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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I would hope so, after all they’ve been teasing chorfs for Almost 3-4 years now.
  2. The power of green stuff and a good hobby knife.
  3. You’re asking for a grudge mate. I mean, I understand the temptation, but all out rejecting our great bullheaded overlord? Shameful.
  4. @Neverchosen, I admittedly haven’t done as much reading as I should have on the Islamic Golden Age, but from what I do know it is a fascinating time period. The main problem I see is the religious aspect, do GW make Araby worship the old nehekharan pantheon, or stick with Djinn worship like they did in later editions? Cause I’m fairly certain if they try to use Islam as a base for a fantasy faction, someone is gonna do something stupid. Bear wise I’m planning on basing my Kislev army(when it comes out) on the Ainu culture. I learned about the Ainu from Golden Kamuy(weeb that I am) and find them fascinating. Plus it’s okay lore wise cause the Ainu worship bears as a god(though they also tended to sacrifice them…. I’ll work on it). The fact that they’re also Mongolian/polish as well as Tsar Russian is just icing on the cake. I also play Chaos for the same reason as you. My favorite Black Library stories are ones that involve faith and no one quite expresses its complexities like the Chaos factions. The fact that viewing their “God” often breaks the worshipper’s sanity makes a twisted kind of sense if you have a cursory knowledge of most faith’s views on the gods, who often took on different guises to avoid outright killing their worshippers(heck in the Quran, Allah disintegrated a mountain just by showing his face), and angels were typically just as horrifying as demons. as for Chaos dwarfs, whether they are a full faction or a sub group of Slaves to Darkness makes no difference to me. So long as they have good rules, models, and still worship Hashut I’m all for them.
  5. I agree with both @Whitefangand @Neverchosen on some of their views, and I would like to explain my reasoning. My love for Tomb Kings shouldn't really need an explanation given my profile name and pic, but the gist of it is that I am an Egyptian-American who really loved The Mummy franchise with Brendan Fraser(the Tom Cruise movie DID NOT HAPPEN), so of course I'm going to get hooked on a faction of mummies and stone monsters. The lore was just a bonus. My love for Kislev is admittedly just for the bear mounts, I was born in Iowa City but my father and his family have deep ties to Chicago(and I have lived in that city and it's suburbs for more than half my life at this point in time), and I want to paint an army in Bears colors. The fact that they(GW and CA) have seemingly gone and created a brand spanking new army with great models is just a bonus. The armies I really want to see though, are Araby, Chaos Dwarfs, and Vampire Coast. I think the last two speak for themselves, so I'm just going to focus on Araby. As I have stated earlier I am an Egyptian-American, and I am also a Muslim, so I really want to see how GW handles this faction. I know that in the past they kept the Araby lore intentionally vague(and slightly racist), but I really want them to go all out with an Arabian Nights/Ottoman Empire look. Janisary riflemen, learned magi summoning various djinn to fight alongside them, and Mamluks rocking all sorts of enchanted gear.
  6. Not even Tyrone Biggums could find a rumor right now, even if he was high on that crack. Sorry @KingBrodd, we're all dry unless GW busts out their potato cam.
  7. I’m a Tomb Kings fan, all of my faves are “alive” and well.
  8. I'd kill for GW if they brought back the 8th edition Tomb Kings models they made(Tomb Guard, Necropolis Knights/Sepulchral Stalkers, and of The Necrospinx).
  9. I'm hoping for Chaos Dwarfs(and therefore hobgrots) to be used in both games, and for DA BEARS of Kislev to be brought in some manner to The Mortal Realms. I'm also hoping for the return of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!
  10. That’s completely fair, here’s hoping Beastclaw Raiders and Firebellies get an expansion soon. You mean vynterbad? I’m pretty sure no one would mind if you use your stone horns as a warshrine. But I get what you mean. We need mercenary rules ASAP!!!
  11. Man, I wish we had mercenary rules for ogres. We know they work for SOB, so why not the beefy lads?
  12. Same, unless it’s a Kosargi Nightguard multi-kit. I’m sorry @KingBrodd, you know I generally wish your Swoleness the best of luck rumour wise, but if there’s a chance of those Slavic ogre corpses getting a model I must support it.
  13. Barring the bit about the Dawi-Azhar being destruction I agree with you. There has just been too much confirmation of there being chaos dwarfs for such a thing to not happen. If we do get more hobgrot units, I’m hoping for calvary and some form of sling shot skirmishers, and perhaps a khan to lead them into battle.
  14. Eid Mubarak to any and all Muslims in the community today.
  15. Good thing I’m Egyptian and have lived in New Orleans then @Neverchosen. I accept this painting challenge.
  17. Whenever I see you posting mate I know its either Tomb Kings or Chaos Duardin related!! You’re too kind your Swoleness, though I admit I’m also all about those Soulblight and Kislev armies(Bears!).
  18. 40k Ork Codex and the rest of the beast snaggas, Thousand Sons teased, and a Preview for the rest of the year(preferably one with Chaos Dwarfs and the rest of the Kruleboyz).
  19. Honestly the Arthurian vibes are the main reason I looked at old Bretonnian lore, and the fact that that The Lady of The Lake in this setting is actually an Elf goddess using the humans as a shield was really funny in a dark manner. As for Chaos Dwarfs, don’t let my profile name fool you I post about them as much as @KingBrodd did for Sons of Behemat. I need those Mesopotamian beard loving, ancient middle eastern monster riding industrialists to be made in plastic crack ASAP.
  20. Alright, since @KingBrodd is off pledging his soul to another human being, I must ask if anyone has heard any rumors regarding Mawtribes in addition to my usual Chaos Dwarf question.
  21. Enjoy this new chapter of your life @KingBrodd! I wish you nothing but happiness your Swoleness.
  22. Fair enough, but I think I got my point across.
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