orcs and some other flavour of goblins? And yes, I now all those have units in AoS too, but it isn't the same situation, those aren't the face in their respective factions.




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  4. 3 hours ago, silverstu said:

    Ooo I thought they were months away! Excited and nervous!! 

    loving the return of dwarf runes. I always felt making your weapons/armour etc really made your characters your own! 

    Back to the good old days!


    That book was probably the peak of army books, with customizable runic weapons and a dwarf dictionary. Lovely stuff.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Funny that Orcs&Goblins "lost" animosity for Impetuous (must charge enemy units unless 4+ roll). It will be a bit less teddious for when you have a unlucky day.


    Edit: I'm enjoying TOW reviews. All this magic items and customization abilities (spites, elven honors, rune-forging, etc...) are awesome. I really miss all this customizations tools in AoS, even if we only had a few in 2.0 and were tied to battalions (IMO, boring).

    Could you share any good reviews that aren't from Guerrilla Miniature Wargames? Thanks!

  6. 49 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

    The blatant lie is there were actually records of Skaven activity during this era

    So if they really want to include Skaven they can always expand on that, but nah.

    For reasons understandable, they seem to want people only use old models or models exclusively designed for TOW instead of new AOS plastic

    Well, they are just making themselves a joke if they think people will still buy, say, old resin rat ogres when new plastic rat ogres are inevitably released. 

    I'm biased, of course, but it does feel wrong to leave skaven out when they're so quintessentially Old World, not to mention very popular in WHF videogames (with a franchise, Vermintide, revolving around them). Of course the other legacy armies deserve to be supported too.

    But I'm pretty sure most tournaments will allow them, and that the community will keep the lists updated. Who knows, in another five years the Specialist Games may find a way to support all the armies in ToW without getting at odds with the AoS department.

    The thing for me is that I never felt like Fantasy was truly dead, and I don't feel like the legacy factions will be kept out from the Old World.


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  7. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/01/03/old-world-almanack-designer-round-table-on-new-graphics-and-miniatures/


    Rob: Giorgio actually managed to find a massive tome of Bretonnian concept art, background, heraldry, and everything that the old Warhammer Design team had put together years ago. 

    Giorgio: It was essentially a style guide from the old studio. It had been put together at the end of a project, and they had collected all of their assets – box art and packaging, transfers, copies of concept art, everything – into paper form and then rationalised it all. It’s effectively the legacy of that particular period. 

    Obviously the Army Book from 8th edition, rumoured to be finnished and forgotten before the End Times. At least they salvage some material and put it to good use.  

    @Clan's Cynic Alas, skaven not being among the supported factions means they won't re-release Island of Blood again. But the Battle for the Skull Pass miniatures still look good too.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Garrac said:

    I'm curious to see what will come for skavens on the free pdf rules. Mostly to see if the misfire personalized tables come back with a bang, if slaves will return, or if they'll include some of the FW stuff. Oh, and, will Ikit Claw be there?. But be aware that stormfiends will most likely not have rules for TOW, btw.

    Oh, I'd love to see Ikit during that era, maybe before the "Claw"? 

    2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    personally I’d love to say the same thing about thanqoul. But his past live and age is just unknown.

    I remember reading on his trilogy that he was 80 (or it was 40?) Years old, too young to be around at this time. Nothing they can't retcon, but I doubt they bother.

    1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    GW realised the awesomeness that is the Karaz Ankor could only be contained for so long and, eventually coming to their senses, decided to move them up the queue. Too late to come out ahead of Bretonnia and Tomb Kings of course, but they spared themselves from an even bigger Grudge. For now.

    In all seriousness, it could just be that the Summer Empire vs Orcs & Goblins rumour was false, or that Dwarfs are coming sooner. Or this just managed to slip through the cracks somehow and it's been sat in a warehouse forever long

    They could re-release the Battle for the Skull Pass like they have done with the Battle for Macragge.

    1 hour ago, YoghurtKobold said:

    Tin foil hat on. What if the position of shields on ToW logo is showing us not only the natural enemies but also the pairing of foes in future releases? 

    Those are some cool looking pairings and make perfect sense, I'd be all for it.

  9. Real Life stuff has put a hold to any hobby-related activities, and I'll move soon to another city, in which I'm unsure what community I'll find. I know there's a roleplaying club and a 9th age community, which I don't like but may translate into some ToW players, so there's al least that.

    So my plans right now:
    -Finnishing painting the Black Orc team for BB, maybe paint the Imperial Nobility team or some other that may catch my eye in the meantime.
    - Grab the Old World books. I'm 100% sure I'll get the High Elves box whenever it's released (which might not be 2024) but most factions have the potential to tempt me depending on miniatures or interesting alternative army lists.
    - Keep an eye in any skaven release that may pop in AoS, most likely this summer.

    It isn't much but if things go well I may be able to get more ambitious as the year goes on.

    Best luck to everyone in their hobby plans!

  10. 1 hour ago, Kitsumy said:

    yes im really curious about that too as seraphon player.


    i know there are lot of weird old players that loves the old models, and the uglier and bad sculped they be, they are merrier lol


    but im sure even those guys cant deny noone will buy the 20 years old saurus, kroxigors, cold ones etc etc over the gorgeus new ones.

    selling both lanes would be an absolutly huge mistake by gw, wasting storage space and time on that. and i dont get why would they do that, they dont sell old versions of miniatures, so why should do it now? i understand it on aosed models but not on those models loyal to old sculps like seraphon range per example

    That's easy. They won't release the older ones because lizardmen aren't supported. Same with most factions with most or all of their range having a healthy life in AoS (skaven, vampires,ogres...). And beastmen haven't enjoyed any refreshment of its range, so that's a non-issue for them. 


    So your question only really applies to Chaos Warriors. On that regard we'll have to wait and see, although I'd say the difference between the old and the new miniatures isn't as jarring as with the lizardmen/seraphon .

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Elarin said:

    One of my sources believes that the Old World pre-order will be on the 20th of January with the release on the 3rd of February. The Flesh-eater Courts models and the latest Dawnbringers book should be on the shelves on the 27th of January. It is not my regular, most reliable source; though, so I'm not 100% certain that it's true 

    IIRC the leaked tie-in novel had the 20th January date too. So we can probably take it for granted, barring unforeseen circumstances.

  12. It's hard to say without knowing prices, but I think the box looks great. If they keep a reasonable price - and they totally should, considering those old minis  recovered their cost decades ago- I prefer this to boxes with two armies (one you'll want to sell).

    But it's GW, so we better cross our fingers.

  13. 3 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    Perhaps they're not Clanrats, but new Giant Rat models? That would make more sense than replacing the current Clanrat sculpts, and we could certainly use new Giant Rats.

    That would make more sense since the boxset includes rat ogres too, and those too units share the same kit.

    That's if, of course, assuming the rumour is true, which I don't believe. But I'm sure that at least some of the units listed would be updated anyway.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:


    I didn't see Ushoran or am I mistaken. 

    I looked for Ushoran first too, but I guess he hasn't been released yet and will appear in the 2024 votation. It would be too much of a mistake by GW's part to forget about one of their best miniatures ever.

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  15. 9 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I have been reading some of the discussions on WHFB forums and it seems like a lot of people like what they are seeing from the new rules. Which is nice! I am happy to finally see people express their excitement about playing The Old World rather than grumbling about how it will be a soulless cash grab and Xth edition (the one from when I started as a kid) was better anyway.

    But man, as someone who has never really deeply engaged with the rules of old Warhammer, these rules seem pretty daunting. I find it very hard to get my head around them. Those huge to-hit and to-wound tables are certainly not making things easier. There is a lot of simulationist design here, like Initative and Strength/Toughness, which I know some people love and want in their games. My personal experience with games has made me pretty sceptical of this kind of complexity, though.

    I think I will definitely have to watch some battle reports when the game comes out to even understand how it is supposed to play.

    Don't worry, it's normal to feel all those tables as cumbersome. If I wasn't familiar, I'd be probably see them as daunting too. In fact that was the case when I was a newby. (And now it goes against the current market trends).

    But as others have said, after some practice it barely slow down the game (removing casualties thou....sorry, I'm a traumatized skaven player). It may still not be your thing, of course, but I'd encourage you to give it a try. After all, LONG LOST NEHEKHRA is not going to conquer the world on their own.

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  16. 3 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    MESBG is getting new translucent plastic Army of the Dead. I wonder if we'd ever end up seeing Nighthaunt released in this way, or if it's a bit to late for that? 


    These look good enough on the photos, but I have to wonder if GW is dipping their toes on pre-painted miniatures? Not as a main product, of course (there's money on paints, after all) but like something they can use on starter sets for beginners or some boxed games.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    I don't say this lightly, but I think Ushoran might be the best model they've ever made for Age of Sigmar.


    He looks incredible. The Death Alliance was already blessed with the best looking characters of the game, but Ushoran is the icing on the cake.

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  18. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    The point for me is that those rumours are supposed to be coming from ppl that has the army box codex. If you release an army refresh/ update would you leave the big boss out of the codex? Unless a super unexpected lore tweak is under something like that would feel weird.

    Ushoran may be present in the lore without involving himself in battles (tabletop) like Sigmar or Grungni. Although I reckon that would be a bit disappointing, unless his right hand has a totally awesome miniature.

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