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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. I truly love how some amongst our number have become linked with our factions of choice. Whether it be @KingBrodd and his love of all things destruction, @MitGas and Tzeentch, the lady @Enoby's love of Slaanesh, or myself and LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! It makes us all seem a bit more than just a bunch of people who will probably never meet face to face. Also, go ahead and be as greedy as Teclis man. The guy literally created two different factions of aelves and still wants more, the Seraphon, Duardin, Cities, khara even the Skaven deserve that same amount of love and then some (To say nothing about the Tomb Kings).
  2. I was thinking of mixing the new berserkers with some Corpse Grinder Cults and Forgeworld Night Lords bits (terror squad helms and pauldrons) to make them seem like they're just starting to fall, but are still more or less Night Lords. Lorewise my warband leader cares more about keeping the idea of Nostramo and the legion alive, even if that means accepting the corrupted amongst his warriors.
  3. Why not both? Regardless I've been more or less spoiled this Warcry season: Hashut boys, the new Tzeentch war band and the vampire samurai are all instant buys for me. I'm torn on this one, I don't really like Khorne but those berserkers would look amazing in Night Lords Blue.... @MitGasand @Neverchosen, your thoughts?
  4. I won’t lie I’d kinda be disappointed if this was true @KingBrodd. Both factions deserve more then a single new unit (or two in the case of Gitz), and it doesn’t really fit with the theme of the last three boxes.
  5. @KingBrodd, that Samurai Wolf is my second favorite model of the kit, right behind the Vampire-Ninja Ronin. Never have I been more excited to have been wrong about a release! Here’s hoping that the Slaanesh and Destruction warbands in the next box keep the hype going.
  6. I kinda love how we both chose the same color scheme for our armies, though I changed mine to Green and blue to avoid confusion with my Slaanesh army. Those new vampires are amazing! They have just the right amount of both awesome and goofiness to fit in almost any army, plus they’re in Halloween colors (orange, black, and white). I’m going to pick up at least 3 of them once the solo kit drops. The Khorne warband on the other hand, just makes @MitGas’s usual point even more obvious: Tzeentch needs a proper elite mortal unit. We could’ve gotten a unit of shapeshifters/infiltration specialists to go along with the Curseling! And instead we got the admittedly awesome Jade Obelisk group, who’re a mixture of range and anti-fortification specialists (it’s a weird mix).
  7. I will now eat my words regarding the war cry box..... The Askurgan Trueblades are wonderful minis and I look forward to recruiting them into the armies of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!!!!
  8. Agreed. I truly loved the Slaangor kit when it came out, and was so disappointed with how their. rules turned out. With this article however, I have hope again! and will be picking up a couple of boxes in the near future.
  9. Good News @Overread! Barring Be’lakor and Hashut’s boys and girls, every other chaos warband has been shifted into their God’s specific armies! The love is starting to spread!!!
  10. *Cues up Jurassic Park soundtrack* @KingBrodd, I truly hope that one day soon we will see The Age of Beasts actually mean something for Destruction beyond a Flashpoint and a few new models here and there. GW has been teasing us with certain factions and models going out of control.... and not having any MAJOR LORE IMPLICATIONS!!!! I sincerely hope that the next new faction is either Chaos Guardian, or a Kruleboyz/Orruks wave 2. There's a clear demand for both right now, and since it looks like LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! will soon rise again, I can afford to be patient.
  11. I’d just be happy with a chaos champion actually having a major part in the lore. It seems like every faction has a named character (or more), but none of them are actually doing anything meaningful in the Mortal Realms. Tzeentch needs his own mortals, a named character that’s not a daemon, and he’s all good to go. There’s only so many ways to kitbash Tzaangor and Kairic Acolytes bits onto other minis before one goes mad……
  12. Honestly I initially got hyped for TOW due to the chance to pick up Tomb Kings for a reasonable price. I have no real connection to Warhammer Fantasy beyond the mummies since I got into the hobby late 2016. So if TOW brings back the molds for the majority of the 8th edition Tomb Kings models, I'll be pretty happy. In regards to Kislev and Grand Cathay.... it honestly depends on how much Total War Warhammer affects the hobby. We know that Cathay apparently has an 8th edition(!) army book ready to go due to an interview with Andy Hall from before TWW 3 dropped, but what's in that book? Do we just get the initial roster from the game? or will we see stuff like the Monkey King and his followers as well? I'm picking up Kislev regardless because they have Slavic/Mongolian bear calvary, and that's awesome. But who will lead Kislev? since all the named characters from Total War are from the "present" time period. Time will tell, but GW better make the majority of these kits in plastic.
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/01/18/celebrate-40-years-of-warhammer-with-a-year-long-showcase-of-seminal-miniatures/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=warhammer-40,000&utm_content=40yearsof40k18012023&fbclid=IwAR0A9WSEA2mwPV4hQi-dbWVwe_zZh9XUHRFveI-YvX3hl4siNwV-26Cilo0 Let the celebrations begin! Warhammer has officially hit its midlife crisis age! Jokes aside I wonder if this will lead to the reveal of TOW?
  14. Don't get me wrong, I like it as well. I just wish GW sticked with one particular mixture instead of trying multiple designs in one faction. to me the perfect blend would be Egyptian+Slavic/Russian folklore and design. It ties well with Nagash and Neferata's original design, while also keeping the Vyrkos bloodline in the mix.
  15. Okay I’m actually starting to get mad at GW. Are the Soulblight Gravelords supposed to be classic gothic undead, Russian/Slavic wolfmen, or that strange mix of Asian/Egyptian aesthetic that the bonereapers are rocking?!?! I’ll still buy the new models, it’s just getting hard to keep an army theme together.
  16. BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! NEW TOMB KINGS?!?! I hope this turns out to be true, but I still believe this guy/gal is Slaanesh all the way through.
  17. @MitGas, don’t invoke the blasted elgi!!! We finally got Hashut themed bulls, if you invoke the long ears we will have to wait another two years for chorfs!
  18. Don't get me wrong, I want some new vampire and undead units, but just going off of the silhouette of the swords of the supposed "vampire," the other warband is slaanesh. The curve of the blade matches up with the blades found within the myrmidesh/symbaresh kit:
  19. Okay, looks like that elf(?) was not a part of an Underworlds Warband. My money is still on it being a Slaanesh cult since the other warband is Khorne themed.
  20. With the way they've worded the article, it's likely that we'll see Kul's eventual rise to power by the end of the game.... making him the prequel version of The End Times.
  21. Probably via background political marriages sprinkled throughout the lore. But that’s a discussion that should probably be had in private messages and TOW thread.
  22. Probably via background political marriages sprinkled throughout the lore. But that’s a discussion that should probably be had in private messages and TOW thread.
  23. I'm too young to know the answer (I turn 21 this year), but most likely no. However, it seems like the Lizardmen are going to get some new models soon, so keep the hope alive brother.
  24. Ok, so if @MitGas's joke post is true, the Empire is essentially in the WFB equivalent of Game of Thrones..... here's hoping its season 1 writing instead of season 8. The hint about ancient kings makes it seem that Vampire counts are up next, though I'm still hoping that we get some new Tomb Kings stuff in the next post as well. I'm also hoping that the rumored Kislev and Cathay ranges are largely plastic, and lead to the creation of other army ranges like Araby, Ind, and Khuresh.
  25. So long as we don't have the same level of Game of Thrones segs and political stuff to go with the new models, I will not complain. Plus, new vampires means new undead kits, which means there's still hope for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!! @MitGas, I know you generally don't think it's possible, but what do you think would make this lord more Tzeentchy? If you can't think of anything I'll probably just turn it into a Slaaneshi chaos lord via the Hedonites kits and some green stuff.
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