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Posts posted by Jator

  1. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    I love the Dryads. Fun to build and paint and forgiving of my bad technique in both.

    As others have pointed out they fit in well with the whole range including the newer stuff.

    I don't think they'll be replaced as such, my only concern is they may be dropped from AoS Sylvaneth to move to TOW Wood elves.

    I don't think you should worry about that. Older miniatures will probably end in ToW as they're renewed, but they're not going to update any unit with the specific purpose of leaving the old one for ToW.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Moya said:

    I'm gonna say one of each per 1000pts. It could be read either way. That's how I'm gonna play it anyway. With the 25% points restriction on Rare you could only ever fit in 2 cannons and 1 wheel anyway. And if the Empire can be rockin' 6 grand cannons and 2 steam tanks, I think the old world can handle a extra doomwheel/cannon. 

    Btw, I would also ignore that moronic limit on assassins, engineers and priests. It's something they added in the last minute before releasing the pdfs and they clearly messed it up. Until they give us an errata I'm gonna ignore it. 

    I agree that the list feels somewhat more restrictive than needed. Assasins at the very least should be on their own 0-1/1000 limit without having to compete with warlocks or priests, who do open your options for units and warmachines.


    3 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I can see now what you mean but I still think what I said is the correct interpretation. 

    For now I will err in the side of caution and take the more restrictive interpretation. I still have plenty of funny stuff to deploy within my collection.

  3. 4 hours ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    An obvious example here is how Dwarfs have Hatred (Orcs and Goblins), when in the old times they had Hatred (Orcs and Goblins, Skaven). Personally if I ever start a Dawi army and play a Skaven player I'd try to houserule it that they get their old Hatred back (though I dunno about the ettiquette of bringing back a rule that gives a solid advantage against a certain faction). 

    As a Skaven player I'd offended if your dwarfs didn't hate my rats. I defend the true children of chaos did far more damage to the dwarfen empire than the greenskin.

    To be fair, I always found the dwarfs a hard match, but I don't think "hate" made such a difference, nor will that change my stance anyway.


    • Like 2
  4. 30 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Especially once their relative AoS factions have replaced their current models.

    I mean, as the ranges get AoSified there's little reason not to keep profiting from the old stuff in ToW. Seems like a no-brainer to me, although that obviously will take years.

    Worst case scenario these pdf would be a great starting point for the community to work with as the game goes on.

  5. 2 hours ago, Hollow said:

    The positive and hopeful aspect of this is, that there are CAD sculpts for new factions and units waiting in the wings ready for their injection mould plates to be made. Standing back and looking at the big picture. IF you only have the possibility to create 20 new plastic kits for the system over a 3 year period. Would you rather they were split across the 9 core factions to upgrade existing models (of which there is clearly a market for) or use those resources to release entirely new factions like Kislev, Grand Cathay, Araby or Moot? 

    Although this makes sense (new units/armies usually sell better that revamped ones), and would be good for the game, I'm kinda bummed out by the fact that all the obvious possible new armies are just regular pseudohistorical humans.  Except the Moot, of course, which I can only see GW doing if they really want to spit on Mantic and their halfling army...and I doubt they care so much.

    To be clear, I don't mind Kislev, which makes pperfect sense within the Old World itself and it's narrative, but more than that I find so boring...

    Then again, the only fantasy race that comes to my mind when I think about new factions are fimirs, and we know GW won't to touch them with abargue-pole (although they'd have plenty of room to retconn whatever they want and came with new stuff).

    That being said, I'll welcome any new addition to the Old World.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Doko said:

    i wont be a hater.......i only gonna say this reveal is very dissapointint and not what i was expecting getting for each faction.

    a new box with 0 new unit or heroe.

    the box dont have nothing extra as rulesbook etc

    the box is only around 5 old units and for sure with less disscount that khemri and bret(i hope this box cost around 99/100 € with the units that bring)


    I prefer this approach to boxes. People can buy more than one without paying for repeated heroes they may not need or extra rulebooks, which no one wants.

    That being said, this one looks pretty dull.

  7. Amazing!
    A shame that there isn't new plastic, but the range is pretty complete as it is. All the resin stuff looks good, the shaman really has some swampcalla vibes with his own "pot grot" and everything, won't be surprised if he pops up in several krulebiyz armies.
    Ald talking about shamans....the shaman on wyvern is back! As someone who started with the 4th edition box and had it on paperboard the nostalgia just sucker punched me. 

    And curious about the armies of infamty, thou. First, because I though all the waaaghs were nomadic, and second, because I didn't expect a troll army at all. But with the hag returning it can be interesting.

  8. The warcry warbands, as other have said, look to much like the regular stuff in their respective armies. Which makes perfect sense, of course, but I can't hardly find them exciting.


    I only really liked the slann idon and the crone. The latest is great both in more and in miniature, if I had any faith about the future usability of the armies of renown I may even wait for that box with anticipation.

  9. 53 minutes ago, SirSalabean said:

    The Old World Survey


    I am conducting a survey on The Old World, primarily to gauge the types of people interested (Returning or new), Army popularity, and knowledge of the setting. I would really appreciate any responses to the survey. Id happily share results if it is of interest to the forum? 

    Done. I personally think you could have done more asking about the armies, like different questions for the ones you already own, the ones you want to collect now that you have a second chance, why so, etc...

    What do you plan to do with this information? Do you have a channel?

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, DD-Lord said:

    They better not! There's a reason why they are called the "Daughters of Khaine": they worship Khaine (who is actually dead but may come back), and Morathi was the Oracle, and now the aspect of Khaine having Malerion thrown in would just not fit. Plus, it would be a waste to basically remake the old Dark Elves in such a way.

    Plus Malerion is supposed to hate Morathi.

    I can see GW giving the "dark aelfs" the orruk warclans treatment, with DoK being their own thing but also a part of their Big Waaagh equivalent. Not saying it's a given or what I'd prefer, but certainly a strong possibility. Then again, the dwarfs were never souped despite all the preventive seething in this same thread, so the coin can land in either side.

    • Like 7
  11. 4 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Interesting that the 'Warhammer Legends' was the original idea to reboot Fantasy. 

    Shame we never saw Battle For Black Fire Pass before AoS.


    How amazing and fitting would have been to read Rick Priestley's End Times. 

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  12. Have they really reincarnated Queek? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but seems rather unoriginal. Besides, he should be already the top verminlord warbringer and spend his time hunting the souls of dwarfs and goblins for fun.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Tonhel said:


    Noway that they will feature those old ugly sculpts with the rest of the updated Skaven. Look at the underworld warbands, impossible that they will let these beauties be on the same table as those ugly very outdated monkey rats. If those rumours are correct. The ninja rat unit will either get a new plastic set through Warcry or the unit will be removed / changed to something else. But I can't imagine GW will keep selling these when Skaven 4th edition hits.

    Yeah, I find it shocking too. I guess there's a strong possibility they get renewed in warcry, as you say. I mean, after the new assassin and the eshin underworlds warband, I'd have said it was 100% sure that we will get new gutter runners. 

    But both Nezzhil and White Fang are clearly well informed, so it's either warcry or just an incredible dumb decission from GW.

    • Like 1
  14. 14 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Saw on reddit someone asking about the screaming bells, made me realise it really is awkward to try to fit them with the rgualr infantry. I wonder why did they keep them on their og 60x100mm bases? It makes it awkward to fit them with the 25x25mm infantry, all my trays work on multiples of 20 or 25.

    Haven't thought about that until now. I'm sure there's people who can make a fitting custom movement tray either with MDF or a 3d print.

  15. 51 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    What I don't understand is why it wasn't released with the other ones during the 40th anniversary (same with not announcing the new novel during the Black Library event).

    In any case I don't find it appealing at all. Good for my wallet I guess 

  16. 4 hours ago, Sarges said:

    From Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/AoSLore/s/MlDslvb2Tz):

    Loremasters: Ushoran reveals (DAWNBRINGERS IV HUGE SPOILERS)


    So Warhammer+ has made a video about Ushoran's lore, and it pretty much spoils the entirety of the Ghyran side of the plot for Dawnbringers IV. I'll start by revealing some minor new details that don't really spoil much before going into the full spoilers onwards.


    *Ushoran's Mace and Chalice (which may or may not be his original Chalice) were given to him by the Hollowmourne, who presumably found them in their deluded quest for artifacts.


    *Ushoran's castle in New Summercourt is too advanced to have been created by Ghouls, and in fact was created by a race of Gargants who were kin to the Sky Titans of the Scabrous Sprawl.


    *Fang of Nulahmia is a term that applies to Neferata's most elite agents, so Sekhar isn't the only one.


    *Ouburoth the Time-Swallower was the God of an Underworld called "Kandoor" (don't know the proper spelling). Its worshippers would willingly allow it to eat their souls, believing that would ensure their reincarnation. Ouburoth was so powerful that even after being weakened by Sekhar undermining its cult, Nagash couldn't devour him entirely, resulting in him spitting out the snake you see on the model. Nagash orders Sekhar to use her hypnotic abilities to keep Ouburoth under control and prevent it from regaining its full power.


    *The ships exporting Kingsblood are captained by Neferata's vampires but crewed by ghouls at Ushoran's insistence. 


    Okay, now onto the actual story.


    >!The Ghyran Crusade, after exiling a bunch of its members who formed a cult called the "Kin of the Stag" inspired by Belthanos, end up at an Ossiarch Bonereapers fortress. The fortress was weakened by Alarielle's Rite of Life, so between the Ironweld artillery, Dispossed clans and the life magic of Iscilla Thorian, the Dawners are able to break down the fortress and move into New Summercourt.!<


    >!Once there, the Crusade meets up with Astreia Solbright and her Stormcast, who are looking for Ushoran because they believe he knows a way to heal their souls. A lot of the people in the Crusade want to go to the biggest castle on the biggest mountain because they think the "Sombre Paladin" can help them, though they do not know where they heard that name. As such, an elite force of veteran Dawners (including Thorian) alongside Astreia go to investigate the castle.!<


    >!The castle's gate opens, revealing Sekhar surrounded by a horde of ghouls, who welcome them as guests of the Summerking. The horrified Dawners are brought into the castle and seated at a feast where they meet Ushoran. Such is the aura of delusion coming from Ushoran that all the mortals see him as a magnificent king, and it even takes all of Astreia's willpower to see him in his true form. Ushoran is a polite and courteous host, even though the Dawnbringers are essentially his prisoners now, and is eager to hear them tell stories of the world beyond. When Solbright tells him of her quest to find him and seek a cure for the Flaw, he seems genuinely moved by her efforts.!<


    >!Sekhar uses her hypnotism to make one of the Dawners shoot Ushoran, a plan she cooked up with Grand Justice Gormayne, who is her co-conspirator in his lucid moments. Ushoran retreats and the ghouls enter a frenzy; however, instead of attacking the Dawners, they're attacking the vampires, with even Gormayne falling into madness and joining them. Ushoran had even orchestrated the seating arrangements for the feast so the vampires would be surrounded and trapped by the ghouls, and Sekhar and a handful of her vampires are barely able to cut their way out.!<


    >!Astreia pursues Ushoran, and when she finds him he's acting lucid. He thanks her for being an audience to his lunacy and helping him remove the Nulahmians, who are no longer useful to him. He doesn't see a point in indulging her curiosity any further, and savagely kills her.!<


    >!The ghoul crews of the ships that export Kingsblood, upon hearing of Neferata's treachery, mutiny, tying their captains to the wheel and forcing them to sail. The Kingsblood distribution network is now fully under the control of the ghoul cults.!<


    >!It ends with Neferata appearing to Ushoran as a similacrum made of blood and telling him that if he is going to repeat his game of rebellion against Nagash, he will meet the same fate he previously did. Ushoran isn't afraid though; he's prepared a long time for this moment, and now is the time he asserts himself among the hierarchy of Death. No real mention in the video of how the Ghyran Crusaders get out alive, if they do.!<

    This was a good read. Ushoran as a character might be almost as cool as his model. I'm curious to see how things evolve for the Death alliance from here 

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