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Everything posted by Snuggatron

  1. Hey boys and girls, sorry for the lack of content, but it's turning out to be a busy summer for me. However I have recently managed to finish some more stuff for my ironjawz, a unit of 10 dual wielding 'Ard Boyz with Boss, Flag, and Drum, and a Weirdnob. Here's a family Portrait As of now all bases in the force are bare until I can decide exactly how I want to do them, but other than that I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out, with the possible exception of the Weirdnob's smoke. I'm not totally sure how I could do that any better and I welcome any kind of input on how I can perfect that effect. Asides from painting and despite my running all over the state, I did manage to fit in my 1st pointed game of AoS with my old VC Ghouls as a Flesh Eater Court vs my brother's new Sylvaneth. The Lists were: My FeC 1x Ghoul King on Terrorgeist 1x Crypt Infernal 2 units of 3x Crypt Horrors 1 unit of 20x Ghouls His Sylvaneth 1x Treeman Ancient 1x Branchwych 1 unit of 20x Dryads 1 unit of 5x Revenants 1 unit of Kurnoth Hunters w/ Scythes I wont do a full play by play, but I will say I got canned, some highlights are: Forest walking revenants jump to a unit of Horrors just to get slaughtered My ghouls get charged by Hunters, Dryads, and Wych and get wiped to a man Terrorgeist has sore throat and sucessfully screams noone Kurnoths with scythes are monsters killing a unit of Horrors, 12 ghouls, and 2 horrors from other unit Ancient's abundence of d6 damage attacks really causes a bad day against the Ghoul King's 4+ save and with that I wrap up another update, hopefully I'll be posting again soon as I'm prepping to paint a unit of Brutes as soon as I'm done this post, and I intend on finishing them by the week's end. See Y'all Soon, Snugs
  2. Hey All! 1st off thank you for the comments and constructive criticism! This week I started on some support staff for my evolving Waagh!, a Warchanta and a WEirdnob found their way to my painting table. I also managed to build and prime some units for the Waagh! A 10 man Ard Boyz unit w/ dual weps, boss, drum, and banner. Unfortunately the new box doesn't give you all the parts to make all 15 included models the same loadout, so I ended up building the last 5 with great weapons. As well as managing to build and prime a 5 man unit of Brutes w/ dual choppas, boss w/ claw and mace, and gore-choppa. I'm especially excited to paint up the brutes, as it was those models that drew me into the faction. Before I go I'll leave a picture of the finished Warchanta, I took some advice from the comments on my 1st post and tried to make the green skin pop a little bit more, instead of just drybrushing I attempted a layer of Loren Forest over the Castellen Green and Athonian Camoshade that I use to base and wash the skin. And that's all for this week! Snugs
  3. Thanks guys! I was trying to keep the skin a little muted to help the armour pop, but I definitely see what you guys are saying. I'll try a layer of nurgling green, that should keep the color paler while still standing out from the turquoise armor
  4. Hey all! I'm making this blog as a continuation to my posts Here .I'm newer to the forum and didn't realize that I could simply create a blog instead of taking up space on the Destruction sub-forum. So here I am, and with my total lack of blogging know how I suppose I'll start this off with a bit about how we got to this point. I started playing fantasy about a year or 2 before the death of the old world, and while I, like any other fantasy player, mourned the loss of a very enjoyable (if not somewhat flawed) system, I didn't waste time being bitter and went out to buy the AoS starter. I've always been bigger into the modelling and painting aspects of the GW systems than the games themselves, so the gorgeous new Bloodbound and Stormcast sculpts really called out to me. After buying the starter and painting up all the Stormcasts within, my ever wandering eyes turned to some new game or model and my enthusiasm waned. Sadly the rest of my local gaming community shared my lack of enthusiasm for AoS, many being old GW hands that were either embittered by time or monetary constraints. Eventually though the Ironjawz battletome was released and the fires of enthusiasm were stoked again. I've always been a huge fan of Orcs (my main toon from my WoW days was an Orc, as was my 1st DnD character), and I've always lamented the fact that I was too broke to start a Fantasy O&G army, and that 40k Orks are just too bad to ever warrant the expenditure on the army. With the release of the Ironjawz I had a force that not only looked sufficiently Orky ,but could punch things just like I like my army's to (I'm excessively aggressive in pretty much every game I play, loving to roll dice in big combats rather than think about what I'm going to do, and my win rate attests to that). Now all we needed was a motivation to buy and paint these guys asides from simple collection. My prayers were answered a few months later with the announcement of an official point system for AoS and a resurgence in interest at my LGS. The rest I hope to chronicle in this blog, I've started to buy kits to build up the force, and have recently finished the 1st, and centerpiece model, in the army, a Megaboss on Maw-Crusha. So feel free to join me as my WAAAAAGHHHHH! increases, as I hopefully will be posting updates and finished models frequently. WAAAAGH! on, Snugs
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