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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. We all are my liege, You for Mawtribes(also while we're discussing ogres, has anyone summoned an ogre camp in Total War yet?), me for Chaos Dwarfs and Bears(Kislev). @Neverchosen is praying for new Slaves to Darkness stuff, @MitGas is waiting for the TKsons portion of the new box set to drop, and we're all waiting to see the rest of the Kruleboyz and Stormcast be previewed so we can collectivley praise and b!t(h the new designs. It's been a rough week, but here's hoping it will get better.
  2. As much I agree with his swoleness @KingBrodd, in wanting another preview, I don’t think it will happen anytime soon. Things are looking like 40K all day for now.
  3. To be fair, the hobgrots are equipped with their absolute garbage armor(still better then any human smith(much less a Greenskin one) could make).
  4. I agree with @GenericEdgyName in that it is something Chaos Dwarfs related(especially since we can see what appear to be horns curling underneath it), but as to what unit it is a part of? well now we've entered the realm of speculation. I honestly want the new line to be capture a Persian/Middle Eastern feel in contrast to both the rest of the dwarf models and most of Chaos(Slaanesh and Tzeentch are the exemptions, just ask @Enoby and @MitGas). Bring me Shedu and Lammasu riding sorcerer kings, Zulfiqar wielding bull centaurs, and by god some form of Ifreet bound to Hashut. If any of my predictions are correct then I think it's the Shedu/Lammasu one, as it looks like a headdress on a pair of horns. And if it turns out to be Mawtribes, then let it be something related to Beastclaw Raiders or the Firebelly. I'm pretty sure @KingBrodd would be happy with that.
  5. Seeing as I'm trying to do the same thing as you, I'll give you a follow. Please post more soon!
  6. Preach brother @Black_Templar_Lad! And the korpsemen are to die for!!!
  7. The Prophet of GTA: Destruction has reacted? Good times are ahead.
  8. Since DKOK was a Forgeworld kit line does this mean we might see other former Forgeworld exclusives turned into plastic? I am of course talking about Chaos Dwarfs.
  9. @Scurvydog, perhaps you and @KingBrodd are both right: a sorcerer king/prophet who is the “voice” of Ushoran, taking his place at the Mortarch table as Nagash tries to re-establish his hold on the realms after Teclis pimp slapped him.
  10. He also said Radukar the Wolf was an ogre vampire, and look how that turned out.
  11. Here's to hoping that if/when chorfs come back(if as the rumored "Furnace Kings" or in The Old World as their original Mesopotamian selves) that mistake gets fixed. I've seen that prototype online, and it was amazing.
  12. Add in the Total War FLC and there’s nothing but good times ahead.
  13. That's cause we all have, it's become the squats/plastic sisters meme.
  14. Dang, aw well just means I can hold off on my first Forgeworld purpose for a while(I have an epic Doomrider conversion brewing in my head).
  15. Thank you, also does the fact that the three slaanesh aligned war bands are getting rules mean anything? or am I just being desperate for new EC stuff so I can start kit bashing my bosozuko/polynesian/arabian nights chaos space marines?
  16. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/07/04/another-massive-warhammer-preview-online-is-coming-and-its-mighty-fighty-and-green/ Hey @KingBrodd, you were half right, it just came two weeks early.
  17. Can we bounce back to rumors please? Hearing people complain about the “excessive” use of paper and it’s effect on the environment while playing a game using plastic miniatures is too much hypocrisy for a Sunday.
  18. Chaos Tomb Kings sound amazing don’t get me wrong, but to quote The Imperishable “I Do Not Serve, I Rule!”
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