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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Once again the Lord of Two Thin Coats comes to GW's rescue! Dang, I need to buy some of his paints.....
  2. If, and it's a very big if at this point, we were to see a contender for Nagash's throne in Shyish, I personally think Khalida as a better replacement than Settra. Her background lore has her being a badass paladin of the Nehekharan goddess of beauty, magic, and revenge who begged her chosen deity to kill her rather than become a vampire. When she rose once again as a Tomb Queen her whole thing was "point me at vamps, and have a good day," to the point where Settra himself was cool with her, allowing her to stay active and rule over Lybaras and Lamia with his blessing. Lorewise she could be an avatar of uncorrupted death: fighting back against Nagash's twisting of the underworlds and allowing them to heal once again.
  3. Thus Speaketh @KingBrodd, First Son of Behemat, Master of The Maw, and all around good guy.
  4. My money is on either a Tomb Kings character reveal, FEC kits finally being discussed, or a blood bowl character.
  5. It physically hurts me that this statement is true.... GW really should've made it a six game event.
  6. Those techno-pipes alone make me want to start a squat prospector gang.
  7. SAND MUMMMIES?!?!?!?!?! BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!!!! THANK YOU @Clan's Cynic! FOR GIVING ME HOPE!!! Now, the question remains on what the rest of our three-four resin kits will look like. My money is on an updated liche priest, a named priest on a casket of souls, and two tomb heralds (mounted and unmounted).
  8. Just going off of a comparison between the two factions, it's most likely that Tomb Kings will get the following at launch: 1. New Resin Named Character (possibly on skeletal horse). 2. One plastic mounted hero with multiple build options. 3. At least three to four resin heroes (melee, banner on foot, banner mounted, spell caster) 4. A new plastic elite infantry model (upgraded tomb guard?). Honestly the Tomb Guard and every model based off of them are the only skeletons that hold up to modern standards, so I hope GW fixes that situation ASAP. If not.... I don't see any problems using the soul blight skeletons as "foreign conscripts"/Mameluks/Janissaries.
  9. BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA MY FEELINGS ARE MIXED!!!! On the one hand, no Tomb Kings were previewed, we got maybe two or three actual kits revealed, and overall this reveal kinda stunk. On the other hand.... I now know to expect at least three resin kits, two new plastics (possibly an elite/heavy infantry unit), Ad Mech got a new goofy sniper who I love, and TOW is amongst the first releases of the new year..... Overall I give this a 5/10 It was OK preview.
  10. No Tomb Kings once again…. Swear to God we better get at least three plastic kits to make up for this betrayal…..
  11. Five bucks to the mad lad/lass/daemon who manages to make this slaanesh themed.
  12. I’m still waiting on my new resin character and two(!) new plastic kits for Tomb Kings.
  13. Is the peasant kit new? Or is it a returning kit? edit: Nevermind.
  14. We’re gonna see a lot of these guys make their way to CoS and FEC armies at a minimum once they are released.
  15. That’s a lot more plastic then I think anyone expected…
  16. Gotrek has essentially begun to treat nearly every duardin faction he encounters like misguided children/distant-kin, and has since been trying to adapt old Dawi logic to the mortal realms. Of course, this being Gotrek, this has a roughly 60% chance of ending in disaster.
  17. Morghast Hero, New Morghast unit, heck it could be an updated Zombie Dragon l, we all know it’s gonna cost at least $60.
  18. While I do enjoy the whole "Conan Barbarian+Mad Max" look Darkoath have begun to rock due to war cry and underworlds, I think that Gw prefers the role of marauders to be completely subsumed by cultist war bands. If he/she/they weren't I'd be concerned.
  19. Does this mean that GW is encouraging us to use the AOS range for certain units in TOW? Or is this just nostalgia bait? either way someone tag me if they post a Tomb Kings video, I could use the boost in morale.
  20. HASHUT! HASHUT! * K’daai Destroyer Doom Train chugs along*
  22. Then it turns out she buffs Tzeentch marked units. Jokes aside I kinda wish DoT had named characters besides the daemons.
  23. To be fair @MitGas, it could also mean that you’re closer then all of us put together if you get consistent @Whitefang reactions. Plus, Eternus is honestly an elevated Varanguard, and Archaon lost a good deal of them due to his failures (they joined Be’lakor’s faction).
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