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Twisted Firaun

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Posts posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. 8 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    It will certainly be a mix of citadel chaos dwarves and classic chaos dwarves with more modern inspiration.

    TBH, I feel like the Forgeworld models made plastic would be good enough for a release.

    I don't think they will include Fyreslayer design. They need to be distinct, because even if they look similar they are completely different. Grimnir has nothing to do with Hashut.

    I feel like we’re gonna get a mixture of the classic+forgeworld look mixed with the Horns of Hashut and the Hobgrotz. The only thing Hashut and Grimnir have in common these days is that Hashut seems to enjoy corrupting the latter’s followers and sites of worship.

  2. 5 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    CoS always stood out from being the generic fantasy army as the Fellowship army it what got me into buy them that and i love knights so seeing that 2 of the 4 orders are for the Legolas and Gimli boys keep me optimistic

    even if they do away with Dispossessed as a subfaction and it more streamline them along with my Cavaliers and Archknight like having a wildercorp elf unit or duardin fusiler is completely valid 

    All i know is if we get Dawii i be blasting this song

    WIND ROSE - Drunken Dwarves - With Lyrics - YouTube

    It is but i wonder what up with the Berserk Brand. It all over the new models scripture and one actually branded on their head and they yet explain it 


    New Stormcast Eternals bring their grandkids to the battlefield


    The Berserk references make sense when one remembers that one of Guts’ main character arcs surrounds his struggle with maintaining his humanity.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

    Those updated maps are absolutely beautiful, and with Chaos Duardin confirmations equalling 100% confirmed as well!? Mate I cannot wait to tear into the 4.0 book and pour ober the pages!!

    Imagine it @KingBrodd, all the new lore and confirmation of things to come….

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Asbestress said:


    I still can't process a 100% that we are actually most likely getting Chorfs. Anyway;

    New info that can be sorta picked out from today's article:

    • Forge Anathema is now basically confirmed as a full on Chorf stronghold in Aqshy (and probably one of the army's subfactions)
    • Main settlements of Chorfs seem to called be Forge Cities

    And some theories, if I may:

    • The Forge Anathema could be the Vosforge (original home of the Vostarg Fyreslayer lodge), as it is heavily implied one of the founder's sons (Darz) became the Unnamed Prophet of Hashut, and the original location of the magmahold is surrounded by chorf structures
    • And leading on from that, Darz (or a descendant of his acting as prophet) could be the faction's big named character and setup some rivalry/grudges with the Fyreslayers.

    Now it remains to be seen if we'll get big hats in the new range...


    Okay, with the new article confirming that we’re still alive and well in the realms, I think we can name at least three more forge-cities/factions:

    1) Zhar-Vyxxa in Shyish, a massive soul stealing oil rig.

    2) Barak Zhoff: a “lost” sky port from the first edition Kharadron Overlord tome.

    3) The 8-points industrial district (name escapes me) from Wrath of The Everchosen.

    Naturally Forge Anathema is gonna be the poster boy faction, but it’s still nice to know that we are on our way to being a tabletop faction.

    • Like 2
  5. 13 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Apologies but what's the correlation?  Is it the history betwixt the two factions you're referring to here?

    The fact that we have hobgrots/goblins that canonically trade with Chorfs, and the Horns of Hashut in warcry.

    • Like 1
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  6. On the skaven debate, let me just say that I am a big fan of the skaven for a variety of reasons:

    1. They’re psychotic paranoid rats who perform Frankenstein level mad-science.

    2. They canonically have screwed over Nagash at least three times (Settra approves and so do I).

    3. I loved Tom and Jerry growing up.

    so I will be picking up this box set, and hope that there’re more goodies for the furry step children of chaos down the road.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Or run them as Enlightened! Skyfires = birbbois and Enlightened = armorbois wouldn‘t be bad either! 

    I do love Enlightened tho.

    Easy fix: Doom Knights=enlightened on disc, then run the spear-bird bois on foot.

  8. 1 hour ago, Pizzaprez said:

    That's a mixed bag for me tbh

    Some resin models could be updated to plastic, but a lot of the basic daemons still hold up! After seeing the Exalted Seekers for the Hedonites, I think Slaanesh *could* do with a second pass: you have a chariot that can be three slightly different chariots and a lot of models that have aged less gracefully than a lot of the other god's

    With Emperor's Children slated to get a reboot, I wouldn't be opposed to Slaanesh finally, for the first time in the history of me playing this game, being the god that gets the most new kits for a couple years! Drop a reboot range for the demons with EC and an expansion for a Hedonites release (that gets added to 40k) 

    The other gods could really just use more, imo. Unless they're going to substantially change the current "squigs with arms" vibe of the tzeentch basic daemons, I'd rather the monogod stuff just get new stuff!

    Over the years, Khorne in particular has mined the specialist games for units like the Blood Slaughterer; I'd love to see new takes on old stuff and brand-new things!

    Also Storm of Magic! Lots of demonic stuff in there

    A Juggernaut chariot, for example. Just *more* stuff in general

    Personally if this rumor holds up (and that’s a very big “if”) I’d hope that this would lead to the transferring of resin kits/units mentioned in older material but never on the tabletop to be made playable. Nurgle should have plague toads and rot knights charging alongside pusgoyle blightlords, bring Valkia swooping down into the fray alongside some Gorefathers, hell throw myself and @MitGas a bone and give Tzneetch Doom Knights! Come on GW, you’ve proven that you still care about these units since you let CA bring them to total war, just make the plastic crack already.

    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Finally caught up on all the posts!!

    Where to begin!!

    The SCE characters are absolutely dripping with, well, character!! I especially love the Knight Questor.

    The Skaven? Rat Ogors. Enough said. Love it. 

    Plus Dawnbringers and a new Edition novel!?

    Just wait @KingBrodd, soon GW will turn their designers to working on the great Ogor kingdoms, and that day will be amazing….

    • Like 4
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  10. 2 hours ago, Sahrial said:

    Does… god I don’t want to get my hopes up… does that look like a Thanatar Siege Automata to anyone else?


    It does, then again I’m also hoping for dark mechanicum models, so who really knows?

  11. 54 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:



    They too are on the cusp of losing themselves to the curse of Reforging, but their resolve is unshakeable – said to be a gift from the death god Morrda. In truth, their Gryph-stalker mounts can mark people for death, draining their life force and transferring it to their rider in an act unsettlingly akin to necromantic hexes. 

    oh look like we even delving into Morr lore pun intent with the connection of other gods in Sigmar pantheon. cool to see if they play around with that in other models stuff like Mirmidh/Myrmidia & Father of Blades


    Always a good thing when deities besides Sigmar get to shine in the lore.

    • Like 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Dragon-knight77 said:



    Even within the sombre Ruination chambers, the Lord-Terminos is a figure apart. Armed with a massive blade terminos, they range the battlefield to execute the enemies of Sigmar with swift, sure strikes. These lonesome individuals are also responsible for the rites of the Last Threshold, taking the heads of soul-stricken Stormcast Eternals who voluntarily enter oblivion. They are accompanied by Memorian squires, who recount their battle honours and keep them tethered to the present.

    now that some tasty lore. They now got to do the Lighting ghiest with how much they teasing this leap into past the Threshold

    This is now my favorite Stormcast Hero alongside the Knight Relictor. The idea of a mercy/team killing stormcast appeals to my Death-Playing side, while his model and little buddy exudes "Come at me and find out."

  13. Just now, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    I thought we might have got a little more of a preview of stuff being released after launch too like we did with Dominion but uh... guess not? That was a quick show.

    Isn’t there also supposed to be a show on Saturday? Maybe we’ll get some stuff there?

  14. 2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    It’s weird because Nagash actually isn’t responsible for this- The “Nagash impacts reforging” is an in-universe rumor, the actual cause is more to do with reforging itself. 

    True, but it also could be a shot for The Battle of Burning Skies. Besides, I’m a Loyal Son of LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!! I am obligated to roast Nagash at least once a day.

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