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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. @MitGas, don’t invoke the blasted elgi!!! We finally got Hashut themed bulls, if you invoke the long ears we will have to wait another two years for chorfs!
  2. Don't get me wrong, I want some new vampire and undead units, but just going off of the silhouette of the swords of the supposed "vampire," the other warband is slaanesh. The curve of the blade matches up with the blades found within the myrmidesh/symbaresh kit:
  3. Okay, looks like that elf(?) was not a part of an Underworlds Warband. My money is still on it being a Slaanesh cult since the other warband is Khorne themed.
  4. With the way they've worded the article, it's likely that we'll see Kul's eventual rise to power by the end of the game.... making him the prequel version of The End Times.
  5. Probably via background political marriages sprinkled throughout the lore. But that’s a discussion that should probably be had in private messages and TOW thread.
  6. Probably via background political marriages sprinkled throughout the lore. But that’s a discussion that should probably be had in private messages and TOW thread.
  7. I'm too young to know the answer (I turn 21 this year), but most likely no. However, it seems like the Lizardmen are going to get some new models soon, so keep the hope alive brother.
  8. Ok, so if @MitGas's joke post is true, the Empire is essentially in the WFB equivalent of Game of Thrones..... here's hoping its season 1 writing instead of season 8. The hint about ancient kings makes it seem that Vampire counts are up next, though I'm still hoping that we get some new Tomb Kings stuff in the next post as well. I'm also hoping that the rumored Kislev and Cathay ranges are largely plastic, and lead to the creation of other army ranges like Araby, Ind, and Khuresh.
  9. So long as we don't have the same level of Game of Thrones segs and political stuff to go with the new models, I will not complain. Plus, new vampires means new undead kits, which means there's still hope for LONG LOST NEHEKHARA AND MYSTERIOUS ARABY!!! @MitGas, I know you generally don't think it's possible, but what do you think would make this lord more Tzeentchy? If you can't think of anything I'll probably just turn it into a Slaaneshi chaos lord via the Hedonites kits and some green stuff.
  10. I would just like a roadmap, doesn't have to be accurate, but it would be appreciated nonetheless. The Thunderdome implies there's only one of those atrocities. Lustria is still a nightmare, Araby and the Darklands have been turned into a war of attrition so painful the Iron Warriors would run from it, and the eastern/southern part of Cathay is a battleground between pirates, zombie pirates, and bloody Skaven. the "safest" starting points are either Ulthuan (N'kari can easily be wiped out if one is smart) and the bloody Galleon's Graveyard imo. All I want from TOW are the return of plastic Tomb Kings kits so that I don't have to go into bidding wars on eBay. I wouldn't mind a new unit or character here and there, but I'm being realistic. Here's hoping Cathay and Kislev get the Lumineth treatment, and not the Idoneth one.
  11. Speaking as a Tomb Kings fan and Total War player, it’s hard to play them when Khorne and Tzeentch are coming after you from both sides. And THEN the bloody bretonnians decide to attack you instead of the daemons…..
  12. Sorry @MitGas, it’s truly a shame that the only STD models that truly fit the DoT range are the Cypher Lords and the Mindstealer Sphiranx (imo). If you do end up running a cavalier force, do you mind sending me the pics? I’m just curious. Also, one can never have enough Tzaangors. The only way one can have too many Tzaangors is if GW finally decided to give TK-Sons and DoT an entire second wave with new Astartes/Mortals units
  13. I’m gonna replace the head with Khagra’s from the Khagra’s Reavers kit.
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/01/10/chaos-warriors-and-exalted-heroes-of-chaos-dress-to-impress-in-their-new-kits/ These new Chaos Warriors look amazing, though I wonder how easy it’ll be to kitbash these guys with god specific weapons, such as the Myrmidesh/Symbaresh weapons, or the Khorne Berserker axes…. General @MitGas, Lady @Enoby, and Lord @Neverchosen, what do you guys and gal think?
  15. Personally I think that GW's plan is to keep on pushing out Warcry units with the intent to "replace" the Marauders kit without updating it. Each warband is directly tied to a specific realm, and now we're seeing cult units directly tied to each god faction, as the roomier creed and jade obelisk war bands have pdf rules tying them directly to the Maggotkin and Disciples armies.
  16. I can't believed I actually called something correctly...... BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!
  17. Please don't let it be Imperial Guard. No offense to any players of that faction, but I really want those new Chosen and Multi-Part Chaos Warriors to drop.... I have so many bits from my Hedonites of Slaanesh army to kitbash onto them.
  18. In other news, what do we think today’s preview will be? My heart screams for the rest of the Slaves to Darkness range, but I’m also willing to put an unholy amount of money on GW pushing World Eaters ahead of us to keep the Arks of Omen hype train going.
  19. Only on a Warhammer thread would this phrase not be met with instant confusion and disgust.
  20. You know, Warhammer is one of the few hobbies that actually force you (the hobbyist) to go out and learn something new everyday just so that you can understand half of the crazy stuff within it. For Example, I started getting into Medieval Mongolian culture because of the White Scars books, and Cathay has peaked my interest in China. Here's hoping we get a Middle Eastern based faction soon, so I can truly flex my mind and expand my knowledge.
  21. I know this is supposed to be dedicated to Sigmar, but everything they just previewed screams NAGASH to me…. I think it’s the censors and the whole “memento mori” vibe…
  22. I shall now expand upon @KingBrodd’s predictions: Khorne vs Ogors/Soulblight Warcry box Slaanesh/Malerion Aelves underworlds warband. Blades of Khorne battletome Seasons of War Gallet and assorted battle boxes.
  23. I'm going to show my age now and ask which side did the Tomb Kings fall under? Regardless some of my favorite parts of the lore in the past five to seven years was the Malign Portents and Fate of Konor events. Malign Portents truly felt like a legitimate open narrative event, with different rules and storylines opening up depending on which faction was currently winning. It didn't hurt that this event also led to the shift away from the "anything goes" era of AOS to an actual game, and I'd argue we're still seeing the effects from this event spill out into the lore. Fate of Konor suffered the same fate as the Eye of Terror event (one side more or less steamrolling the other), but it was still balanced enough that Chaos arguably got a few "major" wins in.... though that might've been due to the fact that the Dearth Guard range had just been dropped. I want another event that actually has some stakes! I want GW to give us a new hero for each grand alliance and a goal to fight over for a week or two! Maybe the Stormcasts save one city while Nagash claims a whole continent, maybe a new named Daemon Prince rises to the top, who knows?!?! just make it interesting and make it have a CONSEQUENCE!!! Rant done now.
  24. It’s a darn shame I decided to only focus on the armies I have at least 2000 points of models of, otherwise I’d be jumping on the Dino Hype wagon. I’m really hoping we get a new Slaanesh Hero that’s some kind of mystic ringmaster or acrobat (tying into Slaanesh’s demented circus theme). I personally love the new Squigboss, and might get back into the Gloomspite Gitz once again. So far these leaks are still accurate (barring a few obvious fails). I hope that the Khorne Warcry band is revealed before the new tome, as I’m getting a bit tired of having to hunt down the rules for each warband separately… here’s hoping they’re up against the Soulblight Gravelords’ new Grave Guard!!!
  25. Funnily enough: In regards to the dark mech rumors….. look I’m all for it, but BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA! I will be mad if my current conversions/kit-bashed skitarii are unusable with the new Vashtorr inspired Dark Mech. Much like His Royal Swoleness @KingBrodd, long May his Stomp crush the realms, I think AOS has been shafted this year. Necromunda has gotten so much lore and releases that it feels like an entirely separate world, Horus and his Heresy have gotten a brand new lease on life, and 40K continues to get more models than you can shake a stick at. It is my personal belief that GW is holding back on the good stuff till 2023, which as others have pointed out is the 40th anniversary of Warhammer Fantasy and the rumored release date of TOW. in regards to Hobgrots and their bearded overlords…. GW would be foolish to not intergrate the two existing units (Hobgrots and Horns of Hashut) into a new chorfs tome when the time comes. Having since picked up both kits, they clearly look like they’re supposed to stand side by side: they just need someone to lead them. While Troggoth Calvary sounds awesome, I don’t think we’ll see it as it would simply be too amazing and broken for the Orruks and Destruction as a whole (and GW won’t let anyone outshine their aelves and stormcast).
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