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Posts posted by Jator

  1. 4 hours ago, Big Kim Woof-Woof said:

    I'm so glad they let Slaanesh out of prison for the afternoon (probably not for good behaviour) so that He could be a part of the official portrait... 


    Really proud of my boi, the Great Horned Rat. It shows no matter how many times you fail, or if your peers mock you. If you believe in yourself and persevere, you will rip the Realms apart and ascend to the top of the Dark Gods Hierarchy. Such a heartwarming lesson for us all. 

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  2. 51 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    My two pence as I managed to watch the preview earlier this morning.

    I’m not quite sure how to express my feelings to be honest about the preview. The new version of the rules looks great and from what I’ve seen of Spearhead it looks amazing. But I’m not excited about the box. It might be I’m past FOMO or just see other ways of spending £160, or I’m just not the target audience any more for these sets. The models look great and there’s loads in there but it just hasn’t made me really excited that I need to have a copy. Obviously, if I got given a copy, I’d be really pleased but I’m not in the zone to spend money on it this time.

    I love the stuff they are doing around the game and background but the set does nothing for me. 

    I really hope Spearhead catches on though. As a father with limited time, the idea of quick games is great. I could go to a gaming club and get a couple of games in on a gaming night, or attend a one day event with little messing around. These are big pluses in my book.

    I'm on a similar camp. As a long time skaven player and fan I should be over the moon and eager to get this box but...I have enough of clanrats, jezzails,rat ogres...of everything here, really. The new stuff is nice, but I don't feel any need to get it to keep playing with my ratmen, and I'd rather save the money for other hobby-related stuff.

    The spearhead thing looks promising, but I will wait to see if it really chatches up.

    So yeah, I feel a bit cold about the whole preview. Must be getting older.


    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Kronos said:

    GW just dropped this image on their insta, tease at Bugman being Dwarf Character Number 2? 


    The ilustration is sick, but I'll be dissapointed if the two special characters we get are both already known. Ungrim is cool, no arguing about that, but I'd like to be surprised. I've personally enjoyed knowing about Cecil Gastonne, Ogdruz and Kiknik.

  4. 15 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    I'm not really surprised about Old World "old kits" being hit. They actually have a lot of sprues inside the boxes, so it means they consume more plastic to produce (and also take more space for delivery...old battle kits weren't really optimized, to say the least).

    No doubt all that weights on the final price, but apparently Horus Heresy is facing a similar rise in prices, and that game has been blessed with more modernly designed kits, so I still think there must be some other criteria that we are missing. But seems like we are not going to agree on that, so I will leave at here.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    It has more to do with the world economic situation not getting any better and previsions about its evolution in the future being worse (war in the middle east / central Europa and such, y'know), and prices for everything needed to produce / send these kits keep getting higher - thus reducing the margin for GW.


    That undoubtely explains the general price increase (althought much could be said about profit margins and other things) but the topic here is the disparity between the increases along the different product lines. In that regard, what Gaz mentioned about targets to hit makes sense to me.
    There's also the "this game sell less so let's charge more for it" logic that is very prevalent in GW (although I can't hardly blame them when people effectively keep buying it regardless). 

    We'll see if this have any real impact on TOW, whose community is already pretty open to alternatives

    • Like 1
  6. On 5/2/2024 at 5:15 PM, Lord Krungharr said:

    I haven't yet played a game, but I think that is looking like a much more competitive Troll Horde than mine.  But I have what I have, and don't want more stuff, so mine is 2 Hags, 9 and 9 of Stone and River Trolls (all great weapons), and 2 Giants (because mancrushers are meh and look way better with spare Dankhold bits on their heads and arms :D  ).

    I totally understand sticking to what you have. In my case I was considering getting a hag and some classic trolls anyway, so I just got an extra excuse to do so!
    If you get  a game before I do tell me how yo do.

    Gotta say we, O&G players, are truly spoiled with choice. The Grand Army already allowed for very different lists, but we got two awesome armies of infamy that are really very different from each other. And I want to play with all of them.

    • Like 1
  7. As all I can do right now is dreaming about the time when I'll be able to play (and painting... I should't be slacking on that 🙄), I'm toying with a Troll Horde list. I'm rusty at this, so tell me what you think:



    ++ Characters [781 pts] ++
    Orc Weirdnob [230 pts]
    (Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, On foot, Idol of Mork, Talisman of Protection, Troll Magic)

    Troll Hag [270 pts]
    (Hand weapon (Gnarled stump), Troll vomit, Swamp breath, Heavy armour (Scaly skin), Effigy Of Mork, Troll Magic)

    Orc Weirdboy [146 pts]
    (Hand weapon, Level 2 Wizard, War Boar, Buzgob's Knobbly Staff, Troll Magic)

    Orc Bigboss [135 pts]
    (Hand weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, Battle Standard Bearer [War Banner], On foot, Sword of Swiftness)

    ++ Core Units [804 pts] ++
    4 Common Troll Mob [180 pts]
    (Hand weapons, Great weapons)

    4 Common Troll Mob [180 pts]
    (Hand weapons, Great weapons)

    4 River Troll Mob [212 pts]
    (Hand weapons, Great weapons)

    20 Orc Mob [232 pts]
    (Hand weapons, Thrusting spears, Light armour, Shields, Boss (champion) [Da Thinkin' Orc's 'At], Standard bearer [Banner of Iron Resolve], Musician)

    ++ Special Units [212 pts] ++
    4 River Troll Mob [212 pts]
    (Hand weapons, Great weapons)

    ++ Rare Units [200 pts] ++
    Giant [200 pts]
    (Giant's club, Light armour)

    Created with "Old World Builder"


    I'm considering dropping the giant and use the points to get some boar boys, but the giant fits better the theme. I coul also use those points to add an extra troll to some the existing units, but I think they should do ok as they are. Thoughts?

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    TBH, giving them a "save" of any kind is a bit against their theme (they really want to die, after all).


    To die...in combat! I think some save against ranged attacks won't be that out of place. Just Grimnir lending them a hand to find a proper death instead of an ignominious one.

    • Like 2
  9. 30 minutes ago, Vomikron said:

    I think it’s likely there is going to be a centigor chieftain released if only because that’s the only hero that doesn’t have a mini.

    Ghorros Warhoof is totally alive and kicking (and drinking, and...) during this time. A plastic kit that let you build him or a generic centigor chieftain would be nice. 


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  10. 10 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    I still can't work out what the distinct KO and FS accessories are supposed to be 😆

    He ain't staying on that base in TOW anyway, so no worries on that front.

    Yeah, I struggle to see the "duardin accesories" mentioned in the article. And the kruleboy shield isn't something that would look out of place in the Old World. If someone wants to use it for TOW only the shape of the base could be slightly troublesome.

  11. I don't expect it anytime soon, but after the big renewal of the skaven range they could perfectly have two different lines for AoS and TOW. I think VC are in a similar possition, or they could be after 4th edition (I guess that's why rumours have started with them).

    On the issue of new armies, it would be very weird to see Cathay before Kislev, who is more rooted in the game, already had some representation in iniatures,  and is directly affected by the Chaos invasion. 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    Yeah, I don't buy it. The Throne of Chaos campaign is not contemporary to The Old World. I guess it may happen eventually, but I'm not counting on it.

    Maybe they'll make a print-on-demand for collectors, or maybe he's getting things mixed up and what FW is brewing is a different set og books based on that one.

  13. 11 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

    Ogors are VERY SAFE

    Even if Ogors are safe as a faction, I think Mawtribes players may have reason to worry. After recent developmements I won't be surprised if GW decides to revamp and expand the Beastclaw Raiders (which have a strong theme, and  properly AoS at that) and drop the Gutbusters. 
    Or they may release a new faction, like Kruleboyz for Warclans, and silently let the others fall to obscurity (althouh they would still get rules, so maybe doesn't sound as dire for Ogor fans?).

    They remaining in the setting is a positive, obviously, but I don't think they're "very safe" as I understand it.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Thinking about AoSification, I think there's one thing that we've missed. The fact that the clan now seems to be composed of the classic clan rats, Eshin and Pestilens. This one could be easily one from Pestilens and the other one from Eshin.


    Gotta disagree with you on that. Hoods and pustules are common in regular Skaven too; I really don't think their design is pointing out at a merging of clans, but we'll see.

    • Like 3
  15. 3 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Surely not? No trophy rack. Probably the Clawlord/HQ.

    I think Ejecutor is aware of that and it's just pointing out that the leaker may have been confused by the Champion (although the helmet is pretty standard in Skaven fashion).

  16. Great update. As a long-time skaven fan this update feels exactly right. Tle old skaven but new. 
    For those who think they're not "AoSified" enough, bear in mind two things:
    Clanrats are suppossed to be rabble without anything special special, and Skaven were always the more over the top faction back in Fantasy, so they can't take them much further without jumping the shark, IMO.

    Still, I'm sure we'll see some realy crazy stuff done with them down the line.

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    I think this is probably the right approach to take. Don't get too hopeful and you won't be disappointed. I think, at the moment, I'd assume O&G is the baseline minimum i.e. a handful of resin characters. In this case, I assume we'll get Morghur (like you say), and a generic resin character (Bullgor, Bray Shaman or maybe a Wargor). If we're lucky you'll get more than one generic resin character.

    I agree with you but man, could they use some new minotaurs...

  18. This reminds me of the army composition of the Realms of Chaos armybook during WHFB 5th edition. Which honestly, it's something I was hoping to see again, as it feels thematic and cool.

    Not so sure about how they're handling "auxiliary units", but I want to give it more thought before giving a veredict.

  19. Since we, ToW players, also deserve our own baseless rumours to discuss about, I'll share this post from Reddit from the user NadaVonSada:



    So this was from the Warhammer Fantasy discord server if anyone cares to see if there was anything I missed out.

    • Cathay has a written army list similar to Total War Warhammer's version.

    • Skaven were specifically cited as unlikely to appear anytime soon for Old World. (Perhaps it's karma for my post yesterday.) The reason is perhaps the focus of Age of Sigmar's fourth edition.

    • Beastmen's armies of infamy include a minotaur horde and a call of the wild army, which uses magic related to the new lore included in the arcane journal.

    • Empire's armies of infamy include a Nuln gun army of infamy and a Middenheim army of infamy.

    • Various Forge World units, including the skin-wolves, firmer, gore-bull BSB and the peryton, will be returning. It was stated specifically that the chaos mammoth will NOT be returning.

    • Apparently, there is an F&Q planned for the arcane journals once all of them have been released.

    • Finally, and this one wasn't given much information to it as it was sort of muddled, but there is a long-term plan for Vampire Counts to be the first army to be made core from the missing armies. Though the way it was described it is a far-away concept and you shouldn't expect it soon.


    Thank you to Javgoro from the Fantasy Discord for the information.

    Honestly, besides the thing about the VC, everything else feels like very safe guesses.
    If true, I'd assume Vampires would be the antagonist of an hypothetical second campaign book,  after the one about the Chaos invasion, either jumping to the Vampire wars, or  making up a new event after Magnus vs Asavar to keep the timeline flowing in the same direction.

    • Like 2
  20. 2 hours ago, Krzyek said:

    Glad to see that you like my work. Keep an eye out for more. I already have a WIP bolt thrower, tauruks, demon smith and an idea for a lammassu.

    Also there are rumours that GW will release a Chaos Dwarfs or equivalent for Age of Sigmar next year. So you might want to wait and see. Many AoS minis work great for TOW like Seraphon or Soulblight Gravelords

    Your stuff is awesome and I'm glad @Double Misfire had bringed it to my attention. Keep at it! 👌🏻

    • Thanks 1
  21. 8 minutes ago, foxicious said:

    I think delfs in CoS are great, especially Scourge Privateers. I really hope they expand on the privateer theme and dont let it die off. The Privateers also got a lot of representation in lore.

    Agreed. They look cool and have a strong theme going on. I'd even say they could be perfectly expanded into their own faction, like the Witch Elves did.

    It won't happen of course; GW already has an aelven army tied to the sea (even if it's a very different take), but at the very least they should survive ( and maybe updated) within CoS.

    • Like 1
  22. 15 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

    I may have just been missing the forest for the trees or my coldblooded nature makes me slow to catch on, but...

    Has it been rumored/speculated/suggested that the rebooted Cities of Sigmar's de-emphasis on the interspecies composition of the Cities was informed by a need to free up those older Dwarf/Dark Elf/Empire kits for The Old World? What's been the TGA take on this?

    If AoS gets ride of some units it's because they no longer fit their vision and want to sell a new unit in it's place. The TOW team can benefit from this, but I doubt they hold that much power when it comes to GW making decisions. 

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